NJ Cuts Energy Fund - Social Action Opposition Statement Posted Scribd

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Statement by the UUCMC1 Social Action Committee

Opposing Cuts in Clean Energy in NJ

Whereas the budget of New Jersey includes measures2 harmful to both renewable energy
development and to mitigation of global warming / climate change, the UUCMC Social
Action Committee hereby declares firm opposition to these actions:

 Clean Energy Trust Fund Reductions: On February 10, 2010 Governor Christie
issued Executive Order 14. On that authority, Treasury identified and placed $158
million of funding from the societal benefits charge, located in the Clean Energy
Trust Fund within Treasury, into reserve, affecting the 2010 NJ budget. The 2011
NJ budget has a further reduction of the Clean Energy Trust Fund of $42 million.
These cuts significantly reduce the amount of money available to reimburse
residents for solar installations and high efficiency appliances
 Collection of Funds From Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
During fiscal 2011, proceeds from the quarterly auction of greenhouse gas
emission offsets, conducted under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
(RGGI), will be used to balance the Budget. These funds have been used to
provide grants through the Department of Environmental Protection, the
Economic Development Authority, and the Board of Public Utilities.
 Funding Reduced for Office of Climate Change and Energy
The Office of Climate Change and Energy is responsible for implementing
provisions of the Global Warming Response Act. It is primarily funded by
proceeds from the auction of greenhouse gas emission offsets as part of the
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). The General Fund appropriation to
the Office will be eliminated for fiscal 2011.

Individual Signatures:
Eighty-five adult NJ residents signed this statement on Sunday June 20, 2010 (details
available on request).

The UUCMC is the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County in Lincroft, NJ
State of NJ, Board of Public Utilities: Revised 2010 budgets, Clean Energy Order 4/14/10, Docket No. EO07030203;
NJ Budget in Brief, 2011: http://www.state.nj.us/treasury/omb
NJ Clean Energy Program: http://www.njcleanenergy.com/ RGGI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGGI

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