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Edith G. Craig

To all future writers, you know who you are.


“Mr. Smith, I do not take no for an

answer. I want this project done by a certain
date and I intend for it to be finished. Do I
make myself clear?”
Mr. Smith regarded the inflamed beauty before
his eyes and tried to concentrate on what she
was saying, so he nodded.
“Very well, I expect the paper on my
desk tomorrow morning.” She flicked her hand
in the direction of the door and he hurried out
the mahogany office.
Morgan Ashton sat on her black chair
and sighed heavily. She shook her head slowly,
her curls swirling around her. Smith had come
to her asking for an extended deadline, again.
She lit her cigarette and opened a window. The
New York City breeze wafted inside her office.
She inhaled the humid air heavily. She was the
president and owner of Ashton Advertising
since her parents passed away two months ago.
She had established her place grudgingly; afraid
of what might happen without her parents to
guide her. The Ashton’s were deeply missed by
everyone, especially by her.
Morgan ran a manicured hand through
her mahogany curly hair. She looked around
her office, the office that had been her father’s.
The office had been decorated with her favorite

color, mahogany. Her father had once built a
rocking horse made out of rosewood. He had
always said that those colors brought out the
Irish in her. She had her mother’s red hair and
her father’s pale skin and cherry brown eyes.
She had always told him she wanted to marry a
man just like her father. Morgan started getting
a lump in her throat every time she thought of
her parents. She was 28 years old and the
owner of a wealthy and powerful advertising
company, which made her very competitive.
Her rival company, Stave Inc., was always
nipping at her tails.
She finished her cigarette and stood up.
It was going to be five o’clock so she was going
to work on the cola ad until six. Then maybe
she would go work out in the gym. She went to
settle herself on the couch to try to relax while
focusing on her work.
“Jane, before you leave, can you bring
me the paperwork on the Cola advertising,
“Absolutely, Ms. Ashton.” In less than
five minutes, she had the papers in her hand.
She was extremely tired that night, having been
up the night before on this same project.
Morgan opened the file and started to read the
That’s the last thing she read before she
nodded off and fell asleep. Something woke
Morgan, since she was a light sleeper. She
pushed her curly hair out of her face and peered
over her hands into the slightly lit office.
“Good evening Morgan.” Morgan fell
out of the couch at the sound of an unknown
female voice.
“Who’s there?” She looked around and
thought of her mace hidden in her desk drawer.
How the heck would she be able to make it all
the way to her desk?
“That would be useless. Now sit back
down so we can talk.” Morgan frantically
looked around to find the person but to no avail.
“Sit down Morgan. Don’t be
frightened.” She sat at the edge of the couch
ready to flee at a moments notice.
“Jane?” she whispered hopefully. A
flowing laugh breezed through the air.
“No, you may call me Angel.” The
name had a familiar ring to it but she just
couldn’t place it. Now Morgan was getting
upset. She didn’t like to be kept in the dark like
“Look, I’ll have you arrested if you
don’t really show yourself and stop playing
these games. I don’t have any money on me
and there is no one to pay you if you kidnap me.
I sure as hell won’t.” At her response was
another laugh and suddenly a pale person
appeared. Morgan wanted to scream but her

pride kept her from it, so she just whimpered
softly. She thought she was made of stronger
stuff than that, she wasn’t afraid of anything.
“Good, you shouldn’t be scared of me.
I’m your guardian angel.” Morgan laughed
“Oh, good. I thought maybe you were
my wicked conscience telling me to go back to
work,” she said sarcastically.
“That’s not appropriate, now, listen, I
don’t have much time. In your past life, you
made some unwise decisions regarding some
relationships. You have been granted a small
boon, because of me, I might add. You will be
able to relive a portion of this past life in order
to correct one mistake. I believe it will…help
you find what you have been looking for in this
life and others. All of this entails you to trust
me and to follow your heart throughout this
Morgan looked at her incredulously, and
then she got angry. Past lives? What in the
world was this woman talking about? Morgan
had never been superstitious or had beliefs
about reincarnations. Although, she was not
going to admit to herself that the dreams she has
had since she was a child, haunted her
sometimes throughout the waking hours.
Morgan steeled herself to these thoughts.
“I really don’t give a damn about the
past and if you don’t get out of my building in
five minutes, I will have you arrested.” The
blonde angel laughed then took a more
aggressive stance.
“No, you look. I am getting sick of your
flamboyant attitude. Now please be quiet and
listen.” Then Angel paused and read Morgan’s
mind…Bullshit. She thought this was bullshit.
Angel looked up as if asking for assistance.
“Fine! What do I have to do to prove to you
that I say who I say I am?” Morgan shrugged.
Angel lifted her thin hand and produced a small
flower and made it bloom right in front of
Morgan’s eyes. Morgan was not impressed.
This woman was going to be a pain in the ----!
“You can read my mind?” Morgan sat
back on the couch surprised. A million things
raced through her mind. This chance that Angel
was offering her, was it real? How did she
know about her constant restlessness? What
was this ‘boon’? How would it change her life?
All these things and more raced through her
“Yes, now would you please listen to
me?” Morgan shrugged.
“I’m listening…”

“I’m going to say this quick. I’m taking
you back to England 1878. You will have
almost three months to accomplish my goal.”
Morgan played along, for the sake of her dream,
of course.
“What am I supposed to accomplish
exactly?” she asked sarcastically.
“Just lead a life, like any other. I am
well known and respected in those days. In this
life, you are my niece coming from France. I
know you speak French, so it won’t be difficult
for you. You will attend social functions,
barbecues, picnics, etc. I will be your
chaperone, but will be gone the first part of your
trip. I will have gone to Bath for a couple of
weeks. You won’t be alone because of the
servants and I’ve assigned some temporary
chaperones for you.” She hesitated and started
again, “Rule number one, no men allowed in the
house without a chaperone. Rule number two,
no mention of any future object, meaning
showers, TV, refrigerators, not even a watch.
Rule number three, if at anytime you break a
rule a day will be taken away from your given
time. Each day is important so you will want to
keep as many days as you can, trust me. Rule
number four, no bad language.” She tapped her
finger to her chin as if in thought. Morgan
stared dumbfounded as Angel rattled on about
these rules. “That one is more mine than
anything else but it is a rule nonetheless. That’s
about it for now. Questions?”
Morgan was about to scream! This was
such a bad dream, why was she dreaming this
anyhow? She had a long day, perhaps it’ll turn
out to be a good dream. There was so much
information that was thrown at her but Morgan
decided to throw caution to the wind. Maybe
this dream of hers will be some fantasy just like
the romance novels she used to read when she
was younger. She felt the excitement slowly
creep up from nowhere.
“Ready?” asked Angel impatiently.
Morgan didn’t think twice about it.
“Baby, I was born ready,” she flicked
her hand to her hair and closed her eyes.

Chapter One

“I really don’t give a rat’s ass if my

brother does get shot. The world would be rid
of a damn fool.” Maximillian Oakwood said
calmly. He regarded his Italian friend and set
his drink down.
“I’m just saying you should keep your
brother away from all the virgins out there. The
Earl of Rush threatened to kill him after he
heard the scandal about his daughter and
Simeon.” Edgar Riccio stood up from the
comfy chair. “Well my friend, it’s best that we
get going. I heard Lady Nicketon will be
throwing a big ball tonight, and we did accept
her gracious invitation. I am in dire need of a
good chase.” Edgar laughed aloud at his own
private joke. Max quirked an eyebrow at his
friend’s good humor.
“A good chase? Since when do you call
your chases good?”
“Humph! Women love my piratical scar
and it’s my charm they go after.” Both men left
the Oak residence in a considerably good mood.

“I can’t believe I’m wearing this god

awful corset!” Morgan tried to breathe. Angel
laughed her tinkling laugh and tied the corset a
bit tighter.
“Sir Worthington will be here in five
minutes to escort you to Lady Nicketon’s ball.
You must look your best; this is the first
impression. Sir Worthington is bringing along
his sister so you two will be properly
chaperoned, and remember, I will be with you
right here,” she tapped her finger on Morgan’s
chest. The butler then came in,
“Sir Worthington and his sister are here
“Merci, monsieur,” she quickly grabbed
her shawl, crossed herself and went downstairs
into the waiting room. She almost ran into the
man as she rushed into the waiting room.
“Aaaah, Lady Ashton, you look
absolutely radiant. I feel deeply upset that your
Aunt cannot join us or properly introduce us.
But since it is just we three, we won’t tell
anyone about this impropriety.” Morgan stared
stupidly at the two people in front of her. It
seemed like she was transported back in
time…well, she thought wryly, she was back in
time. “ I’m Sir Worthington and this is my
sister Christina. Of course, you must call me
James. Morgan regarded this hot hunk of man
and forgot her manners.
“Oh, excuse moi,” she curtsied and he
took her hand and kissed it…. slowly. Morgan

extracted her hand and greeted the friendly
looking girl next to him. They curtsied to each
“I’m sorry to hear about your Aunt,”
said Christina shyly.
“Oh, its quite alright. Bath will do
wonders for her skin…so I’m told.” Morgan
said politely, but there was no politeness in the
way the young Sir Worthington was gaping at
her. Morgan slowly licked her lips and smiled
coyly. This was going to be fun.
“Ready when you are,” she murmured.
Sir Worthington led them into their carriage.
As soon as they were settled, Morgan
had a chance to think about her situation and her
gorgeous gown. The dress was a dark emerald
green which highlighted her red tones. It was
high waisted with a cage like thing under her
layers of skirts. The dress was made out of satin
with chiffon as the top layers of the full skirt. It
rustled and swayed when she walked, which
made her feel like a princess. The sleeves were
bell-like, gathered at the elbow and then fanning
out with the chiffon. Angel had lifted all her
curly hair to the top and pinned it with beautiful
green sating ribbons threaded in. A beautiful
pair of emerald studs graced her earlobes and
the matching necklace that went with it. Angel
had said she had looked exactly as she was
supposed to look. Morgan had regarded herself
in the looking glass and was stunned. She had
never resembled her Irish mother as she had at
that moment. Her mother was the most
beautiful woman to walk the face of the earth.
“Are you listening, Lady Ashton? You
seem a bit distant,” explained James.
“James, you must call me Morgan. I
don’t really like people calling me Lady
“Of course,” smiled James, “and you
must call me James.” Morgan smiled
devilishly, while she glanced at the hunk across
from her. She wondered if she could get him to
kiss her…He had blond hair and brown eyes to
die for. His lips were on the thin side but
regarding his physique, you’d think this guy
would have gone to a gym.
“I thought I already was,” she stated. He
smiled just as devilishly.
“You were.” Christina then sighed
loudly since they were both ignoring her, not
purposely of course.
“Well, here we are, “ she announced
joyfully, “I can’t wait to introduce you to my
friends.” Morgan rolled her eyes upward.
James got down and helped the two ladies
down. The brisk air nipped at her skirts and she
pulled the shawl closer to her. The large house
loomed up in front of her and she felt a surge of

“I’m sure every man will be jealous of
me because I have the two most beautiful
women here.” He took both of the girls’ arms
and started for the doors. Morgan tried to quell
her nerves. It was just like entering a room full
of executives, she thought to herself. What if
she messed up or something? Angel had said
not to say anything about herself. Just that she
was visiting her aunt and that she was from
Lyon, France. And that’s all anyone would get
from her if she had to kill herself trying. She
lifted her chin a notch and prepared for the

“I think I have spotted my chase,”

remarked Edgar. “The one with Worthington.”
Max lazily turned to take a look at the young
chit. He detachedly scanned the crowd with his
gray eyes.
“Which one?” A flash of green quickly
caught his eye.
“There,” Edgar motioned, “with our
charming hosts.” Max saw James and his jittery
sister, Christina, but he had no idea who was the
stunning woman next to them. She – was in
“Which one of the two?” Edgar gave
Max a sly look, knowing that Oakwood knew
very well whom he was talking about. It was an
entertaining thought that Max was playing
dumb, so Edgar decided to play with him just a
“Which one? Which one? The one with
whom I am simply falling in love. Which one?
Hah! The one in green my friend!” Max subtly
“She doesn’t look naïve, Edgar. Perhaps
you should choose someone else who will take
your fancy tonight.” Riccio looked at his friend,
his rakish friend who hadn’t committed to
anyone since Leslie. He decided to give his
friend a go for his money and wondered where
this little charade may lead. He had a pretty
good idea but surged with the idea anyway.
Edgar thought that tonight would be a good
night for the betting books. Plus, he might fall
in love himself. The enchanting beauty was
going to be his undoing if he didn’t introduce
himself this moment.
“No, my friend, I will choose her. I have
a feeling about this one. Mayhap she will be
French and I will have myself a grand old
time!” He laughed at his own mischievousness.
Max sharply looked at him and raised his
“Fine, but expect a healthy dose of

“Oh! You want to bet on it, Max?” Max
glanced at the mysterious woman and thought
what had come over him. She was going to be
just another one of his conquests – yet why did
he feel so… angry?
“If that is what pleases you, Edgar. If I
receive first dance, I will win her and you will
not attempt to seduce her. And vice versa, if
you will I will not attempt to seduce her. To
make it interesting, if I win, I receive your
Arabian horse as well…” Edgar simply could
not take his eyes off this woman. He glanced
around the room to see if anyone else had
noticed her. He turned his attentions lazily back
to Max.
“Are you a crazy man? That the most
ridiculous wager I have ever heard in my entire
rakish life! If I win, I will win your Arabian
filly! And that is what I will settle on, and if
you don’t think you can take it, well, let me be
on my way.” Max ran a hand through his short
bronze hair. He was not certain if he wanted to
continue on the horse-loosing path.
“Fine,” Max announced slowly.
“Deal.” Edgar wasn’t too sure he
wanted to lose his filly; he needed to have the
red haired beauty dance with him first. The
chase was on and anything went.
Morgan was about to die of plain
boredom. She would have rather been at home
watching a good soccer game. This old man,
the Duke of somewhere, was constantly talking
about his crops, or lack thereof. Whatever that
meant. She tilted her head at a certain angle and
saw the two most gorgeous guys. They were
heading straight for her too! One was tall, very
tall with hair darker than hers, her favorite color
cherry brown. He had an aristocrat nose with a
slight bump. His hair seemed to have a curl to it
and it was cut real short. If it had grown long, it
would definitely be curly.
As he approached her, their eyes met and
Morgan almost sighed with pleasure. His eyes
were light gray with a black rim around them.
They held a cynical stare, cold almost. Morgan
looked at the other gorgeous man walking with
the gray-eyed babe. He was a few inches
shorter with straight short black hair. He had an
Italian nose, definitely. He also had black eyes
and thin lips that seemed to be twitching. What
caught her attention was his scar. It started on
his forehead and curved along his face to the
bottom of his jaw. It wasn’t ugly but it gave
him a sexy pirate look. His physique made her
think of the strong athlete. He was now smiling.
Morgan quickly gave her full attention to the
jolly old man in front of her.

“Oh, my dear let me introduce to you the
Duke of Oak, Sir Maximillian Oakwood and his
friend the Earl of Staveton, Sir Edgar Riccio.
Gentlemen, this is the Countess of Angelere’s
niece, Lady Morgan Ashton.”
“How do you do, my lady,” Edgar
grabbed her hand gently and kissed the back of
it. Morgan curtsied and almost fainted. Max
took her other hand, turned it over and kissed
the inside of her wrist,
“The pleasure is all mine, Morgan.”
Morgan forgot to curtsy and her eyes widened.
She extracted her hand from the man’s warm
grasp. The poor host gasped and did not know
what to say to that greeting.
“It’s Lady Ashton, if you please, Your
Grace,” she said coolly. Lady Nicketon nodded
in accord with Morgan’s reaction. How dare the
rake Max take such openness!
“But of course, I mustn’t take such
liberties with such a beautiful woman.” Edgar
frowned and Max gave a rare broad smile. Well
what audacity, thought Morgan. No one took
such, such, stuff in these days! He was a rude
brute! Of course, in the nineties she would
blush and giggle, but not now! She’d give as
good as she got. She excused herself to the host
and his wife, to Edgar Riccio, and turned around
and left that hunk of man behind. Now – to
look for James.
The Nicketon’s left Edgar and Max alone.
“Well, my friend, you are on the right
track,” Edgar remarked sarcastically. Both men
looked at Morgan’s luscious retreating figure.
“She sure is different, that one. She turned you
down flat Max, didn’t even look at you as she
left you in her dust.” Max swirled his newly
served drink and thoughtfully said,
“I think I might actually enjoy this game
of ours. She definitely seems worth the Arabian
horse.” Edgar scoffed at him, “Well of course
she is! Lady Ashton just snubbed you in front
of the ton and got away with it. Over there,
look. It looks like we have competition. She is
dancing with that fop, Worthington.” Max gave
the dancing couple a worriless glance.
“As long as my swine of a brother
doesn’t attend this function, there is no threat.”
“Speak of the devil. Here is your
brother with Lady Jane Covelet. You know, as
soon as your brother sees Morgan…” No sooner
had he said that than Simeon left his partner and
bounded over to the dancing couple. He had
asked to cut in and being the gentleman
Worthington was, he let Simeon butt in. So
now Simeon was dancing with the object of his
brother’s desire, again. Max started feeling the

old stirring of jealousy and he became tense.
Edgar saw his friend’s reaction immediately and
sighed. He hadn’t seen Max react this way
since the Toule incident. Maybe he should try
to take Max’s mind off this little but important
“You know, Max, you shouldn’t be
worried about Simeon, I have a feeling she’s a
smart lass and will see right through him. Or
maybe she seems like she will cause too much
trouble, perhaps we should leave her to
Simeon?” Edgar said this with a twinge of
regret. Max responded slowly and dangerously,
“No, she will be mine.” Edgar inwardly
cringed. He wanted Lady Ashton for himself.

If she knew James better, she would

have killed him for leaving her with this
egotistical ass! He wasn’t any better than
“My name is Simeon Oakwood. I know,
I should have left someone from the ton
introduce us, but I was taken with your beauty
and I had to meet you.”
“An Oakwood…is that so? Therefore,
are you Sir Maximillian Oakwood’s brother?”
Simeon looked at her oddly.
“Yes, yes, I am. Although I am not
proud of the fact,” he turned her around and
tried to scan the crowd for his brother.
“Hmmmm…” her eyes kept darting
around until they landed on the tall gray-eyed
man by the mantle. He was staring at them
intensely. The waltz gratefully ended.
“May I call on you tomorrow afternoon
for a ride in the park?” Simeon asked her
quickly just in case she might have second
thoughts later throughout the night.
“Hmm? Sure, do you know…”
“Twenty-Four Cherry Lane, correct?”
Morgan nodded absently, just wondering why
Max was staring at them so intently. Simeon
took her hand and kissed it. “I will be seeing
you tomorrow then.” She waved him off
unconsciously; Simeon took it as a thank you.
“Of course, sure.” She asked the nearest
person where a veranda or terrace was so she
could have a breath of fresh air that was much
needed. This whole ball thing was getting to be
such a headache. Especially since she had to
remember all these people’s names. She was
directed to a set of two wooden oak doors, and
quickly opened them. As she slipped past them
discreetly, Morgan inhaled the fragrant scent of
the rose beds below. She listened to the quiet
night and walked towards the railing. The
balcony overlooked a beautiful rose garden.

Simeon did look like his brother but thinner.
His hair was longer and wavy, but it lacked the
cherry brown color, it was just brown. His gray
eyes did not have the black rim and his nose had
no bump. He had thin lips; unlike his brother’s
full ones. Definitely, Simeon was a weaker
version of the oh-so masculine Max Oakwood.
Morgan sighed against the rosy breeze.
“Why so sad?” Morgan gasped but
couldn’t move, the whisper was right behind her
ear and she could feel him right behind her.
“Your Grace, I don’t think it is
appropriate that we be out here all alone,”
Morgan tried to control herself, but she wanted
to turn her body around and touch him.
“Are you French?” Max inhaled her
sweet-scented hair.
“Oui, Monsieur, Et si vous ne quittez
pas, puis je vais quitter. Comprends?” She
turned around…big mistake. She came face –
to – chest against him. Morgan placed her
hands against his chest to push him away. He
grabbed them and pulled them in back of her.
Now she was defenseless. “Listen, Monsieur, I
don’t think-” she was silenced by his lips…my
God! She forgot her own name! He deepened
the kiss and Morgan unconsciously snuggled
closer to him. He didn’t know what possessed
him to kiss this woman.
“Good God, woman! You are fire!” he
ragged out. He let go of her hands and lifted his
finger to caress her face. She clenched her
hands together and pushed his chest, half-
“You aren’t supposed to behave like so!
Ugh!” She ambled her way around him and ran
to the doors. She turned to look at him and he
was smiling devilishly. “Agh!” She stomped
her feet and mumbled, “Men,” and left him
standing there laughing. He had never
witnessed this type of frustrated behavior from a
woman, he was laughing like he hadn’t done in
a long time.

Morgan clenched her fists. If she wasn’t

careful that man may get under her skin. Angel
wouldn’t like that one bit.
“Lady Ashton! We were looking all
over for you. Lord only knows what can happen
to an unchaperoned lady in these functions.”
Christina bounded over to her.
“Well you found me mon amie,”
murmured Morgan.
“Yes, well,” Christina looked a little
flustered at Morgan nonchalant answer. “I’d
like to introduce you to our little group here.
This is Leslie Toule, Amy Grand, and Bette

Sheldon. Ladies, this is Lady Morgan Ashton.”
Morgan nodded towards each of the pretty girls.
Leslie was a thin petite blonde with baby blue
eyes. Amy and Bette were thin brunettes. They
all began talking about boring things, while
Leslie kept giving her condescending looks.
Morgan’s mind kept wandering to the man
across the room. He had an indifferent look, but
he wasn’t staring at her. He was sharply
looking at Leslie. Morgan felt a small, the
smallest, tinge of jealousy. Very small. Her
mind then switched over to Max’s friend. He
was definitely promising; she noticed that he
kept her in his sights since they were
introduced. Morgan felt a little electricity flow
between them when he kissed her hand. His
black endless eyes held a secret, she felt. What
is was, she didn’t know.
Max was definitely lusting after this one.
She’d be difficult to get into bed. His charms
always worked, whether be it to shy, coy
maidens or worldly women. Always…. what
the hell was she doing talking to Leslie? That
little Toule bitch. A year ago, Leslie was his
fiancée. That was until he found her and his
brother in bed together. She had connived him
well. Thank God he had found them sooner
rather than later, otherwise he’d be in hell. She
had begged him to forgive her. When Max
confronted Simeon, he just laughed it off.
Simeon had said, what good was a girl if both
brothers hadn’t tried her out? He was saying
this all while calmly putting his pants back
on…. and Leslie sat crying in the corner. Max
had pummeled his brother to the ground,
unthinkingly. That’s the last time Max had
shown any feeling about Leslie or their
relationship. Now, the only women who filled
his thoughts were whores and married women
who knew what they wanted. Max wanted
nothing to do with marriage…ever. One quick
night of relief and a quick goodbye ten minutes
later. His nights were flurries of sex, balls, and
gambling. Max smiled inwardly. He loved his
life but found it to be restless at times. Nothing
was expected of him, but a few quick tokens of
his wallet.
This sudden spark of lust had begun to
form the moment Lady Ashton strolled her
lovely arse down the stairs. Now as he looked
at the back of her dress, he noticed her gorgeous
red brown curly hair and her lovely backside.
James strolled up to her and asked her to dance.
She accepted politely. Perhaps, Max thought,
Morgan Ashton was a tease. And if that was the
case, she was definitely fair game. But she had
looked up at him so innocently…Leslie had
done the same damn thing. Yes, he was lusting
after her…just lusting after her. And to have

her, he’d have to dust himself off and come to

“I saw that you spoke to Simeon

Oakwood.” James held Morgan in his dancing
embrace. She cleared her throat.
“Well, yes. Is that wrong, mon ami?”
She pretended to look disappointed.
“No of course not,” he lifted her head up
with his finger, “I was just thinking about his
bad reputation.” He twirled her in tune to the
“Why yes. It is well known that the
Oakwood brothers are known for their rakish
ways and charms. I just didn’t want to see you
get caught up with those men.”
“Sir Worthington, are you telling me
who I should or should not see? Why that is
simply outrageous!” Morgan teased James,
coyly. He became a bit flustered.
“No! Good heavens! I was just-“ he
cleared his throat, “just giving you, err, helpful
information, if you must call it that. I just feel
that since you are relatively new to this ton, you
might need a friend who will look after you.”
Morgan didn’t want to dance anymore. In fact,
if this soiree got any more boring, she would die
of boredom. James was making a heartfelt
effort to entertain her and it was working,
barely. Finally, the god-awful quadrille ended.
This damn girdle was killing her. She wanted to
go to sleep, but she knew she only had about
two more hours of this nightmare. She wanted a
drink, a nice tequila sunrise with a cherry and a
pink umbrella and she craved a cigarette. She
decided just to admire her surroundings.
Suddenly a quick waltz started up. Two
young fellows looked like they were heading
straight for her. Morgan quickly turned around
to escape and ran into something very hard.
“Agh! I’m trying to get through,” she
furiously whispered. A throaty chuckle escaped
from the wall she ran into.
“Care to be saved?” he murmured. She
looked up. It was he. Slowly, she shook her
head in silent denial. Max just ignored her and
led her to the floor.
Damn, but his man was hot! Morgan
couldn’t seem to remember her own name.
They began to dance. His hand around her
waist was warm, sending a current through her.
“So, belle, are you enjoying the ball?”
She tensed. Oh yes, this man was completely
“How many times do I have to tell you,
monsieur? It is Lady Ashton, and yes the ball
is…. pleasant.”

“Pleasant?” He broke into a broad
smile. God almighty, he could have cried out in
laughter. This woman was definitely different.
“What pray tell is so funny?” He
disengaged his hand to wipe the fictitious tear
from his eye. Morgan couldn’t believe the man!
“You are having a miserable time, aren’t
you?” She smiled wryly, almost blushing
because nobody was supposed to figure out her
boredom. She must not be playing her part
good enough for people to believe her,
especially if this oaf didn’t believe her. “Yes,
but don’t say it loudly, word might spread that
the new debutante is bored at the ball.” He
smiled down at her. Lord, Morgan thought, she
could definitely fall in love.
“I think it is boring too,” he said
thoughtfully. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
“Humph, I am not sure if I want to do
anything with a man who keeps laughing at me
for no reason. But for your information…I am
not doing anything.” Max grinned at her.
“Will you mind terribly if we took a ride
in the-”?
“Oh wait! I can’t,” she started blushing,
how embarrassing. This would have never
happened if she were at home. She knew all of
her appointments like the back of her hand.
Max’s eyes darkened. He inclined his
head slightly asking the silent question that
hung in the air.
“Why?” His grip on her waist tightened
“I forgot, but I am riding in the park with
your brother. Perhaps you are able to join us?
I’m sorry I completely forgot. It is not like me
to forget things like these, but again, I extend
the invitation.” She stopped her apology
because he looked fiercely mad. Max stopped
dancing and gave her an incredulous look.
“With Simeon, ALREADY?”
“I’m afraid so.” She had started to
explain but Max turned on his heel and left her
alone on the dance floor. Unfortunately, the
waltz had not ended. People were just looking
and whispering as to why Lord Oakwood had
left the beautiful Frenchwoman on the ballroom
floor. Then the inevitable occurred…they were
all whispering about the first brave woman who
turned down the infamously rakish devil….
Maximillian Oakwood.
Morgan just glanced around. She hated
it when people dismissed her. If anyone did that
in her office, they wouldn’t be there the next
day to brag about it. Men! Damn him to hell,
she’d have a wonderful time with Simeon. Why
did she feel so bad, though? Damn the man!
Did he have to look so forlorn? Morgan left the

dance floor unaware that she had just caused a
Morgan had never done this but she felt
compelled to soothe him. Morgan started
walking after him. She was going to apolo—
murder him! The jerk asked Christina for a
dance! Men!
“Care to dance, Lady Ashton?” Morgan
turned to see the kind man who asked her. It
was the other babe.
“Any day babe-I mean, Sir….” She
started blushing, again. Damn, that’s twice in
one day. That had to be a record.
“Riccio. You may call me Edgar.” He
smiled dryly; amusement flickered when she
called him a babe. Would he know the meaning
of babe? His eyes seemed to this so. Lord, if
Angel could hear her, she would die, again.
“Of course, and you may call me Lady
Ashton.” She smiled back. Edgar laughed quite
loudly, “And yes.”
“Yes what?” He looked confused. Poor
man, thought Morgan. She boldly took his arm.
“I’d love to dance.” She regarded him
under her lashes. Yes, he was beautiful, not as
handsome as Dr. Jekyll over there, but fine all
the same.
“You’re a wonderful dancer, Miss
Ashton. It seems my friend Max doesn’t realize
what a prize he let go.” And a wager, Edgar
thought to himself.
“Beg your pardon? Let go? Prize?”
Edgar quickly realized this was no mouse of a
woman. This was a high-spirited, almost
independent, beautiful woman. He also realized
he made a mistake.
“I mean, when he left, I mean…” he
looked around uncomfortably. Morgan thought
she shouldn’t make any more enemies. She
started laughing and Edgar grimaced as if in
pain. “I’m sorry Lady Ashton, I didn’t mean to
say it like that. I just meant that he was a fool to
let go of such a beautiful woman.”
“Well thank you Sir Riccio. I appreciate
the comment.” He spun her around and they
finished the waltz. As they were walking back,
Edgar felt the need to excuse his friend.
“He never treats ladies in that fashion. It
was very unusual of him to do so. Max charms
all the ladies he meets. If you don’t mind me
asking, Lady Ashton, why did he leave so
abruptly?” Morgan glanced at Max’s broad
figure as she pondered Sir Riccio’s question.
Max was glaring at both of them…she gave
Edgar her best smile. And she found that she
liked Edgar’s company a lot better.
“It was very rude of him. I mentioned
that I was going on an outing with his brother
tomorrow.” Edgar’s smile faltered, but he

found it difficult not to smile back at this lovely
“Oh, yes, that will do it. He becomes all
riled up when a beautiful lady of his interest
associates with his brother. Max has nothing to
do with them after they see Simeon.” Edgar
started looking uncomfortable again. Maybe he
shouldn’t have said that.
“Why does he become upset at this?
Does he not get along with his own brother?”
Edgar bowed and kissed her hand. He glanced
up at her with those eyes that glittered like a
freshly polished onyx. She shivered and he
smiled seductively.
“Thank you for the dance, Lady Ashton.
It was a complete pleasure dancing with you and
hope to dance with you again soon. Perhaps I
can sign your card?” She nodded, knowing that
he was avoiding her question. Edgar signed the
card, turned and left her without so much as a
guess as to why Max would get so upset. What
was the deal with that? Morgan was not used to
anyone ignoring her questions, especially when
she was dying to know what the big secret was
about. She decided to brave the fire and talk to
Max about this. After all, she did want to see
him again. He was too cute not to see him
again. Although, she wouldn’t have minded a
couple stolen moments with Edgar too. She
smiled inwardly and then shook her head. If
Max ignored her or walked away, she would
just have to let him know who was boss around
here. Of course she really did enjoy Sir Riccio’s
company, no matter how brief the conversation
had been. She made up her mind an approached
the Duke of Oak.
Max was talking to Cristina when he
saw her approaching. He gave his best smile to
Cristina and pretended he was very interested in
what she was babbling about.
“Excusez-moi, May I please have a word
with His Grace?” Cristina gave her a wan smile
and nodded.
“Of course, Lady Ashton, I was just
telling the Duke about this great new idea for a
settee decoration. They are the rage in all of
Paris. Why, went I visited my Aunt Elise, she
introduced me to this fabulous boutique that~”
“Why that is so interesting Lady
Worthington, but I promise whatever I have to
say to Sir Oakwood will take but a moment.”
Cristina looked a bit confused because Morgan
cut her off, so she just nodded slowly. Max on
the other hand was amused at the impatience to
which Morgan was displaying towards the
chatty Lady Worthington. They both excused
themselves from Cristina and Max inclined his
head wondering what she had to say to him.
Morgan immediately started as soon as they
were both out of hearing distance.

“What the-no, no, why did you walk
away from me in the middle of the waltz? That
was not very gentlemanly of you.”
“Who said I was a gentleman?” Her
mouth dropped open. What kind of English ass
was this? They were supposed to be very polite
and gentlemanly like, weren’t they?
“Well by golly, you will treat me like a
lady or I will-I will…” He smiled coldly; his
grey eyes were pure steel.
“You will what, Lady Ashton?” She
pointed her finger in his face, not really caring
what kind of scene she was causing.
“I will make your, no-I will beat you
up!” With each word, she jabbed her finger on
his chest to show him that she meant what she
said. He took a good look at this wild hellion
and chuckled. Grabbing her hand,
“You will beat me up?” He gave her an
incredulous look but still held onto her warm
hand. She pulled her hand away but still felt the
tingling sensation he left her.
“Yes sir.” Max gently grabbed her hand
again. Brought her finger to his lips and kissed
her fingertip. Morgan gasped and quickly
withdrew her hand. How dare he! He did that
in front the ton. The ton! That wasn’t in the
“You are a beast! Impossible to talk to!”
She stomped her foot and stalked away. She
was leaving NOW! Morgan searched for James
and couldn’t find him. She did manage to locate
“Do you know where your brother might
be?” She gently grabbed Cristina’s elbow to
show her the urgency of her request.
“Yes, he is talking with Sir Riccio in the
drawing room. Are you feeling all right, Lady
Ashton? You look a bit pale.”
“I don’t feel that well, but thank you”
She started heading towards the room when she
felt someone staring at her. She turned her head
and saw Leslie Toule glaring at her. The
woman obviously had some sort of problem.
Morgan found James in the drawing room along
with a few others including Edgar. Max walked
in right behind her. She glanced at him as he
winked and smiled at her. She rolled her eyes
away from him.
“Excuse me, Lord Worthington, I was
wondering if I could have a word with you.”
Max lost his smug smile as James got up and
went to her.
“Is something wrong, Lady Ashton?
Are you feeling well?”
“Oh, nothing is wrong. I am just not
feeling very well. I~” She was rudely
“I’ll take her home James. I was leaving
anyhow. You can stay here, I’m sure your sister

would want to stay.” Morgan immediately
started to deny Max, but James interrupted her
as well.
“I’m not sure about that Max, there
needs to be a proper chaperone. I am in charge
of her and I don’t think that would be
appropriate. I would be more than willing to
take both of my wards home.” Morgan was
relieved with James’ forcefulness.
“Well, I would have an appropriate
chaperone if I may take Lady Worthington
home as well. That way, James, you can stay
much longer, what say you?” James thought
“Well, alright. I would be able to stay to
play cards…Sounds good. I will collect Cristina
for you. I will meet you at the entrance, so she
can bid good bye to our hosts.” Max grabbed
Morgan’s elbow as he led her out. Morgan was
flabbergasted that she was talked about as if she
didn’t have any opinion on the matter. She
could damn well walk home! She tried moving
away from Max, but he held her firm. Edgar
grabbed Max’s other elbow and whispered
something into his ear. Max grimaced and
nodded tersely.
“I don’t even know you!” she hissed
underneath her breath.
“You will,” he said solidly. She
stumbled at the thought. Morgan let him lead
her to their hosts to take leave. She was in a
daze thinking about what Max had meant when
he stated this strong statement. The thought of
being intimate with him made her legs wobbly.
That couldn’t happen because A: she’d been
told by Angel that she was a virgin in this life
and was not about to give it up for this ass of a
man, B: Angel had forbidden it.
They met James and Cristina in the front
hall. Cristina was happy at the thought of
spending a couple more cherished moments
with one of the Rakes of Oakwood. She thought
it was very risqué.
“I will see both of you bright and early
for breakfast tomorrow.” He leaned in and
kissed both of their hands and with that he
turned on his heel and left both women with the
devil himself. Morgan threw her hands up in
As soon as the three of them were seated
in the carriage, Morgan could no longer stand
the smug look that Max had on his face.
“You are such chauvinistic pig! You
have to have everything go your way. Well I
won’t have it.” He kept smiling but the look in
his eyes changed. Cristina’s mouth dropped
open in disbelief. Cristina or no Cristina,
Morgan decided to give him a piece of her
“I won’t have it. I am not some hook-

trollop to be used and commanded. Now I don’t
know how you do it in your British country, but
I am sure you are supposed to treat your ladies
with respect. I demand-no-expect it from you.
You are rude, uncivilized, handsome, bossy, and
I don’t really care for you attitude either!” She
ended her speech with a quick nod. Max just
looked at her hot face and Cristina was beyond
red with embarrassment at having heard such a
speech. “Well, don’t you have anything to say
for yourself?”
“WHAT? Out of all the things I said
you remember the one mistake I mentioned?”
Thank God he’s not her secretary. Max
regarded her thoughtfully.
“You are not going out with Simeon
tomorrow.” He nodded to himself as if agreeing
with himself. Morgan made a small choking
sound from the back of her throat. He didn’t
expect it…ever. Morgan reached for his throat.
“You big son of a-I swear to God. You
are such an idiot! If I had my way…” she
stopped in mid sentence and loosened her grip.
She realized what might look like, especially to
Cristina, who was overcome with shock and for
the first time in her life, she was without words.
Morgan sat back down and smoothed her skirt.
She had to reign in her infamous temper.
“I’m sorry Cristina you had to witness
this spectacle. It was most unladylike.”
Cristina opened and closed her mouth not
knowing what to say and her eyes showed her
“Lady Ashton! What brought upon this
display of anger? Are you feeling alright?”
Max gave a dry chuckle at the sound of a
baffled Cristina but he was not happy right now.
“It seems Lady Ashton has some kind of
idea that I am a brute. I am nothing but kind
and considerate.” At these words both ladies
glared at him for uttering such nonsense.
“Vous etes un home tres impossible! Je
ne sais pas pourquoi j’ai quitte ma maison ce
soir. Je ne veux pas connosait vous!” The
carriage stopped and Max got out of the carriage
to help Cristina out. She hesitated not knowing
if it would be okay to leave these two alone.
Granted Morgan’s home was about three blocks
away but the little scene she just witnessed
caused her to doubt the safety of her decision.
Max held out his hand to help Cristina
“Morgan don’t do anything rash,” she
whispered to Morgan as she slid out. Max
walked Cristina to the door and came back
quickly after she went in. He sat right next to
her. The carriage started moving.
“Vache,” she muttered under her breath.

“What did you just call me?” She turned
up her nose at him,
“A cow.” She looked so damn smug. It
felt so much better to say it in English. He
looked shocked. Now he was the one who let
out a choking sound. Max started turning red.
“Are you alright?” Max turned around and his
shoulders were shaking. “Your Grace?” She
turned to him and pulled him forward. Morgan
took one look at his laughing face and let out a
short yell.
The driver was probably going about 5
miles per hour. Morgan could tell because she
jumped out of the closed carriage. She hit the
floor and brushed off her skirts. A look back
told her she had better start running. She did,
and as fast as her legs as her legs could carry
her. The stupid dress tripped her. She must
have looked pretty stupid. Morgan quickly got
up to start running again but suddenly she was
lifted up into the air.
“Let me go, you big oaf!” He let out a
freezing roar.
“If you EVER, EVER, do that again. I
will lock you up in the damned carriage until we
get there!” He threw her over his shoulders and
spit out her dress.
The driver had never seen anything like
that. He came up to the couple with the
carriage. Max threw the hellion in the carriage.
This time he sat right by the door.
“What the hell were you thinking? You
could have killed yourself!” He shoved his
hand through his thick hair in desperation. You
just took ten years out of my life lady.” Morgan
was quiet and then blurted out,
“It wasn’t going very fast.” He gave her
an incredulous look. Lord! This woman was
The rest of the two-minute drive was in
silence. She kept glaring at him, while he tried
not to smile. She was disheveled and dirty.
There was dirt on her beautiful face and her
small hands were gripping her dress. She
looked like she wanted to cry.
“Miss Ashton, I’m sorry, it’s just that
you scared the hell out of me. I didn’t expect
you to do that.”
“You didn’t have to yell at me,” she
whispered. She pushed back a lock of curly
hair. “I’m sorry I scared you, I wasn’t thinking.
You just made me so mad.” He sighed and
pulled her over to him. She snuggled up to
him…and the carriage stopped. Morgan
immediately jumped out.
“Thank you very much for the ride
Max!” She shut the carriage door on his face.
He was shocked again. He sat there for a couple

of seconds and opened the door. He realized
she had just called him Max.
He looked up just in time to see her,
shoes in hand, waving at him closing the door.
What a woman.
Chapter Two

That same woman made him wait a

whole hour before she came down to meet him
the next day. Max was about to head up the
stairs to get her and then she came down. My
God, he’d never get done staring at her. She
had her luscious mahogany curly hair down.
Her chocolate riding habit fit her like a glove.
She gave him a wonderful smile.
“Sorry to have kept you waiting, Lord
Oakwood.” She of course wasn’t the least bit
sorry. After breakfast with the Worthington’s
this morning, Morgan had profusely apologized
to Cristina. She didn’t know what came over
her, perhaps it was her French temper. Cristina
had slowly accepted her apology and
immediately went in to describe last night’s
events concerning the men with whom she had
danced the night away.
She had managed to collect herself and
promise that she was going to behave like a lady
if it killed her.
Max could tell that Morgan was not the
wild hellion he had seen the night before. Right
now, she was calm and collected. So he said,
“I figured you didn’t want to see me
after last night.” He gave her a mischievous
smile. She blushed, remembering her

“Yes, well, you deserved that. Where
are we going today then?” She quickly changed
the subject on purpose. “Well let’s get going.”
“Of course, Miss Ashton, whatever your
heart desires.” He ushered her outside to where
their horses were waiting. They both heard the
approaching carriage at the same time…and
“What the bloody hell is going on?
Maximillian, don’t you touch her! She is going
with me.” Max’s hold on her elbow tightened.
“Simeon, I really don’t think she is
going with you. Let’s go Miss Ashton.” He
half shoved her up onto the horse. Simeon got
down from his perch. He was just a few inches
shorter than Max. He held out his hand to
“Miss Ashton, I believe you agreed to go
with me this afternoon.” Morgan wanted the
ground to swallow her whole. Angel had
warned her, when Morgan had told her the
“I’m very sorry Lord Oakwood. I
completely forgot about my appointment with
your brother.” Neither man knew to whom she
was referring to. Morgan looked at one man
then the other, she sighed. “Simeon, I forgot I
agreed to go with your brother before I spoke
with you. I sent a messenger to your home this
morning. Did you not receive my message?”
She hoped he agreed with her because Max
looked as if he was going to kill Simeon.
Simeon was flabbergasted,
“But you said~”
“Simeon, she said she didn’t want to go
with you. Do you not understand this
statement?” Morgan bristled under Max’s
authoritative tone.
“Now, I didn’t mean it that way, Lord
Oakwood. What I meant was~” she was
interrupted by Simeon.
“I completely understand, Miss Ashton.
I can see how a young beautiful debutante could
forget our appointment, knowing you must have
had ten thousand invitations last night. I’m sure
we won’t be the only ones pursuing you. But I
hope to meet with you perhaps tomorrow?” he
smiled as he said this. Morgan was about to nod
when Max interrupted her.
“Like hell you will,” Max grumbled
softly. Morgan shot him a dark look and turned
to Simeon.
“I will definitely look forward to it, Lord
Oakwood,” with that Simeon jumped back into
his coach and rode off. Max nodded to himself.
“It was kind of you to placate him that
way.” He helped her mount her horse and deftly
mounted his. He sauntered over to where she
was waiting for him.

“I most certainly did not placate him, I
do mean to go with him. He seems like an
agreeable man. Why shouldn’t I go with him?”
She gave him a wicked look. He flicked her
button nose.
“Because I said so,” with that, he
chuckled, “you look beautiful.”
“Oh no. You are not getting away with
that Mister. You are not my guardian. I can do
whatever I please.
“We shall see, my dear, who can do
whatever they please.” He grabbed her reins,
leaned forward and kissed her lightly. “Come
on let’s go.”
She blinked three times. That man was going to
be her undoing. She decided to give him the
last word this time.
“Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise, milady,” he winked at
her. Max was in surprisingly good humor
considering his recent bout with his brother.
“Great, a surprise. I love surprises,” she
muttered under her breath. She felt the breeze
and she patted her horse. The last time she was
on a horse, her father was alive and they were in
their ranch home in New Mexico. She
suspected they were going on a picnic.
They were leaving the city noise and
into the park area. She side glanced Max.
Damn! He was definitely on her hot list. His
cherry brown hair rustled in the wind. Back in
the future, men rarely had hair this thick and
wavy. It was not piled high with mousse or
hairspray, just natural good clean hair. She
missed the luxuries of the late 20th
century…indoor plumbing, mousse, nail polish,
relaxing chair and her damn T.V. and even her
office. In fact, she would be in her office
sleeping right now.
“Whoa!” Max grabbed her reins just in
time. “You almost galloped yourself into that
tree! Are you alright?” She had never been so
“I’m fine, I was just…checking to see if
you were paying attention.” He gave her a
disgruntled look as if to say ‘yeah right’.
Morgan looked at her surroundings. It was the
most beautiful sight she had ever seen. “It’s
beautiful.” she breathed aloud. “There’s a
place not far from here where we can eat.”
What’s up with the restaurants? They had to go
out to the boondocks to eat? Morgan just shook
her head to clear the futuristic thoughts. “Here
we are.” Max immediately puffed up after he
saw her reaction.
Morgan was astonished! Everywhere she
glanced were beautiful trees and the landing was
made up of soft green moss. There was even a
small stream smack dab in the middle of this
picture. What astounded her most was the

picnic blanket and the plates set up. The area
she also noted was farther away from the rest of
the people enjoying themselves at the park. In
fact it was down right alone. Her mouth was
drooling because it had been open.
“Omygod,” she whispered. “You did
this?” He nodded with an expressionless face.
She was suddenly very, very giddy. She
dismounted the horse and dragged him down.
Morgan gave him a big bear hug. “It’s very
beautiful. Thank you Lord Oakwood.” She led
him to the blanket. “Let’s eat.”
“You like it then?”
“Oh yes, no doubt about it guy!”
“Good,” he felt like a big burden had
been lifted up. While he set up she plied him
with questions.
“So what do you do for a living, Your
Grace?” He then looked a bit confused.
“Do? Madam, I do not do anything. I
overlook the building of my ships in my
shipping business,” he stated abruptly.
“Boats for who?” He gave her a look of
“Ships, madam, they are called ships.”
“Boats, ships same difference.” She
gave him her I-will-win-don’t-argue-with-me
smile. He did the same thing,
“No my dear, they are not.”
“To me, they are.”
“I would appreciate it if you would
humor me and call them ships.” She smiled
“B-O-A-T-S.” She stuffed a piece of
bread in her mouth and grinned.
He went for her; she knew he was going
to do it. She laughingly tried to run as fast as
she could. She chanced a look back and knew
he was going to catch up to her because of the
stupid riding habit. She look back one more
time and saw him fall face forward! She heard
him yell bloody murder and knew she was going
to get it good.
Morgan was laughing so hard she fell on
the floor, tears in her eyes. She heard another
roar and saw him sprint to her. She desperately
tried to get up, really, but he landed right on top
of her.
“You little imp! You didn’t even go to
see if I was all right!” He started tickling
her…Morgan was very ticklish.
“STOP, stop!” She was going to pee in
her panties.
“It’s called a ship! A ship, ship, ship!”
For each time he said ship, he kissed her ticklish
neck lightly. She entwined her fingers in his
hair. He looked astonished as he stared into her
bright eyes. She smiled.
“Je pense que je vais t’aimer. Que’st
que je vais faire?”

“What?” She kissed him silent.
Although Morgan was not a virgin, she still felt
as if it were her first time kissing a man. Max
noticed it was not her first time kissing a man
and he didn’t like it one bit. He lashed out, like
always when he was hurt, and the fact that she
acted experienced hurt. He pulled away.
“Do the men in France teach you how to
kiss like a whore?” he asked raggedly.
Morgan stilled, his words stinging like
no other. She quickly pushed him off and got
up calmly. In fact, she felt familiarly calm.
“I shouldn’t~” Morgan kicked him in the
stomach and he fell backward…kickboxing
class had helped. She started running towards
her horse this time she picked up her habit all
the way, not caring who saw her undergarments.
“Damn dress!” she yelled gruffly. She
ran to her horse and heard him yell out her
name. Morgan quickly mounted her horse and
starting riding away without him, not knowing
where she was going. His words cut her deeply;
never had a man’s words hurt her this much
before. She started praying, hoping that her
horse will lead her back home. Her prayers
were answered.
Max damned himself to hell and back.
She was a lady and he should have known.
Granted, she knew how to fight like a man and
spoke in unladylike terms sometimes but still
she was the most beguiling woman he had ever
known. His past made him react so unkindly.
He could see Morgan’s mahogany hair flowing
“Morgan!” He saw her jump a small
clearing. God, she was magnificent! Oddly,
she was also going in the right direction.
Morgan was so embarrassed. Usually, a
man wouldn’t dare say such things to her. And
if he did, he would have been fired or beaten up,
which Max did get a good kick in the stomach.
She was Morgan Ashton, so why was this
ancient man able to hurt her like no other? By
God! She would face him like the Ashton she
Morgan stopped her mount abruptly and
stood by the horse waiting for Max to catch up.
She tried to calm herself before Max stood
before her. He dismounted and took a step
towards her. She held up her hand to stop him.
“Stop. You have done enough! If you
were man enough, you wouldn’t have insulted a
lady. But I do not know if you are a man,” she
emphasized man, “and therefore, if you can not
keep your insults to yourself, I will not be
around to hear them. Is that clear? I have
absolutely nothing to say to you,” She started
remounting her horse but strong arms caught

“I deserve that, although you are
undoubtedly the most outspoken woman I have
ever met. It was just that you kissed me so….”
“Open and honest,” she finished for him.
He hadn’t realized it that way, but
perhaps it had been open and honest.
“Yes, and it scared me just a little.”
Morgan laughed bitterly.
“That bad, huh?” He tilted her head up
to him,
“No that refreshing.” Max leaned down
and kissed her gently. Morgan moved away.
“No stop, Monsieur. I cannot let this
mistake happen again. It was wrong of me to
engage in such activities.” She looked away
and he smiled boyishly.
“It wasn’t wrong of me to enjoy it,” he
tried to kiss her again. The horse sensed its
rider’s apprehension.
“No,” she whispered. Max’s smile left
his face and he dropped his hands.
“I’ll take you back then, Lady Ashton.”
He sounded defeated. Morgan wanted to take
him into her arms and kiss him forever, but no
way Jose. He had embarrassed her enough for
one century.
Morgan rode beside him on their way
back, but neither spoke. Morgan was relieved
that they hadn’t drawn attention to themselves.
It would bode well if the ton found out about her
wicked temper and unladylike behavior. When
they reached the street she lived on Max
“I’m sure you know you way back from
here,” he stated coldly.
“Sure do,” and with that, she started on
her way without a backwards glance. She had
to distance herself from that man and fast.

Chapter Three

Morgan was back in the gardens, helping

the gardener pluck weeds when the butler came
to her.
“Miss Ashton, Lord Oakwood is here to
see you.” Morgan was infuriated! She got up
and dusted the dirt off her apron.
“Thank you Pratt.” She was muttering
to herself all the way back about how Max
should just shove all his apologies down his
throat! She took off her shoes, so she wouldn’t
dirty the guest room carpet.
“If you think you can waltz right in
after~ Oh my!” The man chuckled.
“I see you have met my brother after all.
I hope you remember me, I’m Simeon
Oakwood, the good one.” He grabbed her hand
and kissed it. “Always a pleasure to see you
Lady Ashton.” An Oakwood slightly
embarrassed Morgan again.
“Would you like some tea?” she
“No thank you, unfortunately my stay
here can’t be long. I just wanted to ask if you
were planning to go to the Mellon’s ball
“I am not certain, why do you ask?”
“I would be pleased if you would do me
the honor of escorting me to the ball?” Morgan
thought about this little proposal. If she went
she was sure Max would be furious and if she
didn’t she wouldn’t be able to go out like Angel
wanted her to.
“I would be happy to be your escort.”
“Wonderful! I will pick you up promptly
at eight. Is this to your satisfaction?”
“Of course, I will be waiting,” she
smiled sweetly up at him. Simeon’s smile
became wider and Morgan noticed he definitely
had thinner lips than Max.
“Then I will take my leave and not keep
you any longer, Lady Ashton.” She nodded and
showed him to the door.
“Good day Lord Oakwood, I will see
you tonight.” He nodded goodbye.
Morgan closed the door and frowned to
herself. What was she going to do for four
hours! She wasn’t hungry; she picked all the
weeds out back. The house was spotless. If only
there were a gym or T.V. around. She supposed
she’d have to make one up.
Morgan went up to her room and locked
the door. She started to change when Angel
“Hey! You scared me to high heaven!”
Angel laughed at the choice of Morgan’s words.
“Who were you expecting, Sir Oakwood

“Hey now! I don’t want to hear that
awful name. Do you suppose I can get some
music up here? I’m dying for some R & R.”
Angel sighed.
“Don’t you know by now? Your future
magic will work if you are alone. If someone is
within hearing distance it won’t work. Try it.”
“All right. What do I do?”
“I know you want music, so just think up
your music and it will play. Go ahead.”
Morgan thought of a song. Suddenly she heard
it echo softly throughout the room…
Far across the distance and spaces between
“Wow,” she breathed, “I didn’t know I
could do this.”
“All you had to do was ask me.” The
music kept on playing, so Morgan thought up a
gym outfit. Some biker shorts with a tank…and
it worked! Ten minutes later she and Angel
were grooving to a music video in their gym
outfits. The television wasn’t loud for the
housecleaners to hear, but as soon as one was
within hearing distance the music turned off.
Their clothes and television remained but the
music turned off. The four hours went by fast
and promptly at eight they both heard Simeon.
Morgan had chosen to wear a white gown
embroidered with silver thread. The band
around her head was covered with her piled high
curls. A diamond graced her features. Morgan
was ready to go out and dazzle the world since
she felt so dressed up.
Cautiously she went down to meet
Simeon in the foyer. His eyes widened as soon
as he glimpsed her.
“You look like an angel,” he whispered.
“Thank you,” Morgan shuddered
because Angel had said tonight she must look
like one. That was a bit eerie, but she guessed it
was part of the mission. As Simeon escorted
her out, she saw the closed carriage with the
same insignia as Max’s carriage. Morgan was
determined not to think or look at Max
Oakwood tonight. That was going to be a small
piece a cake…. sure. This proved to be no easy
Once they were announced, Morgan
spotted him right away. Max was dressed all in
black except his silver cravat. She also couldn’t
help but to notice that he had someone with him.
It was Christina Worthington! Well, if that
wasn’t betrayal, she didn’t know what was.
Morgan comfortably settled her arm between
Simeon’s arm. He seemed well pleased; he
wouldn’t stop trying to make small talk in the
carriage. Fortunately for her, the ride was short.
She glanced one more time at Max, just one
more time. It was clear that Max had seen
Simeon with her, he looked furious. But the

look quickly passed Morgan noticed. He was
such a jerk!
Simeon was completely enjoying
himself; he had seen the immediate reaction his
brother had when he saw him with Morgan. It
served him right. Max always seemed to get the
woman and for once, the prettiest girl here
wanted him. He brought Morgan closer to him.
As they made the rounds together,
Morgan felt herself a little lightheaded. For as
much as she was enjoying herself, or at least
trying to, she felt her head starting to pound
once again.
“Lord Oakwood, would you be terribly
offended if I rested for a few moments. I feel a
small headache coming along.” Simeon looked
a bit concerned,
“Of course! I hope I did not tire you out
already madmesoille. Let’s go into the library.
It will be quiet and you can sit comfortably.”
Before Morgan can deny that suggestion, he had
her half way to the library. She did not want to
make a scene but stopped him at the door.
“Monsieur, C’est impossible. You
cannot go in there with me. That would be
horribly improper and not very polite. I will go
in alone for a few minutes and come right back
out. I promise.” Simeon was a bit disappointed
but did not let it show.
“But of course.” He bowed and quickly
left. Morgan plumped herself right into the
puffy settee. She heard the door quietly shut.
“Lord Oakwood! I thought I told you I
would be right back. This is not proper at all!
Please excuse yourself this instant!” He came
closer as she stood up, trying to measure the
distance between herself and the door. She lifted
her head up and saw his gray eyes. Max had
that same beautiful black rim around his eyes,
but Simeon had a look of the most mischievous
devil in him. She backed up on the desk and he
leaned forward knowing she had nowhere to go.
The kiss was inevitable.
“Stop Simeon!” She tried pushing him
away as he tried to force another kiss.
“Come on Lady Ashton, you like my
brother’s kiss, why not mine?” He quickly
pushed her back onto the settee and settled on
top of her. Morgan started struggling, trying to
see if she could push him off quietly. His kisses
were rough.
“Stop it, Simeon! Get off me!” He
sealed her lips with a hard kiss. Just as she was
going to knee him, the door opened.
“Well it looks like I interrupted a lady
and her gentleman.” Simeon quickly got off
and smiled cruelly. Morgan just glared at him
and sat up, ready to thank her savior.

“Max,” she gasped. Simeon snorted.
Max ignored her angry look and focused on
what he had just witnessed.
“You definitely choose your women
well brother. You two are meant for each
other,” Max gave Morgan a look of bitterness
and out he stormed.
“Well, my job is done here…unless you
are willing to finish what we had started?”
Morgan glanced at him incredulously. “What?”
Morgan whispered, almost crying in anger.
“It’s alright, Lady Ashton. I just needed
to get him mad and you were the object of his
affection. It was nice to be seen with the most
beautiful woman here. But alas, I simply cannot
be with one who is so unwilling.” With that he
bowed, smiled and left, slamming the door
behind him. Morgan couldn’t take it anymore.
She sat on the floor and wanted to cry. Two
men she had liked and almost trusted had just
disintegrated what had taken her a lifetime to
By the time Morgan had stopped feeling
sorry for herself, the ball was at its peak. As she
was walking down the hallway she ran into the
portly Sir Mellon, the host.
“Oh my dear. Are you quite alright,
madmesoille?” He adjusted his glasses.
“Yes, is there a back entrance, Sir
Mellon? I will be able to hire a hack to take me
home, I am not feeling well.” He ushered her
quietly to the back exit.
“Follow me, my dear. Would you like to
use my carriage? It wouldn’t be right for you to
go home alone, unchaperoned.”
“Thank you very much for your
kindness. That would be most helpful.” He
nodded and ushered her out.
“Please wait here while I send for the
carriage,” he quickly went off in search of his
driver. So, Morgan waited quietly outside in the
back. She debated on just walking since it
wasn’t far way, it would only take her about 15-
minute walk. Her white dress was a stark
contrast in the darkness. She never saw him
coming. Morgan was pulled to the side of the
back alleyway.
“Gimme all your money lass, and ye
won’t get hert.” A cold slab of steel pressed
against her throat. Morgan recognized her dad’s
old Irish accent.
“I dinna ha’e any money, sir. I’e only
got me diamon’s.” She started crying to subdue
the attacker. “I feel so stupid sir. I canna
believe me escort, up en left me. He dinna ker
if I be alone. ‘Ere sir, take me things en just kill
a poor Irish lass in me mis’ry.” The steel left
“Aw come lass. It canna be that bad.
‘Ere I dinna want yer diamons.” Morgan

couldn’t make out the attackers features but he
was a tall one.
“Oh sir! You be very kin to me. ‘Ere
take’m they do no good fur me. Really go
ahead.” She pressed them into his hands;
perhaps he needed them more than she did.
After all they weren’t hers and she could always
buy more.
“No lass. Be on yer way.” He accepted
the diamonds, “What’s yer name?”
“Morgan. Morgan Ashton.” She heard
his small gasp and him whisper her name.
“You best be goin’.” Morgan turned to
see the Irish man but he was gone. Morgan
wasn’t stupid, she was set to visit a certain
someone who owed her a diamond set. If it
hadn’t been for the thief whispering her
name…without the accent...
Chapter Four

Morgan awoke to a thunderous cloudy

“Ugh!” She finally dragged herself out
of bed. She dressed and quickly ate breakfast.
She was wearing a gray riding suit that had a
black velvet piece in the bust as decoration.
By the time she arrived to her
destination, she was ready to face the “Irish
thief”. She almost laughed aloud when she
thought of his fake accent. After she realized
who it was of course, before that it was
terrifying and she hadn’t even bothered to listen
carefully. An old housemaid answered the door.
“I’m here to see your lord.” She handed
the woman her calling card.
“Of course, mademoiselle. Come into
the drawing room, I will see if he is available to
take callers.” She turned to leave.
“And please inform his grace that he
better be available. Thank you.” The maid left
with a wide-eyed surprised look. “He better
damn well be available,” she mustered. She
hated these damn slippers that made her trip on
her clothes. “Darn shoes, going to burn you and
give them to the hounds.”
“You’d probably get them thrown back
at you if they are already burned.” She stood
and straightened herself.

“Oh! Sir Riccio! I’m glad you are
available to take callers,” she glanced at him
from underneath her lashes. He grimaced.
Morgan couldn’t help to notice that he was
looking far more handsome than she originally
“I’m always available for a sweet, sweet
girl like you.” Now, Morgan knew she was
“Sir…Edgar, if you please?”
“But of course,” he handed her some tea
the maid had brought in. Edgar was wary of
Morgan’s reason for being here. He did manage
to notice that she was looking ravishing in her
grey riding habit.
“Edgar, if I might be so bold…may I
please have my jewelry back?” He began
stuttering. He quickly got up from his seat.
“What?! What jewelry~”
“I know it was you. I only handed them
over when I really thought you were in need of
money. But then of course you said my name-in
a British accent. I never forget a voice Sir
Riccio.” She walked slowly towards him,
studying him under her gaze.
“Edgar,” he muttered. “I don’t know
about any diamonds of yours. How dare you
insult me!” He turned red, which made Morgan
a bit worried. She stopped mid-stride. Maybe
she had made a mistake and here she was
making a fool of~
“I never said they were diamonds, lad.”
Now he was scarlet. She finished walking up to
him and smiled devilishly. Edgar gave a weak
smile and seemed lost in her sherry colored
eyes. Thankfully he was interrupted from
having to say anything.
“Edgar, why the hell didn’t your maid….
let me in…” A familiar voice came into the
drawing room. “What the hell is this?
Everywhere I turn you are keeping yourself
busy with every available man in town!” She
straightened up with some sort of dignity that
was left in her after that comment.
“You! You are a slimy rake who has no
respect for a lady! No consideration when
someone was trying to rape me! And if you
knew your brother half as well as you should –
well you are a DAMN fool! Sorry Edgar, I will
visit at a later time.” She tried to pass Max but
he caught her arm.
“No! Max let her go! And what is the
problem! Weren’t you the escort who left her
alone to go back to her house alone! I thought
you had more sense than that, Oakwood! You
know she was attacked last night and if I wasn’t
there to save her she would be lying in a dirty
gutter, dead?”

Max paled at this lie. Morgan was quite
enjoying the show Edgar was displaying. Max
turned her by the arm, which he still held and
shook her slightly.
“He left you alone? At NIGHT! Rape?”
Morgan figured she had better calm him down;
he looked like he was going to kill someone.
“Don’t worry, I left the party by my own
accord. I am a big girl and my home is not that
far from Sir Mellon’s residence.”
“Obviously, you were not okay because
you were almost killed by a thief!” He yelled
that statement directly into her face. She yelled
“An IRISH THIEF to boot!” Max gave
her a look of bewilderment.
“An Irish thief?” He looked at Edgar,
who was quickly turning red again. Max let out
a shout of laughter.
“Men,” mumbled Morgan. She had no
idea that Max also knew of Edgar’s
extracurricular activities. She started walking
out again, “Edgar I will visit later.”
“Oh, so it’s Edgar now, huh?” Max
wiped his eye.
“Leave me alone you brute!” she said
“Gladly, did you enjoy the other
Oakwood as much as you enjoyed me?” Max
said that without thinking.
“Maximillian Oakwood!” shouted
Edgar. “You’ve said enough~” Morgan held up
her hand to stop Edgar.
“No wait. Lord Oakwood is entitled to
his own opinion. If it is stuck in his own twisted
mind and can’t open his eyes to the lies around
him, then his whole life is centered on lies.
Good day,” With that she left. Neither man
tried to stop her.
“What the hell is the matter with you
Oakwood? I’ve never seen you treat a woman
this badly. It is not your style.”
“I don’t know. When I saw her with
Simeon, I swear to God, I almost killed him.
She made me feel like she cared about me and
not my damn title. She’s the first since Leslie~”
“Leslie wasn’t after you, she was after
your money.” Max sighed in agreement.
“I don’t understand why she is claiming
rape, when I saw them with my own two eyes. I
just don’t understand.” For now he would let it
go, but her last words echoed in his mind.

Chapter Five

I can’t stand him Angel! I can’t be civil

to that man! Whenever I come near him I feel
like – like” she was at a loss for words.
“Kissing him?” said Angel distractedly.
“Heck no! Killing him is more like it.
He drives me insane.” She hugged her pillow,
and then suddenly threw it across the room.
Angel raised an eyebrow, her white hair
“Tonight you are going to the ballet,”
she announced to Morgan.
“What? With who? Max? Simeon? I
don’t think so.”
“Edgar is coming to get you.” Angel
glanced at Morgan to gage her reaction. “It
seems he is quite taken with you. He should be
here any moment.” At that moment, as if to
mark her words, a knock came from the door.
“Madmesoille Ashton, the Earl of
Staveton is requesting your presence. I think
there may be something quite wrong with the
Earl,” mused Pratt.
“Whatever is wrong?” Morgan started
walking towards the door. Pratt held up his
“Don’t worry miss. He is just sweating
buckets downstairs as if he was nervous of
something.” Morgan smiled wickedly, it served
Edgar well after the scare he put her through last
“Well in that case Pratt, just tell him it
will only be a couple minutes then.” He nodded
and left quietly. Morgan started laughing and
Angel couldn’t help herself to a small little
chuckle. Poor Earl of Staveton, he was nervous
for no reason at all. Morgan then blinked herself
into a day gown of the color navy adorned with
gold trim around the bell like sleeves. The hem
reached her feet, so she didn’t wear the god-
awful slippers. She just figured that no one
would notice especially if Edgar was too
nervous to notice that she really hadn’t been that
upset only amused. It was funny what some
people did to earn a living. She remembered the
quiet glances between them and shivered.
Angel finished touching up Morgan’s hair and
she slowly surveyed her niece. Angel nodded in
approval and Morgan went downstairs to meet
“Good Afternoon, Morgan,” stated
Edgar shyly.
“Good Afternoon to you, Edgar,”
Morgan felt horrible. He was sweating buckets.
She tried to make him feel at ease by smiling
warmly at him. “Please sit down, make
yourself comfortable.” Edgar sat stiffly.
“Lady Ashton, I just came by to
apologize for last night. I didn’t realize it was

you. Of course, I don’t really hurt people; I just
thought you were one of those rich snobs of the
ton who needed a thief.” He held out her
diamonds and placed them on the dining cart.
“Please, I will understand if you never want to
see me again. I apologize once again,” he
started towards the door.
“Edgar, wait! Please don’t go. Let’s talk
about this. There is no need to apologize; one
must always do what one must in order to
survive in this world…” Edgar turned around at
this at looked at her incredulously, and then he
started chuckling.
“Morgan, I don’t think you understand,”
he said as he continued chuckling, “I don’t do it
for a living. I sell the items on the black market
and donate all the money to the poor people of
this town. I have a real occupation you know.”
He couldn’t stop chuckling. Morgan felt like a
“Well of course that is what you do with
your profits. Well in that case, you simply must
take my diamonds. It is the least I could do after
cheating the poor family that you were giving
these to. Keep them, I have plenty more.” He
was going to say something but just choked it
back and nodded. His black eyes twinkled
under his thick eyebrows. Now, Morgan
thought, why couldn’t this man, instead of
cherry head, have ravished her? Of course, the
scar on his face gave him a sexy look that Max
didn’t have and Edgar was built a little thicker,
perhaps his hands…STOP! She must stop
thinking about these things. She concentrated
on what Edgar was saying.
“Is that alright?” He asked. “Hmm?
What? Is what alright?” He looked
exasperated. Morgan smiled and tilted her head
at him.
“Would it be alright to take you to the
ballet tonight? Say around seven o’clock?” His
smiled widened when she started nodding
“Of course, I’d love that Edgar.”
“Now, I’m afraid I share my box with
Max but I don’t think he is attending the ballet
tonight. He doesn’t like going to these
functions; he says they bore him. So I assume it
will just be us tonight.” Edgar did not blink one
eye as he told this lie to the most beautiful
woman he’s ever known. God was definitely
sending him to hell for this one, for damned if
she didn’t look relieved to hear this bit of news.
Maybe he still did have a chance with her. He
was damn sure going to try. But tonight will be
interesting, it always helped to know that Max
will be jealous and this will cause some
“I will see you at seven then, until then
mon cherie.” Morgan nodded in agreement and

surprise at his use of French. She felt
undeniably giddy at the prospect of going out
with this man.

The way to the ballet was full of short

interesting conversations. Morgan chose to
wear a deep green gown of satin and taffeta.
Her hair was let loose with a small gardenia
tucked behind her ear.
“Were you born in Italy then?” Edgar
seemed surprised to know that she might be
aware of his background.
“No, I was born here, but my family
lives in Italy,” Edgar’s scar visibly became a bit
redder. “I actually became the Earl of Staveton
because my father was the Earl and my mother
was an Italian maid brought here from her home
by slave traders. When I was old enough, I sent
my mother back to Italy with her relatives. She
is happy there, I see her as often as I can. My
father on the other hand, died in a duel over
some wench. I was his only heir and there are
no other next of kin. So here I am. It is a small
title but I have actually made a bargain with
myself to restore Staveton to its proper glory.”
Morgan nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging
now why he felt the need to help the poor
people of the country. He himself had been
impoverished. She threw away the nagging
feeling that his story sounded a bit rehearsed
“What about you Morgan?” He asked
quietly. Edgar couldn’t take his eyes away from
her shining eyes.
“Me? Well, my aunt lives alone; I just
came to visit for 2 months. My parents just
passed away recently. After the two months I
will be going back home to run my parents’
business.” Edgar regarded her through
inquisitive eyes.
“You are running their business? Don’t
they have a male heir for that? How very odd of
the situation.” Morgan blew up at that
“There is no need for a man to do what I
am perfectly capable of doing myself. I have
been doing it for years with my father and now
that he is gone, nobody else will care for it as I
do!” She took a deep breath, “I’m sorry Edgar
for blowing up like that, it’s just that it is my
business and no one else will do.” He took her
“I’m sorry for my boorish thoughts; I
never meant to say that you weren’t capable. I
was just trying to think of your well-being and
safety.” Morgan accepted his apology. Edgar
was rubbing his thumb across her palm. “I’m

also sorry about your parents.” He murmured.
Morgan was lost in her thoughts,
“Don’t be, car accidents happen all the
time.” She was so into her memories of her
parents’ death that she didn’t realize her mishap.

“Car accident?” Edgar inclined his head

and quirked his brow. He smiled coyly.
Morgan quickly removed her hand and jerked
“I meant carriage accident.
The…carriage driver was drunk and he lost
control of the horse and the carriage hit a large
tree. They didn’t survive.” She looked down at
her hands.
“I’m sorry I asked. I didn’t mean to
make you upset Morgan. Please forgive me.”
Edgar grabbed her hands again. They both
noticed at the same time that the carriage
“You are a beautiful woman Morgan
Ashton,” he whispered as he helped her down.
She blushed because he sounded so damn
“Thank you.” He stooped down to
whisper something else,
“I promise your night will not be boring.
Let’s go,” with that he kissed her cheek and
offered her his arm.
Morgan saw a ton of people going into
the large brick theatre. She recognized a few
faces and she waved as they passed. It took
them forever to reach Edgar’s box. The box
gave them an excellent view of the stage.
Morgan didn’t even need her binoculars. Edgar
pulled out her chair in order for her to sit. As
she sat she noticed that the theatre dimmed their
lights. Edgar put his arm around her waist and
Morgan settled comfortably in his arm. She
began to watch the ballet unfold beneath her
when all of the sudden…
“Hush Maximillian!” a short giggle,
“Stop doing that! We will miss the show.”
Edgar felt Morgan stiffen. He knew it was
coming; she turned to him,
“I thought you said Max wouldn’t be
coming tonight!” she whispered in a hushed
“By God, he’s changed his mind. Oh
well, you are here with me and not him. Just
ignore the bloke and he won’t bother us,” he
gave her a peck on the cheek and patted her
waist. Max entered with Cristina.
“Oh Morgan, how delightful to see you
here with The Earl,” whispered Cristina, none
too quietly.
“Damn you Edgar! You said you weren’t
coming!” Max said harshly. Edgar looked
back calmly at the intruders.

“I have a right to change my mind,” he
whispered just as harshly, “so if you two would
kindly quiet down, my escort and I would like to
watch the ballet.”
Morgan didn’t even acknowledge Max
but she said hello to Cristina. Plus she was still
settled in Edgar’s arm. Cristina kept giggling
throughout the first half of the stupid ballet. But
thank God Morgan didn’t even blink an eye. Of
course, she could see Max out of the corner of
her eye, but she didn’t even tilt her head in their
direction. She was damn proud of herself; she
even enjoyed some of the first half. It was a bit
cold in there, but Edgar had kept her warm. She
wondered if Edgar had set her up. She slyly
looked over to his profile. He didn’t seem to
look like he set her up. Suddenly, his warm
black eyes slid to hers. She let out a little gasp
and quickly focused back on the ballet. Damn!
Edgar smiled roguishly. He was damned
proud of his lovely escort. She didn’t even
blink an eye when the brat that Max brought
kept giggling. It made him a bit hot knowing
that she had been looking at him under her
lashes. He needed to think of something else.
Finally, it seemed that neither Morgan
nor Max were going to give in and he couldn’t
take another hour and half of Christina’s
giggling. Edgar decided to take matters into his
own hands. The ballet blessedly began
“Excuse us please,” Edgar spoke quietly
to the other two loud occupants. Max looked up
and glared at him.
“Where do you think you are going?”
Aha! Max was jealous, thought Edgar.
“None of your business, friend,” he said
and led Morgan outside into the hallway.
Morgan felt Max’s hot stare following her out.
“What do you want to do out here? Do
you want to stretch your legs?” Morgan started
trying to brush some invisible wrinkles on her
skirt. She felt a bit like a schoolgirl because
Edgar had given her a sexual look. Edgar
smiled and counted…five, four, three, two, and
one. He grabbed Morgan roughly, threw her up
into the wall quickly and silenced her
outrageous cry with a hot kiss. At that same
moment, Max came out of the box. Morgan had
been so astonished that she had left her mouth
wide open for the taking.
“What in God’s name are you doing?
Get off of her Staveton!” Edgar didn’t realize
Morgan was wrapping her arms around him. He
honestly didn’t care right now because he was
thoroughly enjoying this kiss. Then Christina
came out of the box. “Leave them alone, Max.
They are having fun,” Christina silently fumed.

“It sure looks like Miss Ashton is having
fun,” he grabbed Edgar by the seat of his pants,
“get off of her.” He pulled Edgar aside, while a
red faced Morgan slid down and sat on the floor
bewildered. She quickly came to her senses and
stood up furious. Edgar immediately said
something to interrupt Morgan’s reprimand.
“You are quite right my friend. I was
behaving badly. I shall escort her back home. It
was horrible of me to satisfy our hungers here in
a public place, I shall rectify that immediately.”
Christina and Morgan couldn’t keep their
mouths from gaping open.
“Like hell you will, you two came
unchaperoned. Forget it, this is sin enough. I’m
taking her home. Edgar stay with Christina,”
Max grabbed Morgan’s arm. She had had
“Wait a damn minute! I came here to
see a ballet and I will see the end of it.” She
turned to Edgar, “You have a lot of explaining
to do and you are going to stop your Italian
hormones and you,” she turned to Max, “are
going to stop being my father. So get with it
and let’s watch the rest of the ballet. Then I will
decide who I am going with, and don’t keep
your hopes up, Mr. Oakwood.” Morgan quite
stiffly walked back into the box and promptly
sat down.
“She has no damn choice,” muttered
Max, following her into the box.
“Men,” whispered Christina. She looked
at Edgar with squinted eyes and followed Max.
As for Edgar, he just grinned his way back to
the heat inferno box. Man what a kiss.
Morgan sat herself the farthest to the
wall fanning herself and by god if Max didn’t
plop himself next to her.
“Excuse you? Edgar is sitting here. Get
your English butt to the other side.” He turned
and gawked at her. Never before had he met a
woman with such a weird way of speaking. In
fact, he’d never met a woman like Morgan
“My what?” he said dangerously calm.
“You heard me. I am not sitting next to a
man I can’t be civil with, so” She waved her
hand I the direction of the opposite wall, “get
going.” Max couldn’t take it anymore.
“I have never in all my years, met a
woman such as you Morgan Ashton. But by god
woman! Who are you to be ordering me about?
You are just that…a woman. A French woman
at that! Now if I want to sit here, damn it, I will
and you just try to move me!” Morgan’s eyes
widened at the French woman comment.
“You want to sit here?” She asked

“Yes!” came the tart reply. She smiled
sweetly at him,
“Alright you win.” She got up, gathered
her skirt and hobbled to the opposite wall, two
seats away from him. Edgar came right in, as if
on cue, and sat next to her. Morgan sat
straighter and gave the open-mouthed
unbelieving Maximillian Oakwood the
smuggest smile she could muster.
Max wanted to strangle her but Edgar
and Christina would be in the way. Of course
he could strangle his friend too. He couldn’t
believe Edgar had taken Morgan to this social,
and then kiss her! He gave a side-glance to
Morgan. She was staring intently at the ballet,
but her fists were clenched together. Humph, at
least he knew she was not enjoying herself
anymore. Her profile was excellent, her button
nose, and pouty luscious lips on that oval fragile
face. Now he was getting hard just thinking
about her. But before he knew it, the ballet was
over. The next battle was beginning.
Max and Morgan immediately stood up
at the same time.
“Let’s go Morgan, I am going to take
you home.” Morgan uncharacteristically
decided to let the man have his way. After the
way she tricked him with the seat, he wasn’t
going to give in easily. Plus, Edgar would
probably agree with the ogre. “Are you taking
me or Miss Ashton home first, dear?” Christina
asked innocently.
“No, Edgar is taking you home,” he took
her hands into his, “it’s for the best darling. I
can’t trust Edgar with that woman. He’ll take
care of you and make sure you get safe and
sound back home. I will see you tomorrow, will
that be alright with you?” Christina nodded
her head sulkily.
“Let’s go Sir Riccio. I’m suddenly
feeling very tired.” Edgar forgot what a bore
this woman had been. He stopped grinning and
almost hit himself because he put himself into
this mess. He straightened up and scowled,
making his scar appear deathly white. He had
planned for this to happen but now he wasn’t so
sure he wanted Max and Morgan alone together.
“Oh dear, you are scary when you scowl
like that Sir Riccio. Please don’t do so. It gives
me the shivers,” said Christina in a high-pitched
voice. Edgar raised a dark eyebrow at Morgan
and she chuckled.
Now she knew Edgar had had all of this
planned out. The little meddler, he knew Max
was going to be at the opera. She dared to even
think that his kiss was planned. Although, the
kiss nearly knocked her out of her senses. She
almost forgot to breathe. Even Max had never
made her feel that way. She was going to box
Edgar’s ears in the morning!

Max grabbed Morgan’s arm.
“Let’s go imp. You have caused me
enough trouble. I don’t need you lagging
“You have a big arse,” she grumbled in
her American accent.
“What?” He stared at her.
“I said, ‘Do you have to be so harsh?’”
He saw that she looked sincere and decided that
she hadn’t said what he thought he’d heard.
“Of course, I can’t actually be civil, can
I?” Morgan smiled up at him and threaded her
arm into his.
“Sure you can, you just have to try.
You’ll get it one day.” He scowled at her but
didn’t remove her arm.
“You are a wonder you know that? One
minute you are flirting with every man I know,
and the next you can be very innocent. Which
is it?” He stopped in front of his carriage. He
tilted her head up so she could see him. “Who
are you Morgan Ashton, and why can’t I get you
out of my mind?”
“Luck I guess,” she quipped and hopped
into the carriage. Max rolled his eyes upward.
This French woman was going to be the death
of him. He got in and told the driver her
address. The driver winked,
“I remember her, sir.” Max grimaced
and got in. He saw Morgan was drooping her
“I bored you already, ma’am?” Morgan
opened her drowsy eyes and mumbled,
“I seem tired suddenly, I…” she dropped
her head on Max’s shoulder. She was dead to
the world. Max scooted farther to the door and
leaned her head onto his chest. He embraced
her to keep from falling over. He inhaled the
scent of her hair. It smelled of gardenias. Max
smoothed her hair away from her face and fixed
her flower. He wanted to protect her from the
world. He kept staring at her until they reached
her house.
“Morgan, love. Wake up. Come on,
here, I will help you out.” She must have been
real tired because she stumbled out of the
carriage and into his arms. Max carried her to
the door and knocked once. Morgan awoke.
“No! Sssh!” She held out her key.
“Why the hell do I feel drunk?” As soon as
those words left her mouth, she passed out.
Max knew that she didn’t drink
anything, so she couldn’t have passed out from
drinking. He wondered where her servants were
and why the hell they hadn’t opened the door.
Max went up the stairs with her and opened a
door. It was a closet. He opened the second
door and figured it was her bedchamber.

Morgan suddenly felt very hot against his skin.
He felt her and laid her on her bed. She was
burning up in fever! A white paper was on her
pillow. He lit the candle next to the bed and
read the note.

“Thank you madam for the two days

rest. We all appreciate your

Max became furious. How dare she

excuse her staff for two whole days? He wasn’t
about to leave her here alone with this fever.
The idea of bringing her to his home appealed to
him so much, he was actually anxious to get her
home. He would send his housekeeper over
tomorrow to get her some clothes and other
Max immediately took her downstairs
and by then, she was mumbling in her fevered
“Hush love. I’ll take care of you.” He
couldn’t quite make out the words that she was
saying. The first thing he was going to do was
ring for Evans, his family physician. Who was
“Mmm…kill…. Ang…. wake.” Max
was damn curious to what the hell she was
Morgan on the other hand was very
much conscious and awake. She just couldn’t
say it and wake up. Morgan knew Angel was
up to this. She was going to kill her if only she
could wake up!
Max laid Morgan back into his carriage
and smoothed her hot brow. He was going to
send the driver to the doctor’s home
No sooner had they reached Oak Manor,
and Max sent the driver on his way. His butler
opened the door and a look of wonder crossed
his face.
“My lord?” he stuttered.
“I’ll tell you in the morning. Bring me
some cold water in a bowl and a small wash
cloth, quickly.” Max lost no time bounding up
the stairs and opening his door. He laid her on
his bed and worked on the buttons of her dress.
The dress took forever just to remove it, but he
gently took it off her. Next, came the petticoats.
In the end, what was left was her camisole and
slip. Her stockings were off too. Max covered
her with the thin bed sheet.
Williams, his butler came in with Dr.
Evans and the bowl of water.
“What is wrong with her?” Dr. Evans
asked cautiously.
“She has a fever and she’s already
delirious.” Dr. Evans regarded Morgan.

“What in blazes is she doing in your
residence Maximillian? I could have surely
gone to her residence where there are sufficient
chaperones…” Max noted the sound of caution
in the doctor’s voice.
“I am well aware of the consequences
Evans, but she gave her staff two days rest.
There is no one now at her residence. This will
have to do, I will have someone watching her as
well, as in to cause no further rumors.” Dr.
Evans nodded and gently pushed aside Max.
The doctor felt his patient and examined her.
“I don’t understand what’s wrong with
her,” Dr. Evans looked frustrated, “all I can
recommend is cool liquids and nothing heavy to
eat. Keep cooling her down with the
washcloths. Just in case if she does, er, vomit,
give her chamomile tea. It should calm her
stomach.” Max stood up.
“Thank you Evans. My driver will take
you back home.” Dr. Evans exited quietly,
leaving Max alone with Morgan. Max opened
his window to let the breeze in. He pulled up a
chair next to the bed and got comfortable. The
cloths did little to lower Morgan’s fever.
Thankfully she had stopped mumbling.
Now that he had time to think about her,
he realized he didn’t know very much about her.
Every time he saw her, she was with a man.
Simeon, to be exact, and now, Edgar. He
couldn’t get the image of her and Simeon
kissing out of his mind. He remembered how he
had caught his ex-fiancée in bed with Simeon.
Leslie, of course, started crying, saying it was
all Simeon’s fault. Simeon, on the other hand,
just smiled his sardonic smile. Later, he tried to
explain to him that brothers should share their
women and everything else.
Max had kicked him out of the house
that same day. The next day Max had publicly
announced that he no longer wished to marry
Leslie Toule in the London Times. Never again
had he become involved with a beautiful French
woman after Leslie, until now. Leslie had then
not been invited to any of London’s events. She
was shunned by the ton, until her infamous
mother made the ton re-accept her daughter. Of
course, the ton did, but forcedly. Now, a year
later, everyone has forgotten the scandal but
everyone knows that Maximillian Oakwood
never wants to become engaged again. All the
rich women try to get him and fight for his
attention, just to marry into nobility. Max was,
of course, the Duke of Oak, whoever married
him would become the Duchess. In regards to
Simeon, every one of the fathers tends to lock
their daughters away as soon as they see him
approaching. Actually, it’s the same for Edgar
as well, that rake that he is.

Morgan stirred in her sleep. Max
removed the washcloth and felt her skin. It felt
clammy still. She looked a bit pale. Her eyes
fluttered open and she leaned up a bit.
“Max! I need a toilet!” He immediately
grabbed the clean chamber pot and reached her
just in time. Morgan threw up last night’s
dinner. Max winced.
“All you alright, love?” She nodded
softly and laid back into bed. Max heard one of
his servants come in to chaperone.
“What am I doing here?” She
mumbled, “I need a toothbrush and washcloth.”
Max immediately gave her a washcloth and
ordered the maid to bring him a women’s
toilette set. “How ‘bout some gum?” She
mumbled as she wiped her mouth.
“What’s gum?” Morgan’s eyes
“I forgot,” she whispered, “it’s French
for…a comb!” She leaned back into the pillow.
“My stomach is hurting real bad. Where am I?”
Max shyly ducked his head.
“In my home,” he said wryly. She
smiled coyly,
“Why stranger! Why am I in your
“You had a fever and were delirious.
Who’s Angel?” He asked strangely.
“Angel? Why?” She pushed her hair
“You kept moaning her name.”
“She’s my guardian angel,” she stated
“Oh, well if you are feeling~” Max was
“Where the hell are my clothes?” She
said frantically.
“Don’t worry, listen, rest and I will take
you back home in the morning. I just didn’t
want to leave you alone in your house. In fact,
why did you give your staff a two day holiday?”
He eyed her in anger.
“Well, um, I didn’t need him, I mean,
them. I didn’t need them. Wait a minute, I
thought~” she shut her mouth. Oh yes, Angel
was going to get it. Perhaps some things you
just can change in her past lives. It would have
been nice of Angel to have given her a warning.
“Well, I will let you rest. The maid will
leave you a robe for the morning.” He got up,
looked back and left.
“Good night Max.” She touched her lips
at the memory of the kiss Edgar gave her last
night. Somehow these two men had to be one
of the reasons why she came to this God
forsaken time. She was going to find out the
exact reason because she had mixed emotions

between two men with whom she was already
falling in love.
Chapter Six

Wrapped in a fluffy masculine robe,

Morgan tiptoed to the door. She wondered if
Max was still asleep. The door creaked opened
and she saw a maid scurry past her.
“Excuse-moi?” The maid stopped and
gave her an astonished glare.
“Madmesoille! You should be in bed. It
is only seven o’clock in the morning.”
“Thank you for letting me know the
time. And yes it is a bit early, but do you know
where my clothes happen to be? I wouldn’t
want to wake Sir Oakwood.” The maid bobbed
her head up and down.
“Certainly. The butler brought an
ensemble for you to wear. I will bring it
By the time Morgan was dressed, it was
eight in the morning. She tiptoed downstairs
and looked for the butler. Instead, she found
Max sipping coffee. He looked up, surprised.

“Good morning, Morgan. I’m surprised

to see you up at this hour. Are you feeling a bit
better?” He sat her next to him. She glanced at
him warily.

“Yes, much better thank you. I’m really
not hungry. If you can call me a carriage, I will
be out of your hands.” He looked up sharply.
“No rush,” he whispered seductively.
“Besides there is no way you are leaving by the
front door. You will have all of London talking
if you were to waltz yourself out of here at eight
in the morning alone, all rumpled, through the
front entrance. I will take you home myself and
we will go through the back.” Morgan bristled
under his seductive tone.
“Yes, well, there is a rush, Sir Oakwood.
And you can just ring a carriage for me; there is
no need to see me home. If you please now?”
Her stubborn words affected him and his gaze
turned stoic.
“But of course. I forgot you’d rather be
in someone else’s hands.” Her mouth fell open.
It was too early in the morning for such rubbish.
She decided to give him a taste of his own
“Um, but of course, your brother to be
exact,” she said the word ‘brother’ slowly. She
thumped her forefinger against her cheek as if
she was thinking. A muscle twitched in his
cheek. He arched his brow.
“Touché.” He got up and called for a
“Ya Asshole!” she said aloud to nobody.
Angel silently took off a day from Morgan’s

A couple of days later, Cristina invited

Morgan for tea. Nobody had told her that it was
going to be an interview or else she wouldn’t
have gone. As she stood in the foyer waiting for
Cristina to meet her, she had second thoughts
about having tea with her. After all, this would
be her first small social thing. She was used to
the balls and ballets but this tea thing was pretty
new to her.
“Morgan! I’m so glad you made it!”
Cristina rushed up to her and led her into the
tearoom. “I know you have met Leslie Toule.
This is Sara Grant and Helen Frankton.
Everyone, this is Morgan Ashton.” Cristina
pulled Morgan towards the two vultures and sat
her across from Leslie.
“Well, so this is Max’s new woman.
Honestly, I can’t remember all of them. I’m
sorry if I don’t recall your name quickly.”
Leslie made that lovely speech. Morgan wasn’t
prepared but she shot back anyway, as was her

“Oh, its alright. Max tires quickly from
women who can’t keep his fire going,” she
smiled prettily. Everyone collectively gasped.
“Alright ladies, let us have some tea and
pastries.” Cristina tried to interfere. Morgan
could feel Leslie stare bearing upon her face.
She shifted in her seat uncomfortably and
wondered at the time.
The room itself was a nice peach and
beige color, giving the room a cozy and airy
feeling. A maid came down and served them
tea and pastries.
“What are we wearing to Lord Fuller’s
Ball? I don’t know if I should go pastel or
bold.” Sara said aloud. Her red round cheeks
were big and pinchable. Cristina and Leslie
were soon deep into a conversation on what to
wear to the ball tonight.
“What are you wearing, Morgan?” asked
Cristina cheerily.
“Oh, I’m not sure if I should wear my
silver dress or my turquoise. Probably my silk
silver gown.” All pairs of eyes widened.
“Silver? Silk?” questioned Helen.
“Oh, yes. The material is made in India.
I had the gown made in France.” Morgan liked
Cristina as a friend, Sara and Helen were okay,
but Leslie was turning out be an ass in the grass.
“Who is to be your escort?” asked Leslie
“Edgar Riccio,” said Morgan without
thinking. Cristina frowned at that.
“You are?” Cristina shrugged,
“Maximillian Oakwood is escorting me. He
stopped by this morning and presented his card.
I accepted of course,” she dared a quick look to
Leslie and Morgan wondered why. It was
Morgan’s turn to frown. Cristina was going with
Max? When the hell did he have time to ask
her, before or after their morning breakfast!
“We all know whom Sara’s going with,”
Christina smiled gleefully at her, “my handsome
brother!” Sara blushed.
“Who is your escort, Leslie?” asked
“I’m not sure, I’ve had three offers and
I’m not sure who to accept.” She upturned her
small nose and her blue eyes glittered icily.
Morgan let out an unladylike snort. At the
moment the clock stroke four. Morgan stood
“Wow! Look at the time. I really need
to get going,” to ask Edgar to the ball, she
mused. That was going to be interesting. She
found herself excited at the prospect of seeing
Morgan once again found herself in
Edgar’s waiting room. It was a very masculine
room. Hopefully he hadn’t an escort for

tonight; otherwise she didn’t know what she’d
“What a lovely surprise, after last night,
I’d figure I’d be hearing wedding bells,” he
joked sullenly.
“From whom, Sir Riccio? Yours and
mine perhaps, because that is what you made it
seem last night.” Edgar sobered at that. He
grinned devilishly.
“Yes, about that, I’m terribly sorry I
didn’t let you in on the secret. I don’t think you
would have gone along with it quite as nicely.
Although that kiss was something remarkable,”
He winked. “Well perhaps I’m not terribly
sorry,” he whispered seriously. Morgan’s eyes
widened in surprise. She started blushing at the
thought of how much she enjoyed their kiss.
Edgar saw her embarrassment and decided to
switch the subject…for now. “What was it you
wanted to see me about dear?” Morgan stood
up and glared right at him all the while blushing
“Will you be my escort to Lord Fuller’s
ball?” Amusement flickered in his eyes, until
he burst out laughing. Unfamiliar red flashes of
heat flew to Morgan’s face.
“I will take my leave now. Thank you”
Edgar grabbed her arm, but couldn’t stop
laughing. “Try to control yourself, Edgar. It
wasn’t that funny and I think perchance you
might be drooling.”
“I’m…sorry. Of course, I will go with
you. This will please me immensely. But let’s
do this formally shall we? Miss…Morgan, will
you go to Lord Fuller’s ball with me tonight and
Lady Peridot’s gala tomorrow?” He stopped
laughing. She grew thoughtful.
“Let me think about it…” she looked up
at the ceiling as if in deep thought, “okay.” She
tiptoed and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.
“See you tonight at…”
“Eight.” She nodded and he quickly
grabbed her before she moved away and landed
a kiss right on the lips. She was startled but
gave into the kiss. His lips moved over hers.
He moved away and caressed her lips with the
tip of his thumb. “I will be looking forward to
it.” Morgan nodded lazily again and stumbled
towards the door.
“Cool…” she whispered breathlessly as
she exited the room. How could she think this
was cool when she was bloody boiling hot.

“I want a toilet! I hate these pots that I

must sit on to sh – to go to the bathroom. How
much longer do I have to stay here? What’s the
point to this charade, Angel?” Morgan was

standing up with her legs crossed. She had to
“The war is beginning tonight. The
charade will really start. You must be strong
and wise. Follow your heart. Remember,
before you go, looks and actions can be
deceiving. Now go, Edgar awaits.” Angel said
all of that calmly and disappeared.
“Great, all that advice and no notes!
Well, here goes nothing,” she patted her silver
gown and went down to meet Edgar. As soon
as she turned the corner, she heard him gasp.

“My God, you do look stunning. You

mother must have been a beautiful woman.”
The look he was giving her made her blush. He
wasn’t bad looking either.
“Thank you, Edgar. You look very
handsome also.” She went over to smooth out
one of his lapels. He grabbed her hand and
moved a curly lock of hair from her face.
“Max is a very, very stupid man,” he
whispered. She looked up at him and just as
seriously whispered,
“I know.” Edgar let out a burst of
“Brat. Well I hope you know that Max
has competition, Beautiful, because I think I
mean to have you.” Morgan shivered
deliciously at the thought of Edgar and her
As he helped her up the carriage, he
couldn’t help but to admire her dress.
The dress had silver silk draped
everywhere. The sleeves were fitted against her
arms; the neckline was low but modest at the
same time. It was shaped in a V cut. The silk
wrapped around her bust and small waist and
exploded into layers and layers of silk. When
she moved, her dress swayed to her hips. Oh,
and the hair was fire itself, all the curl was
upswept and with a nice silver band to secure it.
They quickly arrived at the ball.
“Edgar, what is the difference between a
ball and a gala?”
“A ball is a much smaller event
meanwhile a gala is considered to be the largest
party that could be thrown.” She looked a bit
“Oh. So tonight is a ball and tomorrow’s
party is a gala.” “Correct.” He helped her down
from the carriage. As the butler announced
them, Morgan spotted Max. She could spot him
in any crowd. He and Edgar were the tallest
there. Max was with Cristina, that flighty thing.
“Well, hello, Lady Ashton. How
wonderful to see you here. You look absolutely
stunning. You have met Miss Sara Grant, have

you not?” declared a very surprised James
“Oh oui. We have met before. You,
deux, make a wonderful couple!” Sara blushed
and James winked at her.
“Of course we do. I’m the luckiest man
here to be in the company of two very beautiful
ladies.” Edgar nodded in acknowledgement.
“Well if you excuse us, we were on our
way to meet and greet,” explained Morgan. “ I
will definitely being seeing you two later.”
James nodded and quietly said after her, “Please
do leave room in your card for a dance with me
Lady Ashton.” Morgan gracefully turned
around and bowed affectionately. Edgar
scowled and softly shook his head in denial.
“Of course,” accepted Morgan. As they
took their leave, Morgan swept a quick glance at
Max. He sure was gorgeous.
Max saw them enter. His blood was
boiling when he saw his best friend with his –
his – her. She was obviously not involved with
Simeon, because he was by the music flirting
with a young girl. His eyes followed all her
moves when she wasn’t glancing at him. And
oh yes, he did receive some sort of satisfaction
knowing that she was looking for him. Max
remembered Simeon and Morgan’s shared kiss.
He wished she were alone so he could make
love to her once and for all and then he’d be
able to forget her.
One dance after another and another led
Morgan to be tired. Edgar went to go bring her
a cup of punch when Simeon showed up.
“Mmmm. Hello there beautiful.” He
nicked her under the chin.
“Shut up and get away from me. I have
nothing to say to the likes of you.” Simeon
faked hurt.
“Lady Ashton to you. Just as well, don’t
call me anything. Just get away from me.” He
went for her arm and twisted it behind her skirt
“I can speak to whomever I wish and do
not ever insult me again,” he threatened slowly.
Morgan knew how to handle men like this. She
leaned towards him and smiled, despite the pain
in her arm.
“If you ever touch me again, I will go to
you while you sleep and cut off your nether
regions. I will show them to you and then
delight in shoving them up your nose.” She said
all this with deadly conviction. Simeon paled
and released her arm.
“You aren’t a lady. You’re a bitch.” He
backed away.

“Don’t test me Oakwood,” she stated.
With that, he turned around like a wounded
Max saw the whole thing. He saw
Simeon touch her and also saw her lean
forward. She was going to kiss him in public
with Edgar not two feet away! Max turned
away in disgust. How could he want a woman
like that? The thought of sitting in a quiet place
appealed to him immensely. Max snuck into the
study for a moment's peace.
“Look what I found,” came a sultry
voice from a corner of the room. Max tensed,
for he knew that god-forsaken voice.
“Get out,” he stated flatly. “Get out and
leave me alone. I don’t have time for you.”
Leslie stepped out of the shadows, her dress
“Is that the hello I receive from my ex-
fiancé? Why I’m sure you give better hello’s to
that French slut than to me.” Max knew he
wasn’t going to get any quiet. He stood up and
Leslie plastered herself against him.
“Leslie, damn you! Get away from me!”
Max kept backing away while Leslie kept
Max opened his mouth to say something
and fell over the coffee table from behind. He
grabbed something to balance himself and
instead grabbed Leslie. She landed on top of
him but his arms did not go around her. Leslie
took hold of the opportunity and kissed him.
That same moment Edgar and Morgan opened
the door. Edgar saw them first and he stuttered.
“Let’s look somewhere else, he’s not
here.” He tried to push her out but Morgan was
not the kind of person to be deterred.
“Are you sure?” she gasped, “Oh my
blessed God!” she exclaimed as she pushed
Edgar. “Alrighty then,” she widened her eyes
and turned around. Morgan was in shock. Max
and Leslie? Edgar shut the door and followed
Morgan out.
“Edgar, what was wrong with that
picture. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ils sont
ensemble. Je le deteste! Did they have a
relationship, Edgar? Don’t give me ‘It’s not my
business’ because I need to know.” Edgar
shoved her into another room.
“They had been engaged about a year or
so ago.” That was all he was going to say.
“And what?” She gave him a scowl.
“I need an explanation. A real
explanation.” The Irish and businesswoman in
her came out.
“They were engaged but Max called it
off two weeks before the wedding.”

“Edgar! I don’t have your time man!
Why did he call it off?” Edgar was astonished;
he had never seen this side of her before.
“Why don’t you ask him? Look, I’m
serious love. I don’t think I should be the one
explaining to you about his love life.”
“I want to be his love life! Don’t you
understand?” Morgan quieted down and
realized what she just said. She did want Max,
but she hadn’t want Edgar to know, the reason
being because she wanted Edgar, too. She was
at a loss for words.
Edgar was also surprised. Apparently,
the sexual tension he had been feeling was one
sided. He didn’t care if Morgan knew anymore,
so he whispered,
“He caught his brother making love to
her in his own bed.” Morgan gave a little gasp
of horror. It hit her how badly Max must have
been hurt.
“How horrible for him.” A lump in her
throat started forming and a tear slipped down
her cheek. He wiped her tear away and
searched her face. Morgan realized that they
were in a room…alone…and Edgar was giving
her a look filled with hurt. Maybe she shouldn’t
have blurted the part about wanting to be Max’s
love life out in the open.
“Its alright dear. It’s over now, he’s
gotten over it.”
“Obviously he hasn’t. They were all
over each other. So I think that they have gotten
back together.” Edgar gently grabbed her arm.
He needed to leave this room because he
couldn’t take Morgan’s subtle rejection of him.
“Come on. I think they’ve started the
dinner.” Morgan let him lead her but her mind
was elsewhere. Rule number one was no men
and look what she had done. All her moments
with Max must be forgotten. She had seen Max
with another woman and she had hurt Edgar
accidentally. Back at home it was easy to forget
memories because she could block them from
her mind. Max and Edgar were a whole
different story. They were going to be hard to
forget. If this were the future she would have
gone after…she didn’t know whom she would
go after. But what was the point? In another
two months, she’d never see them again.
Edgar seated her smack dab in front of
Max. She gave both men a dirty look.
Oakwood kept trying to catch her gaze but
Morgan wasn’t about to let that happen. If she
did look at him, she’d start crying. That is what
she felt like doing.
Edgar could see she was about to weep.
An idea came into his head and he was an
impulsive man. This was going to be very
impulsive. He stood up and grabbed his
champagne glass.

“Everyone! I have a wonderful
announcement and I hoped you would toast to
my good fortune.” All the people sitting at the
table smiled in anticipation and raised their
glasses, even Max. Max was beginning to get a
bit worried because he knew his friend did
stupid things. He didn’t disappoint Max.
“The beautiful Lady Morgan Ashton has
agreed to become my loving wife!” The table
immediately gasped with pleasure, but Max and
Morgan were in complete shock.
Max griped his fragile glass flute so hard
that it shattered in his grasp.
“Oh my goodness, Max!” Morgan
didn’t have time to register anything except
Max’s bloody hand. She went around the table
to see how badly hurt he was. Since she was
seated near the end it wasn't very far. Cristina
backed away because blood was everywhere.
God forbid she’d get blood on her dress!
“Quick, get me some warm water,
whisky, tweezers, and bandages!” yelled
Morgan. Their host quickly stood up to comply
with Morgan’s wishes. Blood quickly stained
Morgan’s silk dress. She grabbed his hand
gently. Max withdrew it.
“Stop being an ass and give me your
hand. You have glass all over it!”
“Let go. It doesn’t hurt. I can take care
of it myself. Anyway you have blood on your
dress. Why don’t you attend to you bloody
fiancé?” He darted Edgar a look to kill.
“Shut up and come to the kitchen.” The
host brought the items and led both Morgan and
Max to the kitchen. Edgar and Cristina quietly
“If you want I’ll take Cristina home
while you clean him up,” Edgar offered
Morgan. Max nodded.
“That’s a good idea and I’ll take Morgan
home,” Edgar shook his head,
“I will come back to pick her up. It
won’t be long, luv.” Morgan nodded in
speechless agreement. Edgar took her hand and
kissed it.
“I’ll be back my sweet.” Max frowned
while Cristina and Edgar left. Lord Fuller
bristled because he had a party to attend.
“You go on back, Lord Fuller. I can
handle this injury and as you can see, there are
plenty housemaids about to safeguard my
reputation.” The little chubby man quickly
agreed and scurried off.
Max caught her gaze. Morgan almost
let out a sob. He was looking at her so soft.
“Did you?” he whispered. She knew
what he was asking. If she said no, Max would
be in her life for a short time and break her
heart. She only had two months.
“Yes,” she whispered.

He let out a loud roar and slammed his
injured fist into the counter. Morgan let out a
“Max! Your hand! Damn you!” She
tried to grab his hand but he evaded her.
“You’ve played one too many games
with me!” he shouted at her.
“No! That’s not true. I can’t be with
you.” He grabbed hold of her hair and tugged
her to him. His gaze seared her to the end of her
“You can’t be with me but you can be
with my brother and my best friend?” Her tears
started flowing.
“Max, no. I just can’t~” Max didn’t wait
for her to finish. He twisted her to his lips and
kissed her as if he was dying. He was rough and
Morgan’s tears mingled with their hot breaths.
Her hands went around his head and she
grabbed a handful of hair.
He let out a lustful groan. With his
injured hand, he held on to her. Morgan’s
inside voice screamed for her to stop but she
really, really wanted this to happen.
The kiss suddenly went soft and almost
pleading. They stopped cold when a snide voice
interrupted them.
Chapter Seven

"Oh my! What in the world is Edgar

going to say? He's going to find out that his
best friend is kissing his fiancée. Now doesn't
that sound familiar, luv?" She arched her
eyebrow and laughed.
Max released Morgan so fast she had
almost fallen forward. He didn't as much as
look at either woman and left. Leslie gave
Morgan a nasty smirk.
"It looks like Romeo didn't like you
enough to confess his love, did he?" Morgan
didn't understand why Leslie was so bitter but
she wasn't going to let her be bitter either.
"I don't talk to trash, now let me pass."
Leslie let out an unladylike snort.
"You are just as I suspected," she waved
her hand through her hair.
"And what would that be?" Morgan just
wanted to punch her lights out and let out her
anger and frustration.
"A slut who wants the Oakwood money.
Can't decide which Oakwood to keep, eh? Max
is a much better lover than his whiny brother
"That is funny Miss Toule, I was just
about to say the same thing to you. Anyway my
petite chienne, I don't even want an Oakwood. I

have a wonderful Italian man, who I care deeply
about." Leslie chuckled.
"Well, he is not going to care about you
after he finds out that I found you with his best
friend. So, you will take your French hands off
Max and go back to where you belong. He is
mine. I am still working on it." That is what set
Morgan off.
She grabbed Leslie so quick she didn't
react until after Morgan had her pinned to the
wall by her neck. Leslie started choking and
gasping for air.
"Look. You don't know anything about
me. But if you ruin what I have, I will
personally ruin you and your face.
Comprends?" Leslie began whimpering, so she
nodded quickly. Morgan let her go in disgust.
This makes two people she had physically
threatened in one night. She was going to set a
record. Right about now, she could have gone
for a swim in her pool and a damn cigarette!
Perhaps this is why Morgan had been so
grouchy. She hadn’t had a cigarette since she
started this dream of hers.
She watched Leslie scurry out of the
room. The maids quickly turned their heads,
knowing they shouldn't have watched. As
Morgan glanced at her stained silver dress, she
wondered what Angel would say. The bandages
had fallen to the floor where Max had dropped
them. At this moment, Morgan wanted to cry.
All she was supposed to do was lead a normal
life. And look what she had gotten into. This
life of hers seemed like a damn soap opera. A
month had passed by and she was already
ruining her new temporary life. Angel was no
help; all she gave was bogus and puzzling
advice. There was no one to talk to, like really
talk. Cristina was hooked on Max, as he was to
her, obviously. Simeon was an asshole and she
didn’t know James that well.
As she headed back to wait for Edgar, a
sliver of fear went through her. What if
“Oh my dear! I saw Sir Oakwood leave
in quite of a hurry. Was he alright?” Her host
came up to see her.
“Oh yes, he just wanted to get home and
attend to his injury.” He nodded slowly,
“Umhumm. My! Look at your beautiful
dress. It’s ruined! I’m sure Oakwood would
gladly see it remedied.” Morgan smiled
“Don’t worry yourself, Lord Fuller, I am
sure it will come out. And if it doesn’t, I have
plenty of dresses to make up for this one.” At
that moment, Edgar arrived.
“Ah, Sir Riccio, you came just in time to
pick up your courageous French fiancée.”
Edgar glanced at Morgan with admiration. “Yes,

she is beautiful – I mean courageous,” he stated.
Morgan blushed under both men’s admiration.
“Anyhow, I think I need to get going.
It’s been a long night for me. If you don’t mind,
Sir Riccio?”
“Oh of course, madmesoille.” They bid
their hosts a farewell and exited. Edgar helped
her into his carriage.
“I’m sorry about your dress, luv.”
Morgan gave him a sharp look.
“What in the hell did you just pull in
there Edgar?” Edgar’s eyes widened.
“Engaged? Me? Why I thought I wouldn’t get
married until I was thirty!”
“Are you damned blind woman!” It was
Morgan’s turn to be surprised.
“What are you talking about?” she said
that with her best British accent, therefore
making fun of Edgar.
“Max iz in luv vith you!” Morgan stared
at him wide-eyed and started laughing.
“Oh Edgar! You are so funny,” she said
this sarcastically, “Max is in no such thing. We
detest each other. We’re like oil and water. Me
being the water of course.”
“Really? So why did he break the glass?
Why did you run to him? I know he’s been
wanting you since the first moment he’s seen
you!” Morgan remembered that night when he
kissed her. Max had made her feel wonderfully
“Edgar, I can’t be in love with him. You
don’t understand. I’m leaving for France at the
end of next month and I am not returning
back…ever.” Edgar felt like the wind was
knocked out of him.
“Next month? For eight more weeks?”
He asked incredulously. She nodded,
“I’m afraid so.” Morgan realized she
would miss everyone she’s come to know,
excluding Leslie and Simeon of course.
“Then I have to work hard for you two
to be together,” he stated firmly. Morgan
smirked. Edgar suddenly thought that perhaps
Max didn’t deserve Morgan. Perhaps Morgan
should be with him…
“That announcement you made didn’t
help us get any closer. Besides, I am not
staying, Edgar. I will be leaving in two months
time. It is not negotiable, not even for Max.”
Morgan felt like sobbing. “I can not go to the
gala with you tomorrow. I’m not feeling well. I
think I am getting the flu.” Edgar shook his
head and felt her face.
“Are you sure you are not feeling well?
Sounds like you are getting a case of the cold
feet. Do you want me to send for my doctor
then?” He did look a bit worried, thought
Morgan, she almost decided to stop fibbing.

Plus the way he was rubbing her hand gave her
goose bumps of pleasure.
“No, I will let you know tomorrow when
I am feeling better.” The carriage stopped and
Edgar immediately jumped out to help Morgan
down. As soon as Morgan stepped out she let
out a small cry of surprise. From her door came
a flash of blonde-white hair and white
“Morgan, child where have you been?”
Morgan started stuttering.
“A-Aunt Angel! Qu’est-que vous faites
ici? Angel gave a little laugh.
“I just came back from Bath right away.
I’ve been hearing some harrowing stories from
the ton. Some of which I hope are not true.”
Morgan looked away guiltily. “Well hello Sir
Riccio. Thank you for escorting my niece to the
social. That was very kind of you” Angel
started shoving Morgan through the door. She
called out from behind her shoulder, “You may
call on her tomorrow but by george, you two
have a need of a chaperone…and I am here just
in time! Good night Sir Riccio!” and with that
she closed the door behind her. Edgar looked
stupidly at the closed door, not knowing what
the heck just happened. He hadn’t seen the
Lady Angel in quite some time. Funny how she
should just appear when the world is coming
down around her niece’s shoulders.
“Bon soir, madmesoilles,” he whispered
and headed for his carriage. As he kicked a
small stone, he wondered about Max. He
needed to talk to him because he wasn’t sure
what Max’s intentions were with Morgan. And
if Max doesn’t act fast, Edgar might be quickly
falling for the redheaded French lady. The only
reason he announced the engagement was to
make Oakwood jealous. It worked, sort of.
Edgar knew Oakwood would be very, very
angry with him. So Edgar expected a visit early
in the morning to receive the Oakwood wrath.

“Angel! What the heck are you doing

her? Edgar just saw you!” Morgan sat heavily
on her bed. Angel was lying face up on the
plush carpet.
“I’m needed during this part of your
journey.” A sigh came from Morgan’s pursed
lips. “Plus, if I hadn’t been here, something
would have happened.” She stated matter-of-
“Are you going to finally tell me what I
am supposed to be doing, instead of me ruining
this life? You know, I don’t know how you are
going to take me back and let Max and Edgar
worry about me. How are you going to explain

it?” She twirled her curly hair. “I really need a
cigarette.” Angel glanced at her.
“You’ll get over it. Anyhow, you still
don’t need to know your mission. So far, you
are doing it all the same. The only different part
will be up to you. I’d say in about two weeks.
You still have eight weeks left minus two days.”
Angel waited for her inevitable response.
“Two days? What for? I’ve been
good!” Morgan sat up to look at Angel.
“For bad language, actually it’s three for
the b word you said to Leslie. If you keep this
up you’ll lose a whole week.” Morgan plopped
down the bed and looked up into the ornate
“Well I am going to sleep. This whole
journey better be worth while.”
“It will be love.” Morgan turned out the

Just as expected his butler came huffing

into Edgar’s chamber.
“Sir! Sir! Please I am so sorry. I
apologize. I’ve never been~” Edgar sat up,
“What is it?” He wave his hand from up
under the covers. He’d say it was about 6 am.
“Master Oakwood said if you don’t
wake your engaged ass up, he’d come up and
wake it! Lord…I think he is serious sir,”
whispered the scared butler.
“Yes, well tell Max that I will be down
in ten minutes or earlier if I feel better. Oh!
Tell him I had a long night.”
“Yes sir. I’ll be back.” As soon as the
butler left, Edgar got up right away. The
message Oakwood will be receiving will bring
him upstairs in less than two minutes. No
sooner had Edgar put on his drawstring pants
than that door came crashing open.
“Why the hell do you want me to wait
HAD A LONG NIGHT! This engagement will
be called off!” Max cradled his injured hand in
his other arm.
Edgar stood calmly by the bureau.
“I intend to do no such thing. If you
weren’t going to have her, I was. She’s
beautiful, smart~”
“I know that you daft man! How do you
know I don’t want her?” Max kept glaring at
Edgar. A half-dressed Edgar started laughing,
“How do I know…know!” he stopped
laughing, “I know you don’t treat her with the
respect of a lady! I know that you don’t give a
bloody damn about her and I know that you play
with her heart, damn you!” Now Edgar was
mad. “How the hell do you expect me not to
fall in love with her, when all this time she

should have spent with you, she has spent it
with me? Explain that to me!” Max stared at
him dumbfounded.
“Damn it Riccio! I saw her first.” He
slammed his uninjured fist against the doorway
and left the room. As he left, Edgar sat down
and his bed and sighed, thinking about Max’s
little lie. A smile spread over his face.
Maximillian Oakwood was defiantly jealous.
His mission might be completed after all.

“Why can’t I go?” Angel looked at Morgan

sheepishly. She shrugged.
“Because you can’t. You didn’t consult
me so therefore, you are not going to this gala.”
“Angel, you know I hate whining. But
I’m whining now, nonetheless. So I’m going to
the party.”
“Edgar is not showing up.” A look of
horror crossed Morgan’s face.
“Why not?”
“I sent him a note saying that you aren’t
feeling to well. Just face it Morgan. Tonight
we will be staying in.” Angel started to head
downstairs, now that she was a part of this
mission, she could no longer disappear. She
was human for the rest of the time.
“Okay, I will be going horse riding
then.” She started getting ready to go ride when
Angel stopped her once again.
“No, you will be staying here, perhaps
watch a movie with your dear old aunt? Take
your pick, but you must stay in the house. I will
be going to the gala tonight. Listen to my
directions sweet, and all will go well. Good
day.” With that Angel left to go get ready.
Morgan had the whole day to herself, stuck
indoors. No gala, no date, nothing…and she
was to stay here.
Morgan sat down and watched a classic
movie by herself. She wondered what she was
doing in the future. Probably, sleeping still. A
month and a week had passed but only five
hours in her future time. She was an old woman
with no stable man in her life; even in the past
she didn’t have a stable relationship. Edgar
would be a perfect mate. He was dark, tall and
handsome, an agreeable personality. Max was
just right for her – EDGAR! Edgar was just
right for her. Max was out of the picture.
Especially because of his curly hair the way it
curled around the edges and those beautiful
black-rimmed gray eyes. Morgan remembered
the first night when she saw his face. She had
drooled all over herself. The unforgettable kiss
was branded into her memory. The sweet
tender ways his hands felt around her waist. If

she wasn’t supposed to be ladylike she’d have
been on him right away! If only he wasn’t so
darned rude and cold-hearted. That kind of man
would be impossible to give love to a woman,
real love. Morgan might have fallen in love
with him if he’d given her a chance. If only
Simeon never would have kissed her. It was
ironic then that it was Edgar’s kiss that was the
last thing on her mind before she fell asleep.

Max didn’t want to but he did. As he

searched for her, he laid eyes on Edgar.
“Max, I want to dance. This is my
favorite waltz.” Cristina pulled at Max’s warm
hand. Her green velvet dress emphasized her
green eyes, but Max was thinking about brandy
colored eyes.
“Wait a minute. There is Edgar. I don’t
see Morgan,” Max spoke aloud. Cristina’s ears
perked up.
“What? Where? She’s not with him?
Let’s go talk to him.” They both went towards
Edgar’s direction eagerly. Max reached him
“Where’s Morgan?” Edgar was taken by
surprise. He raised a dark brow.
“She’s not here. Oh, Hello, Miss
Worthington. How are you this lovely
evening?” She fluttered her eyelashes prettily.
“I’m fine. How’s~”
“Where is Ashton?” Max interrupted
Cristina abruptly. Edgar ignored him,
“I’m fine, Miss Worthington. Thank you
for asking. Would you care to dance?” Max’s
mouth opened as wide as Cristina’s eyes. He
looked at her and back to Edgar.
“Of course, I’d love to dance.
Maximillian doesn’t take me out to dance then
so be it. I will dance with you Sir Riccio.”
As Edgar whisked her away, Max still
was open-mouthed. He was fuming mad and all
three of the people on his mind were the brunt
of it. He intended to find out where the bloody
hell Morgan was hiding.
As he stormed out without announcing
it, Edgar saw and tried to go after him. Cristina
pulled him back.
“Don’t worry about him. He’s going to
find his love. All he does is think about
Morgan. Can you believe that brute actually
called me…ME, Morgan? Oh, but this is new,
when we were walking down to the carriage, he
could have sworn he had seen her in the street.”
She shook her head as they continued waltzing.
Edgar relaxed because he knew where Max was
going and he, himself, knew that this was the

way things were supposed to be, even if his
heart screamed for him to follow Max and get to
By the time Max reached Morgan’s
house, he was seeing red. As he stomped to the
front of the house, even the flowers shook. A
loud bang reverberated in the large house, but
Max didn’t care, he kept right on knocking.
“I’m coming blast it!” This stopped
Max in mid knock. Morgan opened the door, all
mussed. She rubbed her eyes.
“Can’t this wait for – Oh!” She quickly
smoothed down her hair and closed the door a
bit. Max lost some of his anger at her
appearance but not all of it.
“Why are you not at the gala with your
fiancé?” He pushed his way into the house.
Morgan wasn’t up to a fight, which was odd.
“Max, please do leave. I’m not dressed
for visitors and I~”
“Then don’t answer your door in your
night clothes. Where the hell is your doorman?”
“Well! I didn’t know that you would be
behind the door or I would have left you out
there! I don’t know where the doorman is.
Now please leave!” She pointed her finger
towards the door.
“Why didn’t you go to the gala tonight?”
She sighed heavily.
“I am not feeling well and I don’t want
any visitors.” She looked at his hand. “How’s
your hand?”
“Don’t switch topics on me. It’s fine.
Are you sick?” She started to turn away from
him. He quickly encircled her waist gently.
“No, you are answering my question, and I
don’t like being dismissed.” Morgan stilled.
His warm arm around her gave her the shivers.
He leaned into her hair. “Are you cold?” She
shook her head.
“No, but I think I’m going to throw up.”
She made a motion like she was but Max didn’t
release her. He walked in front of her, still
holding her. A look of disbelief crossed his
“You can’t fool me. Now I’m not
asking again.”
“I’m not going to answer you Oakwood.
I already said I wasn’t feeling well. You aren’t
my mother and I think Cristina might be worried
if you don’t return to her.” She tried to get
away from him because he was making her
nervous. Her hands tried to push him away but
he only got closer.
“Are you jealous?” His breath brushed
softly through her hair and she couldn’t resist.
“Yes.” He was startled at her honest
reaction as their eyes locked.

“My God woman!” He grabbed her
roughly and brought her to him. She did the
same. She wanted this man so bad; she’s never
wanted anything as bad as this.
Their lips branded each other as they
tried touching every piece of each other’s body.
Max carried her to the living room settee. Their
lips never parted. He went down lower and
kissed the top of her breasts. As he opened her
robe to undo her ties, she pushed him down
lower. He cupped her breasts in his hands and a
shiver went through Morgan. His teeth nibbled
her flat stomach.
Morgan unconsciously started grinding
on his body, suddenly Angel flashed before her
“No! Stop!” Max stilled instantly at her
words. Morgan got out of under him and closed
her robe. “You have got to go Max. We can’t
do this.” Both of their breaths were ragged but
Max realized his mistake. He was still hot and
Morgan looked so damned tempting.
“I’m surprised you didn’t call me
Edgar.” As soon as those words came out, Max
wanted to take them back. He closed his eyes
because he knew it was coming. She slapped
him hard,
time we share something special you have the
nerve to say something stupid. Well you know
what? I want you! You! Maximillian
Oakwood! Damn you to hell, I never want to
see you ever again!” She stormed out of the
room to leave a dejected but surprised Max in
the house to leave himself out.
Morgan ran up to her room and slammed
the door. She jumped on her bed and started
crying. Realizing that she just had stated in
front of Max that she wanted him badly was
enough to make her bawl.
“He doesn’t even like me! Why else
would he say such hateful things?” Angel’s
voice suddenly appeared,
“I had thought you understood what no
swearing meant! That is another two days off
your growing list of sins. That doesn’t include
the fact that you had Max in the house all over
you, unmarried! That will be five days total
taken out, almost a full week. You have exactly
43 days left. So far all you’ve done is confused
the man you’re supposed to have!”
“Is that my mission? Who is it? Is it
Max or Edgar? Am I supposed to make him
love me, am I supposed to love him. I have
already fallen in love with someone. I can’t fall
in love with Edgar,” whispered Morgan. But
Morgan’s heart screamed its indecisiveness.
Morgan was never one to be indecisive. If she
had a decision to make, she would make the
decision and stick to it. No matter what the

consequences, it was her pride that kept her
from changing her mind.
“I’ve already said too much.”
“No! At least tell me who is my
mission? Did I fail already?” Angel smiled at
her and sat down. Mere futuristic hours ago,
Morgan had unbelievingly went with her to the
past. She had denied that this was really
happening to her and now look. She was
pleading to find out what her mission was so she
could fulfill it. Angel grabbed Morgan’s hand.
“You haven’t failed. So far you have just
confused him, but I think you might complete it
right this time.” Morgan looked up at Angel.
“This time? How many times have I
been here?”
“Darling, this was your past life. Your
soul mate failed you during this life because you
lied to him. Your destiny became-what is the
word…messed up.” Morgan lowered her eyes
and uncrossed her legs from the sitting position
she was in.
“I lied to him?”
“I’m afraid so, luv. So you have this one
chance to fix it or if you don’t you’ll never meet
your soul mate again, that includes your next
lives. So it is very important that you don’t
swear or let men touch you if you are not
married. The time is very precious here.”
Morgan got up and began pacing.
“You are not going to tell me who is it
are you? But I think I know who it is.” Morgan
smiled devilishly.
“You probably do, but I’m still not
saying.” It was definitely Max, she decided.
She knew that Edgar had found a place in her
heart but she didn’t want to dwell on the
thought. She only had two months time to make
a decision so she had made it by thinking into
things too much.
Now the only problem was how to make
Max want her. After all their arguments and
fights, now she was going to be civil. Plus
Edgar’s engagement declaration did not help the
situation. Although, the thought of being
Edgar’s wife quickened her heart in
anticipation, she knew she had feelings for
Edgar but her decision had been made. Was it
the right one? Her logical head said yes, but her
romantic heart said no. And Morgan was
nothing if she wasn’t a logical woman. Now
her mission was clear in her mind since she had
made her decision. She had to make
Maximillian Oakwood fall in love with her.

Edgar was having a grand old time with

Cristina Worthington and he couldn’t believe it.

He didn’t get bored with her dancing and she
seemed so alive.
“You know Sir Riccio, I’m actually glad
you came. Not to say that I’m glad that Morgan
is sick. I’m just saying that –well- I’m glad you
are here.” She laid her hand upon his chest as a
friendly gesture and sighed.
“Oh well, when people are meant to be,
its just fate. Don’t you think so?” He glanced
down at her and gave her a winsome smile.
“You believe in that?” She said, her
eyes wide.
“Of course! Do you know that you
cannot escape your destiny?” He said
mysteriously. She shook her head quickly. “It’s
true.” A ripple of laughter went through Edgar.
“And do you know your destiny?” A
blush crept through her face and she asked this
“No,” he answered thoughtfully, “but
when I do, you can be sure I won’t let it get
“Oh, look at that! The music ended!
Anyway, I think it’s time for me to be heading
home. I’m afraid Max isn’t here to escort me
back. I’ll just have to look for James.” As she
started for the crowd, Edgar pulled her back.
“I’ll take you home. You don’t live
far…that is, if you don’t mind?” He gestured to
her hand and she reached for his.
“Me? Of course not. Let’s just excuse
ourselves from the hosts and we’ll be off.”
Edgar grabbed her at the elbow as they
propelled themselves to their hosts.
“No, Miss Worthington, you can’t be retiring
already!” exclaimed their hostess, “The gala is
just getting started! Sir Riccio, are you
escorting her home?”
“Yes, Lady Mitchell, I will have that
pleasure,” he murmured. The hostess looked
back and forth between the two and laughed
“Yes,” stuttered Cristina, “well, we
really must be going. We have a splendid
weekend coming up and I must get some sleep
beforehand. Lord Hunter has a wonderful
hunting trip planned and I just can’t wait.”
Edgar groaned inwardly, if that wasn’t a hint,
then nothing was. He hadn’t been planning to
go, but now he was sure that maybe Morgan
was going to be present. He wondered if
Morgan was going, he had to ask her to be sure.
“Will you be attending Sir Riccio?”
asked Lady Mitchell.
“Of course, I wouldn’t even think about
missing it.” A smile crept over Cristina’s face.
It had worked! The man wasn’t completely

“Well, you two have a good evening and
we’ll be seeing you this weekend.” At their
polite dismissal, Edgar led her out.
“The carriage awaits madam.”
The air was brisk and cool. The inside
of the Riccio carriage was nice and warm.
Edgar settled himself right next to Cristina,
wondering when he would get the chance to see
Morgan Ashton again.
Chapter Eight

Morgan, I’m sure no one will notice that

you are only taking a small bag. Just tell people
that your luggage arrived earlier. Okay?”
Angel soothed Morgan’s nervousness.
“Are you positive? I know it’s only for
the weekend but still I hope this weekend is not
a disaster. Are you sure?” Morgan kept
glancing at Angel for approval. “Do Edgar and
I still have to be engaged? How exactly do I
‘lie’ to Max?” Morgan threw in the last
question to see if Angel answered it or not.
“I’m sure and I’m not saying. You will
be fine. It’s just a weekend. Now go. Edgar is
waiting. Have a good time. Don’t worry.
Bye!” she ushered Morgan down the stairs and
out the door. Morgan sighed and trudged down
to the waiting carriage. She walked up to
Edgar’s waiting arms. He encircled her waist
and looked at her suspiciously.
“Is that all you are taking?” he asked
“No, the rest of my luggage was taken to
Lord Hunter’s maison already.” He nodded and
smiled his devilish grin. Morgan noted he was
getting more handsome every day.
“You know, this weekend is going to be
nothing but fun. F-U-N.” Morgan laughed at
his boyish attitude.

“Edgar, I must tell you something. But
promise not to tell anyone?” She glanced at him
with her brown-red eyes. He just nodded
“I swear it.” She graced him with a
genuine grin.
“Good. I mean to have Max. No matter
the cost.” A quick gasp was all Edgar could
reply. A frown marred his handsome face, but
just as quickly replaced with a quick smile. He
didn’t expect this sudden jealous feeling,
perhaps because he was so protective of her.
This is the way it had to be.
“I knew it! You know, the first night we
met you, he was jealous of me talking to you.
Why God’s truth Morgan, he almost bloody
cried when he lost the bet. He never took his
eyes off of you. He~” Edgar stopped talking at
the look of her face.
“What bet?” The only sound heard was
Edgar’s hard swallow.
“Well – um – err, its well, you see,” he
coughed loudly, “Morgan, we didn’t know you.
It was an insignificant bet – not even a bet. It’s
over now. It wasn’t ~” Edgar stopped because
Morgan’s laughter was loud. He looked
“Edgar! Stop blabbering! It’s over now,
like you said and I forgive you. Plus, I’m glad
he was jealous. But let me explain, mon cherie,
I’m leaving in seven weeks. The matter of
which I am happy or sad for these weeks
depends on him. I’m telling Maximillian
Oakwood that I want him. He’ll dump that
Cristina chic, whom by the way, I’ve noticed
you noticing her. You could get to know her
during this weekend a bit more and I will get
with Max.” Morgan was talking to herself
mostly, which is why she slipped into the 90’s
slang. Edgar was glaring at her.
“You know you can get a very unique
accent when you are going on a tangent.
Almost as if you weren’t French…” Morgan’s
eyes were far away as she tilted her head in his
direction and then grimaced. Big mistake.
“Of course I am French! It is just that
my English is not very good when I get excited
and I learned a different dialect of English.
Well? Are you with me, luv?” She grabbed his
arm and propelled him along. Edgar suddenly
did not want to participate in this hunting
weekend, especially if he had to witness Morgan
and Max getting together.
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss this for the
world.” He said sarcastically. The carriage ride
was torture for Edgar and confusing for Morgan.

That is how Max saw them, laughing
and Edgar holding Morgan around the waist.
He clenched and unclenched his hands. Cristina
also saw them arrive in this condition. She
sighed loudly.
“Well Oakwood, it seems like it’s going
to be a long, long weekend.” As she said this,
she pulled him along.
“Hello, Lady Ashton and Sir Riccio.
Good afternoon!” Edgar immediately let go of
Morgan and they both stopped laughing. Max
glared at both of them. He felt like hauling
Morgan up to his side and anchoring her there.
“Bonjour tous le monde. How is
everyone?” Max grunted, while Cristina
murmured her greeting. Edgar took that
moment to pull Cristina aside. Morgan looked
up at Max and gave him a wicked smile. He
just raised a thick eyebrow.
“You know, you shouldn’t be makin’
those faces. Those crinkles could actually make
you look mean…God forbid! Relax and have
fun. I know I will.” She walked away, while
coyly looking over her shoulder as she said her
last statement. Both Edgar and Max were
looking back at her as she walked off. James
suddenly called out to her and she went to meet
him by the Worthington carriage.
Max was still in shock at the blatant
flirting that he had just witnessed. The gentle
sway of her hips was all he could see in his
mind. Max was going insane and all for an ill-
tempered wench. A French woman at that! Of
course, his breath would catch in his throat
every time she looked at him…and his mind
would go crazy every time she looked at
someone else. But the fact of the matter was
that she was engaged to Edgar, his best friend,
whom by the way, he really needed to get a hold
Edgar on the other hand, was expecting
her flirting behavior but it made him insane with
jealousy. He needed to distract himself with
something else.

Morgan could not believe her bad luck.

She was rooming right in between Leslie Toule
and Cristina Worthington. But ‘OH MY
LORD’, was her room fantastic! It was bathed
in purple velvet and silver. As she ran her hand
through the velvet comforter of her canopy bed,
she sighed wistfully. She backed up and
slammed herself on the bed. How heavenly
sinful was this! Maybe she’d just close her
eyes…she was remembering the enjoyable
conversation in the carriage with Edgar when
she fell asleep.
Morgan awoke to a feathery caress.

“Again I find you in dire need of a maid.
It’s time for dinner.” Morgan peeked out of one
eye and saw a pair of black-rimmed gray eyes
and smiled.
“Mmm, did I sleep the afternoon away?
I really didn’t mean to, but this bed is so
comfy.” Max sustained himself from joining
Morgan decided not to tease him further.
Well, maybe just a bit more. She propped
herself up and grabbed his hand.
“How’s your hand mon amour?” she
caressed his small scars that were still healing.
She wanted right now to tell him how much she
wanted him. If she was leaving in six weeks,
never to see this gorgeous hunk, she should
make the most of her time here. He desired her,
not for her money or for her agency but for her.
What she was about to do could lose her a week
but she desperately wanted this man. She never
felt this way about anyone. A tear fell off her
“What’s wrong?” Max was immediately
“You,” she whispered. She couldn’t
have him, if he didn’t want her. She looked up
at him through her lashes. Max gave her a
startled look. He tightened his hold on her chin.
“What’s wrong with me?” he whispered back.
Morgan couldn’t help it. The tears started
falling gently and quietly. Max was horrified
that he had made her cry. He didn’t know why
but he knew she was in turmoil. He embraced
her and fiddled with her hair. Morgan started
“It’s just not fair, I just want to be
wanted.” Max felt her anguish and lifted her
face to his. He brushed her tears away with his
thumb. Morgan couldn’t resist.
“I want you to make love to me.” After
saying that she was so embarrassed that she
buried her head in his chest. So she started
sobbing harder and rambled on. “I’m sorry I
lied to you about Edgar. Simeon is a jerk
because he lied to you. But I never was with
him, I swear. I fell in love with you, in such a
short amount of time. I’m not that kind of
person to do that. I am a reasonable human
being who did not believe in love at first sight.
You are rude, arrogant, very arrogant,
handsome, sexual, rough, but I love you all the
same. The way your eyes follow me, the way
your hair curls, the way you make me feel. Of
course, when you are not mad at me or vice
versa. I can’t help loving you. I understand that
you probably hate me for lying, but I am not
marrying Edgar,” her heart twisted with this
truth. “I want…you.” After saying that Morgan
wasn’t sure of her feelings but she felt liberated
by making her choice, on the other hand, Max

felt like a tortured man. He was hot for her and
he realized that she said she loved him. After
all he had done to her she still loved him. Not
Edgar or Simeon but him. God, how he wanted
to believe her.
She was softly crying now that she
confessed what she had to say.
“Morgan, look at me,” he gently forced
her head up to look at him. “Me? You love
me?” At his incredulous look, Morgan let out a
muffled laugh.
“Yes, you big ogre. I don’t know how it
happened but I do.” He grinned lopsidedly.
“I know you can’t resist my good looks.
But pray tell madam, do you flirt so
outrageously with every man that you love?”
He tweaked her nose. She smiled shyly up at
him and scolded him.
“No, only you.” He stopped grinning
and leaned down to kiss her. She readily kissed
him back and entwined her hands into his hair.
He gently pushed her back onto the bed and
settled beside her. His hands traveled down to
her breasts. She gave a startled gasp and arched
up to him. His hands expertly had released her
ready mounds from their cage.
Morgan was as desperate as he to touch
skin. As she opened his shirt, she tickled his
black crisp hair on his chest. Max immediately
went down to take a precious ruby nipple into
his craving mouth. As he teased the little bump
to a tight bud, she grinded her hips to his and
moaned. Max was impatient as he rid her of her
clothes. Just as quickly he removed his own.
Morgan reveled in his warm dark skin. She
caressed every part of skin she could reach.
Max kissed her valley in between her breasts
giving her goose bumps. She entwined her legs
around his waist. Her wet curls were around his
belly. He almost lost control then and there.
But something told him to go slow. He
suddenly felt like a virgin, but this hellion was
his breaking point. She rubbed and grinded her
hips into his belly. Max grabbed one long leg
and began to leave a trail of kisses from her toe
to the thigh. Morgan almost died with pleasure.
He gave a feathery kiss right into her soft wet
bud. Morgan gasped and whispered his name
frantically and Max knew she was coming. He
positioned himself above her and kissed her
silent. She tasted herself on him and that made
her wilder. With one quick thrust he entered her
fully and he swallowed her scream. They both
stilled. Morgan let out some tears of pain, she
knew in this life she had been a virgin but it still
hurt! Max was on the other hand wasn’t
“You are hurting me,” mumbled a
surprised Morgan. Max didn’t move.

“I’m sorry, luv. Do you want me to
stop?” Sweat started forming across his lips.
The pain subsided and was replaced with
the heady feeling of new raw pleasure. She
wiggled her hips. Max closed his eyes in
resistance. The pain was gone. Morgan flicked
her tongue across his lips, letting him know she
was ready. He started withdrawing and Morgan
almost died of pleasure. “Yes, yes, Max.” She
moaned his name and he kept slamming into her
but she met him with equal force. As the
pressure kept building, Morgan started moaning
his name. Max had to kiss her but at that last
moment he went into her. He raggedly
whispered her name.

Max sat on Morgan’s left and Edgar sat

on her right. Max was very at ease with her and
she was in heaven. After their love making,
Max had hurriedly dressed himself and
languidly helped Morgan dress. Now she was
seeing a whole new side of him. He had
secretly grabbed her thigh underneath the table.
Edgar noticed something was amiss. Max never
faltered in his smile and Morgan was positively
glowing. As soon as Edgar saw the whole
picture, he couldn’t decide whether to kill Max
or congratulate himself on a mission completed.
His plan had actually worked. His jealousy was
raging out of control and he didn’t trust himself
to talk to Morgan.
Suddenly the laughter and conversation
stopped as the other Oakwood brother entered
unfashionably late. Max’s hand tightened his
hold on Morgan’s thigh.
“Lord Huntington, I apologize profusely
for my lateness but there was a slight problem
back at my estate.” Simeon sat himself across
from Morgan. He immediately saw her and
winked at her. Morgan visibly shuddered. The
conversation started back up again.
“Well Miss Ashton, it is very good to
see you here. My sight has been distorted, but
your loveliness clears it right up.” Morgan
accepted the compliment with a nod, but Max
wasn’t so generous.
“Save it, Simeon.” Simeon had the
decency to look hurt.
“Dear Brother is that the greeting I get
after the lengthiness of my absence.” Max
ignored him and turned to speak to Morgan.
She saw the effect that Simeon had on
him because his grip was deathly.
“Sir Oakwood, if you kindly release
some pressure,” she whispered. Max
immediately loosened his grip. A voice from
the far end of the table interrupted them,

“Now that dinner is over, why don’t the
gentlemen join me in the drawing room to enjoy
some excellent brandy and the finest cigars.”
The men stood up as well as the women. Max
leaned into Morgan,
“I’ll knock three times tonight, be
awake.” He caressed her hands and she nearly
melted with his touch as she nodded. Edgar
stiffly stood up and followed Lord Hunter to the
drawing room. Morgan wondered what was
wrong with him. He seemed very high-strung
this night. Cristina came quickly to Morgan’s
side and whisked her away. Watchful eyes
followed the small encounter with curiosity.

“So, this engagement is really going to

happen?” Cristina calmly asked Morgan.
Morgan looked at her hands and nodded,
“I think so, but I don’t want to anymore,
I think…” Cristina’s eyes brightened
immediately. She scooted her chair closer to
“Why don’t you want to? Edgar is a
wonderful man and it wouldn’t do good to break
his heart.” Morgan almost laughed out loud
because Cristina was so transparent. She had a
feeling that Miss Worthington liked Edgar a
whole lot more than she cared to admit.
Unfortunately, that bothered Morgan a little bit
more than she cared to admit. She was
definitely with Max now, but the thought of
Edgar and Cristina together made her blood start
to boil.
“Oh, don’t worry Cristina, I don’t want
to break his heart. I think the feeling is
mutual~” Morgan couldn’t help adding, “I get
the feeling that his mind is on someone else.
It’s as if he is falling in love with someone
else.” She added a little sigh to add to her
drama. Hook, line, and sinker, this girl was
hooked real badly. She had to do this because
she knew that Edgar was not hers to keep.
“Oh, I am so sorry, Morgan! I feel so
awful, I didn’t even think about your end of the
engagement. Well, what happens if he does like
someone and wants to break the engagement?”
Another sigh escaped Morgan,
“I don’t know, I think if he really loves
this girl more than he loves me, I wouldn’t be
able to stop him, right?”
“Oh yes! True love really can’t ever be
separated!” Cristina emphatically agreed. This
statement sobered Morgan up quickly. It made
her think about the decision that she had already
made. Does she really have true love with
Max? If she was so sure why did Edgar’s
kisses, his conversations, and his caresses make
her doubt her decision? Had she made the right

decision? Now that she thought about it, she
realized that she hadn’t even pondered who
made her heart beat. She had just made her
decision without thinking too much into it.
Does true love really last, even if tester? She
hoped that she had made the right decision, but
apparently Angel was the only one who truly
knew. Morgan decided to call Cristina on her
feelings. Maybe she was to be with Edgar?
“Cristina…I know…” That was all she
had to say for Cristina to start bawling.
“Oh, I’m so sorry Morgan. I didn’t
mean to do it. I, all of the sudden, realized that
he made me feel funny. Then I wanted to see
him and be around him more every day. It
happened very suddenly.” She stopped for a
breath. Morgan’s mind was screaming for
Cristina to stop. She did not want to listen to
her feelings of love for Edgar! She grabbed
Cristina’s hand to calm her.
“I understand where you are coming
from. I, too, have fallen without noticing,” with
two men, she thought, “But we can’t just break
our engagement, there has to be a good reason.
You understand that don’t you?” Morgan hoped
she did, because right now she didn’t want to
break any engagement.
“Of course, I understand. I, above all,
should understand the rules of our sacred ton.”
Morgan patted her hand.
“We’ll find a way, trust me.”
“I do trust you.” But Morgan was not so
sure she wanted to find one.

Morgan sat on the bed and then started

pacing. All of this waiting was driving her mad!
Max didn’t say when he was coming only that
he was to be expected. That was maddening,
she was not used to waiting for people but for
people waiting for her. She had fashioned sexy
lingerie that was a chocolate see through
negligee. It wasn’t too over the top but it
complimented her eyes and hair. This little
weekend of hers was going to take away a
whole week but this was her only time to be
with him and show him how she really felt. In 7
weeks, she’d just be a memory to him and what
about her? Would she remember him?
Maybe all this was just a dream…but oh,
what a wonderful dream. Anyway, if this were
a dream she would have her damn cake and eat
it too...she’d have both men. Well, if only it
was – the knock blessedly came, and again, and
Morgan nervously wrapped a robe
around her and went to the door.
“Who is it?” she whispered.

“Who the hell are you expecting at this
hour, if not me?” came the terse reply. Morgan
hid her smile at Max’s apparent jealousy. She
unlocked it and opened the door. Max quickly
let himself in and gave Morgan a scowl to
frighten her.
“I was just kidding, my love. What if
you had knocked on the wrong room?” Max
just gave her a look that said ‘yeah right’.
Morgan didn’t want to waste time so she
grabbed him into a great big bear hug.
“I love you,” she mumbled into his
chest. He pulled her away and glanced at her,
“I want to talk,” was all he said. Morgan
groaned out loud.
“Why in the world do you want to talk?
There is nothing to ‘talk’ about.” Morgan went
and tried reaching for him, but Max just walked
to the bed and took of his boots.
“You are not serious?” He then turned
away from her and put his head in his hands. “I
though I would never feel this way for anyone.
I don’t like feeling helpless and having my heart
in someone else’s hands. When I give it, I don’t
take it back.” Morgan walked right in front of
him and pulled up his face to look at her. His
warm eyes were dancing in the firelight.
“What about Leslie? Did you give your
heart to her?” Morgan couldn’t help but to be a
might jealous. She hadn’t really meant to say
that. “I didn’t mean it. You don’t have to
explain her to me.” She rubbed his lips with her
thumb. “Let’s not talk,” she slowly licked her
lips as she stared at his. Automatically he did
the same and he put her finger in his mouth. He
grabbed her from behind and pulled her on his
lap, while facing each other. She looked into
his eyes…big mistake. At the point she knew
he wasn’t going to give in.
“I never loved Leslie, she was betrothed
to me when we were younger. I courted her and
gave her a proper show. She didn’t want
anyone to know we were betrothed, so I
accommodated her. It was not a love match.
We were fond of each other, but nothing else.”
Morgan didn’t want to hurt him, so she told
“I’m leaving in a month and half and I’m
not coming back. Please give me these weeks.”
He just stared at her with his mouth open. He
started laughing. Laughing like she had never
seen anyone laugh.
“And what the hell is so funny!” she
jumped off him. “I am serious. I am leaving in
a couple of weeks. Never coming back, just a
memory.” Although, Morgan thought, after this
weekend it may be six weeks. Max was red in
the face when he finally sobered up at the
seriousness of her face.

“And where in the bloody hell do you
think you are going?” He reached for her but
she pulled away this time.
“I can’t tell you. I’m not really sure, but
I know I am not staying.” Glancing back at
him, she almost started crying, he looked so
forlorn…but only for that second.
“You are not going anywhere. I just
found you,” he said simply and with such
finality that Morgan got goose bumps. She
walked over to him and he wrapped his arms
around her body. “Wherever you go, I will
follow. But I do believe that you are most
certainly not leaving.” He forced her to look up
at him and gently kissed her lips.
Morgan knew that he would never
comprehend the severity of her situation. Nor
would she tell him the truth of her being there.
The kiss intensified when she heard Max groan.
She gently pushed him into the bed and
he tried to take her with him. Deftly, she stood
back and took off her robe. Max’s eyes
devoured her entire body at the sight of her
sheer nightgown. She smiled seductively and
climbed on top of him.
“Uh-uh,” she purred, “keep your hands
their mister.” She pushed his hands on top of
his head. As she straddled him, she started
unlacing his pants and felt his need. Max rolled
his head back at the pleasure of her milky white
hands touching him. He looked up and the sight
of Morgan’s fiery hair and her hard nipples
showing through her chocolate negligee made
him almost come.
Morgan maneuvered herself right onto
his thick manhood and she rolled her head back
in sheer pleasure. Her moaning was as
uncontrollable as her grinding atop Max’s shaft.
Max never had a woman sit herself on
him and grind herself into him as she had. He
reached for her nightgown and removed it.
“No, Maximillian, I want – want to,” she
couldn’t finish her thought. She started
breathing and panting heavily. She thrust
herself up and arched her back. He couldn’t
take it any longer, he grabbed her at the waist
and the both started thrusting together. Morgan
rode him, up, down, all the whole time grinding
herself as she did it. The pure ecstasy of their
love play was all they needed for them to come
together. Morgan fell atop Max’s chest.
“That was very, very good,” was all she
could say. A throaty laugh came from Max,
“Darling, that was not just good, you are
bloody great.” She looked up at him and
“Why thank you kind sir. I’ll remember
that you like that. We must do it again.”
“Mmm…” was all he said. He rolled her
over and pinned her underneath. “We will do

that again, after I have had my turn to please
you.” And he made well his promise.
Chapter Nine

Saturday morning found everyone in a

disagreeable mood. That morning Max and
Morgan gave way to a heated argument over her
‘departure’. Plus, Cristina was frustrated
because she had not spent time with Edgar. And
Edgar was ready to take Morgan away from
here and keep her forever. Even though,
publicly he seemed to not care. Only Leslie and
Simeon couldn’t keep their malicious smiles at
As they were all out in the morning
shade enjoying breakfast with their host and
hostess, Leslie couldn’t help to start the morning
“I had the most troubling time last night.
I could not drift off to sleep,” she stated. Lord
Hunter did not want to start the morning by
revealing any of his guests’ nighttime activities.
“Well Miss Toule, I am sure that I can
have one of our maids prepare for you the most
relaxing chamomile tea for tonight. When I
have one of those, they put me right to sleep.”
Leslie smiled thankfully,
“That would be wonderful, Lord
Hunter,” she sneaked a look at Morgan, who
was not paying attention. “I just swear I heard
these noises last night, I can not fathom what the
cause was, but I distinctly heard it coming from

Miss Ashton’s bedroom.” At that everyone’s
head swiveled towards Morgan, who was not
brought to attention. She had been too busy
glaring at Max and pondering what she was
going to do. As she looked up, everyone was
glaring at her.
“Pardon? Is someone addressing moi?”
She asked too innocently.
“Really, Miss Ashton, what were those
noises coming from your room at the dead of
the night?” asked Leslie. Morgan could feel her
embarrassment rise but she was not reddened
easily, never was. Without batting an eyelash,
“I have unbearably awful nightmares
that have plagued me since I was a child,” she
sniffed, “I must have been quite loud for you to
hear me Miss Toule or perhaps walking past my
bedroom for some reason.” Everyone assumed
that the latter was possible, so in turn they
glared at her. Leslie coughed rather prettily,
“Well perhaps it was a tad too loud for I
did hear it and most definitely did NOT walk
past your room at two in the morning.” Morgan
smiled at her and gently nodded her head. Of
course, everyone believed Morgan. No one
suspected it to be otherwise, knowing Leslie
Toule’s reputation.
Edgar, on the other hand, knew exactly
what had happened. He could tell by Morgan’s
glow and Max’s ease. What he couldn’t tell was
why weren’t they talking to each other. If looks
could kill, Morgan and Max would be dead
from the looks they were giving each other. He
would try to pry as much information as he
could get from Morgan when they went hunting
this afternoon. A flash of purple caught his eye,
he noticed Cristina chatting next to the rakes of
all rakes, Caesar Flood, who was supposed to be
in Paris. He noted that jealousy should be
flowing through his veins, but the only thing he
felt was curiosity. The jealousy he was feeling
stemmed from a certain red head. Why should
he feel this way? Nevertheless, he would have a
nice discussion to inform Miss Worthington that
Flood was a rake and she shouldn’t be giving
him the time of day. Thankfully, he noticed,
that James was also eyeing the pair.
“Edgar? Are you listening to me?”
Snapping back, he stuttered.
“What? Why of course m’dear.” He
nodded to Morgan absently. It wouldn’t do well
for Morgan to find out about this…it was quite
embarrassing actually.
“We have got to find a way to break the
engagement. We have to seriously talk about
his. I don’t want to cause a scandal~”
“Morgan, everything will be fine. We
will work everything out. Don’t fret, anyway,
could you smile at me some more? I want to
see if it is possible for Max to wither me further

with his scowl.” Morgan looked at Max
through hooded eyes and smiled at Edgar as
broadly as she could.
“Why yes, I can. I can smile at you all
day to me hearts content, mon cheri. Anything
that further displeases Max Oakwood.” She
popped a piece of toast into her mouth and kept

Morgan was sitting on a horse when she

wished she could pop a piece of candy in her
mouth. Max had not backed down this morning
and he was getting on her nerves. He had
refused to listen, so in the end he had stormed
out of her room at the break of dawn. Morgan
decided not to press the issue and just enjoy it to
the fullest. It was kind of hard to do so when
Max refused to speak to her. This kind of
stubborn behavior was not attractive to her at
all…who was she kidding? The whole package,
flaws and all, was attractive. As she looked
around, she noticed that Max wasn’t present.
Edgar rode up next to her. Her heart skipped an
involuntary beat.
“So where is the infamous Oakwood?
He was in a very unpleasant, almost bastardly
mood today. Lover’s quarrel perhaps?”
Morgan almost pushed his off the horse.
“Well, since you so nicely phrased it,
yes it is.” Not that it was any of his business,
she thought.
“That’s odd of him to be late like this. I
wonder what’s taking him?” He quickly
shrugged as if answering his own question, but
the frown did not leave his face. Morgan also
wondered where he was hiding. Maybe
something he ate disagreed with him. A smile
crept up as she pictured him having to excuse
his perfect manner as he ran to the bathroom.
As they both waited on top of their
mounts to begin the hunt, Max was trying to get
rid of Leslie.
“Max, I am so sorry things worked out
the way they did, but I hope in time you will be
able to forgive me, so we can become the
friends we used to be,” she purred the last part.
The patience vanished at that last part and Max
did not want to be there.
“We were lovers, never friends. Now,
kindly remove yourself so I may leave.” He
grabbed her by the shoulders and as he did so,
Leslie threw herself onto his arms and kissed
Max had never hit a woman but he really
wanted to hurt this woman! He pushed her
aside and wiped his mouth with obvious

“Leslie, I hadn’t though you would stoop
this low or were this desperate for a lover. But
if you don’t control this obvious wanton
behavior, I may be forced to do other things…”
he left his sentence open for any kind of
With that said he left the room and a
cursing Leslie behind. Max strode into the
stables as his mood darkened further when he
saw Simeon was already in the small group
He quickly saddled his own horse and
galloped towards Morgan and Edgar. Morgan
almost sighed with relief upon seeing him.
Where the hell had he been? And wherever it
was, he looked fighting mad. His left temple
had a nice big vein throbbing. He rode right
next to her,
“Where’ve you’ve been stranger?” she
murmured. He looked at her darkly,
“Have you actually missed me madam?
I assumed that your time was occupied with
your fiancé.” Morgan kept her smile but she
started boiling inside. He wanted to play dirty?
Well, so could she.
“Why yes, Edgar is so much more
arousing. Maybe I should go to him, if you’d
excuse me.” Morgan didn’t get a chance to
even turn around. Max got off his horse and
hauled her butt off the horse and started
dragging her back towards the stables. Edgar
looked shockingly on, as he too got off his horse
and rushed after them. It wouldn’t be good for
Morgan’s reputation should they go into the
stables alone. Plus he surely didn’t want
anything to happen in there.
“Max! Everyone’s looking! Let go of
me! Oakwood!” she hissed. She noticed the
Edgar was right behind them with a look that
begged Max to stop. He wasn’t stopping or
listening and Morgan noticed that his vein
almost took up half his face. He half pushed,
half pulled her into the stable and into an empty
stall. The look in his eyes chilled her. Edgar
came barreling in and left the door to the stable
open so the crowd outside could see that
Morgan’s reputation was safe.
“You will break the engagement, both of
you, right now. You will become engaged to
me, and you will not ever think to leave me.
You are mine and I don’t share what is mine to
anyone. Do you understand me, Miss Ashton?”
Morgan looked at Edgar and then looked at
The eruption came just as Max’s cooled
off; the Morgan Ashton who was the bitch boss
came out. She straightened and glared at him,
“How dare you! If you ever so much as
to hint of threatening me, I will walk out so fast
your head will spin. I answer to no man and

will do whatever I think is right. Second, I am
no one’s personal bitch! I can be with
whomever, whenever I want. It just so happens
Mr. Oakwood that you are the one I’m with but
it is MY decision and my decision alone. I will
not have you or any other person dictating to me
what I can or cannot do. I have lived these 28
years just fine without having someone
forbidding me to do what I am… Now, I will
not break the engagement, I will be leaving, and
I will not become engaged to you.” After all of
that said, Morgan was red from speaking to fast
and Max and Edgar were ashen from hearing
her speech.
“I am through speaking any sense to
you,” with that, Max left her standing there.
She stared at Edgar, waiting for his reaction.
“Come Morgan, we can speak about this
after the hunt.” He grabbed her hand and led
her back to the horses, for she was incapable of
walking on her own at that moment. Maybe she
had made the wrong decision. Max was never
going to accept the way she was, and Edgar on
the other hand seemed to expect this behavior
from her.
As she got on her horse, she realized that
what she had just said was very 20th century and
not 19th century. Maybe she had been a bit
harsh and never would a proper lady say that to
a man during this time. Well, her time with
Max had ended earlier than she thought. She
didn’t know what to do know, she glanced at
Max who was at the head of the group ready for
the dogs to be released. And they were off.
As they were in the woods looking for
the fox, the other blasted Oakwood came up to
“Well, honestly, I can not wait until you
two lovebirds get married,” Simeon stated, “it’ll
be just wonderful, to see one of London’s
biggest bachelors hitched.” Morgan could not
communicate to the bastard to shut the hell up.
Since everyone was agreeing to his nonsense, all
she could do was smile and nod. Edgar just
tried to ignore Simeon but that didn’t dampen
Simeon’s amicable mood.
Morgan trotted next to Edgar,
“So what do you think will quiet him
up?” Edgar quickly grimaced.
“I was just pondering that same
question. But the most important question is
why do you want to stay engaged to me?”
Morgan did not know what to say to this. She
had inadvertently said the wrong thing. But
maybe she did want to stay engaged to Edgar.
Morgan shrugged, “You already know I
am only here for a matter of weeks. You accept
that, I cannot be with someone who does not
accept it. If you would like to break the
engagement then I say at supper tonight, we

have a very big argument and then announce our
broken engagement.” Edgar was about to
vehemently deny that suggestion when all hell
broke loose-
“There it is, that bloody thing!” someone
shouted. Morgan stopped her horse to observe
the scene around her. If she weren’t pretending
to be lady like, she would have laughed out right
at the sigh. The men were galloping away after
the furry creature, following the dogs, while the
women on sidesaddle were trailing behind them.
She could see that Max was ahead of everyone
else. If she squinted, she could actually see the
play of his back muscles. Hell, she could feel
the smoothness of his skin. Wow! It was hot all
of the sudden.
The moment was broken because she
saw everyone stop a bit, congratulating Max on
finding the fox first. Of course, the fox had
gotten away but the first sighting is always top
“Come on Miss Ashton! We are not
done,” motioned Cristina.
“You know Christina, I don’t feel so
well. It must be the thought of hunting those
poor animals. I feel I should lie down. Excuse
me.” Morgan was definitely not up for anymore
hunting. The last argument with Max just left
her feeling deflated.
“Well I hope you are feeling better in
time for supper,” waved Cristina. She
immediately told Edgar that Morgan was not
feeling well. Morgan did not notice Max’s and
Edgar’s worried expressions follow her as they
heard Cristina’s news.
Morgan quietly but quickly took the
horse back and started walking up to the gardens
for a quiet walk. She didn’t know how exactly
to break the engagement tonight. Edgar had not
denied wanting to stay in the engagement so she
assumed he wanted to end this charade. Plus
she didn’t want people talking behind Edgar’s
back about her fling with Max. The guests
could already see some tension between her and
Max, especially after that great display of anger
this afternoon. Would they be suspicious? Of
course, Morgan really didn’t mind too much
since she would be leaving. But she did care of
Edgar’s feelings; she didn’t want him to look
like a fool in front of his people. Maybe if she
made Edgar the victim and blame the breakup
on herself it wouldn’t be so bad. On the other
hand, if they just quietly announced to people
that they weren’t engaged anymore, perhaps that
would be best. They could state that they
decided they were compatible with each other
and decided to just remain friends. That could
work…someone discreetly cleared their throat.
She turned around.

“Max,” she whispered. He stood there
with his feet braced apart and arms crossed.
Morgan decided to apologize for being a bitch
this afternoon. “I’m very sorry for the way
things came out today. I should have been more
sensitive to your feelings.” She toyed with her
fingers. He glared at her,
“Pardon? ‘Sensitive to my feelings’?
Forget it! I have never heard such remarks
come out a woman’s mouth –ever.” She
actually felt a blush creeping up around her
“To be fair, what you said was very
chauvinistic. I am a very independent woman
who has never been told what I can or cannot do
by any man. I guess I overreacted a tad but…”
Max’s eyes couldn’t get any wider.
“A tad bit? Woman you nearly bit my
head off!” He stepped forward towards her and
she took one step back. “You are by far, the
loudest, most liberated woman I know,” with
that said Max backed Morgan up to the
fountain. She looked up at him breathlessly.
“Thank you.” What sounded like a
gurgle came from Max.
“Why you sexy little vixen,” he
breathed. “If we weren’t out here in the open,
I’d take you here and now.” She grabbed his
“No, we are going to stroll the gardens
and I am going to find out about you.” Max and
Morgan walked the rest of the afternoon and
enjoyed each other’s company. For once, it was
without argument and tension.

At dinner, Morgan couldn’t conceal her

delight in this meal.
“Umm, this salmon and quail is simply
delicious,” whispered Morgan. “You know I
must have this recipe for my chef at home. He
will flip if he found out about this meal.”
Cristina glanced to her left, wide-eyed.
“Doesn’t your cook know how to
prepare quail? It’s really a simple recipe,” she
said as she popped a piece of fish into her
mouth. Morgan stole a glance to Cristina, were
ladies supposed to know how to prepare quail?
That was one of the lessons Morgan learned
when Angel was teaching her.
“Do you know how to prepare quail?”
Cristina’s fork stopped midair and she looked a
bit guilty.
“Well, I know a bit. I unfortunately
have this curious nature on how foods are
prepared. I even…love to cook sometimes,” she
frowned, “but please don’t tell anyone.
Cooking is not for ladies like us.” Morgan

assured her friend that her secret was safe with
As she enjoyed her dinner, she kept
glancing at Edgar to see when exactly they were
going to begin their little ‘breakup’. She didn’t
have time to tell him of her new plan so she
hoped that he would have forgotten. He was
currently in a pleasant conversation with
Cristina. She kept trying to catch his eye but to
no avail. Max on the other hand, kept
wondering why she was not at all into their
“Are you listening to me Morgan?” he
asked suspiciously. Her eyes swung shamefully
to his, she gulped.
“Sure, I heard everything you were
“Which was what?” Morgan started
blushing because she’d been caught not paying
any attention to him whatsoever.
“Well, it was something about you know
who, doing you know what?” The last part of
her statement came out as a question.
“No, I was asking you if you had spoken
to Edgar about your ‘conversation’.”
“What?” Her eyes kept darting around,
“Yes, yes, of course I did.” She absently
dismissed Max from her mind and seriously
considered kicking Edgar in the shin from under
the table. All of the sudden strong fingers
grasped her chin and swiveled her head around.
“Madam, when you hold a conversation
with someone, it is impolite not to look at them.
Especially when that someone is moi.” She
stared up into his smoky eyes.
“So sorry, I was really listening...” fib, “I
am just trying to talk to Edgar and he seems
very preoccupied with his current conversation.”
Morgan gave him an evil stare just to see if he
would at least see that, miraculously he did. But
then he took a deep breath and forged on ahead
with his conversation…. what an idiot!
“Max, do you think you could remove
your fork from my salad?” He looked at her
“Pardon?” She pointedly looked at the
offending fork and started laughing. She knew
he had been joking but she played along.
“If you would like some, then I can
serve you on this little plate. You look like
you’ve been caught snooping around the cookie
jar, you little bugger.” He smiled halfheartedly.
“Well, seeing that you were not paying
attention to me or your plate, I figured you
wouldn’t have missed a missing leaf or two.”
Their conversation was really smooth and she
relaxed a bit.

“Well maybe I should start counting how
many I have just to see if you have taken any
“And what are you going to do if I did?”
He started grinning now. She discreetly placed
her hand on his thigh from under the table.
“Maybe Mr. Oakwood, I will have to
discipline you myself. Thievery is not allowed
in my salad world.” He began laughing and
started shaking his head.
“I love you, you know that,” he said that
without thinking. He stopped, Morgan stopped.
Edgar and Cristina stopped, in fact, everyone
around them stopped. The laughter and chatter
seemed very distant to both Max and Morgan,
who both started reddening.
Edgar seized the opportunity.
“What did you just say to my fiancée?”
He stood up abruptly, his face registering real
shock and disbelief. Max, who was oblivious to
any scheme Edgar and Morgan concocted, stood
up also.
“She is no longer your fiancée, Riccio.
Let’s not cause any scene please,” he motioned
to the chair. Edgar, being the rake that he was,
began to enjoy their embarrassment. Plus he
wanted to embarrass Max just a little.
“No! Let’s have this discussion
somewhere else! I have a right to fight for the
honor of the woman I love,” he breathed
passionately. At this point both Cristina and
Morgan stood up, also the rest of the long table
had stopped to view this unfolding drama. Max
and Edgar started heading for the doors leading
to the back gardens. As everyone started getting
up to go view the fight, Morgan stood her
“This is no one’s business. If you would
be so kind as to sit and resume your dinner, I
shan’t be but a moment.” She signaled to Lord
Hunter and he strode over to her.
“My dear this is not at all appropriate.
What shall we do?”
“Lord Hunter, why don’t you just calm
everyone down and assure everyone that I will
definitely handle this and bring those
insufferable beasts back inside.” Astounded by
her blunt manner of speaking, Lord Hunter just
nodded and wandered back to the table to sit
everyone back down. Morgan did her best to
keep her smile to herself. It irked her a little bit
when Edgar ‘declared his love’ for her. He
almost said it like he truly meant it, which made
Morgan’s heart beat faster. But she knew that
he had been lying to see an end to their
Cristina on the other hand, was mortified
and didn’t know what to do.
“Whatever shall we do Miss Ashton?”

“Stay here, I will be right back, mon
amie,” as she turned and stalked off into the
back gardens, her smile broke free. Edgar was
the most impulsive man she ever had the
misfortune to meet…and she loved him for it.
She accepted the fact that she did love Edgar
Riccio, but now was not the time to dwell on her
new discovery.
The beasts in question had taken off
their coats for a good show and they even
circled one another. Edgar couldn’t help but
“I shall fight for her honor till the death,
my good fellow. So you might as well give up,”
breathed Edgar whimsically. Max snorted.
“Well in that case I shall call your mum
to tell her to send you flowers for your funeral.”
Both men saw her at the same time and ignored
her –or tried too. Morgan planted herself smack
dab in the middle of the drama.
“Well, I hope you two men are satisfied
and have the pleasure of thoroughly causing
enough gossip to last a lifetime. I want you two
to end this charade and go inside,” she paused
for a second, “and maybe you could look a bit
disheveled for good measure.” She turned and
faced Max squarely, “and you buddy are no
going to get away so easily the next time we are
alone so be prepared.” With that said she went
inside and spoke to a jittery Cristina.
“Cris, don’t be so nervous, everything is
okay. Why are you so jittery?” Cristina looked
at her with her big blue eyes.
“Did you just call me Cris?” Morgan
had the decency to blush a little.
“Yes, I did, but I promise I won’t do it
“That’s okay, not even my closes friends
would think to give me that nickname. I like it,
I consider you my best friend. You can call me
Cris.” Morgan was surprised and hugged her
“And you may call me Morgan.” Both
girls linked arms and walked back into the den
together. Right behind them were two dirty and
overly messy gentlemen. As the two women
walked in with the two beasts in tow, the table
literally gasped. Morgan sat down and felt both
guys sit on either side of her. When she glanced
over to see Max, she also gasped, for her had an
eye the size of a baseball! She swiveled her
head to see Edgar, almost afraid of what she’d
see. So she glared at his swollen lip. What the
hell had they done? She had said to be a bit
messy, not to really hit each other. Fortunately
or unfortunately for her, both men were grinning
ear to ear. The rest of the meal went by with
everyone giving Morgan, Max, Edgar and
Cristina inquiring looks. They were dying to
know what had happened in the odd love

triangle. All four of them smartly ignored them.
No one noticed that Morgan’s and Edgar’s drink
were slightly darker than everyone else’s.
As soon as the meal was over and the
gentlemen and the ladies were going to their
rooms or either to the ‘gathering’ rooms, as
Morgan liked to call them, Morgan cornered a
quickly disappearing Max Oakwood.
“Oh no you don’t. We need to talk.”
Max quickly tried to escape her incoming wrath.
He waved to her and kept walking! Morgan
couldn’t believe his audacity! He was not going
to get away that easy, she knew he would come
to her at night, and when he did, he was going to
get a nice long lecture from her. She smiled in
anticipation, as she walked up to her room. The
wine she drank for dinner must have been real
good because she felt as if she had drunk more
than two glasses. Opening the door to her room,
Morgan realized that Max had told her that he
loved her. When the hell had that happened?
And was he really serious? She sat on the bed
because her thoughts were all turning to mush
and she couldn’t concentrate on taking off her
slippers. Maybe she should just rest for a
second and then think about having to deal with
her feelings. Of course, she knew, before
falling into a deep sleep, that she loved
Max…and Edgar too.
Edgar, on the other hand, was thinking
of a way to handle his sudden burst of emotion,
when Cristina started a conversation with
Caesar Flood. That bastard better not even
think of adding innocent Cristina to his list of
conquests. She was too naïve to play that game
and he knew it. Sipping on his brandy, he also
wondered why he was suddenly so tired. It
must have been the actual fight that transpired
between Max and himself. After Morgan left
the two of them alone, Edgar had ungraciously
ribbed Max about the fact that he had kissed
Morgan many a time. That earned him the
bloody lip he was now caring for, but he also
gave Max as good as gave. That black eye will
last him at least a good week. After each man
had given as good as he got, they called a truce,
but that was because Edgar confessed and told
Max he had been lying about loving Morgan.
He did it to save his friendship and his mission.
Edgar did not want to end up with another scar
on his face.
The weariness did not go away, so Edgar
set the brandy down and slowly walked up to
his chamber. He must have hurt something or
something had happened, because this was odd,
this feeling. As soon as he shut his door, he
collapsed on the floor and nobody heard the

As everyone started retreating to his or
her room, Leslie managed to spy Max excusing
himself. She quickly went to stand by him and
he let out a sigh of exasperation.
“What do you want Lady Toule?” He
snickered. She fluttered her lashes.
“I just wanted to ask you if you’ve seen
Miss Ashton? I couldn’t seem to find her
among the rest of the ladies. Where could see
have gone off to?” As soon as those words
came out, Cristina came up to them.
“I’m sorry to intrude Lord Oakwood, but
have you seen Morgan? I desperately need to
tell her something before nights end. Seeing
that I do leave in the morning I was hoping to
see her.” Max was thoroughly confused. And
where was Edgar? Both Edgar and Morgan had
disappeared, but where too? Something in the
pit of his stomach turned, but he pushed it aside.
They were probably in their own rooms.
Especially after the way he avoided Morgan, he
was sure she was waiting for him in her room.
Edgar was probably nursing his lip. He didn’t
want to give Leslie any satisfaction in knowing
his concern, so he just turned his back to her and
offered Cristina his arm.
“Miss Worthington, I do believe Miss
Ashton retired for the night. I saw that she had
gotten very sleepy.” Cristina’s shoulders
sagged in relief. But then she whispered,
“Mr. Riccio is also not to be found.”
Max clenched his jaw,
“Don’t worry Cristina. He is just
nursing his lip,” he repeated to her and to
“All right, I assume I will have to speak
to Morgan tomorrow.” Max escorted her to her
room. As she thanked him for escorting her,
Cristina nervously glanced at Edgar’s room
down the hall. Max did the same. They then
glanced at each other and both headed over to
his door. Max knocked first. As they waited,
they heard no sound. So he knocked again.
“Edgar, open this damn door,” he
whispered. Max could see Cristina’s eyes start
to water and at that moment, he knew it was
“No!” he whispered harshly. With that
said he slammed into the door, but it didn’t
budge. Cristina let out a whimper.
“Wait!” she tried the knob and it opened.
The room was dark except for two
candles on either side of the bed. Edgar was
lying naked a top his bed, snoring softly.
Cristina uttered a small gasp and Max went in
and checked the whole room. He came back
outside to Cristina.

“What were we thinking? He’s sound
asleep. I don’t understand any of this. Cristina
why don’t you just go back to your room and
get some sleep.” Cristina turned around wide-
eyed and nodded slowly. She shuffled back into
her room while Max stood out in the hallway.
Why the hell had he been thinking that Morgan
and Edgar were going to be sleeping together?
He should trust her by now, but still he couldn’t
quite place his finger on what was making him
so nervous. He quickly and quietly let himself
into Morgan’s room. She also had the two
candles lit, as well as lying naked atop her bed.
It looked like she had just thrown herself on the
bed. Something had happened and he had no
clue what it was. He went to smooth her brow
and cover her up. She was very clammy and her
breathing was deep.
“Morgan, love,” he whispered. He
gently shook her, but she didn’t stir. “Morgan,
wake up. I need to talk to you.” He shook her a
bit harder to help her wake up. Her head just
pitched forward when he lifted her up. Now he
was getting a little worried. “Morgan, if you
don’t wake up right now I will be very upset.”
He laid her back in the bed and slipped in with
her. He gently pinched her this time because
she was not responding to his voice. She
murmured and opened her brandy colored eyes.
“What just happened?” She looked
around, unaware of her surroundings. “I
remember coming up here but I don’t remember
anything after that. It was so weird, like I was
drugged or something. Maybe there was
something in the food that didn’t sit well with
me.” She snuggled up closer to him, “and how
in the world did I get undressed, you devil?” He
looked at her suspiciously, “You were already
naked when I came into your room. You don’t
remember getting undressed?” Max brushed her
hair aside and forced her to look at him. “How
do you feel? Do you feel okay?” She nodded
and kissed his hand that was caressing her face.
“I just don’t remember.”
“Well let me give you something to
remember….” His hand went underneath the
covers to soothe her worries away.

Chapter Ten

During breakfast, Max could see that

something was bothering Edgar. And he was
sure it had something to do with last night’s
mysterious events. The fact that Edgar and
Morgan had been strewn onto their beds naked
as the day they were born, was bothering him.
Something had not been right.
Morgan for the life of her could not
remember the events that took place last night
once she walked into her room. If she didn’t
know any better, she would assume that she had
been drugged. But that couldn’t be possible;
people don’t do that in these times…right? In
any event, she decided to forget what had
happened and enjoy the remainder of the day
with Max.
Edgar was not feeling well at all. He
knew he had been drugged last night but by
whom? And to what avail? When he woke up,
he was naked and lying atop his bed. He
remembered walking into his room and passing
out. But he didn’t quite know who undressed
him and what had happened. There was a blur
of memory of someone whispering something
too him, but he couldn’t quite make them out.
He did know one small fact; the person
whispering to him was female. Edgar had been
drugged before in his past life, with people
trying to steal things from him…in his past life.
Who would do such a thing? He was going to
have to talk to Max about this.
Breakfast was a quiet event with
everyone in his or her own thoughts. Once it
was over, everyone went outside to enjoy the
day riding or lounging by the trees. Edgar still
wasn’t feeling to good and decided to rest for a
bit. He noticed that Simeon kept giving him sly
looks all morning. That devil might have been
up to something. As soon as he closed his door,
there was a brief knock. It was Simeon.
“What in blazes do you want with me
Simeon?” asked a perturbed Edgar. Simeon
stepped underneath the doorway, not really
coming into the room.
“I just wanted to know if you enjoyed
your brandy last night?” Edgar’s blood started
“What in the hell did you do?” Simeon
just chuckled.
“Well, what I really was going to do was
to have Max catch you and Miss Morgan in a
delectable situation. But I found something
much more to my liking but unfortunately, not
something you will like.” He gestured to see if
he could come in. Edgar glared at him but let
Simeon come into the room. “It seems like, my
good friend, that I know who has been

terrorizing half of London by stealing their
valuables…” he let the words sink in.
“I don’t know what you are talking
about.” Edgar clenched and unclenched his
fists. Simeon laughed at Edgar’s unease.
“It seems to me that I have found
something that belongs to Lady Hunter, as well
as your ‘disguise’. You know you really
shouldn’t keep these things lying about.
Someone might happen to come across them
when you least expect it.” Edgar roared,
“What the hell were you doing in my
room last night Oakwood? And your excuse
better be good otherwise you will find yourself
in the Thames.” Edgar started towards Simeon.
“Now I wouldn’t worry yourself about
that question. The question you should be
thinking of is what am I going to do with this
lovely information.” He continued right along
before Edgar could start. “I want you to marry
Miss Morgan.” Simeon shrugged, “It’s that
simple. I don’t want money or gains, just
marriage. Yours and hers.” Edgar couldn’t start
to explain the rage he was feeling inside.
“You want me to marry Morgan…. for
what purpose.” Simeon stared at him.
“For my purpose. I don’t need to
explain myself to you, but if you don’t do as I
request, then you can see yourself living in
prison for the rest of your days.” Edgar started
reaching for Simeon. “And before you think of
throwing me in the Thames, you should know
that I am not the only one who knows. If I were
to ‘disappear’, this other person is in charge of
fulfilling my desires.” Edgar stopped dead in
his tracks. What was he going to do about this
“Simeon, you had better leave this room
before I kill you with my bare hands, forget the
consequences.” Simeon turned to leave but
quietly stated,
“If you do manage to dispose of me, I
also have orders to have that Ashton bitch
disposed of as well.” And with that, Simeon left
the room. Edgar sunk onto the bed with his
head in his hands.

Later that night Morgan was resting in

her room when she heard a knock at her door.
“Well good evening, Edgar,” she took
one look at him and declared, “What is the
matter? Are you feeling well?” She started to
take him into her bedroom but he held fast.
Morgan noted that he looked pale and seemed
very tired. Her heart went out to him. She laid
a hand onto his sleeve and he flinched a bit.
“I am fine, I just need to speak to you in
private…but I don’t want to do it in your

bedchamber. Please meet me in the gardens.”
With that said he just turned around and stalked
down the hall. Morgan was left with a feeling
of dread. Edgar did not look well and he
seemed very serious. It was the look the police
had given her when they told her that her
parents were dead. She shivered and quickly
ran to grab a shawl.
As she bounded down the stairs as fast
as she could, Max noticed her worried
expression as he talked with the other gentlemen
in the room. He wondered where she could be
off to so quickly and so upset. He excused
himself and quietly went to go after her. She
was noticeably heading for the gardens. Max
stopped when he saw that she went to go meet
Edgar. Jealousy flared up and into his veins. He
quickly stomped on those feelings, for there
must be a good reason for Morgan to be meeting
Edgar in the middle of the night in the gardens.
He trusted her. He really wanted to trust her.
Max forced himself to turn around and head
back to the men’s conversation. He was going
to leave her with Edgar because he knew she
wouldn’t be doing anything stupid, for there
would be hell to pay if they did.
Morgan grabbed Edgar’s arm to steady
herself. She was out of breath and she had
broken into a mild sweat from the stairs.
“Ok Edgar, you have a lot of explaining
to do. I am worried over the news you have to
tell me. So spill it.” Edgar looked at her oddly.
It occurred to Edgar at that moment that perhaps
he pushed Morgan into the wrong direction.
Maybe she was supposed to be his all along. He
took a deep breath,
“I still want you to be my wife.” He let
his statement sink in because he could see that it
was taking Morgan a while to register what he
just said. She started shaking her head softly.
“Edgar, what are you saying? Are you
crazy! You know I can’t do that. Why are you
asking me?” He turned around so she couldn’t
see the look on his face and shoved his hand
through his dark hair. The roses in the garden
had him mesmerized. He was at a loss of what
to do. “What is it Edgar? What could possibly
make you this upset?” Morgan followed him
near the roses and placed her hand on his
shoulder. “Come on, I thought we were friends.
Please tell me what is wrong. I know that you
don’t want to marry me, since you worked so
hard to get Max and I together.” He turned back
and faced her. A loud sigh escaped him and he
reached up to touch her cheek. The thought of
Morgan being his accelerated his pulse.
“Perhaps, I realize that I love you and
would prefer that you become my wife instead.”
Morgan just looked at him wide-eyed. She just

didn’t know what to say. There had been a
connection with Edgar that she couldn’t quite
put a finger on but she didn’t think that this was
it. Could it have been?
“Edgar, I don’t understand why you
have this change of heart, but even if I were to
accept your proposal, I can’t. You know that I
am leaving in a matter of weeks and I cannot
commit myself. I have feelings for you but
those feelings don’t compare to the way I feel
about Max. You know that.” Morgan said this
lie to protect her lie, her heart and her mission.
But she was on the verge of a breakdown. How
could it be that Edgar was proclaiming his love
for her? She thought she had made a solid
decision but she could feel her assurance of her
decision slowly chipping away.
Edgar wasn’t even thinking of his
predicament with Simeon. Now that he said the
words out loud, he knew that he was telling the
truth. He loved Morgan and now there was no
turning back. He might have failed in his duty
but he couldn’t deny his feelings any longer.
Maybe she didn’t want him because of his
disfigured face. He slowly covered his face in
his hands and looked at her over his fingers. He
threw his hands down in disgust.
“I think I fell in love with you that night
at the ball when you turned your back on Max’s
behavior. I knew you were different…Damn
Max and his good looks!” His eyes were
smoldering fire and Morgan was afraid of the
feelings he was stirring inside her. Feelings she
had deep in her heart, but feelings that were
pushed aside and never acknowledged. She
steeled herself against her wavering. She could
not betray Max! This was her mission, she had
to deny other feelings to do what she thought
was right.
“It is not about looks Edgar,” she
whispered, “he makes me feel things that I
never felt before, he completes me.” Morgan
cast her eyes downward at this lie. Edgar
grabbed her waist and pulled her in,
“I want to complete you,” and swept in
for a fierce kiss. Morgan was stunned; she
kissed him for a fraction of a second. She was
shocked at the emotions that turned on at the
touch of his lips. Pushing him away, she
realized that he was very dangerous. Dangerous
in a way that made her want to turn around and
run and never look back. His breathing was
ragged, as his black endless eyes searched hers.
She could no longer bear the pressure that he
was exonerating.
“Edgar, you should not have done that. I
love Max and I love you as a friend. I cannot
betray the man I love and you cannot betray
your best friend.”

“The kiss we just shared tells me
otherwise. I have to have you. I cannot stand
for Max taking what he wants and me having to
beg for it!” He stated angrily.
“I cannot betray the man I love! We are
not meant to be!” She said the last statement
loudly and forcedly. With that she turned and
walked away. Somehow with each step she
took she felt as if her heart were breaking away.

Max again watched Morgan hurry off

with that worried look on her face, but this time
she headed straight to her room. Not wasting a
moment he excused himself yet again. The men
just nodded, annoyed with Max’s nonchalant
attitude. As soon as he reached her door he
opened it and saw Morgan lying face down on
the bed.
“Morgan, you better start explaining.”
Morgan heard him but decided to just stay as
she was. She didn’t want to explain the way she
was feeling right now to anyone. Edgar had
opened some sort of floodgates and she was just
catching her breath. “Morgan Ashton, you had
better answer me.” She knew she could not
avoid his gaze and questions any more. A loud
muffled sigh escaped her, what was she going to
tell him? Her thoughts were in turmoil but she
sat up anyway to face her lover.
Max immediately saw that something
was very wrong. The tension that was going
through the room was heavy and thick. He saw
that she was trying to say something but the
words weren’t coming out.
“Max, I…spoke to Edgar. There is
something that happened to him and he is not
telling me.” He just stared at Morgan blankly.
“What do you mean ‘something
happened to him’? Is he hurt?” Morgan shook
her head slowly, fingering the pillow she held in
her hands.
“Well, not exactly.” She thought if it
was wise to tell him the truth…she opted to not
tell him. “He is…” in love with me, she
thought, “not himself. I don’t know. That is all
I can say.” He narrowed his eyes at her and
took a step closer to her.
“If he did not say, then why are you so
upset?” Now she was wringing her hands, a
sure sign that she was lying. Max tried to calm
down and focus. “Morgan…please tell me the
truth.” She thought about telling him the truth
but Angel’s words kept coming back to haunt
her. “You lied to the man you were supposed to
be with.” Now, Morgan did not know who that
was supposed to be. She loved Max…but what
if the connection she felt with Edgar was her
true love. And she was ignoring it. She had to
lie to Max now before telling him the truth. She

needed time to think and definitely time to talk
to Angel.
“Max,” she got up from the bed, “I
honestly don’t know what is wrong with Edgar.
I think he is in some type of trouble. Perhaps
being blackmailed even. I think you should go
to him and see what you can find. I tried to find
out, but like I said, he is not telling me.” She
stood next to Max’s sitting figure and swept
back the lock of hair that fell on his forehead. “I
fear for his life Max. You have to talk to him.”
That part was not a lie. She honestly thought
that Edgar had acted rash and perhaps someone
was blackmailing him. He certainly had a good
reason to be blackmailed, he was rich and he
robbed people for goodness sake!
Max decided to take her words as truth.
Perhaps Edgar was in need of help. He was a
thief and maybe someone had found him out.
Standing up, he firmly grasped Morgan’s chin.
“Okay I will go to him, but if either of
you two are hiding something from me. There
will be hell to pay.” With that he planted a
quick kiss on her lips and left her standing there.
Morgan hugged herself and prayed that she was
right. She had to leave this place and go home
to find Angel.
By the time Max went in search of Edgar
he was worried. He didn’t like this feeling of
not being in control. And things were, he felt,
getting out of control. Half-hour later, he finally
realized that Edgar must have left early. He
confirmed this with Lord Hunter. Now Max’s
instincts had to have been right…Edgar was in
An hour later, Morgan was on her way
back to London. She felt bad that she didn’t tell
Max but she really couldn’t see him right now.
Her mind was in a state of shambles. How
could she have feelings for two men at the same
time? She had given her love and body to Max
but Edgar had a piece of her that she undeniably
felt. By the time she reached her home, she was
ready to go back to the 21st century. She could
handle business decisions with precision but
decisions that had to do with her heart was new
territory that she didn’t feel comfortable
making. Things had to settle down before she
moved forward with any kind of decision.

Chapter Eleven

Morgan had let a couple days past and

she somewhat had a conclusion as to what she
was going to do. She had avoided both men
completely and was ready to face the
consequences of her decision. It hadn’t been
easy to avoid Max and Edgar at the same time
but she had made herself disappear too many
times. Angel had been no help actually. When
Morgan came home the other day from the
weekend outing, Angel had just told her to
‘follow her heart’. Whatever that meant. She
figured that she had already ruined her chances
at this life and just wanted to be happy for the
rest of her time here. It is not like she was
going to spend the rest of her life with this one
man! She was dreaming for goodness sake!
Edgar had almost found her on one day
while she was in her gardens. The brute
climbed over her fence determined to see her.
She almost laughed aloud when she saw him
tear his pants climbing down the wall. Of
course, she had hid herself and her staff had
known what to do. It was Max that she was
worried about; he had tried relentlessly to see
her the day she came home and the day after.
She had needed to switch rooms because he had,
quite noisily she might add, tried to come up to
her room. But after that day, she had not heard
a word from him. She was beginning to worry.
That is why she made the decision to go see
Max right away to explain her absence…and her
The carriage had just stopped in front of
Oak Manor and she prayed that Max would be
home. The weather today agreed with her
mood. It was cold and dreary; she didn’t think
she would have enough courage to come back
again. As she walked up the steps, she felt her
legs heavy with dread. She also hadn’t seen him
and missed him horribly. It was as if he had
been waiting for her.
The door opened and Max stood beside
it with his arms folded. He was very
intimidating and cold with his grey eyes cool
beneath his furrowed brows. She felt the
intimidating glare and squared her shoulders.
“Hello Max. I see you have been
waiting for me to see you.” He didn’t say a
word. Morgan swallowed the lump in her
throat. “I had hoped that you wouldn’t have
been upset at my need to be alone for awhile. I
can explain,” she whispered the last statement.
Max just moved to the side so she could pass.
Morgan glided into the hallway while he coldly
showed her into the drawing room. The room
was cold and the curtains had been drawn. She
turned around to face him and she noticed that
he didn’t look like he was going to accept

anything she told him. Therefore, she started
out with one thing that she was certain
about…marriage. She walked behind his
console where he had his liquor. Perhaps, she
thought wryly, to keep a safe distance.
“One of the reasons I have come was to
let you know that I cannot marry you. It is not
my decision to leave London but it must be so.
Nothing you do or say can affect this decision. I
am sorry.” She said this to him square in the
eye but softened the blow by fiddling with his
brandy decanter. He didn’t say anything but
Morgan saw the steel behind his eyes. He did
however walk stiffly to the fireplace and started
to throw wood in it. Morgan watched patiently
while he started a fire in the fireplace. It took
him about twenty minutes but Morgan waited
very patiently while he did so. She figured it
was the time he was using to think about what
she had just said.
Finally when he was done, he walked
straight up to her and grabbed her by the arms.
She inhaled his scent sharply ready to take on
his kiss…but he just moved her aside and
poured two glasses of brandy.
Morgan moved aside but softly touched
Max’s back,
“Max, there is something else I must tell
you…” Max stiffened turned around and silently
offered her the glass. She shook her head in
denial. He shrugged and was about to drink his
glass when the butler came in.
“Your Grace, Sir Riccio is here to see
you.” Max’s eyes quickly glanced at Morgan as
she started sweating.
“Show him in,” he said gruffly. Morgan
was surprised at the gruffness of his tone. It
sounded like he hadn’t used his voice in days.
She looked at his profile and marveled at his
Edgar walked in looking just as haggard
as Max. He was surprised to Morgan there and
stood rooted to the spot by the door. His gaze
hungrily took her in.
“Morgan. I had hoped to see you.”
Those words really tore Morgan apart. She
could not stand here and do this.
“I’m sorry if I bothered you Max. I have
to go.” With that said she quickly exited the
room, skirting around Edgar and trying not to
fall apart in front of these men whom she cared
so much about. Max and Edgar just watched
her leave, both needing and wanting to follow
“Edgar this had better be good. I have
been trying to find you the past couple of days.
Where the hell have you been?” He offered him
the glass Morgan refused. Edgar took it and
quickly downed it. He looked at Max’s brandy
and swallowed heavily. He started sweating.

“Look Max, I am going to tell this to you
now. I love Morgan and I have asked her to be
my wife.” Edgar could see the veins start to
throb on Max’s forehead.
“What?” Max whispers dangerously. He
turned around with his back to Edgar and
watched the flames of the fireplace. Edgar
stood straighter at the sound of Max throwing
his glass into the fire. Max turned around.
Morgan was just walking out the door
when she realized what a coward she had been.
She had the two men that she really wanted to
talk to and yet here she was walking away. She
turned back to the room where the two men
were talking and heard the glass shatter.
Morgan’s steps quickened because she was sure
that Edgar was here to talk to Max about her.
Suddenly she heard Max yell,
“Burns! Get the doctor…NOW!!”
Morgan ran into the room and almost fainted.
Edgar was lying on the floor with Max hovering
over him. She heard the door slam in the front
door and assumed the butler went to fetch the
doctor. Morgan ran to Edgar’s side.
“What is wrong with him? Max?” She
brushed his hands away and grabbed Edgar’s
face. It seemed like he was choking because he
was gasping for breath, clutching his chest.
“EDGAR! Say something, what is wrong?”
“I think he’s been poisoned…” Max
whispered. He looked at his brandy decanter
and noticed that it was darker than usual.
Morgan shook her head in silent denial. He
couldn’t be poisoned…. she hadn’t told him that
she loved him yet.
“Max, bring me some water that he may
drink and flush this out!” Max quickly stood up
and went to go get some water without any
questions. “Edgar, you can’t do this to me.”
His black eyes swing to search her tearful face;
she could see and feel the regret swirling in their
depths. He was gasping for breath now, but he
reached up to touch her face. She grabbed his
hand and brought it to her heart. “Edgar you
can’t leave me. I love you, I need you here.”
Edgar’s eyes brightened sadly, smiled wistfully
and closed his eyes.
Max came in with the water but he saw
he was too late. Morgan had her head bowed
crying softly. Edgar was dead. Max quietly
knelt next to her. Who could have done this?
He had heard Morgan’s last words to Edgar and
he was burning with rage and helplessness.
Outwardly, he didn’t show any of his feelings
out of respect for his friend. Someone was
going to pay for this. This happened because
someone wanted him dead, not Edgar. Edgar
was never meant to have drunk that brandy.
Many thoughts were going through his head but

he needed time to organize his thoughts. His
heart was ripped to shreds yet again by another
Morgan glanced up at Max.
“Who could have done this? Why
would they want to do this? I don’t
understand.” Max grabbed Edgar and gently
lifted him onto the settee. He didn’t trust
himself to answer Morgan. The fact that she
betrayed him was still raging inside of him. But
she deserved to know what was happening.
“Someone poisoned the brandy. I gave
him the glass that you did not want and
I…threw my drink in the fireplace.” Morgan let
out a little cry.
“Are you telling me that someone
wanted you dead?” Morgan had to grab the
edge of the settee to keep from falling back
down. “I don’t understand.” She looked down
at Edgar and started crying silently. She had
chosen Edgar, but she had told him too late.
She felt it in her heart that Edgar had been hers
all along. She wasn’t going to deny that she
didn’t love Max. He had worked his way into
her heart but in the end, Edgar, her faithful
Edgar was the one she felt that she was meant to
be with forever. And her indecision and lack of
action caused him to die. But, Max could have
taken the drink instead. She wasn’t ready to
lose either one.
Max stood and watched the woman he
loved cry silently for his best friend. He
honestly didn’t know what to do.
“I heard what you told him,” he
whispered raggedly. Morgan didn’t look up
from Edgar’s face.
“I have no regrets Max. It is possible to
love two men at the same time. I know I do. I
gave my body to you out of my own free will. I
loved the way you made me feel and the way
you breathed life into me. I was never
unfaithful to you~” She was interrupted by the
opening of the door. The doctor rushed in to see
what was before him. Max noticed that Evans
was not with him.
“Where is Dr. Evans?” asked Max. The
dark haired doctor just mumbled,
“He’s on holiday.” As soon as he laid
his eyes upon Edgar, he quickly went to his
“What has happened here” He checked
Edgar’s vital signs as he asked this.
“I think he’s been poisoned. I gave him
a drink from my brandy and this is what
happened.” Max had to swallow the lump in his
throat. “I noticed that someone darkened my
brandy with some kind of poison only after
Edgar had become afflicted.” Dr. Evans
grabbed the brandy decanter and smelled the

“Absinthe. I will call the police, they
will want to speak to you two.” The doctor
scurried off to get the authorities.
Morgan felt like she was torn apart. She
wanted to finish explaining to Max but now was
not the time. Sitting down next to the settee, she
longingly glanced at Edgar’s face and ran her
finger over his scar. Perhaps she had repeated
her life here and hadn’t changed anything. She
betrayed Max and yet she felt like she betrayed
Edgar as well. She had failed everyone around
Max regarded her frame silently. He
still loved her, yet she loved another. He didn’t
know whether to believe her claim of
faithfulness. Edgar didn’t get a chance to
explain everything to him when he declared his
love for her. Perhaps Morgan wanted Max
dead so she could be with Edgar guilt free? He
remembered that he had his back to her while
she was standing right by the decanter. He also
remembered her refusing the drink. Suspicions
clouded his mind, but he quickly disposed of
them. Morgan would never do such a thing, in
fact, why would she have come back? To make
sure Max had drunk the brandy? No. Edgar
would have known not to drink from
it…wouldn’t he have? Max honestly didn’t
know. Other names drifted into his mind, Leslie
or Simeon? Both of those people had cause to
see him dead. Simeon would profit greatly from
his inheritance and Leslie was thirsty for
The silence was broken by Morgan’s
whispered sobs. He couldn’t leave her to mourn
alone. Without making a sound he lifted her
into his arms and she clung to him while she
“Please put me down Max. I want to be
with him as much as I can.” Max cringed with
hurt, but he set her down. She took her place
kneeling by Edgar’s side. Max knelt next to her
and guilt invaded his body. He should have
been the one to drink the brandy…not Edgar.
He’s the one who should be lying on the settee.
Morgan chose Edgar, not him. Max didn’t
know what to do, what to say or even how to
feel. His emotions were all mixed. Where
was he going to start? First thing’s first, he was
going to find whomever murdered Edgar. He
had a small plan already formulating.

Chapter Twelve

Three days had passed and Morgan was

now attending the funeral for Max. She had
balked at the idea that Max had proposed but in
the end it was the logical thing to do to catch
Edgar’s murderer. Max had been able to
convince the detective who came with the
doctor of his plan as well. At this point they had
no suspects but Morgan had her ideas.
Yesterday Max and she had quietly seen that
Edgar had a proper burial. If it had been
possible, she felt even sadder than when her
parents died. It was unbearable burying Edgar
in the cold ground. Her parents were in a small
mausoleum above ground, because her parents
couldn’t stand to have been buried in the
ground. Max had held her while she cried.
Angel had also attended the funeral. She had
said that she wanted to be there to say her
goodbyes as well.
As she stared at the empty coffin being
lowered into the ground, muffled sobs could be
heard among the fairly large crowd. She felt a
bit guilty for deceiving these people but they
were determined to find the murderer. Simeon
and Leslie had also attended the mock funeral.
She noticed that Simeon did not shed a tear, in
fact he was rather smug. Leslie, on the other
hand was a complete mess, she was sobbing,
perhaps, the loudest of them all.
Throughout this whole ordeal, Angel had
not said one word to her. She hadn’t even shed
a tear when she told her that Edgar had died. In
fact, it seemed like she just accepted what
Morgan had told her. Morgan hadn’t the
strength to talk to her after that conversation.
Yet here she was, leaning on Angel for support.
She was still weak in the knees after her loss
and didn’t trust herself to put on a brave face.
Morgan managed to catch the eye of Leslie
accidentally. When she glanced at her, she
could have sworn that Leslie was mouthing
something to her but Morgan didn’t quite make
it out. She just averted her gaze and focused on
the roses atop the coffin. Max had decided to
stay at Edgar’s home for now, just in case
someone else decided to break into Max’s
home. She had made the excuse that Edgar was
not feeling well and was at home resting.
It was a shock to the community that
Maximillian Oakwood had been poisoned in his
own home. The whispers of fear and
speculation as to who could have done it were
rampant. As the funeral came to a close Morgan
let Angel know that she was going to see Max.
Angel just curtly nodded and headed towards
the carriage. When Morgan turned around she
saw that Leslie was trying to get her attention.

Morgan walked towards Leslie, wondering what
the heck she was going to tell her.
“Are you trying to get my attention,
Miss Toule?” Morgan whispered. Leslie
nodded slowly and whispered,
“Please, would I be able to meet you at
your home in about an hour?” she murmured
tearfully. She looked around to make sure
everyone had left already. Morgan wondered
about her inconspicuousness.
“Of course,” Morgan said abruptly and
walked towards her carriage with Angel
waiting. She had no idea what Leslie would
need to speak to her about…unless it had
something to do with the killer. She quickened
her pace and quickly shut the door. “Angel, I
think Leslie knows who did it. She just asked to
meet me at home in about an hour. What do
you think?” Angel regarded her solemnly.
“I will be leaving you soon.” Morgan
did a double take and looked at Angel with
questions in her eyes. Angel held up her hand,
“Your time is soon up here and I will no longer
be needed. You have chosen your path and I
will reveal to you when you are back as you
should be.” Morgan grimaced.
“What do you mean as I ‘should be’?
Do you know what is going to happen? Angel!
I need to know! Have I at least completed my
‘mission’ as you so called it? Please answer
me.” Morgan sobbed out the last request.
Angel grabbed Morgan’s hand and smiled.
“You have completed your mission. But
you have one more thing to do and once that is
over, you will be returned back home…isn’t that
what you wanted?” A tear escaped Morgan,
“What I wanted was Edgar, but I was too
late.” Angel took pity on her,
“You did tell him you loved him, did
you not?” Morgan could only nod because the
words were getting to thick to say. Especially
when they concerned Edgar.
The rest of the ride home was silent,
except for the occasional hiccup coming from
Morgan, who could not stop the tears. As soon
as the carriage stopped Angel let go of
Morgan’s hand and gave her a sad smile.
“Good luck, my lovely niece,” with that
said, she disappeared before Morgan. Morgan
just stared at the empty space. This was it; she
was now on her own until it was time for her to
go. She squared her shoulders and went inside
to wait for Leslie to come in.
Instead of a cold study, Morgan found
Max sleeping and sitting in her chair with a
small fire burning. She leaned against the
doorframe and just watched him breathe in and
out. She thought, what if things had been
different and she had chosen Max. She didn’t
regret her decision of course. She felt that

Edgar was hers and always had been, but Max
had wakened the desire in her. The thought of
him kissing her, straightened her right up. She
went to stand next to him and looked down at
his head. A curl was dangling across his
forehead and she softly pushed it back. Max
opened his eyes and Morgan was surprised to
see love still in them. She stepped back and
turned around to sit on the chair in front of the
“Leslie is coming in less than an hour to
discuss something with me.” She fiddled with
the pen on the desk.
“Do you know what she wants?” he
asked gruffly. Morgan shook her head. Since
that fateful day that Edgar passed away, Max
had been curt and to the point when speaking to
her. She tried to explain to him but he had
refused to listen to her reasons. Morgan had
given up trying to explain anything after that.
“Do you have any suspicions after the funeral?”
“Simeon, as you should know, did not
shed one tear. He looked rather smug, if you
ask me. Leslie was a mess. She couldn’t stop
crying for a moment. Everyone else was pretty
much as they should be. I don’t know Max, this
might be harder than we originally thought.”
Things were looking hopeless from her point of
view unless Leslie told them something
“Last night I did some rummaging out
by the docks. It seems someone had placed
quite a bounty on my head and your head. I
managed to get a few descriptions but it didn’t
sound like it fit the description of Simeon or
anyone else I know. I am going down tonight
again.” Morgan looked a bit surprised.
“I don’t understand. Why would
someone want me dead?” Max turned to regard
her warily.
“I don’t know, but it seemed that you
were on someone’s list.” He turned and looked
into the fire. Morgan could tell that he was deep
in thought. She tried one more time to explain
herself. She didn’t think that she could leave
this place knowing that he didn’t forgive her.
“Max, I hope one day you will be able to
forgive me,” she whispered. Max slowly turned
to look at her. The thought of him being angry
for eternity gave her courage to keep talking. “I
don’t know what else to say to you that will
make you believe in everything I have told
you.” His silence was comforting. She walked
up next to his sitting form and reached out to
touch him. This time, Max didn’t move away.
“You mean the world to me and I couldn’t bear
the thought of you hating me for eternity.” Max
quirked an eyebrow and questioned,
“What an odd way to put it. For
eternity.” He let out a loud sigh, “ Morgan…I

could not hate you. You are still the most
beautiful and interesting woman I have ever
met. The fact that you love my best friend does
more than just dampen my spirits. But I realize
that I should have been the one to have drunk
that brandy.” He stared at his hands now.
Morgan grabbed them and held them to her.
“Don’t ever say that. The ideal situation
would have been if neither one of you had drunk
that brandy. But we will find whoever did this,
Max. And we will make them pay for what the
did.” A tear slipped out and Morgan quickly
whisked it away.
They just sat this way for the rest of the
time, absorbing each other’s strength. By the
time Leslie was there, Max was already hiding
behind the massive desk. She came in with
round bloodshot eyes. If Morgan didn’t know
any better, she’d thought that Leslie actually
cared for Max.
“Please, sit.” Morgan didn’t offer her
anything else. After all, this was the person that
might have poisoned Edgar. Leslie sat and
stared straight into the fire that Max had just
been gazing into not an hour before. Morgan
just wanted Leslie to tell her what was on her
mind so that she could leave. “Well, Miss
Toule, what is it that is so important that you
must visit me?” Leslie swung her blue eyes to
land on Morgan. She started shaking. Morgan
quickly went and sat by her.
“I can still smell him…” Morgan looked
at her incredulously because she didn’t think
that Leslie was so familiar with Max’s scent.
Plus, it worried her that Leslie might feel
uncomfortable, thinking that Max was once
“Well, I’m sure it’s just your memory of
him.” She patted Leslie’s hand to somewhat
comfort her. The poor girl did look like hell.
“I’m sure it is. Morgan…I mean, Miss
Ashton, I have a secret that I must reveal to you.
Because if I don’t I will die with a guilty
conscience.” Morgan was now intrigued by
Leslie’s admission. She touched Leslie’s hand
to press her on with her story.
“Well, I am sure you know by now that I
was once betrothed to Max. And I did some
things that I am not proud of, of course. But I
can’t change the fact of what I have done. I
regret my actions until the day I die. Therefore,
when Simeon came to me with this plan…well I
didn’t hesitate.” Morgan looked at her blankly
so Leslie kept going. “Simeon brought up the
idea of making it appear that you and Edgar had
slept together at Lord Hunter’s home.” Morgan
let out a little gasp and couldn’t help but to
interrupt her.

“Is this why I felt drugged that night and
woke up naked?” Leslie bowed her head in
shame and nodded.
“We had drugged both you and Edgar
and Simeon was to bring you into Edgar’s room.
I was supposed to point out the fact that both
you and Edgar were missing after dinner.
Everything had been planned, so I was very
surprised to see nothing had happened. I didn’t
know what to think.” She breathed in deeply to
continue. “I asked Simeon why he had changed
the plans without letting me know.” Morgan
was a bit confused.
“Leslie, why in the world would Simeon
want to make it seem that Edgar and I slept
together?” Leslie started crying loudly.
Morgan thought she sounded like a beached
whale. “Leslie, please compose yourself. I am
here to help you.” Leslie hiccupped and wiped
away her tears.
“We were going to set you two up for
two reasons. The first, and the main reason I
agreed to this, was because Simeon said this
would free Max’s intentions up and I would be
able to try to win him again.” What sounded
like a snicker came from behind the desk and
Morgan coughed loudly to cover the sound up.
Leslie quickly glanced at the desk but continued
on with her story. “The second reason,
Simeon’s reason, was because he knew that I
could never have children. I had an accident
when I was younger and the doctor had told me
I would never bear children.” She wiped away
at another tear. “Therefore, Simeon wanted me
to marry Max knowing that I would never give
Max an heir. This would enable him to inherit
the Oakwood estates should Max pass away.”
Morgan was finally able to see the reasoning to
all this. She was extremely upset with both of
them but this still didn’t explain who had
poisoned Edgar.
“Leslie, does any of this have to do with
Max’s death?” She was getting a bit impatient.
But again, this question started the waterworks
for Leslie. Morgan shook her head in disgust
and stood up. “Would you like some water?”
Leslie just nodded and cried at the same time.
She rang for the maid to come.
“Could you please bring a pitcher of
some water for us, Linda?” The maid nodded
curtly and scurried off. Sitting back on the
settee with Leslie, Morgan heaved a large sigh
of desperation. Leslie had stopped crying and
was sniffing prettily.
“This is what I don’t know. I am
assuming that Simeon poisoned Max because
his other plan didn’t go well.” Morgan
scrunched up her nose.
“What do you mean ‘other plan’?”

“Well, after I confronted him about the
failed plan at Lord Hunter’s, he had told me that
something else came up and he had a better way
to secure the scandal. He told me that Max
might have loved you strong enough to forgive
you for you betrayal. He didn’t want to take
that chance. Simeon didn’t tell me what his new
plan was, but he assured me that the results
would be the same.” Leslie blew her nose into
her handkerchief. “At Lord Hunter’s he seemed
confident his new plan would work. It was after
the ball, about a day later that he called me to
his home.” Apparently the stress was too much
for Leslie because she stood up and started
pacing. Morgan subtly went and stood in front
of the desk. “It was then that Simeon appeared
frazzled and distraught. He kept repeating to
himself ‘blast the man to hell’ over and over
again. I don’t know whom he was talking
about. As soon as I got there he told me that we
would have to think of a new plan. At this
point, I just told him to forget about it. I really
didn’t want to get too involved into something
that would hurt anyone.” She stopped and
looked straight at Morgan. “I would never hurt
anyone. You have to believe me.” Leslie didn’t
wait for her acceptance but then continued
pacing. “Once I told him that I wanted out of his
scheming, he grabbed me and started choking
me. I’m telling you Morgan, he was madly out
of control! As I was screaming for him to stop,
his face suddenly lit up and he let me go.”
Without thinking, Leslie touched her throat,
deep in thought. “He had the strangest look in
his eyes and then he started laughing. Now he
said this more to himself than to me but he said
‘why didn’t I think of this before’. When he
said this I had shivers go through me. I didn’t
know what to do or say but I just ran out of
there.” Leslie shuddered at the thought. “I did
not want anything to do with what he had
planned. But see, the next thing I knew…Max
was dead. I didn’t think he would do something
like this. I am sure it was him.” She stared off
into space. “I should have done something. I
would never do anything to hurt Max.” She
turned and looked at a stunned Morgan. “I
should have done something.” If Leslie had
done something her Edgar would not be buried
in some cold ground. Anger coursed through
her. She shook off her thoughts and
concentrated on Leslie.
“Leslie, how do you know it was
Simeon?” Leslie hesitated before she answered.
“The look in Simeon’s eyes when he
was choking me was something I had never seen
before. They were the eyes of a killer. I don’t
think Simeon would have hesitated to do
something to Max in order to achieve his goal.

Especially since he was desperate when his plan
failed.” Morgan pondered her statement.
“Leslie, you said that you don’t
remember Simeon’s second plan. The plan he
was going to do after he didn’t go through with
staging Edgar and I?” Leslie shook her blond
head, curls shaking.
“No, he never told me that plan.” Now
it was Morgan’s turn to start pacing. She faced
“Would you be willing to go to the
authorities with all this information?” Leslie
looked down at the floor and blushed. She
shook her head slowly.
“No…. Simeon has a written agreement
to our original plan from me. It states that I
would go ahead with this plan and see it
fulfilled without ever telling authorities. If I
implicated Simeon, he would show everyone the
agreement. It would then make me a suspect to
Max’s murder. Do you see why I can’t do
“But didn’t he also sign the agreement?”
Leslie again shook her head.
“No, I was a stupid fool. I was blinded
by the sweet promised he made to me. I just
didn’t know…” Her words trailed off as more
tears silently fell.
The only thing Morgan could think of
was of a way to retrieve this agreement. That
way Leslie could go to the police without the
threat of Simeon blackmailing her. Of course,
Leslie didn’t know for sure if Simeon poisoned
Max. But it was a strong possibility.
“Thank you so much for confiding in me
Leslie. I really appreciate it. I will think of
something to help you.” A thought popped into
Morgan’s head. “Why did you confide in me
Leslie?” Leslie stood up from the settee.
“I knew Max loved you. He would have
wanted me to explain what little I knew to you.
And I loved him, I could never have lived with
myself without telling someone.” Morgan felt
so bad about lying to Leslie, but then she
thought about the fact that she would have
blackmailed her and Edgar.
“Well again, thank you for coming over
and telling me all this. Don’t blame yourself for
anything that Simeon might have done. We will
get to the bottom of this somehow. Have faith
in the authorities, they will catch whomever did
this.” Leslie murmured her agreement.
“Thank you again, Miss Ashton.”
When Morgan came back into the room,
Max was standing by the fire in deep thought.
She stood next to him and looked up into his
grey eyes.
“Well, what do you think?” Max
glanced at Morgan.

“I don’t know. I have never understood
my brother, but I would have truly never
thought he was capable of doing such a thing.”
She laid her hand on his back.
“Max, we don’t really know much right
now. All we know is the Simeon and Leslie had
a plan that would have blackmailed Edgar and I,
as well as manipulate you. I am confident in
you. After a bit more searching and digging, I
feel that we will find whoever did this.” Max
gave her a curt nod and started walking to the
door. He grabbed his thick cloak.
“I will stop by tomorrow.” With that
said, Max disappeared into the night. Morgan
sighed deeply. Perhaps if she went to Edgar’s
home she might find something. She suspected
that Simeon’s second plan had something to do
with Edgar. Who else would he have
blackmailed? It was only Max, Edgar, and she
who were involved in the first scheme. It had to
be one of them who was involved in the second,
and it wasn’t her or Max. She quickly went and
grabbed her cloak.

Morgan had decided to walk to Edgar’s

estate. It wasn’t a far walk and she didn’t want
anyone knowing that she went there. As far as
the rest of the world knew, Edgar was sick.
When he had passed away, Angel had cleared
all the servants out of the house. She had told
them that he was not well and decided to go to
Italy to visit his mother for the rest of the
season. They had been paid handsomely for
their service and wished them all well.
Therefore, the house was dark and ominous
when she went through the back entrance.
Angel had given her a key to the house, as if
she’d known that Morgan wanted to go there.
As she walked up the steps, she stopped
suddenly. She thought she had heard noises in
the house. Shaking the feeling off, she went
inside. Morgan walked through the house and
found the study. She wondered who would take
over the estate. Edgar was an only child.
Perhaps one of his relatives on his dad’s side
would inherit. She knew that his mother would
never come back here to take it. Tears welled
up as soon as she saw his desk and chair. She
remembered when she had come into this room
to ask him to the ball. A smile came to her lips
as she recalled his expression.
She had her small lamp with her so she
could find her way about. It wasn’t enough
light in the study so she lit another lamp that
Edgar had lying around. Morgan went to sit in
his chair. An hour passed by with her just
sitting and reminiscing in the chair. She
couldn’t bear to look through his things. It all

reminder her of his hands, his voice, his
embarrassed face when she asked for her
diamonds back. The tears were silent. She
looked around the desk and saw a small leather
bound book lying underneath some papers.
Curiosity won out and she grabbed it. It seemed
like a journal of some kind. Edgar didn’t seem
like the kind of person to keep a journal. She
thumbed through some of the pages until one of
the pages caught her eyes. It had her name on
Suddenly a book fell out of the
bookcase. Morgan jumped right out of her chair
and dropped the book. She was freaking herself
out. Perhaps it would have been better to come
with Max. Morgan didn’t believe in ghosts but
right now that book just scared the living
daylights out of her. She went over to the case
and picked the book up. Of course now she was
paranoid and she felt the need just to check out
the hallway and make sure no one was there.
Morgan cautiously opened the door and stepped
into the foyer. She walked to the front door just
to make sure it was locked. She knew she had
locked the back door behind her. Morgan shook
her head quickly; she was going crazy. Who
would want to come into Edgar’s home?
Morgan strode into the study again. She
was leaving. The next time she came Max
would be with her. She went to grab the
It wasn’t there. She was sure she had
just laid it down before walking over to the
bookcase. Moving all the papers, Morgan
wondered if perhaps she was losing her mind
after all. The book had been placed right on the
desk. She went over to the bookcase to see if
she had put it in there. But the book wasn’t
there. That was very odd. She searched the
whole room and still nothing. Morgan had had
enough of this; she was going home to sleep off
the sinking sensation that she hadn’t been alone
in the house.

Chapter Thirteen

Morgan woke up in the morning reeling

from her dream she had had. She could have
sworn that Edgar had been with her last night.
His caresses and kisses had brought her
unexpectedly to ecstasy. She remembered
feeling his thick black hair between her fingers
and his warm breath on her body. A shiver of
pleasure raced through her body. It felt so real,
as if it had truly happened. She noticed her door
to the balcony was opened and a soft breeze was
wafting in. Morgan didn’t remember opening
that door last night. She sat in bed and
pondered this. Maybe she had woken up last
night, since it was so hot and opened it. That
had to be it.
Morgan didn’t know how she was going
to be patient all day. Max wasn’t coming until
the evening when all the servants had gone to
bed. She didn’t know what she was going to do
with herself.
Fortunately, by that evening, Morgan
had wondered where the day had gone. That
day she had decided to go horseback riding and
just spend the day with her thoughts and
fantasies. By the time she knew it, dinner had
come and gone. Now all she had to do was wait
for Max to come in. Morgan started a nice fire
and sat in her chair. Before she knew it, she had
fallen asleep.
She woke up because she felt another
presence in the room. Max was there; he had
pulled up a chair next to the fireplace. He
turned to look at her and gave her a lopsided
“Well I was wondering when you would
wake up. Did you not sleep well?” Morgan
adjusted her skirts all the while blushing. He
brought up her dreams last night and she was
not about to discuss those with him.
“I was just a bit tired from all of this.
That’s all. Did you find anything last night?”
Max turned back to the fire and started speaking
without looking at her.
“I found something but I don’t know
whether to believe it or not. It was some
conflicting information and the sources were not
too reliable, if you know what I mean. I would
think I was getting somewhere and then
suddenly there’d be someone else telling me a
different story. Although I do have to say that
the two stories, when brought up, where
consistent.” Morgan tucked her feet under her.
“Well? What are the two stories?” The
look Max gave her made her want to cover
herself up in a blanket.
“I don’t want to say them until I find out
which is true.” He stood up and walked towards

her. She lifted her head to look up at him from
her chair. Max leaned down slowly. Morgan
didn’t know what he was doing but she couldn’t
move from the chair. He reached her at eye
level and pinned her with his buttery gaze.
“Love me,” he whispered before leaning
in to kiss her. She opened her eyes in shock and
gently pushed him away.
“Max…I don’t know what to say. I
can’t do this. It is too soon, I still love him.”
The dream she had last night made his loss seem
very fresh in her mind. She bit back tears, “I
don’t want to hurt you, please. You have to
understand.” Max straightened up and walked
back to the fireplace stiffly.
“I am going to Simeon’s estate to try to
find Leslie’s agreement,” he lied. Max had to
go to Edgar’s estate to find out if the first story
he heard on the docks is true. He didn’t want
Morgan finding anything out until he was sure.
“Well I am going with you,” stated
Morgan forcefully. Max turned to face her.
“You are not.” Morgan stood up, angry
“I am going with you Oakwood and
nothing you can do can stop me. I deserve to
know just as much as you do, who killed Edgar.
I can help you. Two people can find something
much quicker.” Max ran his hand through his
cherry brown hair. Now he was going to have
to go to Simeon’s home.
“Fine, but you will follow me in
whatever I say. I don’t need to worry about you
not listening to what I say. This could be
dangerous.” Max rolled his eyes to the ceiling
silently asking for patience.

As they approached Simeon’s estate,

Morgan began to have second thoughts about
breaking in. Max had assured her that Simeon
would not be home. But still Morgan was
worried. What would happen if any of the
servants found them snooping about?
As they entered the home through the
back they heard a loud crash, like something
breaking. Morgan grabbed Max. Max quickly
and quietly went inside. He turned to her.
“Morgan, I want you to stay here.
Hidden behind this door. Damn it! I knew I
should have not brought you here. Stay here!”
With that he quickly went into the room where
they had heard the noises…Morgan quietly
Max reached the door cautiously and
gave Morgan the look of death when he realized
she was behind him. It was dark inside the
room but the moonlight filtering through the

room made it bright enough to see two men at a
stand off. Morgan could see a man with a mask
standing facing them, the other man had his
back to them. The man in the mask seemed
familiar somehow, but that couldn’t be possible.
The other man she knew was Simeon. He
hadn’t heard them enter, but the other man had
seen them. She noticed that Simeon held a gun
to the other man.
“You should have just taken my first
offer. Perhaps there wouldn’t have been the
need to kill Max.” Morgan stopped in her
tracks. Max kept advancing slowly. She stood
rooted to the spot, it couldn’t be. It just couldn’t
be! But his stance and his eyes…Morgan
almost fainted.
Suddenly, Max grabbed Simeon from
behind and the masked man jumped in front of
Simeon. They were all trying to wrestle the gun
away. Then the gun went off. Max grabbed the
gun and it went off again. This one hit Simeon
right in the heart. Both men stood up seeing
that Simeon had just shot himself. Max and the
masked man look up and face each other. Then
they both look at Morgan…who was on the
“Morgan!” The masked man took off
his mask and went to her.
Morgan moved her head to look at the
love of her life.
“Edgar,” she whispered. He moved her
arm and saw that she was shot in her middle.
Morgan slowly felt the blood being drained
from her. Strangely she felt no pain, only
“You have to forgive me Morgan!” he
said harshly. “You have to forgive me! Max!”
Edgar turned to look at Max, who was pale.
“I will go get the doctor. Keep pressure
on it Edgar. Morgan Ashton,” he kneeled,
“don’t you die on me woman.” He caressed her
cheek and with that he left. Morgan didn’t cry.
She knew that she was going to be leaving this
world. She wasn’t afraid but she was so sorry
she didn’t see her love for Edgar sooner. She
wasn’t supposed to go for another couple of
weeks! This wasn’t fair.
Edgar was brushing her hair out of her
“Morgan, you can’t leave me when I just
found you. I had to take care of Simeon before
we could move on. Please forgive me. I love
you. Please.” Morgan looked up into his
endless black eyes. Her vision was fading.
“You don’t need to be forgiven. I love
you. You are the love of all my lives….”

Chapter Fourteen

Morgan awoke in a cold sweat. She

heard the New York City cops blaring their
sirens. She knew where she was…Morgan sat
and cried. She cried over the love that she lost,
the man she hurt and most of all she cried over
the thought of never seeing Edgar again.
Morgan looked at her watch and realized that
only a couple of hours had passed. Maybe it
had all been a dream, a bittersweet dream. She
couldn’t have possibly lived all that. Morgan
shook off her feelings and stood up. She still
had a lot of work to do. But as she trudged back
into her office, the heaviness of her loss seemed
too strong.
Perhaps it was better that she went home
and rested. Really rested from her dreaming.
Morgan packed up her things and head out.
Once she reached her home, she noticed
that all her house lights were on. That was
strange. When she walked up the house, she
had her cell phone ready just in case. As she
slowly opened the door, she poked her head
inside. There weren’t any noises or sounds that
were suspicious. She dropped her things in the
hallway and went straight to her bedroom. She
hurriedly turned around and locked the door
behind her. As she heaved a heavy sigh of
relief, she stilled.
“You honestly didn’t think that it was all
a dream, now did you?” Morgan slowly turned
towards the voice. Angel was sitting right in the
middle of her bed.
“I don’t want to play your little mission
game anymore. I have convinced myself that
this was all a dream. Therefore, I am going to
ignore you and take a nice long bath. Good
day.” With that said, she went into the
bathroom and started her bath.
As she was soaking in the tub, Angel
appeared yet again.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily. I
have to explain something to you. Then you
will never have to see me again, my dear.”
Morgan pretended she wasn’t listening. So
Angel just continued, knowing the Morgan was
listening. “It took you centuries for you to
become the woman you are today. You made
different decisions in this life you just came
back from. By doing so, you have altered your
own destiny to what it should have been. You
were given another chance to correct your past
mistakes and you have done so. Although you
just couldn’t learn from some past mistakes…oh
well. You succeeded at what you were
supposed to do…well since I can see you are
not listening to me, I will go.” Morgan instantly

“NO!” But Angel had already
disappeared. Morgan was again reduced to
crying. Never in her life had she cried as much
as she had done in the past couple of hours. She
felt so empty inside and she somehow didn’t
feel connected to this life of hers anymore.

The days turned into weeks and weeks

became months. Morgan had tirelessly worked
herself to forget about what had happened. Her
friends didn’t want to hang out with her
anymore because she was constantly depressed.
Morgan had a large corporate meeting coming
up and she felt she had to pull herself together
for it, but she didn’t know how.
On the day of the meeting her assistant
called to wake her.
“Morgan Ashton! If you don’t pull
yourself together for this meeting you could lose
your biggest client. Do you really want Stave
Inc. to pull this one out from under you?
Morgan I have worked for you and your parents
for years and I will not have you do this!” That
instantly woke Morgan up from her dreamless
“Jane, I will be there. Don’t worry. I’m
the Sharp Cookie remember?” She referred to
the nickname her dad gave to her. She sighed
into the phone. “Don’t worry,” and she hung
up. Morgan felt a little renewed. Someone
needed to remind her of her company and how
hard her parents had worked to make it
By the time Morgan walked into her
office to prepare herself for the meeting, she
almost felt like her old self again. She walked
by Jane.
“Jane my love, remind me to give you a
raise.” Jane looked up from her glasses and
“Well Morgan…it’s glad to have you
come back to the living.” Morgan reached
down and hugged her friend.
“Thank you for reminding me what I
needed to do,” she whispered. Jane just
“Good luck today Morgan.” Morgan
winked at her and stepped into her office. She
looked out into the city landscape and inhaled a
large breath. Today she was going to be on top
of the world. Once she closed this renewed this
contract with her client, Morgan vowed to start
Morgan turned around to the sound of
someone clearing their throat. The last thing
she remembered was hearing the blaring sounds
of the city below her.

Morgan awoke on her office couch. Her
head was throbbing, but then she quickly
remembered her meeting. She got up quickly
and steadied herself with the person standing
next to her.
“What time is it?” Jane hurried over to
“Don’t worry Morgan, your meeting is
not for another four hours.” Morgan tried to
remember why she had fainted…and she looked
over to the person who was helping her. God
help her she was seeing things. The man next to
her looked exactly like Edgar Riccio, right down
to the scar on his face. She pulled away from
“Uh, who are you?” The Edgar look
alike smiled. Morgan almost fainted again.
“I must look like someone you
know…you were white as a ghost when you
saw me. I am Evan Staveton, CEO of Stave
Inc.” He quirked an eyebrow and his eyes bore
down into hers. “Perhaps someone you knew?
Someone you left…a long time ago?” Morgan
could not handle this anymore. She stood up
and walked to the other side of the room. Jane
looked at both of them with questions in her
“I am going to leave you two alone.”
Jane quietly stepped out. Morgan went to pour
herself a gin and tonic. Her hands were shaking
as she poured her drink. Evan/Edgar just sat on
the couch and looked at her.
“You just remind me of someone I
knew. I am sorry about fainting that way, I
usually don’t do that…fainting I mean.”
Morgan felt as if cotton were stuffed in her
mouth. “Would you like something to drink?”
She looked up at him and her breath caught in
her throat.
Evan stood up and walked up to her and
grabbed the glass out of her hand. She looked
into his familiar black eyes.
“Did you think that I wouldn’t come for
you?” He brushed the hair out of her face and
caressed her cheek. “You weren’t the only one
that Angel visited.” Morgan gasped slightly at
his admission. He leaned in and crushed her to
him in a fierce kiss. Morgan wrapped herself in
his familiar arms. She pulled away.
“I don’t understand,” she breathed.
“I had my own mission, you succeeded
and I thankfully…did not. You left me before I
could explain. My mission was to make you fall
in love with Max, but I was set up to fail all
along.” Morgan didn’t want to talk anymore;
they had a lifetime of talking. “How is it
possible that I’d be so lucky to make you love
me instead?” Edgar asked Morgan. She didn’t
even hesitate,
“I followed my heart.”

ISBN 978-1-4357-5134-7

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