J2-StLouisBeacon 990 EZ For 2008 WITHOUT Donor Names & Addresses

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Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax rom 990-EZ ‘Under ection £01(), 27, or 4847(a)) ofthe Internal Revenue Code Tei Sh ra anal A ny pe somsning nga fee eM. oe ten ncn PAGHSTLTR att hover apart wp ioe econ ss npmant Tes sued ease Ope my ate fsa Dw onan a ne io Te Leh a a nats i forthe Z000 calendar year, ar 2008, and end OMG 1545-4150, Epp aarcaton raat ST_LOUIS_BEACON 04-3811177 pe |S Nutr and Set ORT tt Sean Soa ey] Re 5 OLIVE stREi iy oF town, a cay, SATE FT fangs 2 Secon STIG orpanenbons and 4) renecanpt anaes mst aaach 6 Perea reo | Jom ecrad capt Scudte (FoM 090 of 0-2. Other pet check > [_] ithe epaiaton wnat 1 Website: » = i Re equced to alah Schedule 8 (Farm 90, ‘4 Organization type (check onl one)-| x] S01) 3) (reertne)| [asa7ieycyer | [327] _sioz, orss0%0) FC cree PL] eerste rt ecton 55) spc pron an er ee era at nr tan 625.060 Arcam itreq bette srantuaon sheet osm brs es capt uh Cpsciente tr moods dena ges et S000 rn oom 0 mec Tom OEE S60. ‘Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances (See the instructions for Part |.) ‘1 Contrbutions, gift, gras, and simlar amounts ected... . 4 858,302. 2_Progrm sence revenue ncuding goverment foe and contracts 2 3 Membership uve and aeestmente eee 3 4 tovestment income . . : ; sist 2. 4 2,428. ‘5 Gross amount from ele of state Ger than inertny 5a Less: costo other basis and els expenses, 5b {© Gain or (oss frm sale of sesets other than vein (Sultrac lie Bb om ne Sa) (tach sched S| 6 specms eve andnciatee (mgt aptly ot Ste) any ances rom gaming mPa. De E) 8 Gross revenue (not incucing $ of contributions | &) reported on ne 1) Less: direct expenses other than fundraising expanses * [ep Net income of (loss) from special events and acts (Sura ine Bb rom te 3), , 7 Gress scos of inventory ees reir and alowances, qa . Las: costof seeds sald... 7b Gross poft or (oes) rom sales of veo (Sutract ne T rem ne 73), 8 Other revenue (describe 9_Total revenue, Ais nes 12,5, 4556s, Te, and 60,810. 10 Grants and similar amounts pal (tach sched). 11 Benes paid tortor members. , Beo8e 44 g|12 Salas, other compensation, and ampioye beets | 12 336,866. a\8 Professional fees and other payments to independent contactors, 43 26.568. 14 Ozeupency, ret ties,and maintenance. . 14 2.5)7. 41145 pening, pubeatons, postage, and shiping | | | : 15 2.608. 18 Other expenses (describe 18 373,245. 17 Total expenses. Ads nee TO trough 16. waa a7 601,804. “p18 Excees or Goi) forthe yar (utc ine 17 rom ne 9) 18 259,006. $]19 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (om ine 27, eslumn (A) (must agree is < ‘end-of-year figure reported on prior year's return)... fae 19 16,267. B20 other changes in nt assets tnd bance tach planation), | : 20 21__Notaeete of fund balances at end of year, Combine nes 18 trough 20.2222 Lat 335,273. Balance Sheets i Total eset on in 25, colnn (8 are $2500.00 or more fc Farm G60 Patens of Farm DOOEZ_ (ee the naruto for Pat I) (@) Begining of year | Endo year 22 Cash, cavngs,andiovestnents . _ STMT. 3 16.267. [22] 295,548. 23 Land and balogs TE 4.39 24 omar assets (deco p "smear 4 } 75,000. 25 Total assets aeon eo 76,267. [25| 304,999. 26 Total labiities (cccrbe ___ STMT’ ) las 43,666. 27_Net assets or fund balances ine 27 of chin (@) must agree wih ine 21) 76,267. [27] 3. Bho a” PoP Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the struction fr Form 30, Farm 990-EZ (2008) o2e3ir 1315 08/14/2009 09: 9:41 vOB-7.3 5079-00 4a em 200 2 2008) 04=3811177 age [ERRMIT statement of Program Service Accomplishments (See the instructions for Parti) ‘What ete organization’ primey exempt purpose? STAT _6 Deeerbo what was achieved in carying ol the organizations @xompl purposes. In a clear afd concie tanner, fever the sondses provided, the numberof persons benefited, or other relevant information foreach program tie Expenses (Rega for 5031293) snd (6) organizations ang Sarah tne, pllonal or othere) 3F ONGOING PUBLISHING OF THE ST. LOUIS BEACON, WIIGH BROVIDES INFOMATION ABOUT NANT ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO THE REGION AND ‘CORRESPONDING FORIM FOR DISCUSSION, cues SL eae a 426,428. 2 cme eS 2 a_i ae ein Le 34 ter pearan SONS GOA) vv vesss sees Sacemeree ms iii aout ues at knee [ata _ 32. etal progam sein expences es 2s gh 93) SE hel 128.428, stot ers, Dresors, Tunes, nd Kay Employes echo en tt creeail (Sete nenne PAW Teesaae | Cg a 19 Mae ann Ones | “gamma |ecein,| eeRte ee coca ee (SBB_STATEMENT 7 i -0- { = aE 028327 1315 08/14/2009 09: 1 v08-7.3 5079-00 5 fom oocz pete ‘Sier Information (Note the salement requroments nthe hauclons for Par Vip [Yes] No 433.Did he organization engage in any acy not previously reported tothe IRS? "Ye" attach a detaed description af each activity 39 x |34 Wore any changes made tothe orgeizing or goverring documents but not reported to the IRS? H-Yes.™ attach a conformed copy ofthe changes... cess eee [4 136. ithe organization tad income from bins ace, such a hes reper on ies 2, 64a 7 ange). ot a reported on Form 260-, attach a statement explaining your reason for not rearing the income on Ferm 980-7. «Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more or section 6033(e) notice, report- Ing, and proxy tx requirements? ee ee ee reek b if*¥e5,"hae it fled atx retum on Forin 980-T fortis year? | = [ase 36 Was there a liquidation, dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction da year? i ‘complete applicable pars of SchoduloN.. .. - a 36 7 274 Enter amount of potea ependiures,drect or lndrect, a deere nthe nstuctons {3a z » Did the organization fle Form 1120-POL for ths year?, . 370] | x ‘38a Did the organization borrow from or make any loans t, any officer, cect, tustee, or key ermplayee or were ‘any such loans made ina prior year and stil unpaid at the start ofthe period covered by tis return? x b iF"¥es" complete Schedule L, Part Il and enter the total amountimvoved ‘38b| ES 38 Section 501(¢)7) organizations, Enter: 12 Initiation fees and capital contributions included on tine 9... eee ee (BML Gross receipts, incded on ne 8, for public use of chi facts 390) ‘40a Section 501(c)9) organizations, Enter amount of tox imposed on the organization during the year under section 4911 NONE: section 4912 >. NONE section 4955 > __ 'b Section 601(c)3) and (4) organizations. Did the organization engage in any section 4956 excess benefit Fensac- tion during the year or did it become aware of an excess benefit transaction from a prior year? I's complete Sched, Past on cece eee ee eee M0B) [xe « Enter amount of tax imposed on orgarization managers of éisqualied persons during the year under sections 4912, 4955, and 4958 . i nox 4 Enter amount oftexon ine dle reimbursed by te sigan, | NONE . { Atarurcatorn Atay te ding te tax yor, vaste oreo pay i's iobReT ta aR oe traneacion? ies, complete Form 8686-7 __faoel Pe 44 List the states with which a copy ofthis tun is ed NONE REQUIRED 4424 The books areincarof NICOLE, HOLIAY ~ Telephone ne 9IA-SAS-620T Located a 3655, OFLVE. STREET. ST. 1003,..H0 Zp +4 b 63108 1 At anytime during the calendar yer id the organization have an creat in ofa Signature or other authorty vera fnancial account in afregn county (suchas a bank account, secures account, or other francil ___[Was] No seco? we eeeiee m (a Wee," entero name of teflon cy: . ‘See the instruction for exceptions and fing requirements fer Form TO F 80-221, Report af Foreing Bank and Financial Accounts. © Atany tine during the calendar your, cd the orgntzaton maintain anofie ouside ofthe US.7....... lazel Lx 11"Ye5 eter he name of te freon country. 443. Secon £047(a\1) nonexorptchartable ust ing Form SB0-EZn feust Form 1044 -Gheckhere,. «mL land enor the amount of tacexert interest receved or accrued drag thetaeyear, LAR reso 44, Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds? if-Yes," Form 990 must be completed instead of Form 900-52 |. ce renee eee eae 4S Is any related organization eoriraiod atiy of mS cr =Yes.” Form 990 must be completed instead of Form 990-E2, Fam 980-EZ canon) 028319 1315 08/14/2009 09:39:41 V08-7.3 5075-00 6 am 50-7 0028) 04-3011 Page ‘Section 601(¢)(3) organizations only. All section 501(c)(@) organizations must answer quostions 46-49 ‘and complete the tables for lines 50 and 51. {28 Did the organization engage in drect or ndrectpollical campaign actives on Behalf of or ih oppasiion to Yee [No ‘candidates for public affice? If"Yes," complete Schedule C, Patt... . 447 Did the orgerization engage in lobbying actives? ies,” complete Schedie C, Parti | {48 Is the organization operating a school as described in section 17O(b\ (AN)? H"Yes," complete Schedule E 4498 Did the organization make any trancfers to an exempt non-chartable related organization? . b If"Ye6," was the related organization(s) a section 527 organization? . .. .. 50 Complete this table forthe five highest compensated employees (ater than officers, directors, trustees and Key employees) who ‘each received more than $100,000 of compensation from the organization there is none, enter “None.” Taree 7 (ere oem tare eee | Om Beene] Sere nee po | ae ‘[clalnumber af cther employees paid over $100,000 > | NONE '51 Complete this table fo the ve highest compensated independent contractors who each received more than $100,000 of ‘compensation from the organization, I there is none, enter*None." [ese ad das of ech nape cord pad ar an SIO lipo eon Wiciapeatn ‘Total umber of other independent contractors receiving over $100,000 D ae Sion Here = Sa as ae D2SS47 reparers em 43-07 65316 Prune ma 314-290-3300 eee Ino. Ferm 990-E2 (2005) 028327 1315 08/12/2009 15:20:45 VO8-7.3 5075-00 a a No. 1645.0047 ‘SCHEDULE A Public Charity Status and Public Support (Form 990 or 980-£2) “To-be completed by all section 501(0\9) organisations and section 484731) rnonexemp chartable ust ‘arate ence >> Attach to Form 990 or Form 980-82, be See separate instructions. ame of te orgaianton Eimployer ientction number s 04-3811): EREAT Reason tor Panic Charity Stas (AT organizatone mast comploto ths pa) (Gea netuctons) The oxgrizaton isnot a private foundation becawe Re: (lease check ony one organization) 1 [-] Achurch, convention of churches, or association of churches described in section 170(6)(1)A)(). 2 [[] Acchool deseribedin section 170(8)(1\AY(). (Attach Sched E.) 3 [7] Anospital or a cooperative hospital eervice organization descrbed in section 170(b)(1)(A)l. (Attach Schedule H.) 4.[C] A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital described in section 170(B)(1}AY(). Enter the hospitals name, cy, and state & [1] An organization operate for tho banat of a Coleas oO 9 ‘section 170(0}(1)(\(v). (Complete Part) 6 [C1] Atederat, state, or eeal government or governmental unit described n section 170(b)(1)(A)()- 7 [J An organization that normaly fecelves a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the genersf public escribed in section 170(0)(1)(A)(v). (Complete Part.) 8 [2] Acommunity trust descrived in section 170(6)(1)(A)(v). (Complete Par I.) 2 [Ga] An organization that normally receives: (1) more than 331% ofits support from contributions, membership fees, and gross fecebts trom acts related to Ke exempt functions - subject to cartain exceptions, and (2) no mare than 3347 ofits Support from gross investment Income and unrelated business taxable income (ess section $11 tay) ftom bushesses tcauired by the organization afer June 30, 1975. See section 609(a)2) (Complete Par I) 10 [1] Anergenizaton organized and operated exclusively to test for pubic safety, See section 508(a)4), (se nstructons) 11 [CJ An ergenzatin orpanzed and operated excusivey for the beneft of, to perform the functions ef, or to cary out the purposes of on or more publcy supported organizations described in section 509(a)1) or section S0a)2). See section £90(a}s). Chock the box that deseres the ype of supporting organzaton and complete nee 1 through 1th = LJter [_]Type © L_|Type l= Functional inearsted od [_] Type lt- Ober (C1 by checking this box, | ceriy thatthe organization Is not controled direct” or indirecty by one or more disqualified persone other than feundation managers and other than one or more publcy supported organizations describes in section 500(0)(1) or section 560(8)(2) {ite organization received a wien determination om the IR that it is 9 Type Type I or Type M supporting organization, check is box, 44 Since August 17,2008, nas te organzalion accepted ary it or conbtbuto fom any af the folowing persons? (A person who directly oF indrecty controls, ether alone or together with persons described in (2) ‘and (ji below, the governing body ofthe supported organization? (Fem (0 Afamiy member of a person deserbedin() above? foo || {(Wi) 35% controled entity ofa person described in (oF (i) above? | om h___Provde the folowing information about the organizations the organization supports" a — ‘Oa of supported | ODEN (wig the organization | () Did you naty | —_(whieihe | (Amount of rent heal () feted your | the organiaten | rgantzation eat | "support governing document? | col (of your | (organizes me support |S Ye Wo | Yer [No Total bes S ivy Actand Papers Reduction Act Nie, Se th sratons for Frm 60. ‘chedle A (Form 690 600-52 2008 028317 1325 08/14/2003 09:39:41 vos-7.3 5079-00 8 Sched A Fam $802 90.62) 2008 04~3811177 Page 2 QB TIT Support Schedule for Organizations Described in Sections 170(H) INA) and 47O(OKAWAN™) (Complete only if you checked the box on line 5, 7, oF 8 of Part) ‘Section A. Public Support Se eee heat ee vegrang hy [_OLz@6t__[ wy 2005 [e200 | —a 2007 [aoe | Section B. Total Support Git, grant, conrbuons, nd ‘membership eos rceved. (D0 not Instade any "unueval gas") ee = = “Tax revenues lvied for the organization's Senaftan ener po fended en | fe bal = “Tae value of serves of ato ‘mised by a governmental unt othe brpanietonwifout charger == == Tota Add ines 133 « “Tne potion of otal contbutions by sac = . poten (ther than a goverment nor : = bly supported organization) inated | : fon fin that exceeds 2% ofthe amount = : Re shown on ne 11,c0UN9 (ee es Fae 2 ube ou ect ine § tom ao = Si ‘Calendar year (or feel year begining) | _@) 2008 1 a 10 1" 2 8 wm ane] eas Ta “Amount ram foe 4. = « Groce Income fam nares, ies, payments received on ocuiies ans, Fant, royals and income fom sr Net income from unrelated business ‘sven, whether nat be bales i regulary saniedon == : _ ‘thar income. Do not ince ain ot loss rom the ale of api aeets ‘Golan Pav) « “otal spor. Ad ines 7 trough 10 Girone ecb tom rte aces, (See acon) = « 5 Fat re yt Form 0 fre rr it son, th forth, oth yor ana 5OHEK) on, check hie box ‘Section C. Computation of Public Support Percentage “ 6 Pubic support percentage for 2008 (ine 6, column (0) divided byline 11, column (9) « 14 * Public support percentage from 2007 Schedule A, Part VA ne 267. 7 a 35 113% support test - 2008. If the organization didnot check the box on ine 49, and ine 14 i 33 $/3% ot more, check Wis ‘and stop here. Th organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization eee 435 113% support test - 2007 If the organization dé not check a box online 13 of 16a, and in 15 ie 33 1/8% or more, choo box and stop here. The organization qualfies as a public supported organization... . ae ‘Ovtacts-and-clrcumstances fest -2008. Ifthe organization did nat check a box on tne 13, 18a or 16b, and ine 14 is 10% or more, and if the organization meets the “fact-and croumstances” tect, check this box and stop here. Expian in Part 1V how the organization meets the “facts and circumstances" test. The organization qualfles as a publely supported organization... {%tactsand circumstances test - 207. the organization didnot check a box on ne 13, 16a, 16b, oF 17, andine 45's 10% or more, and f the organization meets the “facts end circumstances" test, check tis box and stop here. Explain in Part 1V haw the organzation meets the "facts-and-circumstances" tect The organization qualifies as a publy ‘supported organization . Ol Ol 18 Private foundation I the organization cid nt check a box on tne 13, 168, 18, 17a, or 17, check bs box and see instructions « Pieri ee eee eeeeee meee ae Ee Loo "Form 980 or 8032 2000 028317 1315 08/14/2009 0! 1 VO8-7.3 5079-00 9 SermdleA fom 200 02 208 o4-281117 rand ‘Support Schedule for Organizations Described in Section S08(a)2) (Complete onl you checked the bax online 9 of Part.) Section A. Public Support a rater foal ee begening Fy P| _WOzOOA [wy a005 | —z008 [3007 [ey 20068 | —Toar 4 ome, ans, cottons, and materi fe reed (Do not inde] anyon gai). re20| _ ssaee 22 Gem rent fom aaa mene toil oc teneee petomed, of ate trate ny acy a oe 1 ghee ROTEEPUEN 2 Gee cai rom ste tt at 4 Tavern led forte rpanzaon® benef and atharpld co exgended on beta, The vale ot erees or factor furnihed by a goverment ut the crgurzaton witout charge 6 Tol Add inen 5. 7a Amounts lncaded online 1,2, 254°) receives trom dlgualiied persons . '» Amounts inchidod on thee 2 snd‘) ‘chem theta dead Beto ons 810, fan 12 frit yonror$5,000"= ‘© Addiines 7a and 70... + 8 Public support (Subtract tne 76 from nes) Section B. Total Support om Calendar year or Beal year Bagining iy ®[__(0) 2004 |) 2005 | ey 2006 | j@z007 [—ceyz00s [roar 9 Amounts fom sre, ne261] —_asa,se2] 934,609. 108 Gros income ftom tert, alin poppet cae on socton fs Fen, royals and income trom sia | Unrelated business fable income Gens section 511 taxes) trom buslneesee soquirad after June 30, 1975 . Add ings 108 snd 105 414 Net Income trom unrelated” business ‘etviles “not inclded in fine 105, ter of nat the Des ely ‘armaden = = 112 Gtnor incom De not include gain or loss from the asle of capital arete (olan Pat)... 42. Total support (Aad ines 8,106, 13, and 12), Sete Ramee ea sao, 44. Fist five year. ifthe Farm 90 i forthe organza ft, second, tid, fourth, of fth tax year es a section SOT} sxganizaton,checkthis box and stop here. = == = Berner Section C.- Computation of Public Support Percentage 415 Puble support percentage for 2008 (ine 8, alum () ved byte 18, cot (), Zi E Ea s346t3 2828. wa. rn %. 416 _Puble support percentage trom 2007 Schadul A ParVA SO8279 22 eee vet 46 % Section D. Computation of Investment income: e 117 Investment income percentage for 2008 (ne 106, eoluwn () ive By ne 13 colar (9). 7 48 Investment income percentage rom 2007 Schedule A, Pat VA, tna27h, Co Ge 488 93 112% support teste - 2008, ithe ganization did not check the Box on Fae 14, and ie 18 ie more than $3 779% and line 17 lant more than 33 13% check this box and stop here. The organization qualifies. a a pully uppoted organization bb 38 112% support teats -2007. 1 the organization didnot check # box on tne 14 oF fine 192, an tne 16 ls more than 33 183% and tine 18 te not more than 3 1/2% check thie box and stop here. The organization quails as a publicly supported organization > 20_Private foundation the organization didnot check 8 box online 14, 79a, o 19h, check this band se instructions. > hanreo ‘Sehedule A (Pot 660 of S6OEE) HO 02317 1315 08/14/2009 0: 1 vos~7.3 5079-00 10 Sehr 980 OED 208 043811177 Pe “Supplemental information. Complete this part to provide the explanation required by Pait Il, tine 10; Part ine 17a or 17b; of Part ll line 12. Provide any other additional information. (see instructions) ws (Form 00 or wn 08 ‘028219 1915 08/14/2009 09:39:41 VO8-7.3 5079-00 un ‘Schedule B Schedule of Contributors ua ne 1383067 ‘Form 30, 90082, Srasen > attach to Frm 800, 080-€2, and 090-PF, Serernnaay 2008 Name of the organiaion ST LOUIS BEACON ‘Organization type (check one) Einployerenifoaon rumba? 043811177 Filers of Section: Form 990 or 990-2 Form 990-7 OOo0o0go0®8 501(c)(3_) (enter umber) organization 4947(a)1) nonexempt charitable trust not treated as a private foundation 527 poltical organization '501(c)(3) exempt private foundation 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust treated as a private foundation £501(c)(3) taxable private foundation Check i your organization is covered by the General Rule or a Spectal Rule (Note. Only a section 601(6)7), (8). or (10) organization can check boxes for bath the General Rule and a Special Rule. See instuctons ) General Rule [Gl For organizations fling Form 980, 980-EZ, or 990-PF that received, during the year, $5,000 or more (in money or propery) from any one contributor. Complete Parts! andi Spectal Rules [71 Fer & section 501(c)(2) organization fling Form 990, or Form 900-EZ, that met the 331/s% support test of the regulations under sections 508(a)(1170(6)(1AXW), and received trom any one contributor, during the year, a contribution of the greater of (1) $5,000 or (2) 2% of the amount on Form 880, Part Vl ine th or 2% of the amount on Form 880-7, Ene 1. Complete Parts | and [7 Fer a section 801(6)7), (8), oF (10) organization fing Form 980, or Form 980-E2, that received ftom any one cantrbuter, during the year, aggregate contributions or bequests of more than $1,000 for use exclusively for religious, chartabe, scientific, erary, or educational purposes, or the prevention of eruety to children or animals. Complete Pars, and (71 Fer a section $01()(7), (8), oF (10) organization fling Form 980, or Form 990-E2, that received from any one contbuter, during the year, some contrbutions for use exclusively fer religious, charitable, etc, purposes, but these cortrbsions ld not aggregate to mare than $1,000, (if this box is checked, enter here the total contributions that were received during the year for an exclusively religious, chartable, te., purpose. Do not complete any ofthe parts unless the General Rule applies to this organization because I received nonexclusivly religious, charitable, etc., contributions of $5,000 or mare during the year). ors ‘Caution. Organizations that are not covered by tho General Rule andior the Spectal Rules do not fle Schedule B (Form 990, '980-£2, or 900-PF), but they must answer "No" on Part IV, tne 2 oftheir For 1990, or check the box inthe heaging oftheir Form 880-E2, oF on ine 2 of thelr Form 980-PF, to certty that they do not meet the filng requirements of Schedule & (Ferm 900, {880-£2, or 980-PF), For Pac Alan Papewonk Recto ht Notice, se te mstuctons| “Sena Form 808, S002 or 60 0) {er Form 690 Tene nsrucSos wil be sued Separay. o2a317 1315 08/14/2009 09:39:41 vos-7.3 $079-00 12 ‘ave oforrnaion 5 LOUIS BEACOW Contributors (see instructions) Paget Sift Wotton amie 04-3811177 & Namo, address, and Z1P +4 @ | Agaregate contributions @ Type of contribution @ No. Name, address, and Z1P + 4 $ 10,000, Person [x] Payrott Noncash (Complete Part it tere is ‘@noncash contribution } © Aggregate contributions @) Type of contribution $ 45,000. Person — [ie Payrot Noneash — [) (Complete Part if there is ‘a noncash contribution ) e) © Ne. Name, address, and ZP + 4 @ Agaregate contributions @ ‘Type of contribution s 89,167. Person — fic] Payrot | Noneash (Complete Part i there is ‘= noncash contibution ) @) ( No. Name, address, and 21 +4 @ Aggregate contributions @ Type of contribution $s 01,476. Payrot Noncash {Complete Part there is ‘@noncash contribution ) irs CO) Name, address, and ZIP +4 @ Aggregate contributions @ ‘Type of contribution 5 (ONS LESS THAN $5.0 s_ 50,526. Person Payroll Noneash ee (Complete Part there is @ noncash contbution ) @) © No. dress, and ZIP +4 @ Agaregate contributions @ ‘Type of contribution s 60,000,. Person [x] Payroll Noncash (Complete Part if there is ‘a noneash contribution ) 028317 1315 08/14/2009 09:29:41 vos-7.3 SIE oe Eo ST 5073-00 13 sent 8 8 RE FR Pe of _atrant aime forganasion ST LOUIS BEACON a enon nmr 04-381117 Contributors (see instructions) @ (e) No. © Name, address, and Z1P + 4 @ |_Aggregate contributions ‘Type of contribution Person roll Noneash (Complete Part ‘a noncash contribution.) fx] Hit ther © Aggregate contributions @ ‘Type of contribution 5,000. Person [x] Payroll Noneash | (compete Part it ere is ‘noncash contrbuten @ wo Name, address, and ZIP +4 © Aggregate contributions @ ‘Type of contribution No. Person ik] Payot Noncasn [x] (Compete Part Hither is ‘ noncash contibuten @ @) Name, address, and ZIP +4 @ Type of contribution 10 x fal Pers Payrott Noneasn _} (Complete Parti eres ‘anoncach contribution) @ No. @) Name, address, and ZIP +4 @) Type of contribution 30,000. Person [i Payroll Noneash (Complete Part i there is ‘ noncach contribution) @ No. © Aggregate Sontbutons @ ‘Type of contribution 2 Name, address, and ZIP +: $000 Person [X] ayroll ‘Noneash (Complate Part tere ts a noncash contribution ) ozesit 1915 08/14/2009 09:39:41 Vo8-7.3 5079-00 “Tien BoB ORL ST 14 eqns 8 ot, 02 007 50) ‘ST LOUIS BEACON Contributor (se instructions) T © Name, address, and ZIP +4 Poe ___ ot Bojer idententon nar rogate contributions 04=3811177 @) @ Type of contribution @ No 13 5,000. Person Payrott Noneash (Complete Part i there ie ‘a noncash contribution ) © © Aggregate contributions @ ‘Type of contribution Name, address, and Z1P +4 $___10, 000 ~@ Person Payroll Noneash (Complete Part Wi there is ‘a noncash contribution ) @ ‘Name, address, and ZIP + 4 ‘Aggregate contributions @ ‘Type of contribution —_ i s 150, 000, Person Payroll Noneash © (Complete Part it there is ‘a noncash contributon ) @ Type of contribution CO @ lame, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions 16 @ Person Payot | Noneash [J (Complete Part Hitthere ie 2 noncash contribution ) @ © ‘Aggregate contributions Type of contribution ry No. Name, address, and ZIP +4 a1} 8 19,738. x Person Payrolt Woncasn [x] (Complete Part it thre ie ‘3 noncash contribution } ® wo Name, address, and ZP +4 agregst Sntrbutons __Type of contribution | | eee 0007 Person Payroll Noncasn [J (Complete Part if there is ‘@ noncach contribution ) 028317 1315 08/14/2009 09:39:41 vos-7.3 5079-00 15 crt ar sn ET, OFF) Page__ of _arpant Tame otogannaton ST TOUTS BERCOW apes cron waa o4~3811177 Contributors (see instructions) @ @ @ @ No. Name, address, and ZP +4 ‘Aggregate contributions | Type of contribution — Person Payroll $____15.000. | Noneasn 7] (Complete Parti ithere ts ‘anoncash contribution) @ - o o Ce No._| Name, address, and 2P +4 ‘Aggregate contributions | _ Type of contribution e208 Person [ik | Payroll - $4500. | Noncash (Complete Part there — ‘| noneash contribution) (a o : © @ No. Name, address, and 2 +4 _| Aggregate contributions | type of contribution = Person Payrot | s____s,000.| tioneash [7] (Complete Part wit trere is ‘ noreash contribution ) we o ~ ® No Aggregate contributions | _ Type of contribution 22 Person [x] Payrol s 5,000. | Woneash (7) (Complete Part Wit here is ‘a noncash contribution) @ © @ @ No. Name, adress, and ZP + 4 | aggregate contributions | Type of contribution 23] Person Payroll s 5,900. | Noneash (Complete Part it ‘a nancash contribution) @ oT o No. Aggregate contributions | Type of contribution 2 Person [ik Payroll $5,000. | noneasn (Comolate Part tit heres ‘noncash contbution) = Tec FO EOP 028317 1315 06/14/2003 09:39:41 vo8-7.3 5078-00 16 Fie ofoguniaton ST LOUIS BERCOW Contributors (se instructions) Poot of __ otra Eagar vicar rab 4-38)1177 @ No. ® Name, address, and ZIP +4 © Aggregate contributions a Type of contribution 25 $ 10,00 fe Person i Payrott Noncasn [J (Complete Part iit there is ‘a noncash contribution ) @ No. @ ‘Type of contribution s 10,000 Person [ik Payrot Nonessh (Complete Part if theres ‘8 noncash contribution ) ©) Name, address, and ZIP + 4 @ Aggregate contributions @ Type of contribution 12,500 og rayon torn (Compt Pa itbare ere Senet e) No. © ‘Agoregate contributions @ Type of contribution ® Name, address, and ZIP +4 s 900. Person [ik Payrot Noneash (Complete Part iif thers is ‘a noncash contibution ) @ No. CG © Aggregate contributions @ ‘Type of contribution Person [X Payrott Noneash (Complete Part i theres: ‘a noncash contribution ) “a fo. © Name, address, and ZIP + 4 @ ‘Aggregate contributions @ ‘Type of contribution Person Payrot Noncash (Complete Part if there is | amoncach contribution) 028317 1315 08/14/2003 09:39:41 vos-7.3, ee Fo LOOT 5073-00 17 ctl apm 0, S00 90067 08) Poet _ tran fame oorganzalon ST LOUIS BEACON Epler aescon Ta 04-2811177 'Noncath Property (see instructions) ) No. 0 from a * © 5 FMV (or estimate) - @ Parti ipton of noncash property given mee Date received G35 SUARES BALCORP HODINGS INC. 4 | w Description of noncash property given 101,476. | 01/29/2008 C) ) FMV (or estimate) (G00 instructions) eee 2165 SHARES CISCO s¥S INC —_ 2.) — —_———_ a 52,475, | 01/29/2008 ome o @ ‘tom uy (or etna) Part Description of noncash property given ey Date received $00 SHARES STIPEL F1 CORP ~ ra 13,728, {a) No. © o @ trom Fe (or etinte Pet Description of noncash property avn ray cr etints) | pat reaved (ete. ° ® @ ‘rom uy (retina “n bessipton ante propery gen nav rents) | ned yn. o o> @ ca FMV (or estimate) pert Description of oneaeh poparty hen Fay (retinal) | pat rested ze aaa Fam RE BO) o2e3ur 1915 08/14/2003 09:39:41 vo8-7.3, 5078-00 18 ST LOUIS BEACON 04-3811177 I ~ INVESTMENT INCOME DESCRIPTION DIVIDEND INCOME TOTAL STATEMENT 1 028317 1315 08/14/2009 09: 241 VOB-7.3 5079-00 19 ST LOUIS BEACON FORM 990BZ, PART I - OTHER EXPENSES SUPPLIES ‘TRAVEL DEPRECIATION LICENSES AND PERMITS BANK FEES INSURANCE CONTRACT LABOR COMPUTER CONSULTING DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS ADVERTISING AND MARKETING TOTAL 028317 1315 08/14/2009 09:3 41 vos-7.3 5073-00 04-3811177 STATEMENT 2 20 ST LOUIS BEACON 043811177 PART II - CASH, SAVINGS AND INVESTMENTS BEGINNING END DESCRIPTION OF YEAR OF YEAR CASH 76,267. 295,548. ‘TOTALS 16,267. 295,548. STATEMENT 3 028317 1315 08/14/2002 09: 41 Vo8-7.3 5079-00 2a ST LOUIS BEACON FORM 990EZ, PART II - OTHER ASSETS DESCRIPTION PROMISES TO GIVE TOTALS 028317 1315 08/14/2009 09:39:41 vo8-7.3 5079-00 043811177 END OF YEAR 75,000. 75,000. STATEMENT 4 22 ST LOUIS BEACON FORM 990%, PART II - TOTAL LIABILITIES DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TOTALS 028317 1315 08/14/2009 09:39:41 vo8-7.3 04-3811177 OF YEAR 49, 666. STATEMENT 5 5079-00 23 ST LOUIS BEACON 04-3811177 FORM 990RZ, PART ITI - ORGANIZATION'S PRIMARY EXEMPT PURPOSE TO PROVIDE NEWS THAT MATTERS TO PEOPLE IN OUR REGION AND A PLACE WHERE WE CAN THOUGHTFULLY DISCUSS IT. STATEMENT 028317 1315 08/14/2009 09: 41 Vo8-7.3 5079-00 24 ST LOUIS BEACON 04-3911177 FORM 990BZ, PART IV ~ LIST OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES AND KEY EMPLOYEES WILLIAM FREIVOSEL 3655 OLIVE sTReeT ST LOUIS, Mo 63108 PAUL WAGMAN 3655 OLIVE STREET ST Lovrs, Mo 63108 JOYCE ARMSTRONG 3655 OLIVE STREET st Lovrs, Mo 62108 FRED EPSTEIN 3655 OLIVE STREET ST ours, Mo 63108 MARGARET FREIVOGEL 3655 OLIVE STREET ST LOUIS, Mo 63108 RICHARD WEIL 3655 OLIVE STREET ST LOUIS, Mo 63108 RICHARD WEISS TREASURER / BOARD MEMBER 2. BOARD MEMBER BOARD MEMBER 30. PRESIDENT / BOARD MEMBER 20. BOARD MEMBER - oze31T 1315 08/14/2009 09:39:41 voa-7.3 5073-00 COMPENSATION None, CONTRIBUTIONS. ‘TO EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS 25 EXPENSE ACCT. ‘AND OTHER ALLOWANCES NONE NoNz NONE WoNE NONE Noe, NoNE: wone NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE STATEMENT 7 ST LOUIS BEACON FORM 99082, PART IV - LIST OF OFFICERS, 04-3011177 DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES AND KEY EMPLOYEES NAME AND ADDRESS 3655 OLIVE STREET ST LOUIS, Mo 63108 BINA suGGs 3655 OLIVE STREET ST LOUIS, MO 63108 DR. DONALD suGes 3655 OLIVE STREET ST LOUIS, Mo 63108 ARNOLD DONALD 3655 OLIVE sTREEF ST Louis, Mo 63108 CONSTANCE HOFFMAN 3655 OLIVE STREET 87 LOUIS, Mo 63108 LAWRENCE P KATZENSTEIN 3655 OLIVE STREET ST LOUIS, Mo 63108 EUGENE MACKEY 3655 OLIVE STREET ST LOUIS, MO 63108 ozesur 1315 08/14/2009 ‘TITLE AND AVERAGE HOURS PER WEEK DEVOTED TO POSITION BOARD MEMEBER 5 BOARD MEMBER 5 BOARD MEMBER BOARD MEMBER BOARD MEMBER 09:39:41 vos~7.3 5079-00 ‘COMPENSATION NONE, CONTRIBUTIONS EXPENSE ACCT. 0 ENPLOYEE AND OTHER caer ces Matowances Nowe Nowe Non, ous None: Non None, Nowe on None owe Non 26 STATEMENT @ FORM 99082, PART IV - LIST OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES NAME AND ADDRESS 04-3011277 KRY EMPLOYEES ‘TITLE AND AVERAGE HOURS PER WEEK DEVOTED TO POSITION CONTRIBUTIONS ‘70 EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION BENEFIT PLANS GRAND TOTALS 028317 1315 08/14/2009 09:39:41 voB-7.2 5079-00 27 EXPENSE ACCT. AND OTHER ALLOWANCES STATEMENT 9 Form tt tet) «you re fing fran Additonal (ot Automatic) 3 Month Extension, complete ony Part Wand chock Wis box. ‘Note. Oniy complete Part if you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a prewousty fled Fam 8868, you are fling fo an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part (on page 1) FRUIT Aditionat Wot automatic) sMonth Extension a Tene Vor eu file original and one copy Exempt Orton Employer ideation mbar “ype or - pint” |_st cours Bexcos P| os-seni177 Favoyton | Bmbey set and rom or aa Fa PO ba sas ao | art te Seite |_3655 ontve_sreeer re | iy. own oF post Sc, state and ZF cada Fora fri ald, Soa Rabon imei | s7 Lours, Mo 62108 Sept aaa RR RE ar arn 4 Soret fami Ares eats Femomrine axgaawnne — FLemen® Flscne ines rumour ens tena ina ‘STOPI Do not complete Part you were not already granted an automatic 3-qvonth avtension on a previously Wed Fomm The books are n the care of _NICOLE HOLLWAY Telephone No. & __314_535-6397 FAKNo > * Ifthe organization does not have an office of place of business in the United States, check tis box * If this is for a Group Retun, enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) for the whole group, check tis box... > [_]. 1 itis for pat ofthe group, check this box... ‘istwith the names and EINs ofall members the extensions for. 4 request an addtional month extension of ime unt 1171572008 5. For calendar year _2008 or other tax year begining ‘and ending & tis tax years for less than 12 months, check reason: [_Tinital return [_[Final turn [_] Change in accountng pov 7. State in deta why you need the extension _ALL INFORMATION NECESSARY TO COMPLETE AN ACCURATE RETURN IS NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME ‘t4i this application is for Form 960-81, S90-PF, 990°, 4720, or 6068, eitar the tentatve Tax, eee any onvefundable credits, See instructions. el 'b if this appication is for Form 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter any refundable credits and salimated tax payments made. Incde any prior year overpayment allowed ss a eredit and any amount paid previously with Form 8868, - © Balance Due. Subtract ine db from fine @a. Include your payment with this form, of Wrequized, depos with FTD coupon or, if required, by using EFTPS (Electron Federal Tax Payment System) Soo instructions. NONE. None, ___bue » 08/10/2009 Fam 8868 (Rr 42555) ‘SAINT LOUIS, MO 63105 028317 1315 08/10/2009 11:19:17 vos-7.2 5073-00 a rom 8868 * Application for Extension of Time To File an (ex Apr 2008) Exempt Organization Return (OMB No. 1545-1709 Caona Romnae sone” File a separate application for each retum + you are in er an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part land check is box. Ta] Sot Yousars fing for an Adetional (Not Automstc)3-Month Extension, complete only Parton page’? of is or) 0 ‘Do not complete Part lunes you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previous fed Por 6068, ‘Automatic 3-Month Extension of Time. Only submit original (no copies needed), ‘A corporation required to fle Form 990-T and requesting an automatic 6-month extension - check ths box and complete All other corporations (including 1120-C flere). partnerships, REMICs, and tists must use Form 7004 to request an extonson of {ime o Ml income tax retums, Electronic Fling (le). Generaly, you can electonicaly fle Form 8868 it you want a 3-month automatic extension of time to fle one ofthe retums noted below (6 months for @ corporation required to fle Form 990-1). However, you cannot He Fown seue slacrrialy it (1) you want the adona (ot automate) S-nont extension or (2) you fle Forme 9808L, S060, or 8690" sas telus, oa composite or consolidated From 990-7. stead, you must submit the fully completed and signed page $ Poe hore, 8868. For more dete onthe electronic fling of is frm, vist new irs gavel and cick on ee for Chases & Nenams »O Type or | Na af Expt Creation ween = pent LpeSamenuours peacoat mee ‘umber, street, and room or ute nas Wa PLO Bat, sos Walon 1043811177 git 3655 OLIVE sTREEr tremSeo | CW town o post of, at, and cde Fa a frp BO See RIGS = ST_LOUIS, MO 63108 ‘Check type of return fo be fled (fle 8 separate application fer each ret Ferm 990 Form 980-7 (corporation) Form 4720 Fm 800-64 Form 890-7 (ee. 401()o 408) tt) [7] Fox 5227 Fem 9608Z Form 990-7 (rust ter than above) Ferm 8069 Fam 990-7F (Foe 1068-4 [] Feem 870 © Thebooks are inthe care of NICOLE HOLIWAY Telephone No. » 314 535-6397 FAXNo. ‘Ifthe organization does nothave an office or place of business in the United States, check this box. > + his is fora Group Ret, enter he organization's four dt Group Exempton Number (GEN) ‘fies for the whole group, check tis box » [_] titi for pata the group, checks bor » [J and alach ait wit ae ‘names and EIN ofa members the erteridon wil eave. 1 request an tomatic S-month (6 months fra corporation requved to fle Form 900-7) eesclon of Wane sunt 98/15 2009 _ to le the exempt organization ret fr the organization named above. The extension te for the organization's return for: 7 > [i] calender year 2008 or > 5) taxyearbegioning + and ending 2 Wiis tax year fs for less than 12 months, check reason: [J tnitialrotun [] Final retum [—] change in ‘accounting period ‘32 I tis apptcation is for Form @80-BL, 50-PF, B90-T, 4720, or GUBD, enter th Lontalve tax less any nonrefundable credits. See instructions lsals none. © it this pplication Is for Form 890-PF oF O90-T, enter any refundable credits and eclinaied ax paymers made. include any prot year overpayment allowed as acredit b/$ None, = ‘Balance Dus. Subtract line 3b from line 3a, Include your payment with this Torm, or, reqived dapou with 'FTD coupon or, if required, by using EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment Syetam), See instructions. hels none. Caution Ifyou are going to make an electron fund withdrawal with this Form 8868, see Form 8453-0 and Form 8879 £0) foc payment instructions. For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, ee instructions, Fama (roy 420065 028317 1315 05/13/2009 9: 6 VO8-6.1 5079-00 1

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