Vastu For Home and Office

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Vastu for Bathroom

The east portion of the house is best for constructing a bathroom. The morning rays of the Sun are believed to be
Extremely beneficial for health, hence proper windows (of course with due provision for privacy) should be provided
in the bathroom. The slope of the bathroom floor should be towards north and east so water drains to the
North-east side of the bathroom.

A geyser can be installed in south-east of the bathroom. Taps and shower can be in north so the water drains to the
North-east. Bath tub can be on the west side with head-side in south. Avoid a door on the south-west of bathroom.

A washing machine can be placed in the northwest or southeast portion of the bathroom.

Vastu for Bedroom

The master bedroom should be in the south-west area of the building. This room can be used by father or the eldest
son in the family. The central south portion is also recommended for the eldest son.

Beds should be placed so as the head of the person should be in south or west direction. The bedroom should not be
constructed above porch, car parks and kitchen.

The bedroom should never be constructed on four pillars with no construction under the bedroom. The room should
not be in the central portion of the building or in the basement; as it may lead to mental instability in person using such
When it comes to the placement of beds, Vastu lays clear rules for the placement of bed in the room. According to
Vastu, the beds should never be placed under the joint in roof or under a beam. The beds should always be kept
away from the walls.

If any cabinets of almirahs are constructed/placed in the bedroom, which contain valuable documents, cash, jewelry
etc., it should be in the south-west of the room opening towards north.

An attached bathroom to the room can be to the north-west or south-east of the room.

Entrance door to the bedroom may have a window opposite to it.

If there is more than one floor, the head of the family (elder person) should have a bedroom on the upper floor and in
the south-west corner. This room should never be used as a bedroom of young children, or unnecessary quarrels are
likely to occur in the house.

Southwest corner of the bedroom should never be left empty, always keep heavy things, furniture etc. in this portion in
every room as a general rule of Vastu. The southwest side of the house and all the rooms inside the house should
always be heavier than the east and northeast side. Maximum open space should be left in the northeast side of the
rooms and house.

Avoid keeping a TV in the bedroom. If a TV is kept, it should never be in front of bed, as it works as a mirror and
keeping a mirror in front of bed generates negative energy. Keeping an up-lighter in the south-east is good.
The dressing-table in the bedroom should be kept north direction. Reading and writing activities can be carried out in
the west or east of the bedroom. The door of the bedroom should be in the east, the west or the north. Having
windows in the east and north and smaller windows in west is beneficial.

Color of Walls

What we see affects our mind, both in good ways and bad. The kind of paintings etc. in the house also effects the
thinking of the inmates. The colors you see when you wake up define you day. As a general rule in Vastu light colors
in house are always better than dark shades. The color of walls in the bedroom should be light rose, blue, green, gray,
etc for they encourage intelligent thinking. Yellow and white colored marble stones should not be used in the

Sleeping Direction

Vastu allows sleeping with head in any direction except north. The detail of the direction of head while sleeping and its
effects is as under:

East: East is the direction of knowledge. Sleeping with head in the east improves health, increases knowledge and
increases a liking for spiritualism. Children should always sleep with head in the east.
West: Sleeping with one's head in the west causes bad dreams, illness, disturbed sleep and violent nature.
North: Sleeping with head in the north causes fear and sleeplessness and major illness.
South: South is the best direction for sleeping. Sleeping with one's head in the south brings happiness and sound
sleep. It also leads to increment in wealth and prosperity.

Vastu for Puja Room

The Puja room the building should be in the east, north or north-east corner. The Puja room should never be in the
bedroom. The idols should be kept in the north-east portion of the pujaroom. The faces of god should not be covered
with anything including garlands and flowers. If a lamp is placed in the pujaroom, it should always be in front of the
god. All the material related to pujaroom should be kept in the southeast of the room. Any item, showpiece, idols of
god etc. removed from pujaroom for any reason should not be kept elsewhere in the house, and should be properly
viserjit in a river.. Puja room should always be on the ground floor and never in the basement.

One should never use pujaroom for any other purpose like store. All the almirahs and cabinets in the room should
never be more in height in comparison to the placement of idols. Ensure that the toilet is not adjoining the Puja room,
and not even above or below the prayer room. Never place any photographs to dead people in the Puja room.
Avoid keeping the heavy figures/idols of Lord Ganesha in the Puja room, however light weight figures and pictures
can be placed instead. The roof of the prayer room should be lower in comparison to the other rooms on the same
floor. One can use false ceiling for the same, if major renovation not possible. White or light yellow marble work in the
room is auspicious. The color of the walls can be white, light yellow or light blue. The lamp-stand or up lighter can be
in the south-east corner of the prayer room. The doors of the prayer room should not close or open automatically. A
spring or door-closer should not be fixed on this door. Idols should not be kept facing each other. Broken idols and
torn pictures should not be kept in the prayer room. An almirahs or show-case can be placed in the southern or
western wall, but it should be lower than idols. Keep the Puja room absolutely clean. If you are forced to have your
prayer in the kitchen, have your deity in the North-east of the kitchen, facing west. Never have the prayer area in the
bedroom. If it is a very big plot the prayer room can be constructed in the center of the plot or center of the building.
No bell should be hung in the pujaroom. And if a mandir is built of wood steel etc. the top of the same should never be
pointed/sharp. It is beneficial to build a threshold at the entrance of the Puja room. Only white and soft blue color
should be used to paint the walls in the Puja room.

Vastu for Children's Bedroom

Children's rooms can be in the west, north or east of the building. A west side bedroom is best for children. An
eastern bedroom can also be used for unmarried children or guests; but a room east is recommended for a newly-
wed couple. The beds in the children's room can be in the southwest portion with heads in the east or south direction.

As a general rule of Vastu, there must not be any mirror opposite to the bed a bedroom. A television screen is also
considered as mirror, when turned off, and so even a TV is not allowed to be kept exactly opposite to the bed. But as
people generally insist on keeping a TV in bedroom, it can be kept to the right or left of the bed at angle for a
comfortable view from bed.
The door of the bathroom should not be exactly opposite to the bed.

An up lighter in the southeast corner of the bedroom brings positive energy and good health. Always ensure that the
center place of the room is empty i.e. never place any furniture in the center of the room.

The furniture in the room should be placed a few inches away from the walls, as it saves the positive energies of body
and mind.

However, if the master bedroom or bedroom of a married couple is in the south-east direction of the main building, it
results in unnecessary quarrels between them or increase in wasteful expenditure.

Study Table
The study table, if placed in the bedroom, should be placed so as to ensure that the child should face east, north or
north-east while studying. Facing east ensures better concentration while studying.

A television should never be placed in the bedroom, but if it is necessary it can be placed in north-west of the room.
And a computer can be placed in south-east corner of the room.

Dining Room

East, south or west portion of the house are for the dining rooms. Stimulate your appetite by painting its walls with
shades of pink or orange. The dining room can be an independent room or in continuation of the kitchen.

The dining table, preferably a rectangular one should be so arranged that the master of the house, or his wife or
eldest son occupies the south of south-west or west of south-west chair in the room.
Odd shapes like egg shaped or other irregular shapes are best avoided for dining tables. The dining table should be
away from the walls.

The fridge can occupy the south-east of the room preferably against the south wall. If a wash basin has to be placed,
it can be in the north or east of the room with the water draining to the north-east

Guest Room
The north-west corner is ideal as a guest room. This is the centre for vayu and denotes movement. Guests so placed
mean that they will not stay unduly long. Avoid children in this region especially boys.


The kitchen should be in the south-east portion of the house. The door of the kitchen should be in the north, east or
north-east direction opening clockwise. The lady should face east while cooking, for it brings good health to family
members. If the lady faces west while cooking it may lead to health problems to ladies; while cooking with the face
towards south may lead to financial problems in the family.

Cooking Gas/Range should be in the south-east part of the kitchen. Sink in the kitchen should be installed in the
north east. Big windows and ventilators should be in the east direction, while smaller windows should be in south.
Exhaust fan should be installed on the eastern wall in the south-east corner. A dishwasher can be placed in the north
west of the kitchen... If any storage cabinets are made in the north east, use these cabinets for light weight storage
only. Soft pink and orange color can be used in the kitchen. Drinking water should be placed in the north-east; water
filter will be installed in the north east, if required
Refrigerator should be in the south-west corner. No toilets and bathrooms should be adjoining, and above or below
the kitchen. If the kitchen is adjoining a bedroom, the wall between them should be thicker than other walls. Food
should never be served in the center of the kitchen, i.e. no dining table should be placed in the center of the kitchen.
Dining table should be placed in the north-west cornet of the room. If a dining table is placed in the kitchen one should
only face east north while consumption of food as it is good for digestion.
Vastu for Designing of Study Room

Study room should be in the west portion of the house, but never be in the south-west and North West. Buddha
(Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Chandra (Moon), Shukra (Venus) effect having a study room in the west direction, as
mercury increases brain power, Jupiter increases ambition and curiosity. Moon helps in the generation of new
thoughts and ideas. Venus helps in the growth of talent.

Color of walls in the study room should be green, light green, blue, cream, and white. The door of the study room
should be in the north east of tote room. And windows should be larger on the eastern side and smaller on the
western side of the room. Study table should be placed in directions that the face of the student while studying is
towards the north-east. Book rack and cabinets should be placed in the east, north, north-east direction, and never in
south-west and northwest of the room.

If books are placed in the north-west of the room there are chances of misplacing or loosing the books. And the books
are rarely used if placed in the south-west of the room. No cabinets or tables should be placed in the center of the
room. It is best to leave the center portion of the study room empty.

Vastu for Construction of Toilet

Toilets should to be in the northwest of the house/building. Avoid constructing a toilet in the center of the building and
in the northeast of the building. When it has to be an attached toilet, let it be to the northwest side of the room. The
second alternative is the southeast of the building or room. A sample plan of a toilet interior is as under:
As northeast (eashanya) is the junction of Kubera and Indra, it is said that toilet in the north-east may gradually
weaken the finances and the general prosperity of the master of the house. And, toilets in the southwest make the
master indecisive and his health may suffer.

Points To Remember:

 Have the bigger window on the north and a smaller one in the west after providing for privacy.
 Toilet seats from south to north or west to east are approved.
 Mirrors in the toilet may be on the north and east walls.
 Doors can be on the east of the north-east.
 Let the walls be colored using light shades. Avoid red and black color.

Vastu for Construction of Verandah

Verandahs should be in the east or north portion of the house. More open places towards the east and north side of
the house are good, as it brings more positive energy of the morning sun to the house. No walls blocking the sun rays
should be constructed in the east and north-east side of the verandah. The southwest portion of the verandah should
always be higher then the north-east portion, both at floor and the ceiling levels.

A mirror can be hung on the north or east wall of the verandah. Heavy furniture and plants should be placed in the
south-west portion, and northeast portion can be used to place light plants and flower decorations. A shoe rack, if
needed, can be built or placed in the north-west portion of the verandah.
Q. What is the recommended height of the building?
A. The height of the building should be equal or close to equal to the width of the building i.e. from left to right not front
to back.

Q. Is there any recommendation about the size and placement of mirror according to Vastu?
A. The best shape for the mirrors is square or rectangular; avoid oval and round shaped mirrors. Mirrors should be
installed only on east and north walls of the house. So, due care of this should be taken while designing the dressing
room and bath room.

Q. In which direction of my house or office can I purchase additional land as an extension?

A. The best direction in which you should extend your home or office is east, north, and north east. Avoid buying land
to the south, west, southwest, northwest, or southwest of your property.

Q. What does Vastu recommends about the cutting/ removal of trees from the plot?
A. Peepal, Jack, Nees, and Taramid trees, if present, should be removed at least 6 months prior to starting the
construction of the building. Trees should be cut in a season when they nether have flowers nor yield fruits. If trees
are to be cut after the completion of the building, the owners must wait 3 at least months after commencement of
living there.

Q. Does Vastu allow building a house at the same ground level as that of the road in front of the house?
A. Taking the life of a building of about fifty years, there is always a possibility of the height of the road level slowly
rising over a period of time. It is therefore all more necessary that the structure is buit at the higher level to avoid flow
of rain water in the building. It is recommended to build the building at least two to three feet above the level of the

Q. What is the recommendation of placement of the main door according to Vastu?

A. The following table explains the placement of main door to the building: Favorable North of North East. East of
North East, South of South East, West of North West Unfavorable East of South East West of South West South of
South West North of North West.

Vastu for Designing Your Office

The office, where we spend the most significant portion of our working lives in our work places , which is the reason
that one should always be very careful about the functionality décor of the working space. Our work space, where we
spend at least half our walking time , six days a week , is as important a part of our lives as our homes. The working
conditions and the environment in the offices directly affect the way people interact with the family and friends at the
end of the day. These also have an influence on our productivity, mental well-being and general health.
PLANNING THE OFFICE: To plan an office effectively, the designer should have a thorough understanding of the
functional and aesthetic requirements of the client, followed by an in-depth evaluation of the possibilities and
constraints of the given space, including columns, beams, existing plumbing and so on. An office should ideally have
enough space not merely to seat its employees, but to locate ancillary and support services, from the stately
boardroom to the humble pantry, as well as for circulation between these areas, with adequate access to stairs and
fire escapes. When planning a given space, it is important to conceive a long term master plan, keeping in mind
planned growth and future requirements, even if the intention is only to implement part of the plan now and execute
the rest as needs and funds arise. The master plan would ensure that what is installed now will not have to be
dismantled or relocated when new developments take place. This would help eliminate unnecessary wastage of
material and labor.

THE RECEPTION AREA: It is the reception area that makes the first impact on the visitor and which colors his
expectation of the space ahead. If the business of the company calls for continuous interaction with guests who need
to be suitably impressed, then it is important that the reception area be adequately dressed.

 The reception can be used to display the company's product or operations with visuals or models.
 Alternatively, paintings or aesthetic accessories in the room can be chosen to reflect the company's taste and
 The receptionist should have direct visual access to be able to keep an eye on office comings and goings .

CONFERENCE ROOM: Conference room is the central area of any office and can give impressions to anyone new
having meeting in that room

 Conference should ideally be easily accessible from the entrance , so that the visitors do not have to travel all
over the office.
 The facility of a nearby toilet will be an advantage for the same reason.
 The equipment necessary for presentations, such as a screen , TV , video monitor , black board , flip chart etc
, needs to be provided .
 The design should provide a calm, neutral background for visual presentation and adequate lighting.
 The furniture and ambience should be designed so that the participants can communicate with each other

CEILINGS: It is well to remember that ceilings, like any other surface, reflect light and sound, and contribute
significantly to the lighting and acoustic qualities of a space.

 Suspended ceilings are available in different materials, and increasingly , acoustic tiles and panels are
becoming standard , especially in open offices and where no special ceiling treatment is required. Usually
made of non-combustible which prevents sound waves being reflected back into the room.
 Holes for recessed lights can be cut out wherever required.
 Plaster or gypsum board is harder and reflects more sounds then it absorbs.
 Exposed structural ceiling are sometimes used to create a hi-tech image, as a stylistic alternative to the
typical office interior.

LIGHTING: Good lighting is crucial for effective work , besides which , lighting accounts for a considerable part of the
energy consumed in an office. Therefore, two basic elements which the designer must keep in mind are the cost and
the efficiency of lighting. On the other hand, it is lighting which makes design come alive and it should be exploited
accordingly. It can create a warm, inviting and dramatic interior, or result in a cold and monotonous office.

 One effective use of the standard bulb is as a wall wash , which tends to imbue the whole space with
incandescence and makes the room warm and friendly.
 Incandescent down lights, halogens included , can complement fluorescents and can be used to highlight
specific objects , such as desks , plants , paintings , objects , etc.
 To reduce eye strain and fatigue , high contrasts should be avoided . Use of job oriented , task lights can be
practical , if complemented by general lighting .
 Suspended or pendant lights can serve a dual function in this regard, and while providing overall illumination,
can be lowered to concentrate on a given space.
 A system of selective switching and operational control areawise , or where possible even desk wise , can
help restrict usage and operating costs of lighting to only as and when required.

FLOORING: Office flooring is subjected to more wear and tear than any other surface in the room, and it is therefore
imperative that it be hardy and resilient.

 Flooring materials vary greatly. Hard flooring, such as stone, granite, marble, Kota, etc. Wood , cement ,
terrazzo , ceramic tiles , are usually noisier
 Soft coverings such as vinyl or carpeting , but they are hardier.
 Choice of flooring material will depend on the function of a given area and its requirements where durability ,
appearance , cost and maintenance are concerned.
 Flooring can be used as a design tool not only in an obvious choice of material and color , but to demarcate
departments , private/public areas and circulation paths , by a selective use of different hues and surfaces.

STORAGE : While providing enough storage the emphasis today should be on eliminating unnecessary garbage .

 The basic storage units such as the cupboards , filing cabinets , drawer unit , open shelf , are still as useful as
ever , whether they are free standing or built into walls , or used in lieu of the partitions to save space.
 In addition we have certain new innovations such as filing shelves which move on tracks , and which
completely fill a given space.
 Furniture too can be designed to save space , using the space above and below work tops..

PANTRY: For offices that can afford the space, a clean well designed and pleasant looking cafeteria or canteen will
help employees relax.
 Pantries should be designed to incorporate all the essentials, such as a hot plate or gas burner with cylinder
space below and a sink , a stainless sink is hardy and easy to clean.
 A storage cupboard, shelves or hooks can hold the cups and saucers, plates , cutlery , tea , coffee , sugar ,
etc. A small compact refrigerator is useful for storing milk, cold drinks, preserving food items , etc.
 A good garbage storage system will help circumvent the inevitable mass of tea dregs , papers etc.
 Disposable plastic cups , plates , if economically viable can save on maintenance and cleaning.

ESSENTIAL SERVICES: coming to the toilets , which perhaps more than any other room , reveals the true class of a
company , its attitude to cleanliness and the activity of its employees and visitors.

 Bathrooms don't have to be exotic, but they do have to be adequate in number for the staff employed and
they have to be clean.
 They should have tiled surface , preferably in light plain shades which are not overpowering and which cannot
be scrubbed down easily.
 Separate toilets for men and women are statutory to a given number of employees . The traps , the Indian
and the western WC with the urinals to accommodate all the users.
 If ventilation is less than ideal , an exhaust or ceiling fan may help , for there are few things as off-putting as a
smelly toilet.
 Facilities for dispensing toilet paper , towel , hand dryer etc , should be provided.

Thus, planning the ideal offices large and small, opulent and Spartan, the professionals can help make the
complicated thing, simple to understand and to work out

Vastu Tips

1. Your head should be towards the east or south while sleeping.

2. The rooms in the south should never have ceiling low as compared to ceiling of the rooms in east and north
3. Shoes and slippers should not be scattered all over the house, as this leads to feud.
4. Don't keep dirty clothes with the washed clothes.
5. One should never sleep under exposed beam as it brings ill fortune.
6. Don't a keep jug or jar of water near the telephone. The electric rays produced from telephone leave bad
effect on the water. Your face should be towards the east while cooking food. The cupboard
containing food articles should be towards your right.
7. The ceiling of the poojaroom should be lower than the ceiling of all the other rooms in the house.
8. There should be no noise while opening the doors and windows especially the  entrance door from
hinges etc.To remove the noise keep the hinges well oiled.
9. A picture of Lord Ganesha and Saraswati is good in study room.
10. Place vegetables in a dish after cutting them. If they are kept on floor their nourishing substance will be
adsorbed by the floor.
11. The house should always be kept neat and clean and all the wastage etc., should be dumped or stored in
west of the house.
12. To prevent the house from evil-eyes, seven green chillies and lemon should be hung at the main entrance of
the house, shop etc.
13. Change the bed-sheets during day time.
14. Comb and other beauty aids should be kept neatly at the right place.
15. A cut-out in the roof should be provided in the northeast to ensure proper ventilation of the house. This factor
works as a natural air-conditioner for the house.
16. There should be a separate towel for every member of the family and for guests.
17. One should never provide three doors on a single wall, especially in the front of the house.
18. One should never construct circular stairs in the house.
19. It is very auspicious to view rising sun after taking bath in the morning.
20. A blue bed sheet should never be used in the house.
21. One should always wear neat and clean clothes while working.
22. All the things should be properly placed and well organized in the house, to ensure good luck.
23. Keep cash and jewelry in the safe or locker which opens in the north.


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