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NET The Process Beginning time( Minute Count )

sTime = (DateTime.Now.Hour * 60) + DateTime.Now.Minute;
To calculate the The Current Duration of the Process.
Duration of the dTime = ((DateTime.Now.Hour * 60) + DateTime.Now.Minute) - sTime;
process. if (sTime > ((DateTime.Now.Hour * 60) + DateTime.Now.Minute))
dTime = (1440 - sTime) + ((DateTime.Now.Hour * 60) + DateTime.Now.Minute);
C#.NET Use the following code inside the Event’s Method to popup an Alert window.
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "Warning", "<script language='Javascript'>alert(' Message ')</script>");
JavaScript Alert
It doesn’t means that we should only use the alert box in here. Whereas We can use all
Box from Code the possible JavaScript functions and operations inside the Script Tags..

ADO.NET Try using the Merge() instead of using the Add() for the DataTables and DataRows.
Ds.Merge(dt); || dt.Merge(dr);
Rows, Columns
For adding a datacolumn just use a new DataColumn object with the same values and Field
and DataTable Name..
Adding issue

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