Natural Balance

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In 1513 early in European political development, an Italian ‘aristocrat’ Machiavelli, wrote the book
‘The Prince’, in which he expressed his theory of scientific politics, which in reality was a
‘consolidation of the ancient Warrior Code’. Using the organs of the State, which must eliminate
Ethical / Ethnical considerations in the functions of the state. In practice that mean whatever the
prior beliefs and behaviour or condition of those ruled, it would be destroyed and replaced by a
‘Mechanistic’ approach, in which the ‘people’ were engaged or ruled through a system of fear based on,
enemies, borders, laws, and taxes. His vast institution of government demanded the obedience of all
men. It justifies its claim, not by the history of the past but by promises and threats of the future.
To recall some of its concepts;
• Men capacities are in three degrees, those that understands THINGS, by their own
natural power;
• The second when they are explained to him;
• And the third does not understand at all.
In dealing with these classes different methods should be used. The last class, which is by far the most
numerous, is so simple and weak that it is very easy to dupe those who belong to it. If they cease to
believe they should be constrained by force which, after becoming accustomed to this treatment,
security, tranquillity and happiness will follow.
• The ruler should know that love depends on other men, but fear depends on him.
• The aim of the statesman should be permanence, which is worth everything, even more
valuable than freedom.
• The common mind thinks more of the present than of the past and will not seek change if they
are kept comfortable.
• Hatred is just as easily incurred by doing good action as by bad ones, so there no harm in
sometimes being wicked in order to maintain power!
• The prudent man should not keep his word if it will be of cost to him.
• That new honours or obligations do not remove the memory of former injustices, from the
minds of knowledgeable men.
• That there are three ways of deciding any contest - by fraud, by force, or by law, and the Wise
man makes the suitable choice.
• That there are three ways of controlling conquered states that had once been free
a) By ruining them, using war.
b) By inhabiting them, as colonialist.
c) By forcing them to pay tribute, as foreign debts etc.
Of these the first is the best, as we may see from the history of the Romans.
These are but some of the Atrocious Wisdom and Mechanistic Methods which continues to haunt and
restrict Altruistic expression and the promotion of a universally equalitarian system of Life and
The ‘ethics’ of a civilised society should always be a ‘true balance point’ at least halfway between
Altruistic and Mechanistic actions. It should be based on the ‘morality’ of the society, on understanding
the Altruistic and Mechanistic forces at work in humans. Based on cultivating a balance between the
two types of actions, ‘selfish’ versus ‘selfless’. If no balance exist or has been destroyed and the
Altruistic tendencies suppressed, as can occur after severe, and prolonged trauma / war, then one type
of action, the Mechanistic and the selfish, will predominate. See Fig.2 Social behaviour as a reflection
of the Ethical Balance Point. In this figure I have illustrated the altruistic and mechanistic forces as the
arms of a balance scale, ethics forms the pivot, whilst behaviour is represented as a reflection of ethical
beliefs and depicted as a pointer on a scale of acceptable social behaviour
Machiavelli’s political principals, operates to favour the Mechanistic selfish action. This to ensure the
balance point is moved, the scale is tipped and the ‘natural balance’ point, ethics, is no longer equally
distanced between the two types of behaviour but will be biased towards the selfish. This shift in the
balance point is desirable by those followers who believed it enabled their society- or company- to
become more predictable; manageable; and controllable.
In modern political terms the Machiavellian approach means to use discomfort; fear; and violence in
order to elicit the behaviour that is required; wanted or desired. Machiavelli was said to have stated “I
don't care if my people love me ___ I want them to obey me”.
Altruistic desires.
Mechanistic desires.

Mechanistic satisfaction.
Altruistic satisfaction.

Fig. 2. Social behaviour as a reflection of the Ethical

Balance Point

Increasing unacceptable behaviour.

Increasing mechanistic desires.

Fig. 2.a Increase in mechanic wants , leads to an increase in

unacceptable behaviour .

Better social behaviour

Increasing altruistic satisfaction

Fig. 2.b Satisfied Altruistic need increases acceptable social


Fig, .2-2b. Illustrating the altruistic aspects on social

Machiavelli’s contribution to present political system could be summed up by the following. The ‘Art’
of attaining power and maintaining it differs from ‘Political Science’ in that theory is one thing and
practice is another. Many understand the theory without being able to put it into practice; he was able to
do both. Demonstrating that though political formulas i are invalid as ‘Truth’ they do possess the power
to change the ‘Behaviour’ii of the populace.
My aim is to bring about an understanding of the Altruistic and Mechanistic aspects of personality, by
the use of Symbolic representation. Also by knowing our Creative Spirit we increase the personal and
social contributions to the community. By understanding our creative spirit, we may address many of
the concerns currently experienced by our Black Community. Concerns related to Economical,
Education, Social responsibility and Identity.

formula’s can be seen as-/ laws – u –form.


‘Behaviour’ can be overstood as, the actions and condition a people / have -be –fore.

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