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Customs, Courtesies, and Respect

By: Oscar Garcia 

      Customs and courtesies are a tradition followed for years, They tell you what you

should or shouldn't do in many situations military or civilian alike. Respect and

recognition play a big part as well while you are in a host nation. Would you like some

one coming to your country and doing as they please with no disregard towards your

customs and traditions? No, you wouldn't, which is why you shouldn't either.  Coming to

another country were you don't know the language, culture or traditions may be

challenging but not impossible to learn. You have to adapt your self to your environment

and learn from it so you can fit in the host nation and earn its respect.

      A good way to prepare your self from getting in trouble in a host nation is to take the

time to learn the culture, customs and traditions. It will save you time and

embarrassment, for example while visiting Australia former President George H.W.

Bush flashed a peace sign with his palm facing inward . That gesture in Australia

actually means the same as giving the middle finger. He intended to give the normal

two-fingered peace sign but made the mistake of giving it backwards. This is why you

should be aware of what you are doing in a country were your are the outsider. Your

movements and gestures are more focused on simply for the fact that you are the

visitor. Don't make this a reason for you to not to go out and explore the country, if the

President of The United States made a mistake so can you, after all your only human.

Just learn from it to prevent it from happening again.

      Respect, its universal, you don't simply receive it you must earn it, as a soldier in the

greatest army in the world it is your job to maintain your military bearing and always be

courteous and respectful. Your representing your country, your nation, the actions and

decisions you take reflect your country wether in uniform or not. When you went to basic

training you learned about L.D.R.S.H.I.P, Loyalty, Duty, RESPECT, Selfless service,

Honor, Integrity, Personal courage. These values instilled in you don't just simply

disappear once your out of uniform. You must abide by them day and night 24/7 while

serving, following these will keep you out of trouble in any situation matter of fact if you

do abide by these you shouldn't find your self in any altercation. Not always is this true,

when and, if you do find yourself in any trouble remember these values they may end

up saving your life.

      Loyalty you must remain loyal to your self your country and your peers. This trait is a

very important one in your military life. It will shape you into a better warrior and help

you succeed among the ranks to achieve higher potential. If you cant be loyal to your

self then you cant loyal to your country.

      Duty is the ability to do the job your giving to complete the mission without

hesitation.  As a soldier your going to go to many places to complete many objectives.

Were ever your station what ever the mission its your duty to complete it. As a soldier of

the U.S. Army this value is a part of you which you must withhold and carry on no

matter the circumstances.

      Respect, without this value your nothing if you don't have respect for your self then

why should any body else have respect for you? You have to treat others the way you
would like to be treated. While being in a host nation you must respect it because they

have given you the privilege of letting you be a guest there. The US has done much to

earn the respect of countries so as a soldier you have to follow through and maintain it.

      Selfless service the ability to do the job with out thinking about your self your safety

or well being. Soldiers face this in combat everyday but you can still accomplish this

value even if your are not in combat. By simply opening a door, carry a few bags, or

saying hello you are putting others before you making you an even better person and

ultimately doing your job as a soldier.

      A common custom in  the U.S is a simply handshake and a hello accompanying it

when you meet a stranger. It is the same in may nations, Germans are probably the

world's greatest handshakers, A nod of the head and a friendly "Guten Tag" (hello)

accompanies the handshake. Another German custom is punctuality, They may be

displeased if you arrive late for an appointment or gathering. Arriving 15 minutes late is

an American habit that germans find rude. Damage to rental housing is another

example of German concern for property. The concept of "normal wear and tear" exists

in Germany, but is interpreted much more strictly. You are expected to return property in

approximately the same condition as you rented it.

Although there are a lot of customs in Germany, they basically require you to use

common sense if you have to ask your self should I do this, Simply don't.

      Music is a gateway to express your self its different everywhere you go yet it

accomplishes it purpose wether its to entertain you, relax you, or pump you up. Different
minds make different views and opinions, so were ever life takes you expect different

cultures, beliefs, laws, music. Take this and learn that you must have an open mind to

not just see these new opinions and views but to learn from them. From something as

simple as music to the history and rich culture the host nation has to offer. Make it an

experience after all its not everyday you find your self halfway around the world far

away from home.

      To me honor is being yourself, by that I mean not being afraid to be an individual

and think for yourself as well as doing what you believe to be the right thing to do.. That

is honorable in today’s society where people are being brainwashed and becoming

droids and all having the same opinion about everything. It takes a real individual with a

good sense of self worth to stand up for themselves to think, act and dress how they

want. Honorable people throughout history have set the precedent for society.

      Integrity, In everyday life, integrity can be seen in many different places. For

instance, while walking down the street, you find someone’s wallet. Integrity is what

causes you to find the rightful owner and return it to them. Or, say you’re on a relay

team and your coach can’t be at practice. He tells you what to do, then leaves. Rather

than put a half-hearted effort into it, you try your hardest, as if he’s there watching you,

knowing that you’re cheating yourself and your teammates if you don’t go all out. Again,

your integrity is what made you do the right thing.

      Personal courage to be able to overcome your fears and adversity, to not be afraid

of the unknown but to challenge it and overcome it. Personal courage is a big value in
todays Army wether your leaving your family for deployment or clearing a building in

combat, you will have to face this obstacle and move forward to complete the mission.

      It is believed by some people that visitors should follow and repect local customs

and behaviour.They should try to understand different traditions,cultures and

history.This will help them to know more about local people and their behavior.Further

more,every country  has their own traditions and culture which is unique and

singular.For example, traditional dance,music,art ,historical buildings and

costumes.Visitors should utilize their time in enjoying and understanding these different

traditions and customs.They get more information and knowledge which is educational.

Therefore,visitors should respect and follow local customs and behavior.  As a Soldier

you have more responsibilities on the job and in society remember L.D.R.S.H.I.P have

Integrity to do the right thing wether your being observed or alone. You can lie to every

one but your self so ultimately you know wether your at fault or in the right. Remember

that as a visitor your more closely being watched, don't take this as a sign of disrespect

but a chance to show your host nation, That not only are you aware of your situation but

u can cope with it and show proudly that your country knows respect and integrity. You

recognize this new world and are open minded to their traditions. Yes, you do have a

mission while your here but above all your a human being with a curiosity to learn new

things so take advantage of this opportunity and refrain your self from getting in any


      Laws, they exist every where there a little different in many places but there still

laws for example while you can't drink until your 21 in the U.S. In Germany the legal
drinking age is 18, but always remember to consume alcohol responsibly. The polizei or

german police here are a little more strict. Should you find your self in a situation like

this maintain your military bearing a little respect goes a long way. So wether your back

in the states or in a host nation remember there customs courtesies and respect them

because your setting the example to the world about your country and the better the

example the better the image you set.

      So as a soldier in the US Army be courteous and respectful to the host nation and

enjoy your tour in the country. Do your mission with a hundred percent effort and

explore the many places your host nation has to offer but always remember to treat it as

you were back home, with respect and recognition because your representing your

country even though your not in it.

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