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Group members: 1CS-E

Villanueva, Joshua English 101

Alvarez, Juan Miguel

Recto, Robert Ryan

Gu, Kim

Salumbides, Raymund

Felipe, Aldrin

Cuadra, Anthony Joseph

Meeting on Canisters

Josh: I would like to formally open this meeting in accordance to the said collapse of our sales for
the month of August. Mr. Alvarez, please state the data for the last month's sale.

JM: Last month, we had problems in our product endorsements. Consumer ratings did not reach
our desired mark.

Josh: Would you be kind enough to elaborate more on the matter?

JM: As you can see, the design by which the canisters were originally made was unable to sustain
our monthly consumer ratings. Therefore, we need to produce a design superior to our

Al: I agree. We can begin by enlarging the body of our canisters. This way, consumers can store
more water.

Kim: I think you are mistaken. Consumers want longer canisters for larger canisters tend to take up
more space. Our canisters must be longer and thinner for it to save space.

Robert: I agree with you in a sense, but I think the consumers ultimately long for the durability and
the insulation of the product. I propose that we reconstruct and redesign our product with a
material that can maintain the temperature of the liquid inside for hours and still have a strong,
durable outer shell.

Josh: Very well, Mr. Recto. I must agree to his proposal. The consumers do not care about the
appearance, but rather the canister’s ability to keep a liquid in a desirable temperature. We are not
selling eye candy in this company people! But I must say that Mr. Gu’s proposal is also quite
intriguing. What say you Mr. Alvarez?
JM: I oppose the design of Mr. Gu. I think Mr. Recto’s proposal of the canister will benefit the
consumers very well.

Josh: Very well then. Those in favor of Mr. Recto’s proposal say “Aye.”

Josh, Bides, Aj, JM: “AYE!”

Josh: Those who oppose say “Nay.”

Kim, Al: “NAY!”

Josh: Then it is final. Let the canisters be made for durability. (Bides raising his hand) Yes, Mr.
Salumbides? Is there anything you would like to add?

Bides: Yes, sir. I think that the material that we speak of is very dangerous and highly toxic;
however, a compound of the material and the melted aluminum from soda cans can reduce or even
neutralize the toxicity of this material. In other words, this can also be our support to the
propaganda for environment-friendly products. Therefore, reducing the required materials for our
original design will cut the cost that we intend to put and gain a very large amount of profit.

Al: You have a point, but I disagree with Mr. Salumbides. The consumers do not care if this product
is eco-friendly or not. In my opinion, the consumers’ only concern is its durability and economic
value. The desired outcome of this product is to revolutionize canister designs not to support a
never ending battle against pollution.

Josh: Hhmmm…interesting. What say you Mr. Cuadra?

AJ: I support the idea of Mr. Salumbides. We should, in fact, take into consideration the damage
that our product is doing to the environment. We should not only look into our financial gain but
we should show our utmost cooperation in the protection of our environment.

JM: I think that majority of the board agrees to go with the proposition of Mr. Salumbides. Mr.
Chair, I propose to put this to a vote.

Josh: Yes, very well. All in favor of Mr. Salumbides’ proposal say “Aye.”

Josh, AJ, Bides, JM: “AYE!”

Josh: Those who oppose say “Nay.”

Kim, Al: “NAY!”

Josh: Then it is settled. Our product must be eco-friendly. Meeting adjourned!’


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