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is t o teach o
ission , at
of S CAS m r v e a t Home
w to se nd
p le h o o m m unity a
peo their C
young rch, in lass is $330
l, a t C h u
y e a r each c the
o is
W o rld. Th h e lp around
th e ject t o help
around pe cial pro c hose to
a s a d e
g 8th gr se con
h e 7 t h and . P le a
T ania of
World. e n in Tanz t h eir goals
il dr e t
ch m me nd or
c a n h elp the n V a n Edgmo
how yo
u annda ion.
C o n t act: Br in format
ic e . o re
serv for m
c ip a l Bralley

Tanzania has a statistically hig

h number of
albinos. It is believed that the
gene that causes
albinism is traced to East Afr
ica. The harsh African
sun causes skin cancer and har
ms their already
sensitive eyes. Often, becaus
e of superstition,
they are subjected to violence
and even death.
Children from poor families are
at very high risk.
Your gift will provide vision car
e, sun protective
clothing and glasses, sunscreen
, school uniforms,
books, and school fees for an
albino child. It will
also help educate the commu
nity that albino
children are able to learn. He
lp an albino child
receive an education, and set
them on the path of
a professional career that wil
l help lift their family
out of poverty!

Our class wants to help, please support our goal of

raising $330.00 for this project by May 2011.
100% of your donation goes to the project and is sponsored by
ADRA which works with people in poverty and distress to create positive change and justness through
empowering partnerships and responsible action.

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