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In this analysis the separation of Matter and Behaviour is considered. The ‘Behaviour’ of, Matter /
Materialised existence / Life, could be seen / imagined as a separate spectra, with its own order. The
Un-materialised Existence / Chaos, is not comprised only of ‘un-materialised Matter or Un-
materialised Substance’. These should be seen as belonging to a ‘Spectra of Mechanistic Existence’ and
is understood, and measured using other Mechanistic existence / materialisation, such as Light, Heat,
Water and Electrons.
On the other hand, a ‘Spectra of Behavioural Existence’ could contain as elements, Love, Desire, Hope,
Fear, Want, and Creativity. These are the non – mechanistic realities. Take for example, Love, an
experience which is commonly shared by all human beings. How is this sharing possible unless, love
pre-existed. Love did not just come into existence for the benefit of you and me.
The behaviour of Matter should be seen as a ‘spectra’ in the ‘Spectrum of Materialisation’. A
combination of ‘Mechanistic’ and ‘Behavioural Spectra’s’ could be said to be just two out of an
unknown number of ‘Spectra’s’ forming the whole ‘Spectrum of Materialisation’, called the Universe.
These two Spectra’s alone do not explain the nature of the ‘Un-materialised Existence’ / Chaos, and are
as the individual Spectra of light to the whole visible light region.
The complexity of Existence can be seen to exist as a complex of the visible and the non- visible, the
mechanical and the non-mechanical, the physical and the Metaphysical. The vast majority being
unknown and un- experienced and out of our existence.
A tree falling in a forest still makes a sound even if no ear is there to hear it fall.
Whatever the nature and number of unknown ‘Spectra ’, would not a conscious acceptance and
recognition of their necessary existence, lower the boundary / veil / Seal / to their discovery?
The ‘Spectrum of materialisation’ produces life and experience. The number and types of experiences
are still the subjects of debate and research! Some have been ‘identified, named and measured’, whilst
others can only be experienced! The phenomena which can only be experienced are proof of a state of
existence outside and separate from the realm of material /‘weights and Measure’ existence. Examples
from the field of Extra Sensory Perception, demonstrate the difficulty in using elements from the
‘realm of Mechanical Existence’ to try to ‘weigh and measure’ the activities of ‘Behavioural Existence’
and experience. We should remember ,Love cannot be measured by a computer.
‘A’, represents the ‘un -materialised’ a spects of matter.
‘B’, represents the un-materialised aspects of emotion
‘C’, represents the un -materialised aspects of life/spirit
The black dot represents our Universe. .


In this model of our Universe everything represents some degree of

overlap of these three ‘spectr a’.

I.e. Rocks and plants could represent ,spirit and ma tter.

Animals represents emotion and matter.

Man would represent the combination of all three.

Fig. Illustration of overlapping spectra creating our Un iverse.

Fig. 4 Illustrating the alignment of spectra responsible

for the visible Universe.
In the ancient world, the ruling classes had been at the forefront in expounding the Behavioural
Existence, through their role as High Priests, as Gods, on Earth. For the Adventurer Warrior, the level
of knowledge about the Behavioural existence which he found in the ‘civilised world’ was an
impediment to his acceptance and rule, and which had to be controlled, reformed or destroyed.
In order for ‘The Warrior to rule’, the separation of Morality and Power was essential. Today this
doctrine is known as the separation of Church and State, it is also a precondition to being ‘accepted’ as
a ‘modern and valid State’.
These ideas also impact on current educational issues. The educational system is of critical influence,
and unfortunately it continues to work under a Colonial Ethos with all its divisive and racial elements.
The topical issue of importance is the increasing exclusion1 of male Afro – Caribbean students from
mainstream education. Many reasons have been put forwards in an attempt to explain this fact
including, Race, and Black Youth Culture.
As for the first point, Race, I am sure many rooms could be filled with the pronouncements on this
subject. However, my experience is that the Afro – Caribbean community is well developed in its
realisation of itself as belonging to the parents of the Human Family. On certain topics of History,
Education and Culture, we are still very sensitive and confuse, for example; Slavery; Language and
Circumcision. These issues promote stress and pain in all sections of the community, Pain for those
who are ignorant of the facts, and pain for those who know the facts, but have no medium for their
The second point, Black Youth Culture, or ‘Urban Street Culture’, is a more recent development. Its
media presentation to the community is generally negative. Muggings, gangs, shootings and petty
criminality apparently are its main creations. The Afro –Caribbean Community’s response that
highlights our Black Cultural Creativity, in Music, Fashion, and Social Living is ignored and silenced.
One example is Jazz music, whose roots have been responsible for more development in the field of
music than all the ‘classics’ yet its developers and achievements are as a side - show. The dances
known as, the Fox –Trot, Tango, Waltz , are held up as the ‘classic’ dance in literature, but in reality the
whole world is dancing to a single ,but ‘many-named African beat ’. A beat which does not hurt or kill
The Black Community suffers from the economic inequalities in the society. This bias is obvious to the
young black population, and seems set to continue to be a catalyst for future traumatic events. This is
producing a young generation who are in full pursuit of a ‘profitable identity’, education and its issues
are left, unwisely, as the concern of the older generation.
The older generation is trying to ease the problem by using church and secular based learning centres to
supplement state education and to nurture a new identity. After some initial success, familiar problems
are being identified through this approach and we seem to be in a frantic search for solutions.
A part of the impetus for this work is the exploration of the theme that education is a Creative activity
and not solely a Literal one. Literacy alone does not ensure education, or satisfy creativity.
To this end, self-empowerment has been explored using fundamental and symbolic perspectives, in

1 excluded =blackballed/ black-balled

order to show some of the techniques available to present new focus on the Behaviour and
Conditioning of the individual.
I present no ‘off the shelf’ remedies, on the contrary, I put forward the need for the use of ‘Original
Creativity’ as a means to build self-identity and empower behaviour. This is the implement I believe we
should explore and utilise as a means to effectively rebuild the Ethos and economy of the black
In the following section ideas on the development of Behaviour and the relationship of Creativity, to
Identity are examined. I have used both the Literal and Symbolic content of words to present a twin
perspective on the goals and ambitions I wish to achieve.
The Savants, Sages and Prophets did not come to teach us Mechanistic Science.
They made extensive use of the ‘Metaphor’ and the ‘Analogy’ in their education of the people. I accept
these to be tools which can be used to ‘measure’ and ‘explore’ behavioural spectra’s. The Prophets did
not teach the mechanistic sciences, as these are only concerned with the ‘five senses’ experience. The
use of the ‘five senses alone does not fully explain existence and co – existence, or Love.
The value of all the Religious and Personal Development books, lie in their ‘Symbolic Behavioural
Analysis’ and not in their ‘Mechanistic Systems Analysis’.

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