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The Wisdom of Solomon.

In this Christian Society the highest display of ‘wisdom’ is referred to as ‘The Wisdom of Solomon’. To
recall the story, Two women were in dispute aver the ownership of a child. When asked to make a
judgement in the dispute, King Solomon reportedly determined that the child should be cut in half! The
real mother objected and said she would give up her claim to the child in order that it may live.
Solomon duly gave the child to her , as the real mother. And so he received the title of wise, though no
mention is made of his tutors, those who had taught King Solomon the principles on which he may
have based his decision. When reviewing this tale we remember that the ‘Israelites’1 had first come to
this region as part of a large wandering warrior clan. These had been resisted and pacified by the
armies of Egypt/Kemit, and had settled in the Eastern desert. For the Spirit of Osiris, the
Egypt/Kemitian decided to make a certain ‘clan’ of theses peoples as, ‘A beacon amongst their nation’,
and agreed to let us make Mane2 in our own,( Aethiopian), image’. To this end they educated them and
brought them language and other civilising practises, this is the symbolic meaning in the story relating
the raising of Moses, the man with no name or Mr X, and the later ‘Exodus’, the crossing of the Red
Sea and their efforts to, conquer and ‘civilise’ the rest of their people, Canaanites, Philistines,
Medanites and other Tribes. These Tribes, were not part of the Aethiopian - Egypt/Kemitian nation or
civilisation, otherwise the attacks on these communities would have been a rebellion or an invasion,
both of which the Pharaoh would not have taken lightly. As the Israelites settled down and their
community developed, they requested a Temple Complex to be built in their community, as they did
not have the technology or the knowledge. The Pharaoh sent them Hiram and other scholars to ‘raise’
the Temple and their knowledge. After some years Hiram was eventually murdered, by them, and his
body hidden. After a long search the only remains of him found were returned to Pharaoh, his ‘SKULL
AND TWO CROSSED BONES’. To this day, all those who have studied from the lessons taught by
Hiram still use this symbol. The story of Hiram may be found in the Bible tale of the building of the
Temple, but that is another episode from MY story or Mystery. This Bible story attributes the entire
intellectual development of the Israelites as a product of Ethiopian Theology, practice and science3.
From the lessons our Ethiopian forebears left us, we can understand some of the principles they had
been trying to teach, and what had enabled such a renowned decision.
The first of these principles is Unity, a unity of everything.
The second is Balance, Incorporating symmetry and pairing.
The third is Relativity, Containing measurement and strength.

they brought ‘El - ohim’ as God. A possible corruption of ‘Alfa –
Mane = Man, in ancient Egypt/Kemitian.
I believe the present state of Israel and the study of Hebrew is not
for its religious values, but as a means of understanding more about
Ethiopian/Kemitian science through Hebrew, their own
Egypt/Kemitian creole or patois.
The fourth is visualisation, a form of technical / geometric diagrams based on mathematical principle
used to test the validity of concepts and ideas, and also in civil constructions.
Using these principles it is possible to try to understand and qualify physical and meta – physical
realities. As a start to this process, let us imagine that if we could condense the entire Universe,
squeeze it together as far as we could, what would be left is a ‘.’, Dot, The Black Dot. This Dot
would in fact be paired, with a hidden double. All the ‘Material aspects’ in the in the Universe would be
condensed into the Dot, all the ‘positives’ ( + ), and all the ‘negatives’ ( - ) balancing themselves out , to
produce ‘Stability’. All the ‘Behavioural aspects’ of the Universe would also be condensed into a Dot.
All the, ‘ wants’ and ‘ satisfactions’, all the ‘loves’ and ‘hates’ balancing themselves out to produce,
Stability. This can be visualised in a figure like, the ‘Yin and Yang’ symbol. Thus we have in the Dots,
two points of stability. These two are now two ‘Identical points of stability. If it were possible to stand
on one Dot and observe the other and then reverse, by standing on the other, it would be impossible to
identify which one we were on. This is the first point about unity, ‘in unity there is balance, not
dominance.’ At this point we have unity, if now, a third object is introduced, the Balance is changed and
the system must, ad -just or be ad –just- ed, in order to pre- serve Unity . (And what of ‘Unity’, is it
not to / tie U -n- I /, or I and I, ‘ u’ knitted, knighted / or / I and I knitted with a ‘u?)’.
To preserve unity, we need to manipulate the ‘object’ so as to maintain the ‘balance’ between material
and behavioural aspects. When only one object is being resolved, by using graphical visualisation it is a
simple matter of placing the object such that it’s ‘Relative’ position is ‘Halfway’ between the aspects.
See black Dot Principle Fig. 4A. By understanding these relationships it is now possible to ‘Balance’
many problems behavioural and material. The story of King Solomon is an example of the first. The
ability to measure the distance, say to a to a star an example of the second. In this second instance we
get into a state of ‘unity’ with another object, e.g. a ‘tree’. To get into ‘unity’ with the tree, we ensure
that we stand at the same level as the tree and maintain a constant distance. Then we measure the
height, say with a knotted rope next pass a line from the top of the tree, to the point we stand and
measure the angle the eyes must follow in order to see the top of the tree. When we have these
measurements / me – a – sure – ment /, we can then measure the position of a third object relative to
the base of the tree. Rela - t – ive – ise, a third point. We can now look at a star directly over the tree
and from a known distance away from the tree, measure the angle the eyes have to follow to see the
star. Then by ‘scaling’ the sizes down the measurements, we can visualise the relationships as a
diagram and calculate the distance to the star. See Black Principle Fig.4B. We can continue and take
more measurements, each time moving backwards a known distance. After taking say, ten readings, the
resulting visualising diagram would show that there is an ‘extra’ distance which cannot be fitted onto a
straight line and which increases the farther back the measurements were taken. The measurements of
the ‘extra’ distance would also describe’ an ‘arc’, a part of a circle on the visualising diagram. Again
by scaling down the measurements we could visualise the whole circle and calculate the diameter of
the World and other astronomical factors. This technique was called ‘Geometry’ Earth measuring, by
those Greeks the Ethiopians taught. These fact should make it clear the level of understanding our
Ancestors had about the world, and ‘ dispel’ / de – spell / ideas about the ‘savage’, “let us move from
‘No – tions’,( no –action), to ‘MO - tions’(/more-actions)”, a movement through True Knowledge. Or
let us try to , ‘ have the edge by knowing the True .master / maat star 4 /. Using this technique it is also
possible to examine concepts. Following the Ancients way, we would first seek to ‘stabilise’ the idea
against one other Relative point. Then from these two stable points we can examine a third, after
stabilising the third with the first two, we can progress in that manner, each new point referenced by
Two, stable points creating a multitude of geometric equations and shapes including the well known
‘Star of David’. It is possible to create and visualise a very strong, referenced way of making progress
with, and researching ideas, each progression moving from two ‘points of stability. See Fig.4c. The
‘Adventurer Warrior’s’ research methods are Linear in concept and in methodology which can easily be
seen in constructed visualisations, no ‘Star of David’ here unless by chance. This can lead to no real
depth of knowledge and to unforeseen and unprepared for reactions and dangers. See Fig 4d
These principles, I believe, were part of the education of King Solomon, and by using the first of the
examples given; it is possible to teach children so that they can arrive at a similar decision in less than
one day. I have tried and proved it possible, though they needed some persuasion to express that
decision, as no one wants to deliberately kill a baby!
These were some of the methods and realities I have been able to uncover, methods which are self
evident and which I believe can be used to assist our children in their educational development. Those
which remain unknown, unrecognised or not / over-stood , I know will be uncovered in time.

Maat = Egypt/Kemitian for Truth, symbol the ‘Feather’, what
people’s hearts are weighted against at Ethiopian Judgement.

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