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Expert system

1.1Overview of Expert system

Expert systems are a recent product of artificial intelligence. An expert system is a system
that uses human knowledge captured in a computer to solve problems that ordinary required
human expertise.
We can say that An Expert system is basically an AI program which uses knowledge to solve
problems which would normally require a human expert.
An Expert system (ES) is a complex AI program that manipulates encoded knowledge.
Know ledge of an expert system is obtained from expert sources and coded in a form suitable
for the system to use in its inferences or reasoning process.

The expert knowledge must be ontained from specialists or texts, journal, articles and existing
database. Once a sufficient body of expert system knowledge has been acquired, it must be
encoded in some form, loaded into knowledge base, then tested and refined continually
throughout the life of the system.
So an Expert system contain knowledge acquire by interviewing human expertise some narrow
domain. Expert system cannot operate in situations that call for common sense.
Traditional definition of a Program:
Program = algorithm + data structure
Whereas Expert system = knowledge + Inference engine

1.2 Characteristics of Expert system (comparison between the Expert system

and conventional computer system)
1. Expert system use knowledge rather than data to control the solution process. Much of
the knowledge used in heuristic in nature rather than algorithm.
2. The knowledge is encoded and manipulate as an entity separate from the control program
such as if not compiled together with the control program itself. In some cases, it is
possible to use different knowledge bases with the same control program to produce
different types of expert system such system are known as “Expert system shells”.
3. Expert systems are capable of explaining how a particular conclusion was drawn and why
requested information is needed during a conclusion.
4. Expert system use symbolic representation for knowledge (rules, networks or frames) and
perform their inference through symbolic computations that closely resemble manipulate
of manual language.
1.3 Advantage of Expert system:
1. Expert systems do not forget, but human expert may forget.
2. An expert system needs the symbolic representation.
3. It reduces the risk of doing business.
4. It provides the permanent documentation of the decision process.
5. An Expert system can review all the transactions but human expert system can only
review a sample.
6. Expert system able to deal with uncertainty.
7. Expert systems are not focus on abstract. It delivers the answer to goal oriented of the

1.4 Disadvantage of Expert system (or limitations of Expert system):

1. Expert system has no any common sense.
2. Expert system cannot respond creatively to unusual situation.
3. Expert system must be explicitly updates while any changes in environments.
4. Expert system is currently dependent on symbolic input.
5. Measuring the performance of an expert system is difficult because we do not know how
to quantify the use of knowledge.
6. An Expert system has access to highly specific domain knowledge.

1.5 Application of Expert system.

1. Diagnosis of software development projects.
2. Diagnosis of complex electronic and electrochemical system.
3. Different types of medical diagnosis.
4. Forecasting crop damage.
5. Identification of chemical compound structure.

1.6 Knowledge Acquisition:

Knowledge acquisition is the process of adding new to a existing knowledge base and refining or
otherwise improving knowledge that was previously acquired.
1.7 Architecture of Expert system.


Inference Learning
Engine module

Working Knowledge Data

Memory Base Acquisition


User Interface provides the means for dialog between the user and system.

Explanation facility provides the user with Explanations of how a conclusion was reached or
why a piece of knowledge is needed. They also need to be convinced that the solution is
appropriate and applicable in their circumstances.

Inference Engine accepts user input quarries and response to questions through the user
interface and uses this dynamic information together with the static knowledge (the rules and
facts) stored in the knowledge base.
The inference process is carried out recursively in three stages (I) match (II) select (III) execute.
During the match stage, the contents of working memory are compared to facts and rules
contained in the knowledge base.

Knowledge base contains facts and rules about some specialized knowledge domain.

Learning module implies that an organize or machine must be able to adapt to new situations.
The job of Knowledge engineer is to extract the knowledge from the expert and other sources
like book, journals, article etc.
1.8 Existing Expert system:
(a) First Expert system to be completed was DENDRAL.
(b) It was developed at Stanford University in late 1960s.
(c) The system was capable of determining the structure of chemical compounds.
(d) Suppose that an organic chemist wants to know the chemical nature of some
substance. The first step is to determine the number of atoms of various kinds in one
molecule of the stuff. This step determines the chemical formula. Once a sample’s
chemical formula is known, the chemist may use the sample’s mass spectrogram to
work out the way the atoms are arranged in the chemical’s structure, thus identifying
the isomer of the chemical.
(e) DENDRAL has following features:
(1) Knowledge representation: Production rules and algorithm for generating graph
structure are constructed by META- DENDRAL. META DENDRAL is a
program which uses learning techniques to construct rules for an expert system
(2) Reasoning: DENDRAL uses forward chaining.
(3) Heuristics: DENDRAL uses generate and test method.
(4) Explanation: the user can supply the information and the system can request
information as required.
(5) Procedure:
(a) Spectra data given as input
(b) Preliminary analysis determines
- Necessary compounds -- spectra data
- Forbidden compounds -- spectra data, expert knowledge
(c) Generate and test:
a) Structure enumerator: can generate all possible compounds
- Takes necessary and forbidden lists, and creates a new possible
- Output is formula
b) Spectra synthesizer: generates spectra data for this compound
c) Matcher - matches synthesized spectra with actual one
- compound with best fit is the one
(6) Working: The spectrogram machine bombard a sample with high energy
electrons, causing the molecule to break up into charged chunks of various sizes.
Then, the machine sorts the chunks by passing them through a magnetic field
which deflects the high-charge, low-weight ones more than it does the low-charge,
high charges ones.
it is now possible to get an estimate of the masses of these particles. This is called a
mass spectrogram. By knowing the masses, it is possible to guess how the atoms of
a single molecule of the unknown substance are put together.

The DENDRAL program works out structures from chemical formulas and mass
spectrogram using the generate and test method. The generator consists of a
structure enumerator and a synthesizer, which produce a synthetic mass
spectrogram by simulating the action of a real mass spectrometer on each
enumerated structure.The tester compares the real mass spectrogram with those
produce by the generator. The possible structure are those whose synthetic
spectrograms math the real one adequately.

(a) Mycin is an Expter system for diagnosing and recommending treatment of bacterial
infection of blood.
(b) It was developed in Stanford University in California.
(c) A consolation with MYCIN begins with request for routine information such as age,
medical history, and so on, progressive to more specific questions as required.
(d) MYCIN represented its knowledge as a set of if……….THEN rules with certainty
(e) MYCIN has following features:
(1) Stanford University in mid 70's.
(2) Domain: Medical diagnosis for bacterial and meningitis infections.
(3) Task: interview physician, make diagnosis and therapy recommendations
(4) Input: Answers to queries.
(5) Output: Ordered set of diagnoses and therapies.
(6) Architecture: rule-based exhaustive backward chaining with uncertainty.
(7) Tools: programmed in LISP (shell called EMYCIN -- empty MYCIN).
(8) Results: not in general use, but was ground-breaking work in
diagnostic consultation systems.
(f) Working
MYCIN’s expertise knowledge lies in the domain of bacterial
infections.MYCIN’s pools of knowledge consist of approximately 500
antecedent- consequently rules which give MYCIN the ability to recognize
about 100 causes of bacterial infections.
MYCIN helps the physician to prescribe disease- specific drugs. MYCIN
informs itself about particular cases by requesting information from the
physician about patient’s symptoms. At each point the question MYCIN
asks is determined by MYCIN’s current hypothesis & the answer to all
previous question at the end, it provides.
1.9 Limitations of Expert system:
1. Expert systems are restricted to a very narrow domain of expertise. For example,
MYCIN, which was developed for the diagnosis of infectious blood diseases, lacks any
real knowledge of human physiology. If a patient has more than one disease, we cannot
rely on MYCIN. In fact, therapy prescribed for the blood disease might even be harmful
because of the other disease.
2. Expert systems can show the sequence of the rules they applied to reach a solution, but
cannot relate accumulated, heuristic knowledge to any deeper understanding of the
problem domain.
3. Expert systems have difficulty in recognising domain boundaries. When given a task
different from the typical problems, an expert system might attempt to solve it and fail in
rather unpredictable ways.
4. Heuristic rules represent knowledge in abstract form and lack even basic understanding
of the domain area. It makes the task of identifying incorrect, incomplete or inconsistent
knowledge difficult.
5. Expert systems, especially the first generation, have little or no ability to learn from their
experience. Expert systems are built individually and cannot be developed fast. Complex
systems can take over 30 person-years to build.

2.0 Parameter required in building of any Expert System:

(1) Meta-knowledge: Meta-knowledge is knowledge about knowledge. or we can say that
meta-knowledge is systematic problem and domain –independent knowledge which
performs or enables operation in another more or less specific domain dependent
knowledge in different domain of human activities.
Meta knowledge can be considered as a fundamental conceptual instrument in such
research and scientific domains as, knowledge engineering, knowledge management and
others dealing with study & operations on knowledge that we know.
(2) Expertise Transfer: the objective of expertise transfer is to transfer expertise from one
expert system to a computer system. these process evolved four activities:
(a) Knowledge acquisition( from expert or other sources)
(b) Knowledge representation( in the computer)
(c) Knowledge inferencing.
(d) Knowledge transfer to user.
(3) Domain Exploration: in general Domain knowledge in the knowledge which is valid
and directly used for preselected domain of human or autonomous computer activity.
different specialist and expert use and develop their own domain knowledge. Domain
refer to the knowledge that is part of the world the system knows about .this include
object description, relationship and other relevant concepts.
2.1 Self Explaining System: the more interesting feature of expert system is their ability to
explain themselves, is known as self explaining system. Most system has the self explaining
facility that means why it asked certain question, how it arrived its answers. Most of these
answers are provided by explanation module. It provides the used with an explanation of
reasoning process when requested.
Expert system contains many modules to make it operate (Ex: memory). One of the module is
self explaining module. This module is very much required in medical expert systems. The
module explains how a conclusion is arrived about a patient and what its basics assumptions for
deriving that conclusion.

2.2 Knowledge Organization: The organization of knowledge in memory is key to

efficient processing. Knowledge base may require tens of thousands of facts and rules to perform
their intended task. Thus retrieval of facts and rules be done in efficient way so as to same search

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