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A Geometric Approach to improving active

Packet Loss measurement

As we know analysis of the traffic network between end hosts provides foundation of network
protocols and systems that is the measurement of the packet los has an impact on the performance of
TCP and UDP. The idea is to eliminate the packet loss but not possible due to tntrensic characteristics
and scaling in packet switched networks. The operators passively monitors only nodes with in network
for packet loss on routers using SNMP.

The end-to-end active measurement using probes provide better results since this indicate condition
that application traffic is experiencing on these paths; these active probe tools are commonly used.
This is difficult due to small duration of packet loss episodes. The objective of our study is to
understand how to measure packet loss episodes accurately with end-to-end probes.

We begin with testing the capability of standard Poisson-modulated end-to-end measurements of loss
in some standard controlled laboratory environment using IP routers and commodity end hosts. This
test show that the loss characteristics reported from this Poisson-modulated probe tools is quite
inaccurate over range of traffic conditions. These observations motivated us to introduce the new
algorithm for packet loss measurement that is designed to overcome deficiencies in standard Poisson-
based tools.

Our method entails probe experiment that follow a geometric distribution to (i) enable an explicit
tradeoff between accuracy and impact on the network and (ii) enable more accurate measurement
than standard Poisson –probing at the same rate. We used to evaluate the capabilities of our new
methodology by developing and implementing a prototype tool called BADABING.

Our study consists of three parts

(i) Empirical evaluation of the current prevailing approach

(ii) Developing of estimation techniques that are based on novel experimental design, novel
probing technique and simple validation tests and
(iii) Empirical evaluation of this new methodology

Software Requirements:

Front end: JAVA, SWING

Tools used: JFRAME BUILDER, Operating system: windows XP

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