7 Principles of Peace 2 Written by DR Timothy

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Written by Dr Timothy Laklem

 1. Peace is giving rather than taking. Neither party should use peace to gain power, money, or
position but should contribute with high moral standards for justice and fairness - to create
unity throughout the nation for the well-being of the people and the future of the country.

 2. Peace is not surrender, nor is it forcing the other to surrender, nor gaining the advantage
over the other. Not using terminology that belittles and intimidates the other or fuels the fire,
but using terminology that enhances equality without prejudice.

 3. Peace is both sides coming to an agreement and finding a solution on the table rather than
using propaganda together with the exchange of crossfire and/or violence which only breeds
disunity and never-ending conflict within the country.

 4. Peace is showing sincerity without an alternative selfish motive. Peace is not a one-time
meeting, but is a continual process to maintain. The mutual agreement must be honoured.
Actions need to line up with spoken word.

 5. Peace is not setting a trap by misuse of power, nor by taking liberties with public
accusations to justify their own violent actions towards opposition that only creates further
conflict and violence which does not result in a win-win situation for any party.

 6. Peace is not using others to gain power or the longer survival of power, but by giving the
opportunity to the people to make a choice and fulfilling the will of the people for the future
of the country.

 7. Peace is sharing and receiving viewpoints and opinions, with open discussions of what is in
the best interests of the people and to win the heart of the people. Enforcing laws to
maintain power and self-interest coupled with violence will not bring long term peace and
unity. Force breeds self-preservation, hatred and widespread violence.

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