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Understanding the role of HR in Six

Six Sigma is a business management strategy originally
developed by Bill Smith at Motorola, USA in 1981.
Six Sigma seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by
identifying and removing the causes of defects (errors) and
minimizing variability in manufacturing and business
 It uses a set of quality management methods, including
statistical methods and creates a special infrastructure of
people within the organization ("Black Belts", "Green Belts",
etc.) who are experts in these methods.
Each Six Sigma project carried out within an organization
follows a defined sequence of steps and has quantified
financial targets (cost reduction or profit increase).
Continuous efforts to achieve stable and predictable
process results are of vital importance to business
Manufacturing and business processes have
characteristics that can be measured, analyzed,
improved and controlled.
Achieving sustained quality improvement requires
commitment from the entire organization, particularly
from top-level management
A clear focus on achieving measurable and
quantifiable financial returns from any Six Sigma
An increased emphasis on strong and passionate
management leadership and support.
A special infrastructure of "Champions," "Master
Black Belts," "Black Belts," "Green Belts", etc. to lead
and implement the Six Sigma approach.
A clear commitment to making decisions on the basis
of verifiable data, rather than assumptions and
 Define the problem, the voice Define goals that are consistent with
of the customer, and the project customer demands and the company
goals, specifically.
Measure and identify CTQs (Critical
 Measure key aspects of the
To Quality), product capabilities,
current process and collect production process capability, and
relevant data. risks.
 Analyze the data to investigate Analyze to develop and design
alternatives, create a high-level design
and verify cause-and-effect
and evaluate design capability to
relationships. select the best design.
 Improve or optimize the current Design details, optimize the design,
process based upon data and plan for design verification.
analysis. Verify the design, set up pilot runs,

 Control the future state process implement the production process and
hand it over to the process owner(s).
to ensure that any deviations
from target are corrected before
Sponsor Senior executive who sponsors the overall Six Sigma Initiative.  
Leader Senior-level executive who is responsible for implementing Six Sigma
within the business.  
Champion Middle- or senior-level executive who sponsors a specific Six
Sigma project, ensuring that resources are available and cross-functional issues
are resolved.  
Black Belt Full-time professional who acts as a team leader on Six Sigma
Master Black Belt Highly experienced and successful Black Belt who has
managed several projects and is an expert in Six Sigma methods/tools. 
Green Belt Part-time professional who participates on a Black Belt project
team or leads smaller projects.  
Team Member Professional who has general awareness of Six Sigma (through
no formal training) and who brings relevant experience or expertise to a
particular project.  
Process Owner Professional responsible for the business process that is the
target of a Six Sigma project.   

Black Belt selection and retention

Rewards and recognition
Project team effectiveness
Creating a Six Sigma culture
Change Management and Communications
Lack of originality
Role of consultants
Potential negative effects
Based on arbitrary standards
Criticism of the 1.5 sigma shift
General Electric (GE
Transportation Services) Dow Chemicals
Main objective- to infuse quality in Main objective- An affordable
every corner. statistical software that would work
Increase in earnings in the year under windows and would meet
2000 despite lower revenues. 95% needs of the people, 95% of
New and improved value added the time.
Achieved business excellence with
services such as optimized
maintenance requirements, satellite the help of newly launched “JMP”.
tracking of locomotives, logistics JMP turned out to be the path
planning, etc. breaking technology for data
Reduction in the cost of goods and miners, R & D and Dow’s
services sold due to high automotive industry (Federal Motor
productivity and automation gains. Vehicle Safety Standard 201U).
DuPont Samsung
 Main objective- To become  Main objective- Quality
leaner and more customer oriented management in
friendly. business operations.
 Company target of around 12%  Major breakthrough in the field
is likely to be achieved. of supply chain management.
 Improved productivity.  High quality and innovative
 Targeted development- A new products.
practice that strives towards  Increase in customer
continuous development of satisfaction and overall profit.
employees’ capacities to add  Well established HR
more value to the organization
and increase personal job
 Improved marketing strategies.
Starwood Hotels and
Honeywell Resorts Worldwide
Main objective- Fresh ideas and Main objective- Operational
customer satisfaction. innovation and process
Ideology followed- “Do it right improvement.
the first time.” First hospitality company to
Special tools like Activity Based deploy Six Sigma.
Management achieve just about Six Sigma applied across all
the necessary product price to departments irrespective of the
meet customer price size and nature of the problem.
expectation. 3 main agenda achieved- Guest
Customer satisfaction achieved Satisfaction Index, increasing
through Pareto charts, root revenue and controlling costs.
cause analysis, control charts, Improved methods of retention
etc. and rewards.

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