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Doctors, Depression, and DNA


2. June 25th 2010

3. GeneSightRx helps patients to look for a new prescription and a right

dose that they may need in the future.

4. “GeneSightRx, a new test that identifies variants in five genes and

tells doctors which antidepressant to pick based on its results”

“The value of GeneSightRx, however, isn’t really in the fact that it

identifies CYP450 variants”

5. “So far, 12,000 patients at Mayo and Cincinnati Children’s have been
assessed with GeneSightRx and had their meds tailored to their
metabolic tendencies”

6. “The value of GeneSightRx, however, isn’t really in the fact that it

identifies CYP450 variants”

7. So far, in the past three decades Psychiatrists have done so many

research based on the results of prescribing to their patients included
children and adults. Since today, GeneSightRx is the first method to
identify how much antidepressant that patients need to take.
However this is the best way to avoid causing of taking an overdose

8. 3Ds (Doctors, Depressant, and DNA) are all need to go together to

make a prescription looks beautiful in order for the patients to
receive a good mental health care.

9. Psychiatrists at Mayo Clinic and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

Medical Center

10. Antidepressants are related to the study of Psychiatry, Psychology,

Pharmacology, and Genetics.

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