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Biotin is called the “anti-eggwhite injury factor.

” Choline
The old names are vitamin HI co-enzyme R and
Bios II. It is measured in micrograms. It is called Biosynthesis in man was not yet established
choline is a constituent of important substances
the “micro-micronutrients.”
in animal cells.
Major functions
Major Functions
-It acts as a coenzyme factors in carbon dioxide
fixation. With the aid of active acetate, it helps Choline is the major source of methyl (CH3)
group in the diet. It is a lipotropic agent. –it
in the synthesis of purines, pyrimidines, fatty
acids and carboxylation reactions. mobilizes fat and prevents fatty liver. It is
needed for fat transport cephalia and
-energy production, fatty acid synthesis, healthy splyngomyelin. It acids in the transmission of
hair and nails. nerve impulses.

Utilization Malnutrition

Biotin is not readily absorbed compared to Deficiency – fatty livers (chronic alcoholism and
other B-vitamins. It is bound to protein in foods kwashiorkor)
and is released during digestion. This is minimal
intestinal synthesis of biotin.

Malnutrition The American Academy of Pediatrics

recommends the inclusion of choline for infant
-True biotin deficiency does not occur even in a formulas to contain at least 7mg choline per
poor diet. 100kcal.

-No toxic effect of excessive biotin has Food sources

Egg yolk-best source
-deficiency , signs and symptoms are dermatitis
around orifices (mouth, nose, ears, eyes, Liver, brain, kidney, heart, meats, legumes,
nuts, yeast and wheat germ
perianal), hair loss, depression, gray skin

-no reports of toxicity


Very minute amount of biotin is needed for

psychology and physiology. 150-300
micrograms/day is needed.

Food sources

Liver, glandular organs, meats, egg yolk, milk,

molasses, whole grain, legumes and nuts

Known as a chemical substance for many years,

in 1940, scientists have considered inositol as a

Major functions

In man, there is no specific role of inositol as

seen in other species. It is closely related to
glucose; hence it is called “muscle sugar” in
animal cells. It is a component of phospholipids.


More studies are needed to demonstrate

inositol deficiency among human beings. In
lower animals accordance of fatty liver is

Food sources

Meats, meat extractives, muscle, glandular

organs, brain, legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables
and grains

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