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CONTENTS Peace with God The God of Peace Righteousness and Peace The Prince of Peace Peace on Earth The Holy Spirit and Peace The Lord of Joy The Spirit of Joy The Joy of Obedience Joy in Heaven u 19 23 31 37 43 47 55 61 TRUE PEACE AND JOY © 7 1s PEACE WITH GOD God isthe God of peace. Therefore He wants us to be at peace ‘with Him, with others and with oursves. Gd!’ peace isnot simply an absence of conflict, confusion or enmity with ocers. t isa quality of His life that He wants impare to us. In other words, He wants to give us His peace ‘One ofthe main reasons for God sending His Son to sacrifice His life on the cross was to-make it posable for us to have this peace! God created man to beat peace with Him. The story of Adam and Ese shows the close rationship they had with the Lord in the garden paradise, a He walled with them daily Sin disrupted that unity and caused Adam and Eve co lose this fellowship and their peace with God. Instead of being at peace with Him, they fle ashamed and cried to hide fom Hi in et “They had lost shit innocence before God and one another. Soon, instead of peace there would be conflict; thei son, Cain, murdered his brother Abel out of eaousy! (@* TRUE PEACE AND JOY ‘Throughout the period ofthe Old Testament Gods people had periods of obedience ro His wil, At such times they experienced victory over ther enemies and enjoyed times of national peace However, when they no longer needed to depend on the Lord co fice them from trouble, compromise and disobedience would set in. This had far-eaching consequences, for again thei enemies would begin to triumph over them. Usually they refused to heed the warnings ofthe prophets God sen¢ to them, They stubbornly refused to repent and so lst both peace with God and the rational peace they had enjoyed Throughout Isat history dhere is «clear leson to be eared When we are at peace with God we ean also bea peace with ‘others, not only personally bur at a national level. In vies of ‘war, people pack churches as chey cry out v0 God for His help. ‘When peace comes most soon forget their nocd of God and return to their own ways, walking in disregard for the wil of Gord, and undisobedience to the Led. So things have not changed much! God looked forward tothe ime when He could free His people from the consequences oftheir sin and again make it posible for them to beat peace with Him. Then their internal conflicts would be resolved, enabling them clive i peace and love wth ‘one another. Agtin they would be able to overcome their Sin is disobedience wo dhe Lod and rebellion against Himy soit has re consequences. Ie separated man from God and brought all manner of disputes and confit into thei ves. TRUE PEACE AND JOY + 9 \___ God had to judge sin, In Hisrightoossness He declared char all who sin deserve eternal death, separation fom Him eternally “They do not deserve tobe pat of His Kingdom! However, in His love for ts, God sent His Son to take the punishment we deserve pon Himself. He died the death, tht is God's judgment on on our behalf. On the cross He :ook out place. In Isis great prophecy about che crucifixion God says: ‘The punishment that brought ms pease wus upon ir, and by bis wounds we ae healed. (ha. 53:5) By bearing the punishmene we desere, God drew us back ito the place of peace nd HEDUD THE DEATH, reconciliation with Himself The bends of this unity wth Him are numerous as we shall Se see, fot, a8 the God of peace, He promises to ‘DGHENT ONSEN, do such grea things for us, in us and through ane us! However, is of great importance 10 appreciate that God docs not want ws only t0 ‘THE CRSSHETOOK be at peace with Him He wants to impare His nan pedce tous. 10 «TRUE PEACE AND JOY TRUE PEACE AND JOY © 1) \___. 2 THE GOD OF PEACE “The Lord is our peace. Apart from Him there is no true peace. Though the sacrifice of Jess we have ben restored to unity with the One who is our peace. To be atone with Him is, therefore, co be a peace ‘When the Lond mee with Gideon he was fearful man. He was lai ofthe nation's enemies that oceapied the lan, and he was Fearful ofthe tak placed before him: w deliver his nation fom their enemies. Above all he feared he would die having had a face-to-face encounter with che Lord. ewas commonly believed that co meet with God would mean death, for He is so great, mighty and holy. ‘But the Lond sid obi, "Peace, donot be aid. You ae not going ts die” So Gideon built an altar 10 the Lord there and called it The Lord is Peace. Qudge 6:23-24) In the midse ofall his ears God imparted peace to Gideon in such a way that he came to elie “The Lord is Peace This is true fr you dhe Lad is peaes He is your peace, no matter (12 + TRUE PEACE AND JOY ‘what your circumstances. Is His deste ro bless you with His peace. David suid: ‘The Lord gives srngt to bis people: she Lord Bese bis ‘people with peace. (Ps, 29:11) ‘When writing o che Ephesians Pal says: ‘He himself our peace (ph, 2:19) He explains tar through Jesus we are not only made ‘one with God, but also with one another The wall of hostility hecween Jew and Gentle has been broken down, ‘His purpoe was to rate in bimsef one new man out of thet, ‘thus making peace, and inthis one body 0 reconcile bth of them to God shrough the eros, by which he put to death their hl (iph. 215.16) er eaarn aay ee pcarsey SE the Father by one Spirit." Eph. 2:17-18) We Mate every efot to hep the anit of the Sprit through the bond of peace (Eph. 43) Ics no surprise therefore cha our enemy the devil the thick TRUE PEACE AND JOY + 13 \___ ‘wants to-do whatever he canto stal our peace! OF course, on the ‘ros Jesus overcame the enemy and everything that can deprive tus of pace. So Paul told the Romans: The God of peace wil som rach Satan under your fs (Rom. 16:20) He does not expec us to overcome the enemy by fighting him in ‘our own scength, He is overcome through our tus in the God of peace. When the Lord brings us oa place af pace, we then have to guard that peace by using the shield of ith gaint all the fiery darts of negativity that the encany will inevitably throw aus The enemy wants ¢o create disruption and disorder both in our personal ives and inthe Body of Chr but: God isnot God of dsrder but of peace. (1 Car. 1433) ‘When His peace descends on us and fils out hearts we have a _great sense of well-being chat is totally the opposite to what stan ests. Jesus makes peace though hi lod, shed om she cas.” (Cal, 120)'That is where the enemy was overcome, together with cverything that ean cause distuption and confusion in ou ives. [Now the God of peace wants o establish His order, His ‘Kingdom in our lives, Peace is such a central element vo Gods purposes chat Pal says Now may the Land of peace himuelf give you peace at all rime: and in every way. 2 Thes. 3:16) (Va = TRUE PEACE AND JOY ‘This means He wants us to have peace in every pat of ou ives. Every Christian experiences eurmol, persecution, rejection and perplexity at dimes. Ie seem that his or her ie sf from posceil a ‘imes and in every way’ right in the mids of the confusion and the problems he or she faces. imes. Yer the Lord wanes to impare His peace‘ all ‘When beginning his letters Paul usually says: ‘Grace and peace to you fiom God the Father and the Lord Jess Christ.” Both the Father and Son wane to impare supernatural peace into our anual lives, leis portant co see why ‘May the God of pace, who trough the blood ofthe eternal covenant ‘rough back from the dead our Lord Jess, that reat Shepherd of ‘the sheep. equip you with everyting good for doing his will and may ‘ie work in ws what is pleasing 1 him, through Jus Chia, to whom be glory forever and ever Amen (He, 1320-21) From these verses we ean learn a numberof significane ruths *+ The God of peace wants to equip you with everything you need in order that you may beable to do His wil Its significane that Paul uses thistle for the Lord in this content. + This is a work He wil do in you I is not a matter of you ayng to be peacefl, bur of God Himself doing work in + The impartation ofthis peace is pat of God's covenant ‘relationship with you. When God makes covenant with His people, He binds Himself by His promises toda certain TRUE PEACE AND JOY = 18 \. things for them. He i always futhfil to those covenant promises + Jesus Christ is your Good Shepherd, a great Shepherd. Part ‘of His shepherding purposes in your lifes to lea you "beside ‘que water’ where He restores your sul. (See Ps. 23:23) He leads you tothe place of peace where you can be restored! Grace, mery and peace fom God the Father and from Jes Chris ‘the Fathers Son, will be with usin tu and love, (2 Jn. 3) You can begin to affirm these cuths oer your own life: "Grace, rercy and peace willbe wich me in truth and love ~ from God iy Father and Jesus my Lord! To beleve this iso be directly in line wich God's wll for you, itespective of your circumstance. His metcies ae new every moshing: so He is allways ready o be merciful vo you. Whenever US CISTISYOOR you experience His forgiveness you resive His ‘mercy, restoring you toa place of peace with SOE Him, Jess came fll of grace, and from that GREAT SHEPHERD. grace you can receive one blessing afer another. God is able to make all grace abound you 50 tha in all ings tal smes,baving all shat you ned, you will abound in very goad work (2 Cor 918) He aly wants to be mercifel and gracious. And He always wants to impart His peace ‘a all imes and in every way. God is uterly consistent; He never changes, neither is He moody! (16 + TRUE PEACE AND JOY Hie is aoays ready to be merciful, alays wants to give to you by His grace, because His low for you is constant. And He _alwaye wants to impart pace to you! ‘Mery peace and love be yours in abundance. Jude 2) ‘Speak the ruth over your ov life immediately: "Mere peace and love ae mine in abundance from God my Father and my Lord Jesus Christ” Tha ia good erath eo affirm daily, imespective of your circumstances, ‘Wha wil the effec of this peace he? Nos only will ie ring lit 0 your immediate situation, but the God of peace wants your whole being, spite, soul and body to be saturated with His peace! ‘May God bimell. the God of peace, sanctify ou through and through: May your whole spirit, oul and body be kept blameles at ‘the coming of eur Lord Jesus Chis. (1 Thes. 5:23) ‘This peice i o permeate your whole being as pare of God's sancifyng work in you. Those who are sanctified are those who God has called, chosen and se apart for Himself and for His purposes. They are His holy children, every born again believe! In God Himself there sno lack of peace, no ssving or staining. ‘There ae no disagreements or tensions between the Father, Som and Holy Spirit. They are always in complete acord! And He ‘wants His children to be lke Him! Therefore He wants eradicate all chese tensions from our lives. Ths is why Jesus sid TRUE PEACE AND JOY = 17 Therefore tell you, do not worry abort your life..Who of you by worrying ca add avngle how this i. Therefore do not wory shout tomorrow, for tomorow will wor about ill. Each day bas enough rouble of ts own. (Mart 6:25,27.34) [Ac firs ic may seem impossible ro pur such teaching into practice However, his is not merely good advice from Jesus; itis ‘command all His followers: ‘Do not worry’ He does not issue commands withous making it possible for us to obey them! So He is ready to impart the peace we eid in order to obey what Hes directing us to do. Tes noc that Jesus promises us life fe ffom tension and turmoil Fe fom it In fact He also says ‘in cis word you wil have tuouble’ However the saement is sandwiched inbetween two imporcan statements. Afr saying this He immediatly adds Bu take heart Ihave overcome the world. (Jn. 16:33) Primarily, He as been telling them tha although He is about ro leave them, they will sce Him again wien He is ised from the dead, So He says have tld ou these things s0 tha 0 me ou may have peace On 1633, I you ate sensitive to the voice ofthe Haly Spire, you will fen hear Him warning you of what lies asad, so that you can be prepared, Instead of meeting these stations with fea or (a+ TRUE PEACE ANO JOY trepidation, you will know cha in trusting Jesus you wil be kepe in Hie peace, This is another important ruth. You do not always have peace in your soul, your selfs, bur you always have peace in Jesus, i ‘your spire where the Holy Spirit dwells, He wants that peace to influence your sou life your mind, emotions and will, no matter what trials you have to face. The Holy Spirits peace i already within you and when you willingly submic yourself, your ‘oul if, to Him, He wl bring your min into a state of peace This in turn will affect your emotions. Insead of feeling aggravated by the adverse circumstances, che Holy Spirit reminds you of what Jesus has sid and done. As you trast Him in that particu Somchow you know He i able and willing to deal wich the situation, to lead you through the difficulties, and you can be a peace within yoursel? jtuation, so His peace seems to descend on you. have told you these ing so tha in me you macy have peace In this word you will have rouble, But take heart! Thave overcome the world (16:33) ‘With God on your side, what is there eo worry about? With the Palmist we all nce to firm: ‘will en to what God the Lord sel say: be promises peace ois people, bis sain. (P. 85:8) You are one of those sins! TRUE PEACE AND JOY = 19 \___ 3a RIGHTEOUSNESS AND PEACE ‘Ofcourse, there is no point in wanting God impart peace. ryos if here ae chings going on in you life chat ate against His will and therefore undermining your peace. Is hardly surprising, therefore, that in che Bibl ther is 2 close connection between righteousness and peace. Love aed faithless met together righteousness and peace is each other. (Ps 85:10) “This ere suggests very lose, intimate edationship beeween, righteousness and peace. To be rightcots is tobe in right standing and relationship with God. To walk in His ways is vo do ‘what is ight ia His eyes. So you have peace with God when you are living in righ relationship with Hi, doing what is pleasing in His sight! CQuractions do noe bring us int this ight standing withthe Lord, "This ie gif from God in response to our fi inal Jesus has accomplished for us. Hei ou ighteouness However, its out responsibilty to liv in chat relationship to iv tone with Jesus (40 = TRUE PEACE AND JOY ‘This rghtouanes fiom God comes shrough faith in Jesus Chri all whe belive. (Ram. 3:22) IBTHERUITOE —Thisrigheousnes i God’ gif to every Isler when he o shes horn again GHTEDUNES, Having rcv that wonderfl gif ii HERASSINOR then the esponsiily ofthe believer ro lve ‘ {in che good of hac gif by obeying the oe “Wort ofthe Lord. When he does this he THISTIATHEACE enjoys peace with God. The relationship of righteousness brought im int this peace. MMIC Ch a i righteousness, and therefor o continu i this peace. When we obey the Lord there is no tension in our relationship with Him! Obedience is both a demonstration of our love for God and submission to His authority and Lordship. to walkin Submis to God and bea pce with him: inthis way prosper will come 10 you. Job 22:21) ‘Any disceming pastor can ell when people ae at peace with God, because thi affects thee other relationships and thee. ates towards ll spiel things ‘The fut of rightonones wil be peace: heeft of rightouons wil ‘be queens and confidence forever. (32:17) “The message is simple. Peace i the fruit of righteousness, whereas sin or disobedience destroys that peace with God. The sinner is TRUE PEACE AND JOY © 21 \___ ‘comfortable with his sn because he dos not hve reatonship ‘with God, The Holy Spirit shows us s believers our need to repent ‘when disobedient wo che Lod. When we confes our sins The Ler is fifa us a wl give us our sins and purify us fom all wnrghteoures. (1 Jn. 9) This restores us tothe place of peace and unity with the Lond Wf only you had pai attnvon to my commands your peace would ‘nave ben ike river, your righteounes like she waves ofthe sea. (is 48:18) ‘This message inthe Psalms is clear and direct: Tum fom evil and de good: seek peace and pursue it. (Ps. 34:14) Sin disrupts our peace; righteousness enables us to enjoy Gods peace and to walkin it, even if our cicumstances are dificult. Theres fture forthe man of peace" (B. 37°37) Bate in the same Psalm we read thatthe meek will bert te land and enjoy great peace."(u 11) The meek are those who live in humble submission tothe Lord. Just as chere is a dec link berween righteousness and peace, so there is alo a direct relationship brween wisdom and peace. This is hardly surprising, for in scripture sins regarded 3 foolishness leis wise, cherefore, to be righteous. Ard he rewards for wisdom are great _(22 + TRUE PEACE AND JOY Her ways are pleasant ways ad all ber paths are peace, (Pow 3:17) “The man or woman of God wants to enjay peace, the calmness and serenity that come fim trust inthe Lord. Even in he midst ofthe storm, the house ofthe one who docs God's Word will stand? Not only isthe believer to enjy the Lords paces he is to promote peace. Ther is jey for those she promote peace.” Prov, 12:20) The ‘hook of Proverbs as much to say about the virtues of wisdom sd the benefit to he believer inthe way cat living in wisdom Jromotes peace in his Hie. A heat at peace gies if othe body” (Prow 1430) Testo the heart that God wants to impare His peace, through His mescy and forgiveness, through His love and by His Spit, cstablshing in us this peace that He Himself enjoys. How comiting i is co know that God will never lose His peace, despite the wilfulnes of His people. He knows that His plans and purposes shall be fly accomplished. Those who lve thei lives in conformity to His will shall surely enjoy His peace! TRUE PEACE AND JOY + 23. \___ ae THE PRINCE OF PEACE Inthe prophecy of Isiah, the coming Messiah willbe the Prince cof Peace. We have seen that this was iting tide for Jesus, because He made it possible for us to know Gods peace through | bearing the punishment we deserve on the cos. Pat of the same prophetic word promises that: Ofte increase ‘is government and peace there wil be no end (le. 9:7) Whenever Goals Kingdom is extended and men and women come into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ His peace comes a a gift 0 Gods people Jose as our wall in righteousness and wisdom enables us to enjoy that peace, s0 we ae ca bea people whose focus is on the Lord, and our trust in Him, no mater what the cgcumstances or our feelings! Yo will hep in perf peace him whos mind is steadfast, becense ‘re truss in you. ( 263) If the Lard is our peace, we will beable to maintain our experience (44 + TRUE PEACE AND JoY ofthat peace when our eyes are on him. If instead, we put our focus on ourselves, on ou problematic crcamtaness, we very rapidly lose peace. Our peace is in Him, but chere is no peace in worrying about the problems that arse, Thi is natural to our flesh, our selF-ife, ut not 0 our walkin the Holy Spirit. The Spire wants wo remind us continually ofthe peace that God has already eablshed for us Lord, you establish peace for ws; al chat we have accomplished you Ihave dome for ws (, 26:12) RPEACES INH You can liv in continual awareness that THEREISNOPEKE God has already established that peace for you through what Jesus has done for you. FORNGANOUT = € fou can appropriate chat pace, receive it as FIOBLENSTHAT a gift fom God and lve inthe good of it. AE There is a profound truth inthis vere What you ty to doin your own strength inevitably leads ro frustration and fre ~ with youre However, cis Fustration often affects your relationship with God. Ifyou ask Him to help you to do what you ae attempting, the substance of your prayer is usually that you wane silo be the one inthe driving seat, but with che Lor’ help. Te usually akes litle time for believes to realize thatthe Lord Jesus must be allowed to remain in control. Aral, He is Lond! Living in peace is dependent on living in the good of what He has done for us, rather than returning toa life of straining and TRUE PEACE AND JOY « 25 L___ striving, Our humble submission o che Lord is expressed in our willingness to fice the rach that spare fom the Lord we can do nothing. By conerast, through our truscin Him all dhngs become possible for ws. ‘When we teflct on when we have seen God move powerflly in cour lives, we edi acknowledge that his was the frit of what He di by His Spire, nor the results of our efforts. What appeats to be our accomplishments are really the works He has done for tus, and all the glory belongs rightly to Him! In the time of His humaniny, chs was alo true for Jesus. He ‘ould enjoy peefoce peace with His Father in heaven, because He depended on Him tall times. He made i clear that He would never act independently of che Father. He had come w do the Father’ will, not His own, Even though the Son of God, Jesus acknowledged that He could do nothing without the Father. He spoke the words the Father gave Him ro speak and did he chings te saw His Father doing, Living in suc dependence on the Father not ony enabled Jess to retain His peace but also to honour the Father by the works He performed. These, Jesus acknowledged, were the works che Father was doing through Him, He did not eegard them as His own works: chey were the resul of His unity with the Father, “Through the blood of Jesus Christ we can live i the same kind of relationship of peace with the Fathes not stiving in our own strengeh, but trusting Him to work ius, rough us and for us! And, like Jess, we ate to proclaim to ethers the gospel of peace. (6 = TRUE PEACE AND JOY How beautiful om the mounaine are he fc of those who bring good ews, who proclaim peace. (I. 527) ‘a lve in tis peace is wo live under the authority of Jesus, just as He lived under the authority of His Father. This is why prayer asso important to Jesus. He would never allow anything to replace His times of prayer with the Father. IF He wa kept busy during the day because of the demands of the people, He would pray at night: He had to know whar the Father wanted Him to ‘do next, so that He could continue in His will and maintain His re ionship of unity and peace wigh His Father If prayer was such an essential element af the ie of Gods Son, it ‘must suey be even more important for us, Ie is certainly an ‘sential element in the life ofthe believer who wants to walk continually in God's peace. ‘My nailing love for you wil not be shen nor my covenant of peace be removed. (li 54:10) (Covenant speaks ofa relationship of peace that God wants usta ith Him. He never breaks His covenant promises to ls people: He always keeps His side of the agreement, andi is our definite advantage wo fll our responsibilities ‘The Loud links cis peace with His unshakeable love. Our faith in that love cogether with His fithfulness, keps us in the place of| peace, no matter what the circumstances, For nothing in the ‘whole of creation can separate us fom the love of Gd that is in TRUE PEACE AND JOY » 27 \___ Christ Jess! Living in such a way will vin blessing to our children also; they wil share inthis peae. For is cerainky tue that we erate atmosphere around us whether of peace and tse in the Lord, of worry and ansery. All your smell be taught by the Lord and great willbe your children peace, (Bs 54:13) ‘Children certainly respond eeadily to amosphere. Bur our example to our children is an encouragrment for them to draw ino a loving relationship with the Lord for themselves, and so receive peace dirty from Him. “The Lor lives i «high and holy place bu also ‘with bi who is contrite and lly in spirs’ (57:15) His purpose iso revive the hearts of those who are humble before im that they too may boring peace to others, “ave sen bs was, but Iwill eal him F wil guide him and restore comfort ta hin, ereating praise onthe lips of the mourners in Tira. Peace, peace to ths far and meat” say the Lord. “And Twill eal them.” (h, 5718-19) By contrast, “There i mo peace,” say my God ‘for the wicked.” 57:21) This has become a common saying but iin eect a word ‘of judgment from the Lord! How importan thar believers do not see themselves as ‘the wicked’ and do rot imitate their aetvtes, but rather live in righteousness and hotnes that will enable them to remain in Gols peace! 18 = TRUE PEACE AND JOY Those who walk uprghtly enter into peace. (I. 57:2) This is why God gives this wonderfil promise ro His people will make peace your governor and righteousness your rile (hs, 60417) This is 2 great comfort that peace and rightcousnes wil rule ‘over us, tha we wil be under their authority and poser. And there is great power in God's peace ~ the power to impart that ich sill the storm, brings blessing tothe home and allay the Feats of His children. This is why the Lord wanes to extend peace 10 His people ikea river (lf, 66:12) And why through the prophet Jeremiah, He sys, ell heal my people an le them enjy abundant peace and security Cer 33:6) Ezekiel speaks of the everlasting covenant of peace that God will make with His people, (se Ex. 34:25, 37:26) To Daniel the Lor says: “Peace, be strong now: be serong.” (Dan. 10:19) These ate words Ihave used t0 great effect in prayer, When you receive these as words spoken to you personally by the Lord, then you ‘an reeive Hs peace and stength through them. Good als ings thas are not though they were" (Rom. 4:17) ‘There i principle of ich het for us to practise, forts writen: ‘believed: serve Ihave spoken. With tae same piri of fib we tho believe and therefore speck (2 Cor. 4:13) TRUE PEACE AND JOY © 29 \___ Jesus cll us hat the way we use our tongues ditets the couse ‘of our lives, ust as the rudder directs the course of a ship. A. sill pare with enormous influence! “Those who lve by ath in Jesus need to learn to speak the good He promises over their ives right inthe fae of the circumstances and felings that ate rotally contradictory co is purposes In this ‘way your circumstances and even your flings and actudes are changed. Inthe face of presute, confusion and fear you can speak the words of Jesus: “My peace I give ro you", or these ‘words spoken by God to Daniel “Peace Be strong now; be strong,” And then you can thank the Lord for she peace and strength He imparts co you. As you perstin speaking chese positive ruths of God over your life, the negatives are overcome. ‘This ie much more powerful chan complaining about the ireumstances, worying or sharing yout fears with others. The mote you speak about che negative, the greater its place in your lie, The more you speak God's words of life, healing and ‘release over your life, the more these truths will impact you. Remember that His words ate Spiic and life. They are not the ‘words of man, but of the One who created the entire universe by speaking ie into being! What power and authority chey contain! So, speak peace over your life. Even when the circumstances create stress and your feclings are utely negative, speak the cruth ‘of God! Word over your life, Do not simply think ie; the scripture is clear ~ you need to pea the srah and as you do so ‘believe in your heare tha what God say becomes your! This is His will and intention, (30 + TRUE PEACE AND JoY “There iste wonder that Jesus should come asthe Prince of Peace, for all the Old Testament prophetic sriptures look forward to the time when God wil establish peace among His people in a way that was noc posible under che lw of the Old “Tesament. TRUE PEACE AND JOY = 31 5\_ PEACE ON EARTH ‘When John the Baptist’ father, Zechariah, prophesied ‘concerning Jesus, he sad that he would [ide our fet ito the ‘path of peace" (Lk 1:79) When the anges spoke to the shepherds ofthe birth of God's Son, they proclaimed: Glory to Goin the bight, and on earth peace to men on whom his favour re (Lk 218) ‘We are saved through God's grace. On all who know the Lond Jesus, therefore, His fivour res. We ned to sce ourselves a the children of Gods peace. This i God's wil for you a8 a believer. [Not only di Jesus want His disciples to experience His peace: He wanted them eo impart his peace ro others When you enter a hose, frst say. Peace to this howe. fa man of peace ether, your peace will ton bis ifn, it will esa 0 you. (Lk 105-6) “This sa good example of the power of the words we speak, Jesus is not telling the disciples to give a polite greing. Gods peace i (a+ TRUE PEACE AND JOY ‘contained in these words, Peace be to this house That peace has to go somewhere, thas to be imputed co someone. If the diciple is welcomed this pace will descend on the one who recive him, che disciple is ejected, chat peace wll descend on the disciple "No doubt he wil be pleased about this, iFhe has just ben rejected ‘Again we ate faced with the power of the words we speak, and withthe truth that we can impart to others His life when we speak the words God gives us to speak! Jesus needed ro impart peace to His disciples before He went ro the cross and when He appeared to them in Hs resurrection body, What He says is not a poi greeting, bu an impartation of peace into their hearts and lives. Ae the Last Suppes, He sid Peace I leave with ou: my peace [give you. 1 donot give to you asthe world gives Do not lt your hearts be roubled ana donot be afi 14:27) (Clay these are words of impartation, not a greeting, Peace isa sift He slaving with the disciples, bur a peace of an entirely diferent order o anything the world can give. Ths peace isthe antidoce ro anything tha would cause thee hearts to be troubled ‘or cause them to be afraid, Taken in che context when Jesus frst spoke these words, you can se that they azea continuation of what He said tothe disciples lide eal: Do mot let your brs be troubled. Tras in Gods ruta in me On 141) TRUE PEACE AND JOY = 38 With the crucifixion imminent there must have been a general atmosphere of foreboding atthe Last Supper. Clay the disciples ‘were grie-stricken a the choughe that Jsus was about co leave them. They were pespesed, confused and afi, They did noe understand all that was beginning to uafold or why it needed t0| happen. It was only afer che crucifixion and rsuerecton that they understood the significance of thse get evens, Iki also clear chat, however they had interpreted what Jesus suid about being raised on che third day, chy did noc expect see “lim in His risen body. Presumably they thought He was to sexurn dtetly co the Father in heaven, So they were startled when Jesus dil agpeat to them. They were afraid that, as His followers, they too could soon be arrested and ‘even sentenced to death like their Maser. (On the evening of tha fist day ofthe wrk, when the diciples were together with the dar lacked fo fear ofthe Jews Jews came and toed among thom and raid "Pesce be with you! Afr be sai this, ‘he showed them his hands and side. Tre diiples were verjoyed sehen they sew the Lard (jn. 20-19-20) The fear that had gripped them was replaced by che joy of sexing “lm, Yee Jesus again repeated His wores further emphasizing, tha this was noc a greeting, bur an impartation of peace fom God. You do not need to repeat a gretng! Agsin Jou said, “Peace be with you! Ae the Father has ent me, Lam sending you." 20) (Ga TRUE PEACE AND JOY [Not only was Jesus imparting peace, He was ending them out dh he blessing of His peace. Once the Spit had come upon them, these same men became bold witnesses to the truth, as we ‘can sein the Acts ofthe Apostles. Inthe TRUSTING US rms of persecution the disciples wer able to radiate a trust and peace that was suc BEI te wapeictreedetnat metres DNTINUEINTHE Bven afer being attested, imprisoned and warned not ro speak inthe name of Jesus, they immediately recumed to public preaching on their release, In their obodience tothe commission Jesus had given them they maintained che peace that sche Fuit ‘of such obedience. God was in control and all thar matcered was ‘hac they Flfilled His wil fr thee lives. The men of fear were snow the men of faith, enjoying the peace of knowing they were boeing faidhful to the Lord All this was the ourworking ofall chat Jesus ha sui to chem EACE HEIN 1 ave tld you thee sings: thas in me you may have peace In world yu will have trouble, But take hear? have overcome the world. Jn. 1633) "The world gives trouble, The Lord gives peace. That isthe contrast and shows where our tus isto bet ‘We cam sce clearly the link herween faith and peace, heween trusting Jus and being able o enjoy His peace. Trusting Jesus ‘enables us to continue inthe peace He imparts. TRUE PEACE AND JOY» 38 “There are many occasions when we need answers from God, (Often all He seems to say is: “Trust me” This is Hs way of ng uth and confidence in Him, reaching us to beat peace Jesus is never late in what He does neither is He eal. Sometimes we want instant answers, whereas God orders things His way and at His cme! He certainy never loses contol of ‘When you are in a place of real uth cencering any situation, you will certainly beat peace, because ith i being sure and cerain ofthe outcome. We lose peace when we question and

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