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A Dialogue between Lord Krishna and Disciple Friend Arjuna.

 India’s Spiritual Wisdom.

 Wisdom of Bhagvad Gita.
 Perennial Hindu Philosophy for guidance and Better living.
 Selected Messages from Chapter 4, 5, & 6 in English.
Gita 4/17
The intricacies of action are very mysterious and
hard to understand. Therefore one should know
properly what action is, what forbidden action is,
and what inaction is.

In original text three different words has been used for action.
(a) Karma - Action (b) Akarma – Inaction and (c) Vikarma – Negative action
Actions are deeds where the idea of ‘I’ ‘me’ and ‘mine’ doing it is present and the desire
for the fruits is strong.
Same actions become inactions when the doer is not present in the act but doing the
deeds just out of sheer joy of doing them, without desiring the fruits of actions.
Vikarma - negative actions, forbidden actions or abominable actions, are self-explanatory.

Gita 4/17

One, who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is
intelligent among men, and he is in the transcendental
state, a real karma Yogi engaged in all sorts of activities.
Practicing and following the rules of right livelihood.

Gita 4/18
Having abandoned attachment to the fruits
of action, and free from expectations one
does nothing at all – even though engaged
in all activities – He is inaction in action.
(See slide 2)

Gita 4/20

As the blazing fire turns firewood to ashes, so
does the fire of knowledge burn to ashes all
reactions to material activities which result in
worldly miseries.

Gita 4/ 37

One who is contented with gain which comes of
its own accord. Who is free from duality and
does not envy, who is steady both in success
and failure, is never entangled, possesses
equanimity while performing actions.

Gita 4/22

Even if you are considered to be the most
sinful of all sinners, yet when you are
embarked on the boat of transcendental
knowledge, you will be able to cross over
the ocean of miseries.

Gita 4/ 36, 37

In this world, there is nothing as sublime and
pure as transcendental knowledge. Such
knowledge is the mature fruit of all mysticism.
And one who has achieved this knowledge
enjoys the self with himself in due course of

Gita 4/38

A man of deep faith who is absorbed in
transcendental knowledge, and subdues
his senses quickly attains the supreme
spiritual peace.

Gita 4/39

Doubtless, he who has his body, mind and
senses well under control and renounces all
actions mentally, he resides happily in the
city of nine gates [the material body with
nine outlets], neither working nor causing
work to be done by others.

Gita 5/ 13

The creation of the universe along with the nature,
is done by the Supreme Lord.

The embodied spirit - the Master of this body -

does not create activities, nor does he induce
people to act, nor does he create the fruits of
action. All this is enacted and done by the three
modes of material nature.

Gita 5/14

When, however, one is enlightened with the
knowledge by which ignorance is destroyed,
then his knowledge reveals everything
including the Supreme, as the sun lights up
everything in the daytime.

Gita 5/16

Those who are free from anger and material
desires, who are self-controlled, self-
disciplined and constantly endeavoring for
perfection, are assured of liberation, bliss or
absolute freedom in the very near future.

Gita 5/26

He who is able to withstand the urges of
passion and anger before the demise of
this present body, he is a real yogi and is
happy in this world.

Gita 5/23

One who is beyond duality and doubt, who is
free from all sins and whose mind is serene
within, who is always busy working for the
welfare of all sentient beings, achieves
liberation, Nirvana and goes beyond all
worldly suffering.
Gita 5/25

One who performs his essentially obligated
duties unattached to the fruits of his work
is the true mystic, a real Yogi and a
Sanyasi, not he who lights no fire and
performs no duty.

Gita 6/1

He who is regulated in his habits of eating,
sleeping, recreation and work can mitigate
all material pains by practicing, Yoga the
path to holistic living.

Gita 6/17

Gita 6/6

One who is self-controlled and peaceful is
already a Supreme self. To such a man
happiness and distress, heat and cold, honor
and dishonor are all the same.

Gita 6/7

A person is considered still further advanced
when he regards honest well-wishers,
affectionate benefactors, the neutral,
mediators, the envious, friends and enemies,
the pious and the sinners all with an intellect
of equanimity.

Gita 6/9

Yogi should always engage his body, mind
and self in relationship with the Supreme; he
should live alone in a secluded place and
should always carefully control his mind. He
should be free from desires and feelings of

Gita 6/10

Arjuna, this yoga (union with Supreme) is
neither achieved by one who eats too much
or eats too little, sleeps too much or does
not sleep enough. (Moderation is the key.)

Gita 6/16

As a lamp in a windless place does not
flicker, so the Yogi (transcendentalist),
whose mind is controlled, remains always
steady in his practice of meditation and
contemplation on the self.

Gita 6/19

From wherever the mind wanders due to its
wavering and unsteady nature, one must
certainly withdraw it and bring it back under
the control of the self.

Gita 6/26

Q. The mind verily is restless, turbulent,
obstinate and very strong, O Krishna, and to
control it, I think, is more difficult than
controlling the wind.
A. It is undoubtedly very difficult to control
the restless mind, but it is possible by
constant practice and by dispassion.

Gita 6/34, 35


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