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Statistical Physics II, Bf. 27

Mandelbrot and Nature
"Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones,
coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth,
nor does lightning travel in a straight line.“
Mandelbrot, 1983.
The fractal dimension is a geometric description of an image.
It has an integer value for topological sets and a non-integer
value for fractal sets. Central to fractal geometry is
the concept of self-similarity.

A fractal is a geometrical or physical structure having an irregular

or fragmented shape at all scales of measurement between a greatest
and smallest scale such that certain mathematical or physical properties
of the structure, as the perimeter of a curve or the flow rate in a porous
medium, behave as if the dimensions of the structure (fractal dimensions)
are greater than the spatial dimensions.
Fractals in Mathematics
Benoit B. Mandelbrot

Fractal dimension
Fractal Curves and Dimension
Fractal Dimension
Fractals & the Fractal Dimension
Determination of the Fractal Dimension

Fractal pictures
Fractals Mandelbrot, Pictures
Gallery of Fractals
Kosmoi Mandelbrot Fractals
Sprott's Fractal Gallery
Fractals in Physics

Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA)

Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA)
Diffusion-limited aggregation gallery
Fractal Geometry

Theory of DLA
Physics Today November 2000
Wood’s metal ramified electrode
Scale invariant cauliflower
Self Similarity
The length of the coast of Norway

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