Banco Mercantil de Monterrey 1909

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MODERN FINANCIAL MrTTiONS AND THEIR EQUIPMENT [f BANCO MERCANTIL DE MONTEREY, MONTEREY, NN. L., MEXICO. IN the October number of Tue Baxxeaa ‘Maoastne were presented sketches and stations of the banka’ of Ue ity of Mexico. There iy large and uae Ben “nstittions outside the Federal ict. “One of the largest of these Is They are own throug banking commercial and manufacturing en terprises Te was proposed to organize the banle the Banes Merantl de Monterey of Mon- Nuevo. Tt wae organ Ent November fo, 1000 of virtue of on ‘cession Issved. by’ the Hederal Government fon June 27, 1890, based on the General Banking Laws of March, 1807. Messe. Enrique C. Creel. Jouguin’D. Casasus, and Tomes Mendivichaga organised the bank. with « capital not to exceed #2000000, but 100,000. largely residents of the City of Monterey oF the State of Nucto Leon of which it Is besides many residing in other ‘Mexico and” abroad, 304 THE BANKERS MAGAZINE. DON TOMAS MENDIRICHAGA JOSE L. GARZA Fiat President Banco Mercamil de Monterey. Manager Banco Mercantil de Monterey Manoger and Eenployees of Bank BANCO MERCANTIL DE MONTEREY. Entrance to Managers Offic. 306 THE BANKERS MAGAZINE. 1nd Paying Tellers Windows, Receiving a BANCO MERCANTIL DE MONTEREY. MODERN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. ‘The shares of the bank are now well distributed and rank te fist-clage secur fier and are owned Inegely in Mexico. Europe and the United. Stes ‘On December 29, 1809, the bank entered {nto an agreement with the State of Nuevo Leon for the erection of nsubstantint banking bullding In the center of the City of Monterey. A. three-story, freproo! Dunding, of cream-colored stone, coverkng over 10,000 ‘square feet of "space, WAS 307 aepesitory for state and city funds, this Aesignation to continue as long «3 the bank ‘operates under the concession issued by” the Federal Government under which st was organised, The business done by the bane ‘or any of its branches oF agencies is exempt from taxation. ‘The bank's affsirs bare been splendidly handled ‘by. Its directors and. oficers, who fre all well-known business men of ‘the Highest class, and amongst them are many Watiog Room. erected), st the northwest corner of Morelos This Is not only one igs of Monterey, Sad Zaragoun streets of thei Bet, as muy be cen frome the. views Pr pened. eeewith, compares, amost.favorsbly frith Use best mover hak buildings Ht Bee edegavtly fished and well equlpped throughout "This bank soon came to occupy the fore- ‘most position amongst the banking Institue {ons ih northern Mexico, and wat designated by the State of Nucvo’ Leon ae the oficial Of the foremost men of northern Mexico. ‘To their experienced. care the Denk over NS remarieatle riveess “The unk has always paid satisfactory dividends as shown in the following state: iment of dieidends pads ‘Year pereent. Year pereent. 1900.....6 618 190K. coven 7 90102220 arte 19020210210 arr 903.00 Vt0.49 sane + 308. Mr. Jose 1. Garza, the mansger of the tank, has had’ many fears of netual banke Ing. Cxperience In Mexico and bas been con nected with the Banco. Meresntil de. Mon= Keres since its organization, formerly. hol Ing. the position of auditor. Deeause” of special aptitude, and ‘Solely on account of merit, be’ was elected manager on May 1, 1808. "The record made iy the bank during the THE BANKERS MAGAZINE. largely increased its holdings of gold and silver curreney, so as to be prepared at all times to meet any situation that might pre- sent itell ‘The present board of directors and of cers cansist of ihe folowing gentlemen: Directors: ‘Senor “Tomas > Mendieiehage Senor Enrique C. Creel, Senor M. Herman ez Mendirchapa, Seuot T. Gonaaler ‘Tre- Wino, Senor Ve Ttivera Gada Fie-place in Main Bankiog Room, with Tabet showing samen of Founders of Bank. past year, under most trying cireum= Etances, due “tothe unfavorable business Conilitions prevailing “‘ronghout Mexico find the United” States, ns demonsteated fhe ability ‘of its bonrd of directors and ‘offers. ‘The tanks met every demand "on iteand extended concessions and msietance fo many new eliente as ell a8 to Its Fee lar customers, promptly paying. its “de- and bills i money." Dur- Substitutes: Senor Menuel Garza Guerra, Scuor Francisco G. Sada, Senor Marceive Garaa, Senor Jose A Muguersa, Senor Jose Cn Gara, Auniters for Board of Directors: Senor Anite "Martiner "Cardenas. Substitutes: Fenncisco de P- Martinee, Senor jose T- Gara, manager; Senor igvel, cashier; Senor” Emneterio, ‘Senor Manvel E MODERN ‘Agencies are established in the following ities of northern Mexico: State of Nuevo Leon—Cadereyta, Lampazos, Montemorelos, ‘Villaldama; State of Coahuila—Allende, Cuatro Cienegas, Monclova, Musquiz, Par- ras, Saltillo, Torreon; State of Tamaulipas FINANCIAL INSTITUTIO’ . 309 ais, Paris; Credit, Lyonnais, London, Hamburger Fillale der Deutschen, Ham burgo. As shown by a recent monthly balance- sheet, the reserve fund amounted to $232,869. Present Board of Directors, Banco Mercantil de Monterey. Jone A. Maguerse, Mariano Hernandes, V. Rivero y Gaje, Pranciaco G, Sada, Jove TL. Garza.

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