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Introduction Group, Interex.

The first recorded

mention of the term "phishing" is on the Usenet
In the field of computer security, newsgroup on January 2, 1996, although
phishing is the criminally fraudulent the term may have appeared earlier in the
process of attempting to acquire sensitive print edition of the hacker magazine.
information such as usernames,
passwords and credit card details by
masquerading as a trustworthy entity in Phishing techniques
an electronic communication.
Communications purporting to be from Phishing is another common internet
popular social web sites, auction sites, scam. This is a criminally fraudulent
online payment processors or IT process illegally acquires sensitive
administrators are commonly used to lure information. It hacks passwords and other
the unsuspecting public. Phishing is pertinent personal information that can be
typically carried out by e-mail or instant used to enter private accounts for
messaging, and it often directs users to malicious intents.
enter details at a fake website whose look
and feel are almost identical to the It is usually done by electronic mail or
legitimate one. Even when using server instant messaging. Phishing directs the
authentication, it may require tremendous victim to enter their pertinent details in a
skill to detect that the website is fake. fake website. These websites are tricky
Phishing is an example of social because they look legitimate and trusting.
engineering techniques used to fool Scammers get access to important details
users,and exploits the poor usability of when victims fall prey in entering their
current web security personal information.
technologies.Attempts to deal with the
growing number of reported phishing Such important details are used to cash
incidents include legislation, user out money in the ATM or bank accounts.
training, public awareness, and technical
security measures. You may use SSL that has strong
cryptography but it is still impossible for
A phishing technique was described in the SSL to detect that the website is fake.
detail in 1987, and the first recorded use This is a social engineering technique
of the term "phishing" was made in 1996. example. This is used to fool users and
The term is a variant of fishing, probably abuse the usability of the web security
influenced by phreaking,and alludes to technology.
baits used to "catch" financial
information and passwords. The phishing techniques were already
described as early as 1987 but it was first
recorded to have been used in 1996. The
History term rhymes with the word fishing which
means to catch. Phishing catches the
A phishing technique was described in financial and personal information of a
detail in 1987, in a paper and presentation person, like passwords.
delivered to the International HP Users
The following are the more common Phone Phishing
phishing techniques often used: This is done by using a fake caller ID
data to make it appear that the call came
Link Manipulation from a trusted organization. The operator
Links are internet addresses that direct of the phone who answered your call will
one to a specific website. We usually ask you to give your account numbers
give out links to our personal blogs or and passwords.
digital album sites to our friends and
family via emails or instant messages. There are many other phishing
techniques. Some have developed
In phishing, these links are usually counter-phishing techniques already but
misspelled. One or two letters make a big scammers continue to invent still newer
difference and it will lead you to a tricks. Always be alert and never trust to
different, and often fake, website or page. give your most private details easily.
It is a form of technical deception.
Phishers use sub domains.

Another method of trickery in links is the

use of '@' symbol. This sign originally is
intended to include username and
passwords. These links are disabled by
Internet explorer but Mozilla Firefox and
Opera just presents warning messages
that are sometimes not easily noticed.

Aside from this, there is also what we

called the Internationalized domain Damage caused by
names (IDN) spoofing or the homograph
attack. phishing
Filter Evasion Phishing has four distinct types of
This is the use of images instead of texts. impact, both domestically and
internationally, that are of concern to the
Through this, anti phishing filters will
commercial and financial sectors and to
find a hard time to detect the emails. law enforcement in both countries:
• Direct Financial Loss. Depending
Website forgery on the type of fraud that a
There are some phishing scams that use criminal commits with the aid of
JavaScript commands to alter an address stolen identifying data,
bar. This directs the user to sign in at a consumers and businesses may
bank or service of the phisher. This is lose anywhere from a few
where he will extract information from hundred dollars to tens of
you. thousands of dollars. Indeed,
small e-commerce businesses
may be particularly hard-hit by
The Flash-based websites avoid anti identity fraud. For example,
phishing techniques. This hides the text because of credit card
to a multimedia object. association policies, an online
merchant who accepts a credit obtain Internet access. This can
card number that later proves to include situations in which a
have been acquired by identity phisher in one country takes
theft may be liable for the full control of a computer in another
amount of the fraudulent country, then uses that computer
transactions involving that card to host his phishing website or
number. send his phishing e-mails to
residents of still other countries.
• Erosion of Public Trust in the Internet. Moreover, online criminal activity
Phishing also undermines the public’s in recent years has often
trust in the Internet. By making reflected clearcut divisions of
consumers uncertain about the integrity labor. For example, in an online
of commercial and financial websites, fraud scheme, the tasks of writing
and even the Internet’s addressing code, locating hosts for phishing
system, phishing can make them less sites, spamming, and other
likely to use the Internet for business components of a full-scale
transactions. People who cannot trust phishing operation may be
where they are on the World Wide Web divided among people in various
are less likely to use it for legitimate locations. This means that in
commerce and communications.xx some phishing investigations,
timely cooperation between law
This perspective finds support in
enforcement agencies in multiple
a 2005 Consumer Reports
countries may be necessary for
survey, which showed declining
tracing, identification, and
confidence in the security of the
apprehension of the criminals
Internet. Among several findings,
behind the scheme.
the survey found that 9 out of 10
American adult Internet users
• Incentives for Cross-Border
have made changes to their
Operations by Criminal
Internet habits because of the
Organizations. Law enforcement
threat of identity theft, and of
authorities in Canada and the
those, 30 percent say that they
United States are concerned that
reduced their overall usage.
each of the preceding factors also
Furthermore, 25 percent say they
creates incentives for members of
have stopped shopping online,
full-fledged criminal organizations
while 29 percent of those that still
in various countries to conduct
shop online say they have
phishing schemes on a
decreased the frequency of their
systematic basis. Law
enforcement already has
indications that criminal groups in
• Difficulties in Law Enforcement
Europe are hiring or contracting
Investigations. Unlike certain
with hackers to produce phishing
other types of identity theft that
e-mails and websites and
law enforcement agencies can
develop malicious code for use in
successfully investigate in a
phishing attacks.
single geographic area (e.g., theft
of wallets, purses, or mail),
phishing – like other types of
crime that exploit the Internet -- Responses to Phishing: Current and
can be conducted from any Promising Practices
location where phishers can
Private-sector entities and government continue its efforts to improve authentication
agencies in Canada and the United technologies, and to deploy multifactor
States have undertaken a growing authentication measures as appropriate, to
variety of measures and initiatives to strengthen the confidence of Internet users in
combat phishing. As explained below, the reliability and provenance of online
many of these measures and initiatives messages they receive. Greater industry
are multi-sectoral, multi-jurisdictional, efforts towards standardizing how enterprises
and multi-agency, and extend beyond will communicate with their clients (e.g.,
law enforcement entities. what information they will use for
Public Education authentication purposes and under what
circumstances they will request it) may also
Because phishing is a form of identity be important in addressing this issue.
theft that differs substantially from other,
physically-based identity theft Legislative Frameworks
techniques, government and the private
sector need to ensure that the public A strong legislative framework is also
receives regularly updated information fundamental to combating identity theft,
about the latest phishing techniques and and specific mechanisms and/or
how to recognize them. At the May 2003 methods used to that end such as
Cross-Border Crime Forum, PSEPC phishing. In Canada, there are currently
(then the Department of the Solicitor no offences in the Criminal Code that
General of Canada) and the U.S. directly prohibit or apply to phishing or
Department of Justice jointly issued two other methods of obtaining identity
public advisories on current trends and information for a criminal purpose. If a
developments in identity theft: one phishing attack is using large volumes of
directed at consumers and the other at “spam” (unsolicited e-mails) that could
retailers. The advisories highlighted interfere with a computer system, or if
some of the most significant forms of the spam employs deceptive headers so
identity theft in Canada and the United as to avoid spam filters, then certain
States, explaining how to recognize them computer data related offences in the
and how to respond. Since then, various Criminal Code may apply. The use of
Canadian and U.S. law enforcement identity information that has been
agencies have widely disseminated obtained whether by phishing or by other
phishing-related information to the public. means, could however amount to any of
For example, the U.S. Department of a number of criminal offences, such as
Justice issued a special public advisory fraudulent personation, fraud, or unlawful
on phishing in 2004,xxiv the U.S. FTC use of credit card data. The Department
issued a consumer alert on phishing in of Justice began several years ago to
2005,xxv and the RCMP has recently review the Criminal Code to determine its
posted information about phishing and adequacy for dealing with the growing
vishing on its website.xxvi problem of identity theft. The Department
Authentication has begun developing proposals to
address some of the limitations of the
Although consumer education programs are criminal law in this area and consulting
an important component of the fight against with key stakeholders to obtain their
phishing and other forms of identity theft that valuable input on legislative
involve “social engineering,” they will not amendments.
suffice to provide adequate protection for the Another recent development in Canada
public as phishers continue to refine their with implications for phishing-related
attack techniques. The private sector needs to legislation was the 2004 launch by the
Government of Canada of An Anti-Spam That plan is expected to be submitted to
Action Plan for Canada and the the White House in early February 2007.
establishment of a government-private Enforcement
sector task force to oversee and
coordinate its implementation. In 2005 An effective and comprehensive response to
this task force was asked to produce a identity theft requires the investigation and
report on the status and progress that prosecution of appropriate cases involving
had been made. The report that they phishing schemes
produced, Stopping Spam: Creating a
Stronger, Safer Internet, set forward 22
recommendations to combat spam,
promote public awareness, and restore
confidence in e-mail. They also set Phishing is a form of criminal conduct that
forward best practices for Internet poses increasing threats to consumers,
service providers and other network financial institutions, and commercial
operators, and for e-mail marketing. enterprises in Canada, the United States, and
Additionally, they recommend that other countries. Because phishing shows no
legislation be enacted to prohibit certain sign of abating, and indeed is likely to
forms of spam and other emerging continue in newer and more sophisticated
threats to the safety and security of the forms, law enforcement, other government
Internet (e.g. phishing), and that a agencies, and the private sector in both
federal coordinating body should be countries will need to cooperate more closely
established to deal with the spam issue than ever in their efforts to combat phishing,
on an ongoing basis.xxvii This is important through improved public education,
for the phishing issue because phishing prevention, authentication, and binational
is usually accomplished through the and national enforcement efforts.
technique of spamming, which is the
sending out of unsolicited bulk e-mails. In While phishing is a particular threat on its
the case of phishing, spam routinely own, it is also important to recognize that
allows criminals to distribute their the challenges posed to policy makers
fraudulent e-mails to many consumers at and law enforcement officials in regards
minimal cost. to phishing are those reflected in the
In the United States, since 1998 federal larger issue of identity theft as well.
law, and laws in nearly all of the states, The Report on identity theft presented to
have adopted specific criminal legislation the Binational Working Group on Cross-
on identity theft that can be applied to Border Mass Marketing Fraud in October
phishing.xxviii In addition, federal 2004 sets out recommendations to
authorities can use a variety of federal address the threats posed by identity
fraud offences, such as wire fraud,xxix and theft, including coordinating public
the CAN-SPAM Act,xxx to address both education initiatives, enhancing reporting
the sending of phishing e-mails and the mechanisms and enforcement, reviewing
use of deceptive e-mail headers or other legislative frameworks and improving
techniques characteristic of criminal document and data integrity and security.
spam. Currently, at the direction of
This report further endorses those
President Bush, the President’s Identity
recommendations in support of the fight
Theft Task Force is preparing a strategic
against phishing and identity theft as a
plan to combat all forms of identity theft
whole. In response to those recommendations
more effectively, including possible
governments in both countries will continue
changes in legislation where appropriate.
to work together in an effort to reduce
phishing and identity theft.

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