Effects OF Overpopulation: - Farokh Ranikhetwalla - Roll No. 12 - Div: A F.Y.BBA

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• - Farokh Ranikhetwalla
• Roll No. 12
• Div : A F.Y.BBA
• Overpopulation is the situation of having large
numbers of people with too few resources and too
little space, It is closely associated with poverty. It
can result from high population density (the ratio of
people to land area, usually expressed as numbers of
persons per square kilometer or square mile) or from
low amounts of resources, or from both.
Excessively high population densities put stress on
available resources. Only a certain number of people
can be supported on a given area of land, and that
number depends on how much food and other
resources the land can provide.
Problems caused by
Economic Problems
• Proportion of working adults diminishes
because more and more child labor is taking
place which seriously damage the overall
economy as well as the image of nation.
• Dependency burden increases because of
more children due to decrease in infant
mortality and increase in fertility rates.
Senior citizens with improved health, which
decreases their mortality rates.
• Unemployment
Health Problems
• Increased rates of hemorrhagic fevers and
other infectious disease brought on by
• Malnutrition; starvation; increased rate of
diet-deficiency disease (eg rickets)
• Low birth weights of infants, due to: Mothers
being unable to sustain adequate diet during
pregnancy to sustain the fetus to full term.
• Low life expectancy
Social Problems
• Polygamy
• Multiple marriages are becoming a
trend. People go for marrying more than
• woman despite of their needs just for
the purpose of entertainment.
• Old age Security
• Parents bear more children in order to
ensure the security of their future.
Food Shortage
• Each day 40,000 children die from
malnutrition and its related
diseases. 150
million children in the world suffer
poor health due to food shortages.
• We have seen that
overpopulated regions face
many problems such as economic
health and social problems.
These problems once caused are
very hard to get rid of.

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