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If you are our guest today, a double welcome!

In a little while, one of our worship leaders will say

a word about the Connection Card that is in your
program. Please fill it out and place it in the
offering plate when it is passed so we can have the
privilege of getting better acquainted with you.

Today we will share the Lord’s Supper together.

The Bible does not instruct us about how often we should partake of this
“Communion,” only that we should do it in memory of Christ’s death and
resurrection and in anticipation of his return.
Here’s what is important: “What you must solemnly realize is that every
time you eat this bread and every time you drink this cup, you reenact in
your words and actions the death of the Master. . . . Anyone who eats the
bread or drinks the cup of the Master irreverently is like part of the crowd
that jeered and spit on him at his death. Is that the kind of ‘remembrance’
you want to be part of?” (I Cor. 11:27-29, The Message). We invite all
those who have placed their trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior to take the
elements with us as a part of this memorial ordinance.
Tom Vance will be our guest preacher on August 1. Tom is the
Northwest Baptist Convention’s Team Leader for our region, a long-term
leader in our area, and an fine preacher. Susie and I will be in Honolulu
attending the Baptist World Congress. This meeting only occurs every five
years, and your 20th anniversary gifts are making possible our participation.
This will be a time of spiritual renewal and a great vacation. Thank you!


* Praise God for the birth of Alexis Jeanne Medford on July 19 (8 lb. 6 oz., 21
3/4")! Her mother, Ashley, is now doing fine (after a post-birth scare), and her
grandparents, Reggie & Sally Medford, are bursting with pride!

* Praise God for significant progress on our L-wing project! Continue praying for
for the work, those who are leading it, and the various decisions affecting it.
* Pray that our teens who attend camp this week will be drawn closer to Christ.
* Pray for our military men and women who are serving our country. Pray for
their families as they endure loneliness during lengthy deployments.

For urgent prayer requests, please contact Dianne Ingham @ 503-643-0679.

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