Train D Trainers

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Train the Trainers


Train the Trainers training program is designed to meet

organizations need to train their executives, officers to be good
trainers to that the organizations can reduce their dependency on
external training organizations.

Organizations need to conduct training for their employees to

bring change in Skills.

Skill change may be required due to:

 Change in procedures
 Change in process
 Change in organizational structure
 To update or strengthen knowledge
 To strengthen decision making ability
 To bring change in attitude
 Objectives and targets

Skills needed in Trainers

Some believe that only subject expertise is needed to be able to be a good trainer, but this is
not true.
A Trainer must have 4C's as skills:

 Comprehension
 Conceptualization
 Creativity and
 Conduct

Comprehension is all about subject knowledge, trainer's expertise and capability.

Conceptualization is his/her ability to dream or visualize design of a training course (we will
see how to design a training course during "Training Process")

Creativity is art of making presentations, use of proper color, font size, graphic design,
charting etc.
Conduct is art of presentation.

In addition to 4C's, trainer must possess host of personal qualities such as:

 Personal skills
 Confidence
 Voice modulation
 Adjusting to environment
 Ability to listen
 Theatrical skills
 Flexible
 Cools headed
 Desire to learn
 Ability to relate
 Sense of humor

Training Process

The training process is a cycle, which starts from determining need, fulfilling the need and
verifying that need is fulfilled.

The Training process is 4D's:

 Determine (Requires Comprehension skill)

 Design and Development (Requires Conceptualization and Creativity skill)
 Deployment (Requires Conduct skill)
 Determine (Requires Comprehension skill)


Following topics are covered in the presentation with ice breakers, motivational cartoons,
image based stories and much more:

 1. Why We Need Training

 2. Why Train the Trainers
 3. Teaching or Training
 4. Trainer Potential
 5. Training Ability and Skills
 6. Training Process
 7. Practice Sessions
 8. Discussion on Practice Sessions
 9. Examination

The training package consists of Presentation in PowerPoint with trainer notes giving text of
full speech and instructions to conduct training program.

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