Future of Christianity in India

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Dear brethren,

The discussion on “THE FUTURE OF CHRISTIANITY IN INDIA” is significant to

the mission to which we are called by the God Almighty.

Never think that the future of Christianity in India depends only on Malankara
Orthodox or Jacobite Christians. Because, God need not depend Malankara
Orthodox or Jacobite Christians to fulfill his wish to spread Gospel for increasing
the boundaries of His kingdom.

Do you think that God need to depend us?

There may be many on His side to work for Him. Please refer St. Luke
19:40 and Romans 11:17-22.

But it’s our duty to spread the Gospel through our words and deeds.
We are called for this.

We have some missions like SLEEBADHASA SAMOOHAM, missions initiated by

H.G. Geevarghese Mar Osthathios, L/L Stephanos Mar Theodosius and few
others. Except these, we have nothing to claim our faithfulness as Christians; the
followers of Christ and the heir of Apostles.

If we analyze ourselves, it’s clear that, our portion in the mission field is still

Every Christian has his own role in the development of the Kingdom of Heaven.
We should spend our health and wealth for the sake of God. If this is
impossible these discussions will not be fruitful.

1. Increase the boundary of church by preaching Gospel:

Do you fear that gospel preaching may break the relation with other religions?
No one could help those who have this fear, because the way to the Heaven is
not broad and ease. But we can do the mission without hurting anyone or
harming any social bonds. Refer St. Matthew 28: 18-20 and be passionate to
obey Jesus.

We know how the church was established in India. The gospel preached by St.
Thomas made the Indians, the Hindus know Jesus. He could prove the Christ he
is preaching about is truly the God and the son of God. Not only by the words but
also by the deeds he could prove this.

Let me ask one thing. Where should we start the mission? Whether in a distant
place or in our home town?

I think the mission should be started at our home itself.

Think, what will happen if we are going to preach the gospel in and around our
home Village/ State?
I am not pointing on the obstacles, wherever the word of Heaven spread
efficiently there will be obstacles.

Will our gospel preaching mission get acceptance from the society?

Shall we get followers to our church from our locality?

Shall we prove the reliability our faith? Apostles could prove the reliability of
their faith. The task that they could do is now not beyond our ability. Anyone
who likes to counter this opinion should refer St. James 2: 1-17 first.

What should we answer to the question, “how do the Christians differ from the
people of other religions?”

What else do we have to mention other than Holy Worship and Spiritual

We are all same in acts, aren’t we?

2. Increase the boundary of church by deeds:

Without being pure Christians, development of Church by gospel preaching is

not practical.

Today deeds are more important than words to Christianize the world. Only by
being real Christians, not by name but by life, we can glorify the name of Christ.

According to Zachariah 8: 18-23; our truthfulness and peacefulness let others

follow us.

Zachariah 8: 23:- In those days 10 foreigners will come to one Jew and
say, “We want to share in your destiny, because we have heard that
God is with you.”

Let’s make the people around us meet Christ through us.

Let’s make others say “We want to share in your destiny, because we
have heard that God is with you.”

Discussions without prayer will not be sufficient in itself, because without God
we can’t do anything. Let’s pray together for getting an opportunity to
participate in the development of the Kingdom of Christ.

With prayers and regards,

Geevar John

geevarjohn@gmail.com http://karunyanilayam.blogspot.com


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