Changes in Modern Society

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With the invention of the computers and spacecrafts, man has touched the extremes of his
knowledge and capability. But is it now sufficient to call man entirely social??

In the 21st century when man is touching the horizons of his knowledge, we find ourselves in a
situation where man is creating and destroying his own haven. Man is busy in making link with the
outer universe as well as breaking relations with the fellow earth mates.

The world is really in a situation far worse than the stone-age dwellers. Of course, it would be a folly
to take all impact of the modern age as backward or degrading. But the former world’s brotherliness
is a lost art now. You don’t see the greetings on the street, the respect for elders, and the care for
the young. Today’s world has become a brooding ground for greedy technocrats and bureaucrats. In
today’s complex world, you don’t have a moment to spare for your neighbours, your friends.

Today’s world’s jealousy and greed is the root cause for all this war and conflict. Countries are
fighting to show their supremacy and to keep the rest below them. This attitude can never be called
as that of a developed and intelligent civilisation. We are acting just like our ancestors who for a
small morsel of food were ready to kill and cut and who had no other work other than just to think
for themselves. This attitude of the modern generation compels us to think whether we are moving
forward of reclining backwards. The world leaders are busy blaming and cursing the counterparts. It
has become a norm to blame the others for all the wrong that occurs. The situation is such that no
one knows what happens when.

If this attitude doesn’t change it will be not far when we will be facing a situation when we have to
hunt by stones again.

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