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Touch ScreenTechnology : Touch ScreenTechnology By Richard Donaldson
Touch Screen : Touch Screen As Defined by A touchscreen is a display that can detect the presence and location
of a touch within the display area. The term generally refers to touch or contact to the display of the device by a finger or hand.
History : History Touchscreens emerged from academic and corporate research labs in the second half of the 1960s. The HP-150
from 1983 was probably the world's earliest commercial touchscreen computer. During the 1980’s to the 2000’s Touchscreens
made a huge impact to computer interfaces all over the world especially on POS systems and handheld devices.
Types of TS Technology : Types of TS Technology Resistive Uses multiaple metallic layers to induce change in eletrical current
which registers as a touch. Resistive touch screens are capable of multitouch.
Types of TS Technology : Types of TS Technology Capacitive A capacitive touchscreen panel is a sensor typically made of
glass coated with a transparent conductor . This type of technology is found on most Touchscreens you see today for example the
Types of TS Technology : Types of TS Technology Infrared Infrared TS technology uses and array of LED’s to determine a
touch event. This method is not highly used due to it’s cost compared to other TS technology.
Pros : Pros TS technology has enabled people to have input to computer systems without the need of regular input devices such
as mouse and keyboard The input speed is generally faster Reduced Physical Size Freedom of Movement
Cons : Cons Finger stress, Due to some TS devices or systems require a certain amount of pressure to push, the hand or finger
can become fatigued. Finger prints can smear the optical display of the TS device which hampers input. No tactile feedback can
cause some problems for the common user

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