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Second Year Nursing Examination

Time 2 Hours English II Max Marks: 60

Session Sept 2009

Q No. 1 Give a summary of any ONE of the following

a) The silver box

b) Twenty minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb

c) The devoted friend.

Q No. 2 Summarize any on of the following

a) The man of the life upright

b) Ulysses

c) Seven ages of man

d) An essay on man

Q No. 3 Write brief character sketch of any one of the followings

a) Black Michael

b) Princess Flavia

c) Rudolf Rassendyll

d) Madam De Mauban

Q No. 4 Write an application to your principle for one-day leave?

Q No. 5 Write an essay any one of the following (at least 500 words)

1. My aim in life

2. Swat crisis

3. Fundamental of nursing
4. Life in Karachi

5. My first day in nursing school.

Q No. 6 Read the following text and answer the questions on the blank
lines below:

“ Newspaper keep us in constant touch with the whole of mankind.

They in fact, make us a citizen of the world. In olden days, a man’s
world consisted of his own village and one and two neighboring village.
It was difficult for him to know what was going on in other parts of the
country. But today the press, assisted by raped means of
communication, brings us news from the farthest corner of the globe.
The press is also responsible fir educating public opinion. It is true to
say that newspapers rule the county. The laws of a nation are really
shaped by its press. The press leads and the people follow. In fact, the
public receives guidance from the newspapers. Thus their power in
modern times is really very great.

1. What do the newspapers do for us?

2. Why was it difficult for man in old days to know, what was
going on in other parts of the world?

3. Why is the press so useful in modern times?

4. Suggest a suitable title for the passage?

Second Year Nursing Examination

Time 2 Hours English II Max Marks : 60

Session Sept 2006

Q No. 1 Give a summary of any ONE of the following

a) The Silver Box

b) The Day The Dam Broke

c) Pakistan And The Modern World

d) Twenty Minutes With Mrs. Oakentubb

Q No. 2 Summarize any ONE of the following poems

a) Ulysses

b) The Solitary Reaper

c) Seven Ages of man

d) An essay on Man

Q No. 3 Give a brief character-sketch of any ONE of the following

a) Black Michael

b) Rudolf Rassendyll

c) Princess Flavia

Q No. 4 Use any FIVE of the following idioms in sentences of your own

All in all, for good, to give up, to cut down, to bring up, to look for, to
call a spade, to write off, to break down, to put out

Q No. 5 Write an essay on any ONE of the following

a) A memorable incident of my life

b) The role of doctors and nurses in our society

c) Students and politics

d) A rainy day in Karachi

e) Life in a busy city

Q No. 6 Read the passage and answer the question that follow:

“ It would be ungrateful not to recognize how immense are the books

which receive has given to mankind. It has bought written the reach
multitudes of benefits and advantages, which only a short time ago
were the privileges of the few. It has shown how malnutrition disease
and hunger can be overcome. It has not only lengthened life but it has
deepened its quantity fields of knowledge, experience and recreation
open in the past only to a few have been thrown open to millions.
Through the work of science the ordinary man today has been given
the opportunity of a longer and fuller life than was ever possible to his
grand parents. Most thankfully, we must acknowledge all that science
has done and is doing for the welfare of our face.

a) Why is science important today?

b) What welfare has science done for mankind?

c) What purposes are the books of science used for?

d) Where have the discoveries of science recently been brought?

Second Year Nursing Examination

Time 2 Hours English II Max Marks: 60

Session March 2006

Q No. 1 Give a summary of any ONE of the following

a) The Devoted Friend

b) The Silver Box

c) The World as I see it

Q No. 2 Summarize any ONE of the following poems

a) say not the struggle availeth nought.

b) The man of life upright

c) Lines from Samson

d) Lines from Endymion

Q No. 3 Give a brief character-sketch of any ONE of the following

a) Black Michael

b) Princes Flavia

c) Madam De Mouban
Q No. 4 Use any FIVE of the following idioms in sentences of your own

To call on, to put off, in black and white, to take off, to turn down, to
bring up, to leave out, to break down, for good, to call a spade a

Q No. 5 Write an essay on any ONE of the following

a) Earth Quake in Pakistan

b) Any Interesting Cricket Match

c) Nursing, a noble profession.

d) My Aim In Life

e) Discipline

Q No. 6 Read the passage and answers the question that follow:

Socrates was born of poor working class parents; probably in the

year 470 BC he had the usual education of the boys in those days,
learning music, science, philosophy and gymnastics. He also studied
the arts of public speaking and argument. As young man he served
the army and fought in several battles with great courage. When he
left the army. Some of his friends wanted him to go to politics but
this he refused to do. For he felt that he has another mission in life.
This mission was to unmark ignorance and encourage truth. Up and
down the streets of Athens, in the market places, in the houses of
the rich and in the workshops of the poor. Socrates carried on his
search for truth. His method was to stop some one and begin to
question him. By his question he would show the other man how
vague and incomplete his ideas were. Then he would help to build
up his ideas on a surer foundation.

a) What education did Socrates have in his boyhood?

b) What method did he follow in fulfilling his mission ?

c) What was the mission of his life?

d) When and where was Socrates born?

e) What did he want to show by questioning someone?

Second Year Nursing Examination

Time 2 Hours English II Max Marks: 60

Session Sept 2005

Q No. 1 Give a summary of any ONE of the following

a) The Devoted Friend

b) The day the dam broke

c) Twenty minutes with Mrs. Judy Oakentubb

Q No. 2 Summarize any ONE of the following poems

a) Lines from Ulysses

b) An Essay On Man

c) The Solitary Reaper

d) Seven Ages of Man

Q No. 3 Give a brief character-sketch of any ONE of the following

a) Rudolf Rassendyll

b) Madame de Mauban

c) Col. Spat

Q No. 4 Use any FIVE of the following idioms in sentences of your own

At sixes and sevens, agree with, to bring up, by hook or by crook, bag
and baggage, to carry out, to cut down, to give up, to keep in the
dark, in hot water

Q No. 5 Write an essay on any ONE of the following

a) Importance of medical education

b) Transport problem in Karachi

c) National unity

d) A seaside picnic

e) The role of computers in the modern age

Q No. 6 Read the passage and answers the question that follow:

“ Road accidents have become a matter of daily occurrence in out city.

In this morning when we open the newspaper, we have to see the
news of road accidents. These accidents happen mostly due to rash
driving. Hundreds of people are being killed and hundreds are being
wounded every year. At present it has become almost impossible to
predict which vehicle will reach home without being injured by
accident. It seems that all the streets were made for the drivers of the
automobiles only. Some times the drivers fail their control over the
vehicles because of their being drunk. The police on duty do not
perform their job sincerely. “Safe road” is now the demand of the city-
dweliers. So the concerned authorities should enforce the traffic rules
strictly and give maximum punishment to the reckless drivers. The
traffic police on duty should be instructed to be more active.

a) Why do accidents happen ?

b) why do the drivers drive recklessly?

c) what is the responsibility of the concerned authorities?

d) give a suitable title for passage?

Second Year Nursing Examination

Time 2 Hours English II Max Marks: 60

Session Sept 2004

Q No. 1 Give a summary of any ONE of the following

a) The Devoted Friend

b) The Silver Box

c) The World As I see it

D) Pakistan and The Modern World

Q No. 2 Summarize any ONE of the following poems

a) Seven ages of man

b) Lines from Samson agoni

c) The man of life upright

d) Lines from Ulysses

Q No. 3 Give a brief character-sketch of any ONE of the following

a) Princess Flavia

b) Madam De Mauban

c) Black Michael

Q No. 4 Use any FIVE of the following idioms in sentences of your own

To break out, black and white, to bring up, to call on, to call off, to
face the music, to die in harness, for good, to get up, to give in

Q No. 5 Write an essay on any ONE of the following

a) Pollution in our city

b) My first day in the nursing school

c) The effect of electronics media on our society

d) Why I love Pakistan

e) Computers

Q No. 6 Read the passage and answers the question that follow:

“ Newspapers keep us in constant touch with the whole of mankind.

They fact, make us a citizen of the world. In olden days, a man’s world
consisted of his own village on or two neighboring village. It was
difficult for him to know what was going on in other parts of country.
But today the press, assisted by rapid means of communication, brings
us news from it. Farthest corner of the globe. The press is also
responsible for educating public opinion. It is true say that newspapers
rule the country. The laws of a nation are really shaped by its press.
The press leads and the people follow. In fact the public receives
guidance from the newspapers. Thus the power in modern times is
really very great.

a) What do the newspapers for us?

b) Why it was difficult for man in old days to know, what was going
on in other parts of the world?

c) Why is the press so useful in modern times?

d) Suggest a suitable title for the passage ?

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