ECE682 Syllabus Fall 2010

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EE682, Analog VLSI, Fall 2010

Instructor: Shirshak Dhali, Room:,

Text Book: Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, by Behzad Razavi, McGraw
Hill 2001.
Reference: Allen and Holberg, “CMOS analog Circuit Design,” 2nd edition, Oxford
University, 2002

Semiconductors (brief introduction to p-n junctions)
Characteristics of MOS circuits
MOS models and circuit simulation
Fabrication of CMOS circuits
Design with CADENCE
Basic MOS circuits, biasing, DC and AC analysis
Current Mirrors, Common Source, Common Drain and Common Base
Operational Amplifiers
Switched Capacitor circuits

Assignments and Exams:

Projects: (CADENC): 40
Homework 10
Midterm: 25
Final 25

Grade Distribution:
85 and above: A
82-84 A-
79-81 B+
76-78                                                                                         B
73-75 B-
70-72 C+
67-69 C

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