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Meeting Minutes

September 30, 2009 (12-1pm)

@Spiegel Hall, UTM

Attendance: Reginald, Kushal

Achieved last week:

Sent an email to Adriana Ieraci (Executive Director, KMDI) to arrange a meeting to discuss with
her our ideas for the club

Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Department website features our club

Meeting with 3 st george web startup enthusiasts (discussed possible events: see “possible

Applied for UTMSU recognition (result to be announced Oct 3) – thanks to Kushal

- handed out posters/member sign up sheet to Student Center Office(posters to be placed on
OPH, Student Center, and South Building) – thanks to Nakib

1) How the club would operate

Weekly meetings

Each executive would upload their progress reports every Sunday except for
midterm/exams/tests week

Progress Report Content:

I. Results: Indicate any thing accomplished during the past week
II. Goals: (I.e. research about events, think new ideas for club, add 20 new members, write
down plans for an event, etc)

2) Discussed constitution revision for Ulife Recognition

3) Discussed future events

- should not coincide with term tests week/final exam week.

- see “possible events.doc”

4) Find other executives:

CCIT director
Computer Science director
Engineering Director
5) VP finance, VP communication - aside from the ones listed in constitution( or if not yet

a) find out about what you plan to accomplish as an executive(I.e. raise $1000 for the club,
organize certain event, etc.)
b) find out what duties and responsibilities you want to add/edit/include in the constitution of
WSS(Web Startup Society)

6) buy domain name:

or - $12/yr

Get a domain name once the club gets recognized

7) Thurs and Fri agenda- spread the word about the club, visit classroom, advertise at st
george(Bahen Center, Sanford Fleming, etc)

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