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Prepared by Clayton R. Wright, crwr77[at]

In an effort to improve the quality of the courses and services we provide via distance delivery,
we are seeking your feedback. We are asking all students to volunteer their time to complete
the survey. All responses will remain 

    . When the data is compiled
and summarized, your name will 
 be linked to any of the statements you may have made in
response to questions included in this survey.
The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes of your time. For open-ended questions,
point-form responses are preferred. Please complete and submit the survey by xxx.
When required, indicate whether you strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D), or strongly
disagree (SD) with statements provided in this questionnaire. Mark not applicable (NA) if the
statement does not apply to your situation.
Thank you for completing the survey. If you have any questions, please contact XXX.


` Full-time student ___ Part-time student ___

` Academic division: _____________________________________________________
` Where do you live?
In the city ___ In a city away from the main campus ___
In a rural area ___ In an international setting ___

` How many online courses are you registered in? 1 2 3 4 5

` Please indicate your highest level of education:
High school ___ Certificate ___ Diploma ___
Bachelor¶s degree ___ Master¶s degree ___ Doctorate ___

` Are you currently employed? Full-time ___ Part-time ___

` Are you comfortable with technology? Do you consider yourself to be technologically
savvy? Yes ___ Sometimes ___ Not at all ___

` The course met my personal and/or professional goals.
` The quality of the course met my expectations.
` The course objectives, content, and assessments were
` I would recommend this course to a colleague or friend.
` I received value for my money.

` A clear statement of course requirements was provided at
the beginning of the course.
` The objectives for the course were clearly stated.
` A complete list of required and recommended learning and
reference material was provided.
` The learning materials were clear and understandable.
` The materials were accurate and current.
` The internet links to additional content were accurate and
` The materials were sequenced appropriately.
` The materials were well organized.
` The materials were at an appropriate reading level.
` The materials were interesting and engaging.
` The course content was at the right level of difficulty.
` The optional or reference materials were useful.
` The course activities helped me learn.
` The course activities helped me to examine issues, to
evaluate new ideas, and to apply what I have learned.
` The course activities encouraged me to communicate and
exchange ideas with other students and members within my
` The activities were realistic and could be performed with the
resources I had available.
` The workload was just right.

` Did you need to obtain additional material to complete the course? Yes ___ No ___
If so, what material or resources did you need?

` Were sections of the course especially difficult or confusing? Yes ___ No ___
If yes, please note what they were and explain why they were difficult or confusing?


` The grading criteria were clear and explicit.
` The instructions or directions were easy to follow.
` The assignments helped me to learn the course material.
` The assignments were challenging.
` The feedback provided by the instructors was useful.
` Assignments and tests were marked and returned promptly.
The turnaround time between submitting an assignment
and receiving feedback was reasonable.
` The assignments and examinations were marked fairly.

` Instructors or tutors provided helpful information and
` Instructors or tutors could be contacted easily.
` The librarian or learning resource personnel helped me find
` Learning materials were shipped to me promptly.
` The counsellor provided useful information.
` The counsellor responded promptly to my requests.
` The off-campus learning centre personnel were helpful.
` The off-campus learning centres were appropriately
` Registration personnel were courteous and helpful.

` During the course, how often did you contact your tutor or instructor?
Not at all ___1-5 times ___ 6-10 times ___ 11-15 times ___ More than 15 times ___

` Did you require technical support or assistance to access your online materials or
activities? Yes __ No ___

` If you did need to obtain technical assistance, what type of support did you require?

` Whom did you contact for technical help?

Please check all answers that apply.
__ Institutional website
__ Instructor or instructional assistant
__ Computing Services helpdesk
__ Library or Learning Resources staff
__ Computer lab monitors or learning centre staff
__ Friends or family member
__ Others, please specify ______________________________________________

` Indicate the contacts that provided satisfactory assistance?

__ Institutional website
__ Instructor or instructional assistant
__ Computing Services helpdesk
__ Library or Learning Resources staff
__ Computer lab monitors or learning centre staff
__ Friend or family member
__ Other, please specify ______________________________________________

` If you did 
 receive adequate assistance, please describe the difficulties you

` Which of the following do you own? Check all answers that apply.
Desktop computer__ laptop computer__ cell or mobile phone with MP3 capability__

` What operating system do you use?

Win 98__ Win 2000__ Win XP__ Win Vista__ Mac OS__ Unix/Linux__ Don¶t know___

` What browser do you use?

Netscape ___ Microsoft Internet Explorer __ Mozilla Firefox__ Don¶t know ___
Other, please specify:_______________________________________________

` What is the speed of your modem or the type of modem that you use (or how do you
access your courses)?
56K baud modem or lower__ Cable/ADSL__ Access via a satellite___ Don¶t know___

` Where do you access your course and conduct your online course activities? Indicate
the percentage of the time you spend at the locations below.
At home ____ % At work____% At an internet cafe___% On the main campus____%
On the campus of another institution____%. If so, which institution? ______________
Other, please specify:

 c     c

` Approximately how long did it take you to learn to use the learning management
Less than a day __ a day __ a week __ 2 weeks__ 4 weeks __ more than 4 weeks___

` How could the learning time (required to learn the LMS) be reduced?

` Rate the following aspects of the learning management system by indicating whether
they were easy or difficult to use. Use the following key when responding:
Very easy to use (VE), easy to use (E), difficult to use (D), very difficult to use (VD),
and not applicable (NA).
o    o 
Signing on to the system
Navigating the system
Accessing course materials
Sending and receiving e-mail messages
Submitting assignments
Using the conference function
Using online chat

` How could the institution improve the course and the online services it provides to
students? For example, should the institution provide blog, e-portfolio, or wiki capabilities?


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