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China war- technology

Tier 1- research building

Library- strands

Tracks- 180gold this technology allows you to build road between villagr and
town. A road increase speed on it by 10% and give a way to
gain trade partnership with over town.


Tier 2- research building

Library- strands
Plantations- 340gold, 130knowledge this technology increase the food production by 50% on the
farm but a farm need 25% more area and 10 more people to
work it. It also has a increase the cost by 33%.

Water wheel- 300gold, 90knowlegde this technology is required to build the water wheel add-on
on the large mill and so other later buildings.

Shalt mining- 430gold, 110knowledge this technology is required to builded a shalt mine of any
rescoures type.

Land tax- 340gold, 120knowledge this technology give you a new tax which affect farms and
house. You will gain 20gold a house and 25gold for a farm.
This tax will decrease the happiness by 5 points to all house

Water movement- 360gold, 130 “ this technology allow you to builded canel and water rising
plants. This technology give plus 5 happiness to town’s
people and increase farm output by 10%

Trade lines- 430gold, 200knowledge this technology allow you to created trade route between
town and city. A trade route gives a 100gold a turn and can
also a range of rare item from villages.

Note: military is placed into 4 strands and each affect a different part of war. The four strand are
range, close combat, siege and tactics. The range strand affect range combat with archer, the types
of range weapon that can be used and want ammo can be used with them. The close combat strand
affects your solders, the training of your solders and want type of weapon your solder can be used.
The siege strand affects the type of siege weapon and can want type of ammo can be used to attack
the enemy. The tactic strand affect want tactic you used to attack your enemy and formations your
solder can use.

Line tactics-

Guerrilla tactics-

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