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Character Captain
Name: Jerome Lim
Text: The Odyssey
Date: 09 September 2010
Books: XX to XXIV

Character Captain: The Odyssey involves a whole cast of great warriors and
fantastic creatures. Your task is to get to know and understand the characters in the
text. Describe their personalities--how they act, how they feel, what they think. Share
the observations you have about them to your group. Select adjectives that describe
one or more of the characters in your novel, and support your selection with examples
taken from your reading assignment.

Write down the name of the character/s and the adjectives that describe them. Identify
the specific incidents in the text that support your claims.

Character Adjective/s Specific Example of Behavior/Action in the Text

(indicate Book #)
Odysseus Revengeful, In Book 22, Odysseus kills the suitors, sparing no
unforgiving one, but a handful of people.
Penelope melancholy In Book 20, Penelope, because of being tormented
of the loss of her husband and her obligation to
remarry, wakes and prays to Artemis to kill her
Telemachus Careless In Book 22, Telemachus heads for the storeroom to
get more weapons for Odysseus, but fails to lock
the door, giving the suitors the chance to gain
weapons as well.
Athena Reassuring In Book 20, when Odysseus had the worry of him
and Telemachus failing, Athena reassures
Odysseus that with the help of the gods, anything
is possible. Odysseus feels relieved afterwards.
Eumaeus Loyal In Book 21, we see that Eumaeus has remained
loyal to Odysseues both before and after revealing
himself to them. He has followed the ‘orders’ of
Odysseus all throughout.
Antinous Arrogant In Book 21, Antinous mockes Odysseus and taunts
him that he will not make the shot. He, as seen in
book 22, will be killed first, perhaps because of his

Common Character Traits

adventurous awesome artistic athletic active

beautiful brave bold bossy cheerful
curious creative courageous considerate daring
impulsive dainty dangerous exciting entertaining
energetic funny happy friendly fun-loving
gentle generous independent humble hostile
honest intelligent mischievous inventive neat
lazy messy nosy mean poor
nasty nice quiet open respectful
proud pretty sloppy rich successful
shy sad smart serious selfish
simple short trustworthy studious unselfish
warm tall wild thoughtful silly
melancholy witty aimless loud prudent
iconoclastic mellow belligerent loyal visionary

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