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Meraux REFINERY Community sponsored by Murphy Oil USA, Inc. Advisory P anel AGENDA Murphy Oil USA, Inc, Meraux Refinery Community Advisory Panel Meraux Refinery Administration Building September 8, 2010 5:30 p.m. Dinner 6:00 p.m. Meeting 1, Call to Order and Introductions 2. Review Agenda & Team Agreement 3. Review Minutes - August 4, Refinery Update & Buyout Plan Update 5. New Business «Refinery Wastewater Treatment Process 6. Unfinished Business 7. Community Update 8 Critique & Adjournment Next Meeting: Thursday, October 14, 2010 5:30 p.m, - Dinner Meeting : Meraux Refinery Administration Building ‘Topic: TBD MERAUX CAP - HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 SAFETY 12-Month TRIR. (September I, 2009 ~ August 31, 2010) : 1.08 Lost Time Injuries (August 12, 2010 September 7, 2010) 0 Recordable Injuries (August 12, 2010 September 7, 2010) 3 Contractor — pipefiter lost finger tip when he improperly supported a 200# bolt and mut. Contractor — truck driver cut finger while removing heavy tools from his tool box without gloves. MOUSA employee ~ burn on forearm from hot oil when he failed to follow proper safety protocol. = First Aid (August 12, 3010 — September 7, 2010) 2 Contractor ~ truck driver struck in mouth as his trailer door popped open. Contractor — sprayed with kerosene when he split the flange. Everything was performed properly and he had the proper protection. This is why the contractor was not hurt or injured. : ENVIRONMENTAL Since S i 8/12/10 Reportable Releases ‘None. — ‘Air Exceedances (08/22/10 — #2 FOCU Opacity >30% for six minutes due to loss of cooling water [08/23/10 — #2 FCCU CO >500 ppm, ‘-hr avg for 3 hours due to startup after loss of cooling walter. mane “The loss of cooling water was due to a rat shorting out the electrical fo our cooling water pumps at the river. One of the diese! driven back up pumps turned on, but did not supply enough water to meet all of our cooling water needs, so we put the units into a safe condition. ‘We are in the process of upgrading the electrical to this dock area, [Spits : 09/05/10 — Kerosene spill to ground (approximately 2 bbis). We detected a small leak on a transfer line and repaired i Water Permit Exceedances None Citizen Calls : 2 LDEQ visits in response to citizen phone calls = One visit to investigate complaints of flaring, noise, and odor. =._One visit was to investigate an incorrect assumption on permitting. 5 calls for noise — Three were related to flare steam noise during refinery upset due to loss of cooling water (8/22). One complaint could not be verified (823) One call was due to flare steam noise during DHT Unit startup (8/27). Other Land Treatment Unit Post Closure Plan — LDEQ granted a citizen request to extend Public Comment period by 30 days until 9/27/10. LDEQ also granted a citizen request for a Public Hearing, to be held on 9123/10, LDEQ and MOUSA entered into @ proposed settlement agreement of Compliance Order WE-CN.-08-0144 for alleged water permit violations. The Public Comment period is open through 9121/10, MOUSA has Signed the Consent Decree has submitted it to the DOJ / EPA for their final 17 signatures. ‘GADepartment\Community Relations\CAP\100908 Plant Report.doc

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