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April 16, 1940. D. ERBEN 2,197,494 ANTENNA SYSTEM Filed Feb. 1, 1958 ab Laventor: Dietrich Erben Wye. Attorney Patented Apr. 16, 1940 2,197,494 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,197,498 ANTENNA SYSTEM. Dietrich Erben, Berlin-Mariendorf, Germany, as- signor to C. Lorenz Aktiengeselischaft, Berlin- ‘Tempelhof, Lorenzweg, Germany, z company Application February 1, 1938, Serial No, 188,074 In Germany November 7, 1938, 4 Claims. (C1. 250—33) In the operation of antenna systems it is in ascertained at any time, Connected In par- many cases necessary to inspect the condition allel with instrument 15 are a low frequency of Working thereof. Thus, with radio beacons transformer {8 and a condenser IT. Over trans- employed in aircraft navigation the readiness for former 1§ an allernating voltage at the modula- 5 service must be continuously escertained as re- tion frequency is impressed upon wires @, b, and § gards both the guide beam antennae and those which is carried by the wires @, b to a distant antenna systems which serve to produce certain place in order there to serve for a remote indl- signals, namely the so-called presignal and main cation, signal. ‘Whenever one of the dipole halves is damaged 10 Th is well known to dispose measuring instru- the direct voltage at instrument 18 decreases to 10 ments in the oscillation generator of these sys- half the normal value, since in such ease only tems or in the energy line by which this gen- one of the pick-up coils 4, § has voltage induced ereter is connected to the antennae, such meas- therein for supplying enerey to instrument (5. uring instruments serving to indicate the an- In the case of injury to line 2 the voltage at in- 15 tenna current. However in the case of short- strument 1§ becomes zero. ‘Therefore the con- 15 wave antennae an antenna current may hap- dition of operation of the dipole may be ascer- en to flow over short-cireuit points or line talned at any thne, capacities even if the antenna structure is de- What is claimed is: fective. Also, with the known arrangements 1. The combination of an antenna structure 20 i is dimeult to afford means for a remote in- with an oscillation generator coupled to said an- 29 Gication of the readiness for service. tenna structure for deriving energy at the fre~ In arrangements as provided by the Invention, quency of the oscillator therefrom, rectifier ‘a part of the energy is taken out of the antenna means connected to said last named coupling tructure and rectified at some point in close means and in close proximity with said antenna 25 proximity to this structure, whereupon such en- structure for rectifying the enerey thus derived, 9: exsy is used for effecting the desired remote in- and means for producing a remote indication in ication. response to said rectified enersy. ‘One embodiment of the invention is shown 2. The combination of a dipole, a high fre- by way of example in the accompanying draw- quency transforiner joined to one half of this 80 ing which is @ diagrammatic representation of dipole, a high frequency transformer joined to 39 this embodiment. the other helf thereof, these transformers serv- ‘A dipole | is connected to an oscillation gen- ing to derive energy from the dipole, a rectifier erator § by « high frequency line 2and a coupling cannected to one of said trensformers, a rectifier device 14. ‘To the dipole halves high frequency connected to the other transformer, en oscilla~ 35 transformers 6, § are joined. Connected to each tion generator, am energy line for interconnect 35 transformer 4,'§ is a rectifier 6,7 by which the ing this oscillation senerator and the dipole, part of energy taken out of the dipole is recti- means to impress the seid rectified enerey upon fled. ‘This rectified energy is conveyed into line sald energy line, means for deriving from such 2 over chokes 8, 8. Furthermore, a symmetrical energy line the rectified energy impressed upon 40 arrangement comprising capacities 18 and an it, and means for causing this energy to effect @ 49 inductance 11 is provided as shown, The con- remote indication. tinuous current passing over the chokes 8, 9 into 3. A combinaticn acording to claim 2, where- line 2 is teken from the line before reaching the in the said rectifiers are connected in push-pull. oscillator arrangement {4, 3, and is conveyed 4. A combination according to claim 1, having 45 through chokes 12, 13 to a direct voltage meas- indicating means adapted to respond to the said 45 uring instrument 18, On this continuous cur- rectified energy, means for generating alternat- rent an alternating current will be superimposed, ing currents in’accordance with the modulated if modulated high frequeney currents are passing antenna currents, and means for causing the to the dipole along line 2. Instrument 18 acts to said alternating currents to effect a remote in- 50 indicate a voltage proportional to the high fre- dication. 50 quency voltage flowing in the dipole, whereby the DIRTRICH ERBEN, condition of operation of the dipole may be

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