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W o r l d   Z o m i   C o n g r e s s    
16116  SE  Mill  St.  Portland,  OR  97233,  USA  
Date:  06.09.2010  

Statement on WZC Support ZNC Boycott Score

We, the World Zomi Congress, the umbrella organization of Zomi people worldwide,
declares our full support to the Zomi National Congress' statement S.No.2/2010, dated
September 1, 2010 concerning to boycott Burman SPDC regime's sham election, which
will be hold on November.7, 2010.

The socall election which is scheduled to hold on November 7, 2010 is totally a

sham election and will only leads to restore another style of Myanmar Colonial Regime
and system. As the ZNC's statement pinpointed, Article 6 (f) of the 2008 Constitution
which was approved by a sham referandum is totally undemocratic and unacceptable
for the Zomi people and nation. The Article 6(f) allowed to intervene in all affairs of Zomi
people and state, and it is also a serious violation of the Panglong Spirit, which was the
founding stone of Union of Burma. The Panglong Agreement guaranteed political
equality among the Nationalities States of Burma. We the WZC reaffirmed our support
on the ZNC's objection over Article 6(f) of the Facist Constitution. Article 6(f) was
cooked up by Burman dominant Myanmar Army and it is a conspiracy to enslaves Zomi
and Zomi nation forever.

We, the World Zomi Congress also strongly condemned the SPDC regime for
intentionally plan to hold the election on Sunday, Sunday is the most important day for
Zomi Christians, over 80% of Zomi are Christians and it is an insults to Zomi Christians
in particular and world Christians in general.

Thus, the World Zomi Congress, would like to request to all Zomi nationals to
support Zomi National Congress and boycott the SPDC's November 7, 2010 election,
which will be hold on Sunday.

Instead of casting your vote on Sunday, WZC would like to appeals to all Zomi
nationals, to go to our respectives churches and pray for Zomi Rights to Self-
determination and Freedom of Religion, to our almighty God.

Central Committee

World Zomi Congress  

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