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The task 1 is now clearer and we now have a ‘Real ‘expression to, teach / work / monitor / learn /
through, namely Creativity. It can be seen / shared and is the perfect medium / middle / boundary /
interface, through which ‘idea’s’ and experience can be exchanged.
The enabling and developing / directing of the creative spirit / creativity require the ‘Creativity of the
The aim of this writing cannot be achieved / created / fulfilled without the creativity / creative self of
the reader.
The creative want expressed by these writings cannot be neutralised without the creative want of
another, in the behavioural world, zero + zero = one!
Creative want + creative want = neutralisation / fulfilment / creation.
In this Behavioural Spectra of Realisation the Rules are very different:
The more love one gives, the more love one is able to give
The more knowledge one learns, the more one is able to learn.
Altruistic seeking Love + Altruistic seeking Love = Established love.
As, ‘seeking’ is synonymous with ‘want’ and ‘need’ they can be equated to ‘not having ’ and given a
value of zero, 0.
That which is created and neutralises want, becomes established and IS! These can be given a value
equal to one.
Enabling of the creative self cannot begin /BE – gin until the creativity of the master is self controlled,
and directed towards realising the condition / environment / syllabus in which the students creativity is,
Expressed and recognised by the student.
Developed and relied on by the student.
Identified in it’s altruistic nature by the student.
Students should gain control of their creativity by ‘over standing’ the creation of Mechanistic Fears and
Wants, and how they are used to de- power, remove identity / oppress people / O – pressed – people /
and produce unhappiness.
They must also over-stand the altruistic wants and how they are used to empower people by valuing
other’s ideas and realisations, how it create identity and establish behaviour. How it liberates / frees
people by giving them control of their creativity and identity, so they can maintain control of their
‘Creative Production’ and Economy.
The strategy and instruments capable of bringing about such an ‘over-standing’ are probably as infinite
as the creative self’s ability to create. It is up to the imagination / iI – MAGI – na – tion / of the Master
to select suitable methods and environments. In working towards a re – balancing of the Altruistic and

1 task =Ptah. the builder of the World through the will of Amen, the
Hidden Supreme. root of the name Peter, ‘the rock on whom I build
my church’. Bible. New Test.
Mechanistic forces, I am not proposing a REVo -lution2, but an EVO -lution. Not just a ‘turning of the
tables’ but rather a Genesis of altruistic creativity.
To the Altruistic creativity, Revolution is never an answer, only a bitter promise of a return to
the previous condition.
Evolution is the new birth, the new perception, our new expectation.

2 Rev – revolve, return to the point one starts from, Ev= Eve, human

the imagination – can be-I – MAGI – na – tion= motion of the great eye, i.e. magi=mega, great.

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