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Some of you may be familiar with blogs or even have blogs of your own. A blog can be thought of us a sort
of online journal where you can share thoughts, ideas, and information with the public on a variety of
topics. There are blogs about pretty much anything out there: sports, political groups, organizations,
people, etc. You are going to create a blog of your own specifically for this class. You can call it whatever
you want but it will be for work in this class. So if you already have a blog you will still need to make a new
In class we will go over some different options for creating blogs. We will also discuss benefits of blogging,
this to be aware of, and how to blog in general.

Each week you are responsible for writing at least one blog post on your own blog and responding to at
least one blog post on a classmates. It is your responsibility to have the blog entries completed by the
beginning of class every Friday as listed on the syllabus. The topic for your blogging is the reading for each
week. Your job is to write about your thoughts on the readings you have done for the week. It can be one
of the readings or all of the readings. I will be looking for good analysis on your part. What did you find
most interesting? What were you surprised by? What did you agree with? Disagree with? What did you
notice about how the argument was constructed? Was it convincing? Well developed? Supported? You
can write about any of these things as well as any other ideas or thoughts you may have.

You will be graded on your analysis of the reading as stated above as well as how well you utilize the
afforded options of blogging. Remember that good blog posts link to other relevant things on the internet,
are relatively short but detailed, contain graphics, video clips, or other media. We will talk about all of
these things in class.

Additionally, you can post about information you find relevant to class discussion on your blog. Link to
things you find on the web that relate to class topics or that may be helpful to our class. The goal here is
for you to reflect on reading, build critical thinking skills, and work on writing for another rhetorical
situation. Feel free to blog about things that relate to our 1105 class.

1 Good analysis (see above)
2 2 posts a week (1 on your own blog, 1 on a classmates)
3 Utilize the availabilities of blogs

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