"Mindanao": Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements in History 1 SY:2010-2011

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Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements




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Submitted By:

Professor Ms.Theresa Mae G. Eroy


Mindanao is the second largest

major island (based on surface area) in
the Philippines.It located in the
southernmost end of the archipelago.
Mindanao is punctuated by five major
peninsulas and five major mountian
ranges, some volcanic in origin. It has
an abundance of mineral resources
such as iron, nickle, cooper, silver,
gold, coal and limestone. It also the
source of major agricultural resources
in the Philippines like pineapple, corn,
coffee, copra, cocoa and abaca
(hemp).The bodies of water
surrounding the island of Mindanao is
likewise has a rich variety of fish,
shellfish and corals.

Mindao is neighboring the countries

of of Malaysia and Indonesia. Its
proximity to these two countries
explains the very early migration of
people between the countries.
Asian principalities, adopting influences
from both Buddhism and Hinduism.

Main article: Prehistory of the Philippines

The earliest archeological evidence for man in

the archipelago is the 40,000-year-old Tabon
Man of Palawan and the Angono Petroglyphs in
Rizal, both of whom appear to suggest the
presence of human settlement prior to the
arrival of the Negritos and Austronesian
speaking people.[10]

The Negritos were early settlers but their

appearance in the Philippines has not been
reliably dated.[11] and they were followed by
speakers of the Malayo-Polynesian
languages, a branch of the Austronesian
languages, who began to arrive in successive
waves beginning about 4000 B.C.E,
displacing the earlier arrivals.[12] [13]

By 1000 B.C. the inhabitants of the

Philippine archipelago had developed into
four distinct kinds of peoples: tribal groups,
such as the Aetas, [Hanunoo people|
[Hanunoo]], Ilongots and the Mangyan who
depended on hunter-gathering and were
concentrated in forests; warrior societies,
such as the Isneg and Kalingas who
practiced social ranking and ritualized
warfare and roamed the plains; the petty
plutocracy of the Ifugao Cordillera
Highlanders, who occupied the mountain
ranges of Luzon; and the harbor
principalities of the estuarine civilizations
that grew along rivers and seashores while
participating in trans-island maritime trade.

Around 300–700 C.E. the seafaring peoples

of the islands traveling in balangays began
to trade with the Indianized kingdoms in the
Malay Archipelago and the nearby East

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