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Prepared By:- Bhavesh Sorathiya

Guided By:- Mr. Mehul D. Solanki

Electrical Engineering Department,
Lukhdhirji Engineering College, Morbi.

 More stress is given on non-renewable energy

 Limited amount of non-renewable energy
 Harness more renewable energy resources.
 Keep environment clean and green.
Energy resources

 Renewable resources.
 Non renewable resources.
Non-renewable Energy Resources

 These kind of resources cannot be re-used.

 Supplies maximum of present demand.
 Includes coal, nuclear material, natural gas
Renewable energy resources

 Can be re-used again and again.

 They are abundant in nature.
 Includes wind energy, solar energy, hydro
power, geothermal energy etc.
Life-span of non- renewable
energy resources
 Coal amounts 84108619200 metric tons by the
end of 2009, may exhaust in 2140.
 Oil amounts 1206780968626 barrels by the end
of 2009, may exhaust in 2047.
 Gas amounts 174436171550404 m3 by the end of
2009, may exhaust in 2068.
Current scenario of energy
Contribution of various
energy resources
Why we emphasize on renewable
energy resources.

Reasons that inspires us to harness renewable

energy includes :
 Non-renewable sources are scarce in nature.
 They are more eco-friendly compared to non-
renewable energy.
 Abundant in nature.
 Available free of cost.
Challenges against viability
of renewable energy
 Availability is restricted to certain
geographical areas.
 High initial investment is required.
 Efficiency is low.
 Premature technology.
 Required energy converter, which again add
up the expenditure.
Towards making them viable

 Use them as a fuel as much as possible.

 Encourage technological enhancement by
allocating more capital for R&D.
 Harness them at their maximum potential.
 Encourage more and more investors by
offering incentives for generation of power
through renewable energy sources.

 We cannot rely solely on non-renewable

energy resources to cater our energy demand
s they are in limited amount.
 We badly need to harness more renewable
energy resources.

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