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4 M A R W O O D D R I V E , PA L M Y R A , VA 2 2 9 6 3

( 4 3 4 ) 9 6 0 - 5 1 8 5 • E - M A I : A D I A Z @ S PA N I S H I N V I R G I N I A . C O M



Dedicated and inspirational Spanish teacher. 24 years

experience developing effective oral and written
communication and reading skills.
Proficiency in creating student centered environment,
cooperative learning and differentiated lesson plans.


The College Board, USA (2007-Present)

-Grade the AP Spanish Language Examination
-Serve as an assistant table leader

Tandem Friends School, VA (1997-Present)

-Teach Spanish I, II, III, IV, AP Spanish Language
-Coordinate the Spanish Exchange Program to Costa Rica
-Lead the Spanish Department Immersion Trip
-Translate documents for the school

South Hoke Elementary School, NC (1994-1997)

-Taught Spanish in grades k-5
-Coordinated and taught Spanish classes for staff members
-Translated documents for several schools in the county.

Centeno Roth& Asociados, P.L.C Venezuela (1994-

-Taught conversational Spanish to foreigners
-Served as a corporate Spanish language representative

Unidad Educativa Antonio María Claret, P.L.C

Venezuela (1992-1991)
-Served as a Principal

2008-Present Universidad del Salvador
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Especialización en la Enseñanza de Español para Extranjeros

1993-1992 Universidad Central de Venezuela

Caracas, Venezuela.
Graduate Certificate School Administration
1990-1984 Universidad Experimental Libertador
B.A Spanish

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