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Swine Flu is a respiratory disease,
caused by a strain of the influenza
virus known as H1N1.
What are swine flu symptoms?

It include the following :-

1. fever,
2. cough,
3. sore throat,
4. runny nose,
5. body aches,
6. headache, chills,
7. and fatigue.

• Many people with swine flu have had diarrhea and vomiting.
• Nearly everyone with flu has at least two of these
• But these symptoms can also be caused by many other
Who is at highest risk from
H1N1 swine flu?

1. Young children, especially those under 12 months

of age
2. Elderly people are at high risk of severe flu
disease. But relatively few swine flu cases have
been seen in people over age 65.
3. People with cardiovascular conditions (except high
blood pressure)
4. People with liver problems
5. Kidney problems
6.People with blood disorders, including sickle cell
7.People with neurologic disorders
8.People with neuromuscular disorders
9.People with metabolic disorders, including
10.People with immune suppression, including HIV
infection and medications that suppress the
immune system, such as cancer chemotherapy or
anti-rejection drugs for transplants
11.Residents of a nursing home or other chronic-
care facility
Pictures related to swine
How is swine flu treated?
Pandemic swine flu virus is sensitive to the antiviral
drugs Tamiflu and Relenza. The CDC recommends
those drugs to prevent or treat swine flu; the drugs
are most effective when taken within 48 hours of the
start of flu symptoms
How can I prevent swine flu infection?
1. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, especially
after coughing or sneezing.
2. Or use an alcohol-based hand cleaner if soap and water are
not available.
3. Avoid close contact -- that is, being within 6 feet -- with
people who have flu-like symptoms.
4. Avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes. That's not easy to
do, so keep those hands clean.
5. If you have flu-like symptoms -- fever plus at least cough or
sore throat or other flu symptoms -- stay home for seven days
after symptoms begin or until you've been symptom-free for
24 hours -- whichever is longer.
Precaution is better than Cure.
Take Care

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