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What could be the Problem?

c c

cc  c
 c  c

What would you assess?
c  cRationale: Alteration in Vital signs identifies Signs of sepsis or other
complications that can lead to alteration in Behavior)c
 c cRationale: Assessment of Mental Status may be altered with several
diseases, and is important to determine the management of patient c
! c"#c(Rationale: Physical examination determines any lesions that
can lead to sepsis and impair mental status $cc
 c c%  !c&  c(Rationale: Lab results can determine
infection/Sepsis/Anemia that can lead to Alteration in mental status $c

 c  c%cRationale: Drugs can lead to alteration of mental status c

 c  !c(Rationale: Patient with past history of Alteration of mental status are
more prone to altered mental status)c
' c  ! (Rationale: Patients under medication non compliance can
relapse to the disease)
 c  !cc  c(Rationale: Past History of Violence is the greatest risk
factor for violent Behavior)
What would you do?
  c  c   c c c cc c cRationale: Provide safety
environment for the patient is the first step in managing a patient with risk to hurt
himself or others)
 cc   cRationale: Vital signs monitoring alerts for any complications
' c(% cc ) c  cRationale: Patient with risk to hurt
themselves cannot be left on their own and closed observation is needed to prevent
any harm to themselves)
& %c * c c"  cRationale: Patient¶s self esteem recovery is an
important task of treatment, this will help to improve patient mental status)
  c !c  cRationale: Orienting patient on present time will increase
patient¶s awareness of situation and improve self esteem)
c c   c
+ c  c c  % c

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