Kids Anl

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These school-age children have increased focus and begin to rely on their logic

and reasoning. In addition, they can cooperate in large group play, enjoy creati
ng arts and crafts, and enhance pretend play by incorporating roles and rules fo
r playmates. Their imaginations continue to flourish, active play expands with l
arger bodies, and reading and writing receive greater focus.
These children continue to enjoy cooperative and social play, incorporating chil
dren's versions of adult sports and outdoor activities. More advanced constructi
on play is also a great addition! In addition, 7 and 8 year olds also begin to r
ecognize skill and strategy, playing board games and other games that increase p
lanning and thought and develop logical thinking skills
These older school-age children begin to explore new experiences in play, accent
uating their learning through the world of science and craft or magic kits. Thes
e kits might renew interest in playing alone, but only to further intellectual s
timulation and fun. Active play is still very important to these kids, as is adv
anced game play with challenging, strategic games!
Pre-teenagers begin to focus play on activities they enjoy, making them hobbies
and possibly life-long interests. Play can focus around crafts, kits, and sets,
specifically art projects like painting and ceramics. In addition, other play mi
ght include active play in the form of team sports or cooperative play through f
amily game play

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