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Distinction between moral values and other three type of values

• Ones own good  All these theory insists

and good of
Utilitarian's others that pursuit of self
interest must be
• Respect oneself
Duty Ethics

• Accent our
Right rights to pursue
Ethics our own good
 Reduces morality to pursuit of self interest
 Narrower and wider form of self interest
 Personal well being generally requires taking
some wider interests in others
 Everyone pursuing their own self interest is
that everyone benefits.
 Customs are considered to have great
significance in deciding ones moral values.
 There may be alternative moral perspective
that are reasonable, but no one of which is
accepted completely by all rational and
morally concerned persons.
 Right when they are approved by law and
 Treats values at cultural level.
 In contemporary society, religion continues
to be influential.
 Psychological connections between their
moral and religious belief
 Sometimes religion set higher moral
standards than is conventional.
 To say an act is right means it is commanded
by God.

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