AICUF Essay Report

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University Students why allow injustice Ȃ

rise, revolt and recreate a just society
We are a unique country in the whole world with the largest ruling democracy, with many
partyǯs that create turmoil for a bill that is passed not for the best interests of the masses
but for their own personal gains. In a society that is essentially focused not on development
but merely on profit gain, it becomes extremely difficult for citizens to have an
understanding of what peace really means. And the worst affected are the Students Ȃ the
victims of the one sided affair, the walking wounded with absolutely no parking space! Is
the campus safe to be a haven for intellectual growth? That is being reprimanded with the
worst of incidents ranging from ragging, raping and reclining from accepting failure. If the
students are not given the opportunity to express themselves ideally, they are being forced
into fundamental wings that are purely to ascertain the cultural impacts and not for a path
towards holistic development. Are our lecturers imparting the right value education to us?
Itǯs a question that can only be answered by our conscience. Think of how safe you are,
when your fellow friends in Kashmir are struggling to survive, have come out of their
homes and have started becoming communal riot members, been affected with the worst
calendar months with hardly having any classes to conduct or go. What does this imply?
The answer is, the policies are so vivid that thereǯs hardly any room for discussion and
arguments; it rather clearly stupefies that our backbone of our country   




 If corruption has become our material strength, how about our values that
have been profusely ingrained by our peers? If the three pillars of our constitution Ȃ
Executive, Judiciary, Legislature are being held by people that consider themselves to be
actually rendering service to the nation by their selfless dedication, correct again, itǯs their
foolish anguish that has made us slaves to our own aptitude to revolt back. Drawing
accounts from our events in the recent past Ȃ the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, The Maoist attacks,
The Mumbai Blasts, Child trafficking, Child Labour turning into a major sweatshop, Child
Marriage, Dowry deaths, female infanticide, beggary, poverty are all the end result of
students and children being the maximum affected. The landmark Right to Education bill is
now our fundamental right, a major move by the Supreme Court and the House to take it
from the Directive Principles of State Policy and incorporate into the Article 21 (a) of our
Indian constitution, agreed that it is phenomenal but there are plethora of challenges even
before this law is realized and put into place. We are given the right to vote, almost so
arbitrary against our Universal Adult Franchise to be silent and continue to believe that one
godfather would come over and spill his magic beans and convert this society into the most
sacred place. But we fail to go back to our physics class and reemphasize the law which we
learnt, the same which we seldom utilize into action Ȃ Every action has an equal and
opposite reaction. When Mahatma Gandhi said DzYou must be the change you wish to see in
this worlddz little did people realize that he didnǯt directly mean it to us. Any amount of
inspiration, any act of suppression, any notion of instigation and every possible attempt of
disgust leaves us weak, helpless and available to be harnessed and exploited. What more
can we ask for, when we ourselves think of everything as the biggest joke and we should
continue our lives the way it is. Being in college not only to study and recreate but also to
become men and women for the betterment of the society. Thereǯs a very fine line between
being a catalyst for the benefit of good, and fighting for your rights. Your stand remains on
your decision and approach. Our conscious is sound asleep, and doesnǯt call for any amount
of interrogation. Thereǯs hardly any difference between traditionalism and modernism,
values and philosophy, goodness and greatness, mentoring and admonishing, liking and
appreciating, rewarding and recognizing, and above all to be intellectually sound and
humanistic in approach. These are qualities that we surpass, think of it as another useless
piece of everyday chores. Are you waiting for a wakeup call or you are already apt to
witness a rise. This issue of injustice as said by one of our able ministers is true to every
word Ȃ Justice is practically denied, and injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere. Where
have all our lessons gone? Look around and feel the tremor. How often do you come across
children being addicted, students being unlawfully reprimanded, being taken out of their
comfort zones and asked to become members of every heinous crime Ȃ almost every
second. Todayǯs life is not the reality that we have even dreamt of. But it not the dream that
we should still continue to believe. Dear Students, injustice is thought to be highly
inductive, calls for a great deal of introspection and pricks ones conscience too. Are you
members in tandem to peace or are you still trying to accept the reality. Itǯs the need of the
hour to be the change, and remember; Change comes from within, believing in oneself and
following the footsteps of positivity and ability. You maybe from any class, any place, but
when you see people crying and asking for help in front of your eyes, does your heart melt
or do you feel safe and comfortable because you are not the victim? Itǯs the biggest question
of self administration, and asking people to join the campaign towards social stability and
peace. To develop harmony and make each effort count. Are you in the team or would you
like to join the team? Your stand remains as far as atrocities go. You are the biggest
strength of the country, so rise, revolt and recreate a just society, where equal opportunity
is given and favoured and all-round development to everybody with justice is initiated. So
letǯs join hands towards a better societyǥ!

- Moses Raj G S
- AICUF Secretary
- St. Josephǯs Evening College, Bangalore


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