Altruism or Mechanism

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In present day society our creative selves, function more to satisfy the ‘mechanistic / fear’ based wants,
rather than the ‘creative altruistic wants’. A mechanistic based ‘love’ is that love which is wanted for
personal gratification / satisfaction and is based in and driven by ‘fear’. The predominant desire is
driven by a fear of not being loved, of not being cared for, of not being satisfied.
The ‘Altruistic wants’ require love in order to give love, to share love, to Create love.
The Altruistic desires Friendship in order to Be a friend and to nurture friendship, not just to have a
Satisfaction is required in order to satisfy and propagate satisfaction, not just to be satisfied.
My aim is to create, the realisation / real - eyes – motion / in the reader that, in the wants of the creative
self there are not only mechanistic and selfish driven ‘wants’, but also there exists wants which are
altruistic and selfless! These are needed in the creation of a person’s real identity. They are ‘wanted’ to
realise fulfilment.
A ‘real identity ‘is seen in the identity of a ‘fulfilled’ person.
The real identity is seen in the ‘Behaviour’ of a person who is fulfilled.
Creativity is the means by which ‘identity’ is Realised and Established.
Creativity is the only way for Human empowerment, acting through the ‘Realisation of Self’.
Creativity is the establisher of Truth. It is through creativity that our ‘reality’ / truths, has become
The ‘wants’ of our Altruistic Creativity / creator – activity / cannot be manufacturedi.

The fulfilment of creativity is Creation, the only Truth which Humans can ‘establish’, I consider the
highest form of worship / praise / p- raise /, is to copy / co- op –He /, the Creator, in our human
altruistic creation.
The influence / in – flow – instance / of our creative self may make us desire a, change in job / career,
to have a more ‘social life’ or a change in surroundings and appearance. These are all changes in the
behaviour and environmental conditions required by the creative self in order to ‘Realise’ a condition
through which some particular ‘Want’ may be fulfilled. Some people have identified with their
creativity, and they have successfully changed their lives / lifestyle / beliefs, in order to realise more of
themselves and have become more ‘contented’ and tolerant persons because of these changes.
We are the trustees for the Younger generation in which our hopes for the ultimate realisation of our
creative selves rest. Our realisation of their creativity is the key to open the door of intellectual and
psychological reconstruction.
Our task should be to ensure that they are be taught how to;
a) Identify creativity
b) Express creativity
c) Control creativity
Only then will the conditions for ‘neutralisation’ of ‘want’ and the chain of events leading to happiness
be in their hands.
Fulfilment of creativity or the neutralisation of Want, nurtures the Real Identity.
The Real Identity expresses the ‘behaviour’ of a fulfilled person.
The fulfilment of creativity is an act of creation towards the realisation of the Real Identity.
It is only when our children have their potential creativity Realised , that the conditions will exist for
the older generation , who had to be the Masters, but now must be the student, to realise the full
potential of their creative self. The situation in South Africa / Azania, is an example where the impetus
of the young people’s actions, emerging at the forefront of that nation’s successful struggle for a real
identity became the catalyst for sweeping away their oppressors.

manufactured – an be -man – u – fact – ured.= fact or artefact, made by man.

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