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1. Principle of working
2. Classification of drilling machines
3. Bench drilling machine
4.Radial drilling machine
5. Drilling machine operations

j Drilling is a metal cutting process carried out

by rotating cutting tool to make circular holes in
solid materials.

j The tool which makes the hole is called a drill.

j It is generally called as twist drill, since it has a

sharp twisted edges formed around a cylindrical
tool provided with a helical groove along its
length to allow the cut material to escape
through it.

j The removed material chips get curled and

escapes through the helical groove provided in
the drill.

j A liquid coolant is generally used while

drilling to remove the heat of friction and obtain
a better finish for the hole.

j A power operated machine tool, which holds

the drill in its spindle rotating at high speeds
and when manually actuated to move
linearly/simultaneously against the workpiece
produces a hole.

j In a drilling machine, the holes can be

produced up to 7.5 cm diameter.

j p  

j Bench drilling machine

j Pillar drilling machine

j Radial drilling machine

j Gang drilling machine

j Multiple spindle drilling machine


j w     







Bench drilling machine

j Might duty drilling machines widely used in

small workshops.

j Usually placed on workbenches

j Also known as sensitive drilling machines Ȃ

accurate & well balanced spindle Ȃ enable the
operator to sense or feel the cutting action and
apply the required pressure while drilling.

j Holes up to 15mm can be drilled in these

Bench drilling machine
j Base

j Vertical column Ȃ mounted on the base - carries a

moving head Ȃ speed gear box & spindle feeding

j Worktable Ȃ job is mounted Ȃ raised or lowered

j Electric motor Ȃ mounted at the top end of the

vertical column on its rear side

j Power transmission to the main spindle through the

stepped cone pulley drives & gearing systems.
Bench drilling machine

jA drill chuck for small size drills is fitted in the

spindle at its lower end.

j For bigger sizes, the drill itself will be fitted directly

in the spindle.

j The centre of the hole to be drilled will be punched

with a mark initially on the workpiece.

j Before drilling, the tip of the drill be aligned with the

centre punch mark and by the feed wheel. The rotating
spindle is lowered to perform the drilling operation.
p  D   M 

j Used for medium & heavy duty jobs

j Holes up to 50mm diameter can be drilled

j It consists of a robust pillar erected over a

sturdy base which is fixed on the floor.

j Pillar carries an adjustable table & the drill

D  D   M 

j Used to perform drilling operations on the

workpieces which are too heavy and also may be
too large to mount them on the work table of the
vertical spindle drilling machine.

j heavy base

j vertical column Ȃ long horizontal arm Ȃ

raised, lowered and swung in the horizontal
plane about the main column to any desired

jThe drilling head can move to & fro along the arm
and can be swiveled only in the universal radial
drilling machines, to drill holes at an angle.

j The combination of motions of the radial arm

and the drilling head offers a great deal of flexibility
in moving the drill to any position.

j The drilling can be carried out on heavy

workpieces in any position without moving them.
D  D  
MU p Sp D D   M 

j Permit drilling of several holes of different diameters


j Generally the spindles numbering 2 to 3 or even

more are driven by only one gear in the head through
universal joint linkages.

j Each spindle is mounted with a twist drill and a jig is

used to guide the twist drills.

j The machine can be used in mass production


j Made up of many drilling heads placed side by side

and the workpieces mounted on a long common work

j Machine is mounted with a drill, reamer,

countersinking tool and a tapping attachment on its
successive spindles so that drilling, reaming,
countersinking and tapping operations can be
performed successively.

j Various operations can be performed without

changing the tools and the spindle speeds.


j Boring

j ounterboring

j ountersinking

j ot ing

j T ing

j eing

j Boring is done on  drilling ine to inrese te

size o n lredy drilled ole.

j Wen  suitble sized drill is not ilble, initilly

 ole is drilled to te nerest size nd using  single
oint utting tool, te size o te ole is inresed.

j By lowering te tool wile it is ontinuously rotting,

te size o te ole is inresed to its entire de t.

j Boring o ertion will be ontinued till te lower

sur e o te work iee.

j eing is te roess o sootening te

sur e o te drilled oles wit  reer.

j  reer is siilr to te twist drill, but s

strigt lutes.

j  ter drilling te ole to  sligtly undersized, te

reer is ounted in le o twist drill nd wit te
s eed redued to l o tt o te drilling, reing
is done in te se wy s drilling.

j t reoes only  sll ount o teril nd

rodues  soot inis on te drilled sur es.


j t is to inrese te size o  ole t one end only troug 

sll de t.

j Te ounterboring ors  lrger sized reess or  soulder

to te existing ole.

j Te utting tool will e  sll ylindril rojetion

known s ilot to guide te tool wile ounterboring. Te
dieter o te ilot will lwys be equl to te dieter o te
reiously drilled ole.

jTe s eeds or ounterboring ust be two-tirds o te

drilling s eed. enerlly te ounterboring is done on te
oles to oodte te soket ed srews, or grooed
nuts or round ed bolts.



j t is te o ertion o king te end o  ole into 

onil s e. t is done using  ountersinking tool.

j Te ountersinking roess y lso be e loyed

or deburring te oles.

j Te utting s eeds or ountersinking ust be

one-l o tt used or siilr size drill.

j Te ountersunk oles re used wen te

ountersunk srews re to be srewed into te oles
so tt teir to es e to be in lus wit te to
sur e o te work iee.


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