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LASinfo : simply prints the header contents and a short

summary of the points. when there are differences
between header info and point content they are
reported as a warning.
can also be used to modify entries in the header
as described below
example usage:
>> lasinfo lidar.las
reports all information
>> lasinfo -o lidar_info.txt -i lidar.las
reports all information to a text file called lidar_info.txt
>> lasinfo -i lidar.las -no_variable
avoids reporting the contents of the variable length records
>> lasinfo -i lidar.las -nocheck
omits reading over all the points. only reports header information
>> lasinfo -i lidar.las -repair
if there are missing or wrong entries in the header they are corrected
>> lasinfo -i lidar.las -auto_date
sets the file creation day/year in the header based on the creation date of the
>> lasinfo -i lidar.las -repair_boundingbox
reads all points, computes their bounding box, and updates it in the header
>> lasinfo -i lidar.las -file_creation 8 2007
sets the file creation day/year in the header to 8/2007
>> lasinfo -i lidar.las -system_identifier "hello world!"
copies the first 31 characters of the string into the system_identifier field of
the header
>> lasinfo -i lidar.las -version 1.1 -quiet
changes the version of the lidar file to be 1.1 while suppressing all control ou
>> lasinfo -i lidar.las -generating_software "this is a test (-:"
copies the first 31 characters of the string into the generating_software field
of the header
for more info:
C:\lastools\bin>lasinfo -h
lasinfo lidar.las
lasinfo -no_variable lidar.las
lasinfo -no_variable -nocheck lidar.las
lasinfo -i lidar.las -o lidar_info.txt
lasinfo -i lidar.las -repair
lasinfo -i lidar.las -repair_bounding_box -file_creation 8 2007
lasinfo -i lidar.las -system_identifier "hello world!" -generating_software "thi
s is a test (-:"
try these sources for sample lidar data in LAS format:
if you find bugs let me ( know.

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